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Mar 12 · 54
Rebecca Mar 12
Drop of a word.
Not saying exactly what mean.
Just a tad off.
A gap not quite reaching.
Knowing, quietly knowing.
Empty and full at the same time.
Morning never rises.
Night is ever present.
Lapsing gently from present to past.
Leaving this for the next.
Exiting through the past.
Mar 6 · 40
Standing there
Rebecca Mar 6
Just in the shadows,
Waiting to take a step forward.
Hesitation for a blessing
Or a lack of courage?
Lingering to see.
Not ready to commit.
Always someone else.
Never the hero
to save the day.
Just a bystander to marvel
At life happening.
Mar 4 · 42
Save Your Self
Rebecca Mar 4
Drop the drape of care sometimes.
Sip deep from the cup of indulgence.
Dig your feet in the sand of time.
Let yourself drift in dreams.
Don't always be responsible.
Love the life that's left.
Serve yourself with patience.
It's not always about the other.
Sometimes it is about the now.
Mar 2 · 107
Lean on Me, Baby Girl
Rebecca Mar 2
Think you are
Walking your walk.
But, I have a plan.
Lean on me, babygirl.
I rule your world.
I wrote the plan
Before you were born.
Feb 29 · 34
Not so sure
Rebecca Feb 29
Sharing with all.
Spill it.
Was it exhibition?
Just a lie?
Stripping the soul
Until none left.
One big story worn bare.
Just a party with none to spare.
Everyday lie spread far and wide.
Misplaced reckless thought.
Make believe gone wrong.
Feb 29 · 53
Let Me Be
Rebecca Feb 29
Just a whisper
low and sweet
Rising above,
Take me in and let me be.
Hide me quiet.
Let me be.
Rest me deep.
Share me not.
Just for you.
Know my name,
But let me be.
Just you and me.
I’ll not tell.
Just let me be.
Feb 29 · 50
Why Not
Rebecca Feb 29
So ever felt a dare?
Who would know?
Just the thrill of no.
So you said no,
I did it.
I felt the power
Of shouldn’t do.
Then, your sorrow.
The thrill was lost.
The dream was spent.
Just like that.
Feb 28 · 112
Rebecca Feb 28
Winter longer
Than any other season.
Crisp blue skies.
Wet days
To give way
To spring.
******* the old.
Who fear to never
See the promise.
Fertilize with patience.
Ready the field.
For green is waiting.
Feb 28 · 53
Rebecca Feb 28
Far from done,
But nothing left
To give.
Just the loneliness
Creeping from
Outer edges to
My center.
What will bring me
From empty.
Feb 28 · 35
Rebecca Feb 28
Distracted by need.
Aching to the core
The promise of more
Mind not releasing
The wish of more
Spilling into my everyday.
What can’t be
So suddenly, overwhelmingly is.
Feb 28 · 29
Rebecca Feb 28
Best to choose less.
Be a bit detached.
Scale your options.
Search the best.
Let the words be choice.
Marinate the tongue.
Let anxiety be your guide.
Feb 28 · 59
Rebecca Feb 28
Catch the blue
Drift around the moon
Trip over the wrongs
Towards the rights.
Let the sun burn
Your eyes.
Dive into black holes.
No longer defined.
Just a theory.
Feb 27 · 98
Rebecca Feb 27
So high sometimes.
Others dipping.
The wild loop breaking forth
Trying to catch
At angels wings.
Somehow crashing
With despair.
Mere mortal on the earth.
Feb 27 · 36
Get There
Rebecca Feb 27
Walking in bright
Glow of morning.
Feeling a gentle chill.
More red birds, new beginnings.
Last year were blue birds.
Happiness will return
With fresh start.
Quiet sleep
With fulfilling dreams
Will return.
Deep breath full
Of optimism
And renewal.
Today shines.
Feb 25 · 114
Rebecca Feb 25
Seemed like a future
Fitted to a time
Which seemed real.
The moon full
With a promise
Was a dream once known
But now the truth
Wrapped comfortably
Around with friendly
Feb 25 · 30
I Wouldn’t
Rebecca Feb 25
Not passing judgment.
Wouldn’t mention it-
But for,
Someone probably should.
Not my life-
Just anybody can see!
Should you do it?
Yes, just because you doubt.
Feb 22 · 16
Rebecca Feb 22
Not a drop
of unwieldy emotion.
Tidy with even thought.
A story carefully mixed
with compliments to
cover complications.
Bleached of unpleasant
Spread in even bits to cover
clumps of sorrow.
Fresh with untangled tales.
Meant to show the strength
of blessings.
Clean for the public.
Ladylike and kind.
Feb 22 · 16
Furnish the Finish
Rebecca Feb 22
The quality has left.
Spinning quantity
Without purpose.
Painful empty.
Just dreaming,
No longer with me.
Unable to push to purpose.
Just eyes shut with no repair.
Caught on earth,
Unable to exist as self.
Drifting still,
Unable to furnish the finish.
Feb 22 · 91
Label Me
Rebecca Feb 22
How deep can it go?
Cover what is felt.
Nothing weeps.
Nothing known.
Nothing really said.
Stiff with soft silence.
Just a name.
Cause you never knew.
Feb 22 · 58
Rebecca Feb 22
Hide the thought.
Head upright.
Chin stiff.
Cheeks plump
With smile.
Eyes blink.
Hand brushes brow
With a soft tilt of face.
Right, right
I understand.
Sweep and turn.
No more.
Gentle toss.
Deep breath.
Quiet full grin.
Feb 21 · 44
Ergo, I Go
Rebecca Feb 21
Forward move.
Tripping sometimes
With doubt.
Reaching toward
Grasping at air.
Standing, stillness.
Spilling thoughts
And prayers.
Head down to hear.
Forward time.
Ergo, I go.
Feb 21 · 36
Rebecca Feb 21
I hate you
I hate you very much.
Yet we share.
The history.
Only you can help.
Only you know
The deep of my pain.
Yes, dear,
I hate you very much.
Jan 28 · 37
Rebecca Jan 28
Each day brings it closer.
Started as a whisper.
Moaning to a living known.
A struggle to face.
A fight that can not be won.
Yet belief in delay.
So much yet to be done.
Jan 4 · 138
Torn Apart
Rebecca Jan 4
At the seams.
Frayed strings
Spilling forth.
So worn and spent,
Cause be gone.
Dec 2023 · 56
Day After
Rebecca Dec 2023
With all the celebration
of Eve and Day;
The festive expectation;
The next day is forgotten;
The feeling of all done;
The giant wave of over;
Wait for another Eve and Day
yet to come.
The guess of how many more.
Somehow the bust of over
is never truly calculated
in the fun of Eve and Day.
All  the thought and expense.
Yet the gift is always there.
Dec 2023 · 78
Rebecca Dec 2023
Just a delay;
Awaiting a stop;
Careful coasting
To life’s edge.
Brief lapse
From tumbling truth.
Dec 2023 · 208
Mystery of the Heart
Rebecca Dec 2023
Like an envelope unopened.
A song unsung.
Not to be known.
Just a touch of sorrow.
A little bit of want.
Dropped from heaven.
Bursts of stars.
Sloppy kisses.
Tipsy turns.
Careful sips of life.
Dec 2023 · 148
Rebecca Dec 2023
In the light
A fake dimension
Hinting at light
Holding a bit
Of shadow.
Teasing a party.
Dancing alone.
Dec 2023 · 68
Just let me write
Rebecca Dec 2023
I don’t want to practice.
I want to write-
To record the balance-
To repeat the truths-
Without a purpose.
To connect it in a fashion
Not to win, but to explore.
To love human nature
Without regard for law’s
Cruel reason.
Dec 2023 · 56
Rebecca Dec 2023
Only your terms
Smells to me
Worse than cheese.
Done my friend.
Your worth to me
Is none.
Merry Christmas!
***** of a poem.
A personal gift to me!
Dec 2023 · 216
Wicked Dance
Rebecca Dec 2023
Alas, it was not wine
Just late coffee
Kept me stirred.
So I swirled.
Wicked dance of
Wide awake.
Dec 2023 · 289
Paper Cut
Rebecca Dec 2023
Not to my face.
Shared by no-name.
Write your wrong.
The heart bleeds in beat.
Push forth untrue words.
Spilt poison on paper.
Hoping you feel the paper cuts.
Dec 2023 · 76
Life is Sorry Short
Rebecca Dec 2023
As a child to watch
Yet never be seen;
As a wife to obey
Yet never be heard;
As a caretaker to care;
Yet never be valued.
A woman's life was once
sorry short.
Dec 2023 · 57
Nature’s Gift
Rebecca Dec 2023
Grown up cedar in cone shape
Sits beside the barb wire fence.
A gift from birds and God.
Not being put to use.
Just awaiting our old truck.
“Holler, if you see someone.”
Chopped with quick aim.
Pushed in back.
Tree for Christmas just for me!
Dec 2023 · 50
Rebecca Dec 2023
Refuge from pain;
Balance of thought;
Constant defender;
Patient ear;
Loving support;
Now my turn.
I need to protect you;
To hold you steady;
To redirect;
To make it right;
To hold you tight;
To hide my care.
To love you
With all my heart.
Dec 2023 · 61
Easy Isolation
Rebecca Dec 2023
In my own space,
With my own thoughts,
Roaming all the territories
Of what I want.
Just a moment to spare
about the thought that as
we age sometimes our minds
no longer are.
God seems to grant a contract
for the mind that expires
Before life.
So I will sit and enjoy
while I still have value.
Nov 2023 · 1.1k
But I Am Good
Rebecca Nov 2023
It swoops about me;
I catch what should
be caught
Dropping a few:
I push away
What can wait.
I reach with eager hands
Life’s great blessings.
To live the mix of
Good and bad.
Nov 2023 · 75
Rebecca Nov 2023
Stolen with a bit of silence.
Seized by a lack of flow:
Lack of self with numbness;
Self  is gone.
Shocked away.
The thief left with her
Leaving just a shell.
Gone before leaving.
Nov 2023 · 66
Nurse Dog
Rebecca Nov 2023
Patience, wait outside the door,
Gentle look as approach,
Cautious step as walk by side,
Nudges to feel the pulse on wrist.
Gentle licks for temperature.
Knowing something not quite right.
Awaiting the need with careful thought.
Something born to and not taught.
Some creatures just know the task,
The want to cure,
Know the careful wait,
Nurse dog deep inside.
Nov 2023 · 127
Rebecca Nov 2023
With seashell propped
Against her curls.
Her mouth held
In line of concentration.
Her five year old self listened
For sound of ocean.
Last summer’s trip
Trapped inside.
Nov 2023 · 48
Where am I
Rebecca Nov 2023
Once I knew my way;
No need for a map;
Sometimes I grew bored
Or tired with the journey;
But I did not lose my goal.
Then I began to walk
Others’ paths
From my own.
Somehow they slipped me.
Now I am lost
Without a map.
Please return me to my way
So that I may complete
My trip.
Nov 2023 · 70
Why are you so difficult?
Rebecca Nov 2023
Never accepting what I say;
Always reading more in simple no;
Just sit still;
Stop the search for undertone;
Just as I say;
No more, no less;
No importance at all;
Just is;
Live your life with as it seems.
Stop the thought of so much more.
Happiness may actually find you
If you cease.
Nov 2023 · 56
Blind Past
Rebecca Nov 2023
If we live long enough,
Our past turns dry.
The past of minutes flees.
The memories of childhood
Linger a bit longer.
Funny to remember the first
Better than the last.
We are blind to our past
As it grows increasingly dim.
Nov 2023 · 44
Rebecca Nov 2023
Not in a wound;
But a flavor to add delight;
A crisp crystal on the tongue
To excite;
To brine the fun and hold it close;
Saving and savoring memories;
Curing them for all times;
You the salt, to my pepper.
The constant to my spice.
Nov 2023 · 744
Natural Happy
Rebecca Nov 2023
Wake up light.
No real reason.
A leisurely stretch.
Rolling into a full day
with energy and wit.
Sun just right.
Nothing wrong.
Just right.
Tummy - a little flat.
Well almost flat.
Think good thoughts.
Say good prayers.
Move with care and
Thanks for such a day.
Nov 2023 · 516
Private Wrong
Rebecca Nov 2023
Never let go.
Just a sip of strong.
Left to my own.
What was the test?
Must not confess.
Keep it covered.
Who will know?
Felt that way.
Too shy to own.
No regret for then.
Was it just selfish.
Was it for purpose.
But, now-
My own private wrong.
Oct 2023 · 66
Hear Me
Rebecca Oct 2023
Listen for the call;
This can’t be all;
Don’t we do for good?
Cassandra yelled muted
Cries to those who
didn’t hear.
Hear me.
Oct 2023 · 83
Love Song
Rebecca Oct 2023
God wants us to sing
Gentle harmonizing songs.
But we are man;
We ate the fruit
Of know it all.
Now we roam
With those who hate.
Maybe we all hate a little
If not a lot.
Brutality where God
Whispered love songs
To us all.
Oct 2023 · 83
Soft Landing
Rebecca Oct 2023
Fate doesn't drag straight
Except on occasion.
When it follows the cool
Crisp lines of wants and needs
To make a perfect soft landing
in the midst of things.
Gentle blessing rests.
Oct 2023 · 140
Drowning in Blue
Rebecca Oct 2023
Head forward
with stretched neck;
Was I that wicked?
Was I that lost?
Just swept up in youth;
Now under deep blue;
Was I my own undoing?
Is this payback?
Gulping blue
In deep swallows.
Lost from myself.
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