The bones of angel wings resting tightly inside the tiny body stroked by the mother's loving hand. The bones of angel wings while a young woman grasped with greedy lust by first love. The bones of angel wings weary with work and achievement. The bones of angel wings again stroked by loving hand to free to other existence. Folded tight inside; Awaiting the time to burst forth; Covered with the will to live; Fighting with purpose To hide amongst the living. The angel wings freed to flight from earth.
Once I knew my way; No need for a map; Sometimes I grew bored Or tired with the journey; But I did not lose my goal. Then I began to walk Others’ paths From my own. Somehow they slipped me. Now I am lost Without a map. Please return me to my way So that I may complete My trip.
He kissed her cheek first Because he thought the other Would not notice. She gave her the better gift Because she thought the other Would not notice. The other would not notice Because the other granted love Without condition. The other did not notice. But after the other was gone, the hearts of the children hurt Because they remembered Their choices and wished that Once they had kissed the other first and given the other a gift of equal value. The other had no memory Yet a memory lingered.
Looked across at him; Concentration firm; Focused on ahead; Blue eyes searching the page; Almost done; For me just a beginning; Next phase alone; Holding steady; Not to compare; Leaning forward for an easy time. That never quite comes. Dust floating the light to fall in dark corners. Trapped in the wait For a better day.
Never see the other side; The other side is not midnight; Even if it is Midnight has much to offer; The cool dark of thought; The blinking stars of enlightenment; Peel back your prejudice; Please take back your hate; Nothing is all about you; Other parties are involved; Collateral damage, you love; Why is it always the challenge to see who can be the bigger ***? Where once there was love and lust Now there is mistrust and hatred. Strong emotion replaced by strong pain. Step around yourself.
Quick daylight leaving; Tumbling darkness; Cold wind batters the shutters; Candle flickers; Fireplace crackling with bright heat; Dancing shadows against the walls; Song of the long night; Red and green decor; Women with hoods and gloves; Druid dream surround; Met with Christian mood; Mankind's combination Of spirit and mystical. Long night fills the soul.
Seeing the light in the crack; The expectation rising with hushed murmur; The lights lower; The voices quiet; The only sound is the curtain swinging open; The light is on the stage; People rest in shadows; They await the story; It is silence before the entrance; A stage door opens and reveals the hero; The hero walks to the end of the stage; The hero stares into the shadows; He delivers. Only then people know who he is.
Drop the drape of care sometimes. Sip deep from the cup of indulgence. Dig your feet in the sand of time. Let yourself drift in dreams. Don't always be responsible. Love the life that's left. Serve yourself with patience. It's not always about the other. Sometimes it is about the now.
Cynic or optimist Believing you can push future to your will. When young, love potions. When old, stronger notions. Instead of pushing one, you try to push many on your way. Magic takes advantage of happenstance. Claim ownership of luck. Just nod with a knowing smile. Your doing made it happen. Probably did. Fate holds hands with witches. Which one is the guide.
Wonder the mystery of acceptance Never playing the same tune Looking for the extraordinary Never giving way Eyes never meet Unable to converse Words playing inside Never hearing what is said Bad fit so unfit No one is found Friends are hard to know
Water poured throughout the house; You said I put you in the attic; No rest all night; I saved the goldens; I swam to save the best; You couldn't rest As I collected the family Pulling them from the depths of flooding waters. Yet we live in the woods. There is no rain. No water, only floods of loss Which we fight each day. Loss of memory. Loss of movement. Loss of employment. Loss of liberty. Pouring throughout our home. Yet we pull each other out and move to the next level. Trying to rise above.
One was just alike The Other was so different One was first known The Other was last known One was just a dream The Other was a life One was remembered The Other was forgotten One was nothing The Other was everything
Lonesome house in the field. No longer full of voices. No longer full of family. Where lives bloomed. Where tragedy came. Left abandoned.
Lonesome house in the field. No longer claimed. No longer wanted. With front porch dipping down. In graceful bow to passing traffic.
Lonesome house sitting in the field. No longer stories. No longer groomed. With golden fields surrounding, Collapsing dreams forever lost in a pile of wood coming down.
Move the flounce to the right. Move the step to the left. Place the tiara on the head. Dip into the mood. Push the shoulder into the lift. Allow the spirit room to guide. Spin with the demons. Dance with the angels. Hum to a new day.
Old enough to drink. She seemed naive. Slow danced to old music. Her long blonde hair. Her skirt too short. Her lips too full. Out in cool night air Curiosity leaned him toward her. Lips met. Stunned. Did she know She had an edge, daddy's little girl stung like a bee. He pushed her back and walked away. Too much trouble for too little play She laughed out loud as he walked away.
Darkness settled; Loneliness drapes my shoulders; Wet stings my face; Sobs shake me deep; How did it come to this; Loud crashing nothing; Flashing temper. So much, for so little. Angry showers, Should make you cower.
The breeze of it brushes past the side of your body. You step your toes to the yellow line. A chill goes down your back. You feel the near. You push your eyes close with the tears. Not knowing whether to finish or To stay just that side of the line. The mystery of the unknown. The caution of the known. How close do you dare to step.
You are my three-- I remember my three-- I will never forget my three-- Let me see-- You are-- My Three-- You are-- My girls-- Your names are-- You are my three.
Spinning toward the future At a slower pace. Not able to leave the minute That just seems to linger With me longer than it should. Takes so long to move down The road when I moving at My normal pace. Something inside just not right. Time needs to catch my moving mind.
Not just a word, Not just a feeling, Vomiting words Meaning more. So much pain, no hiding from a future that seems so much like a past -- Living worst fears repeated.
Keep it behind the the lip. Not to let it slip. Share with no one aloud. Softly scratch it out. Keep it unsigned. Make it unclaimed. Let it drip alone. Don't own. Put it out on paper.
Sweet untold. Left alone without regret. If too fierce. Best untold. Honey words of truth. Shared by lovers. Shared by mothers. Lost by liars. Drip with saccharin Not quite so. Honey warm yellow Manmade words Stuck in wax.
Will I never again, Glow with expectation, Feel the touch of lightening. Will I never again, Be the one that wants, Be needed to fulfil. Will I never again, Be so close to perfect, Embraced in rich together. Will I never again, Feel the pull, To never end.
He says his piece I say mine Both flow freely Hours of hurt Guided by lawyers Directed with purpose With clever questions and pointed thought To conclude this matter So much money for so little.
Didn't you know it is all about me? You thought it was about us- You thought it was you and me- Not so much. The story was short. You thought it was done- Your part was over- For me, it had just begun.
I rest my argument The test is end No more to go No more bitter regret Time to pack To leave the foe To leave the battleground All thoughts in tow No worries about what might have been What should have been To know what is.
Rising and falling with the gentle bounce of the wake from the passing boat. In the water waiting for the day to be spent. Gold warm resting on my pink cheeks. Leaning on the float watching perfect leave with quiet, brutal splintering of possibilities. Nothing gained. So much lost. But, it was good.
Buzzing in my ear Trapped beneath the sheet Can't see it Just waiting for the landing Hoping to smash it **** thing numbs me Takes it's plunge Tiny little scoop Leaving behind poison In place of blood Tiny little ***** Leaving itches That welt upon my touch Tense with purpose Slap the little nuisance One red smear of battle won So much for that
Stagger me aside. Take me from my stride. Lift me from my pride. Bewilder my heart. Nothing from the start. A secret slow apart. Dimmed to know Eyes glow Head held low. Bewilder me with thought. Mighty tides dance. Pulling deeper still. Overhead and lost. Bewildered by the grip.
Whispers falling all around. Eyes staring with reproach. How could it have been done that way? Whispers caught in the breeze From stories long ago The sting still felt. Small towns don't forget. Wondering who knows Who shares the tales with new unknowns To walk with head held high Whispers mold the air Don't they know It's not my usual way. It has been ten years. Whispers still fall all around As I walk down the street. Without a friend.
Longing without intimacy. Most giving with selfish purpose. Mechanical, practiced sharing. Unknown thoughts hidden in pleasant phrases that please the ear. The surface look of caring. To never touch the soul who knows only self. Who explains love as an open feeling. Why love one when consumed with many. The bee in the garden. Not too close to see the stains of conceit.
The coolness of the water as it runs down my hands; Feeling the green of summer surround my shoulders; Reaching for the delight. Sunlight tripping ahead on the water; Inviting me to swim. God beckons my thoughts. Gladly shared.
Scrape on the ground. Held up as glides in the room. Tossed behind in reckless play. Torn with careless wear. Seems to be a test of character. Just the right length - debonair. Too long - never give a care. Carried by maid of honor. Pulled by heel. Pushed in passion. Shortened for youth. Lengthened for age. Hidden at death.
Mix our blessings; Guard us from troubles; Led him not into temptation; Let me not lose my sense of humor; Grant us years; Let the mess not overwhelm our home; Let fertility not overwhelm our purse; Joined. One, but well formed as individuals. Let us not lose our own being. Let me support him. Let him lien on me. Let him hold me tight. Let me rest my weary head on his shoulder. Joined at the heart. Joined with delight. Joined in rhythm. Joined in misery. Joined in laughter.
Warmth inside fades to the cold Through the open door; Sun glares on the ice and snow; Crunching one foot forth into God's world; Pulling the scarf across my mouth; Another glistening world. Cold wind wraps about me With wicked arms. Wet in my eyes goes cold around my sunglasses. One slippery step after another. My old knees creak my walk. My happy golden charges ahead plowing a path for me to follow. Old sun grins upon the earth.
Refuge from pain; Balance of thought; Constant defender; Patient ear; Loving support; Now my turn. I need to protect you; To hold you steady; To redirect; To make it right; To hold you tight; To hide my care. To love you With all my heart.
Old Porsche parked on hill; Fall bitting in the air, As if these carefree days Of term papers and lectures Will last forever: The Zombies moaning On the radio about The time of the season. A hidden bottle of Jack Under the passenger seat Waiting for the barn fire. Beauty of youth and Nothingness on the cusp Of meaning and purpose.
Love me as I love you. Seek no more than I have. I will do my best to Be amazed at every Stupid thing you do If you do the same for me. Stand by me Through life. Love me as no other Straighten my reckless mess With your ordered crazy. Never ever end.
There it is; Beyond the bliss I have know; Still the past, Rumbling and bumping; Still moving inside; Occasionally wakened when I look your way; Giggling inside my heart With what might have been, But never should have been. Thumping around but never released. It was just a thought, never a start.
He said "Tried It." Not for him. She pulled his arm and cooed. Young and beautiful. He pushed her back. "Not the one." She smiled. "Never the one." Tiptoe past it. Run right through it. Never again. Not suppose to marry. Forever divorced. Forever stung. Until the one who ropes him in. The trophy which must be won. Not the woman lacking. Just the feeling.
Night time quiet. Fire sizzles and throws sparks in the dark. Leading eyes to follow the full moon, resting low on trees. Big and orange smiling upon the earth. Harvest moon glowing autumn. As the fire devours its nest, Crackling with hungry delight.
Not in a wound; But a flavor to add delight; A crisp crystal on the tongue To excite; To brine the fun and hold it close; Saving and savoring memories; Curing them for all times; You the salt, to my pepper. The constant to my spice.
Just in the shadows, Waiting to take a step forward. Hesitation for a blessing Or a lack of courage? Lingering to see. Not ready to commit. Always someone else. Never the hero to save the day. Just a bystander to marvel At life happening.
The hunt The push, the pull The heat of anger mistaken for the heat of passion A love not sweet nor sharing A hunt with hurt Mean for strength For dominance No true care Ich liebe Dich nicht A harsh emotion of obsession Without a basis in love Never to release and never to truly want One last call before the great love One more attempt to pull her back One cruel time before the date One last phone call "I think I might love you." Give it up ******* - I have gone No more chase. I won the hunt.