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621 · Jan 2022
A Chaos prayer
Scorch'd Diana Jan 2022
grandness around us, within us
our pasts and our fates,
the heads and the tails you bring us,
mistress, our all that is free and forbidden
forgiven, forsaken, forseen and forsworn;

Our endlessness,
countless infinities that you defy
our unbreaking circle of charities your grace is defined by;
our mother, our barrens of space who is bearing existence;

our eminence,
baroness, dancing the torments of pregnance
our sorceress, chanting the songs of emergence;

our senses and souls,
your spawn, your kin, your death and your sins
our servant, your serfs
kneeled down and bowed over
your lust that is shameless, yearned for and proud,
raised up and all that is tall afly
your will that is mindful, yearning, forgiving;

our Godesses, our locks and our keys,
around us, within us, the now and the here,

listening through the ears of machine elves
our absolution from words uncertain;

speaking through colours of clockwork glyphs
our faith to bring magic into our lives;

teaching through picture puzzle pattern cellar doorways
our choice to approach whenever we wish.

You are awareness. We are mindful.
You are presence. We are eternal.
447 · Feb 2021
Scorch'd Diana Feb 2021
I am the experiment.
This is my place.
This is my role.
The drug paints hallucinations of meanings around each single of these empty words,
that are naked on a notepad but belong onto a colorful clustersheet,

pityfully fallacy!

Can we, the two of us,
find the meaning of rhymes in here together?
We can engine the searches, only if we want to;
and talking about principles:
most of it, it's ego ****, and I dare to write and spit on anything forbidding me my will I'm freely willingly willed to write
a *title now, within the flow, than out of it at given times, when it rims
and rhymes and Romes and rums.

let me write when I want to, not if you could to, how dare you, I'm sensible and easy to brittle, don't pressure me with principles, you son of a dissociative spine itch!

- We were derailing. And still are. Rhymes so easy, reasons so far. Words I delete will never teach me memoriance.
Two tasks,
can't comprehend this nonsense, I slide on the blade of sentences that split my own illusive walls of honour I enhanced -
throughout the conversation with each myotherselves, perhaps
in advance, far before you knew,
choppy-chopped chown-chauwn-to-grid-cheese-strings
¿point of view?,
while I faithe for making sense with my course of understandnessless mess of a what's a

what-a hard digest.
~ Personally, I recommend
do not become this experiment.
440 · Feb 2021
Runes on urns
Scorch'd Diana Feb 2021
Runes on urns
Bones burn
do not turn your spine to Rome;
cry to the heavens
ravens nest on crosses
do not turn away from your faith
for their so called Holy Tome.

Be stalwart
ward off this Christian bane
demons lurk in prayers for a scarecrow nailed to its fate.
Wickedly, your spirit is snatched away
the death gate is one,
one of their prayers away
wickedly, our brothers, mothers,
all of us are gone.

Poisons slowly sicker
within an uncaught breath
Our grounds being wounded
where hellhounds maul Fenrir to death.
our myths are torn apart
part for the stories told by a crowned snake
shake it off, before it snatches, bites
strangles you to death.

Scream to Odin
Freya, Tyr and Thor
power your believes
sharpen your tongues and words
fire your forges
flail your name deep into stone
stand your truth deep to the bone
you will never fight alone.

The harbingers battle in the skies
fathom our valkyries cry
blades cutting deep
steel and blood weeping
we try, we stand, we defend
our harvest, heritage, home
let their scrying angels die
shut close, smash
banish their so-called
Holy Tome!
Christianity can be one path to the Good; merely an action itself
can call for reaction which is
in the need for expressions to mind.
387 · Apr 2023
Dinner for one
Scorch'd Diana Apr 2023
Howling, brawling
it's me, my darling!
My ****** aunt that I found so nice to haunt
bones and slimy saucerlies ground and bound
combined from our perished unsound insides.

Presented and well served right upon the table
your heart's halves on each side
crispy textures consist of  hole complexure
your eyes glisten no more, those poor meaty fries.

It's time for the feast, I guess,
I will be just turning away, can't bear to see
honestly, your nice smelling thighs from the inside
the same I bear inside of me too, dear twin sister.

So glad they saved up your skull for me.
The shadows dance to our candlelight kiss
just between ghostly fondles played by frosty fingers
missing you, blood-eyed moonshine, as well.
345 · Jan 2022
Scorch'd Diana Jan 2022
I did not think
that I could
I could
I could

until I figured
I could.
296 · Jun 2021
Time bombs
Scorch'd Diana Jun 2021
Time bombs
Chemicals come close
An Earth
Fragments away
I blast along.
240 · Aug 2021
The Vision of Red
Scorch'd Diana Aug 2021
What was this red that I saw in my vision
It could have been a Roman division
That legions would strive for an Empire's mission
but I did not expect the Spanish inquisition
to burst through my door and to lock me in prison
execute me as witch of the spoil which has risen
I wish, I wish I would have had expected them.
203 · Jul 2021
Jokes on you (the easy one)
Scorch'd Diana Jul 2021
Joke about things that you understand
chopping off your tongue like your thieverish hand
you pathetic pre-realizationate rip-off
knocked down into your cultural crack ***, you show-off
let's see how well you wiggle your brain cells, you ******-flutesque cello
stupidity reveal at the thirteen millionth dislike
about-to-be-fried neurons exposed to the pan
yet not YouTube, you plunder-rude
but naked and full-plugged on DeepWeb's 4chan
yelp as some really grim badmen strike
in case you understand.

jokes on me
devoting a driplet of ***** to you
there are so many more holes ready to rant.
A limmerick would linger for too long about dis.
198 · Feb 2021
Scorch'd Diana Feb 2021
Somberness, see it sanctuarily swearing
sword-tongue worded spellspeech secretly sunder a number
apart from another,
no ear so keen just to hear the equation
crackle into informal shatter.
No regrets nor bother
among preachers nor hypocrits,
so same as it's sad, their chatter
a masked creature
that fits this disordered scripture
of us.

Aware of a far-reaching freedom
each of them fathomless to their undone dares
to fail becoming one;
all feature a familiar pattern
which matters even less to them
than a fantasy's thorn to their first thoughts, frankly;
who share the same history they're enacting
their manifest destiny of a doom chosen
their fair share of despair
so spectacularily reflecting through
their fleet tranquil escaping
from those fear-forsakened frail bone-marrowed
branch brittles they've rosen
so fro as they are, frighteningly awake
fleeing those fractures so alive
in fashions gorgeous fractals alike
no grit, no wit capable of constructing such a lit, yet aesthetic scene of delight.

each afraid of their boundaries beloved
to be breached apart so badly
only for captivity and nothing else
as they beg
counter-intuitive measurements taken
caught from under the counter countlessly
those captives, their algorithms split, entwined;
so better, better don't mind it;
undozens of them
all death-grasping frozen
from just a slightliest rattle
of the crispy pages bearing a poem
or a *** pinched by a laddle.

Falsely do they believe revolving
advancing their middle
however, with its Forever forgotten
prayer by prayer
for the sake of a splendid soil
oblivious to the seed that is rotten.

Oil-devouring tumoil tactically targets their entire toil
pouring visions filling each stare
for each one to chisel only another
effort-evaporating Escheresque stair
for ground and ground apart at the borderline
they are,
the sharp scraping of the air
gnashing winds under the ice of a somber sunshine.

These crystalline brimstones
spacelessy stranded;
vile ambers, yet of beauty unspoken
sparking like cider, from apples royalty-branded
perhaps even prickling, peach-flavoured honey wine
reminiscing silent lovers' moans
ones a satyr favours in folly
in gayness he eaves his hallowed shrine.

Without answers
a riddle is meant unbroken
shards of their failure, silkenly sanded
faintly, a filthless spirit's essence,
so fine.
Some insight may have been awoken
perhaps this and not another time.
Just the right questions
painfully born from the sublime.

In and on,
however a retrospect away
a new future rises from the ashes of fallen hells
mere memories of an old fiend
darkness encountered
for each delusion you slay
and eventually
even you, as well, will listen
listen to the bells from the yondersome elsewhere ringing, wailing
hailing their soul-crackling harmony
somewhere from above us all.

Cardinal numbers are breathless,
while we,
so proud to appraise prime numbers
so wishfully down to their core,
rather dream unparalyzed a dream
of an unclaimed nowhen
stuck in a less corrupt algebratic behaviour than before;
error-ridden operations so holdlessly scaffolded
our somberness
submerged and suffocated.
down we swam to see sunken cities of sorcery;
suicidal endeavour, hive mind agony
our race means for the next galaxy
yet still a race meant for parsimony.

All in all, ****** in brickly rubble
what once was wall, popped much like a bubble;
crumbling, stars burst our skies apart
fates laughing the madnesses' mirth
no hand unscorched, suddenly so much to win.
They listen, scent, and see,
the ones they miss, and what they've lost;
gasping, gazing up ahead
wings spread, glare brightly
flame-feathered doves of rebirth
released, everyone's dignity
finally freed from the heart.

We're not, not mindlessly suffering a somewhere
but this time, facing this inquiry:
What else is there
reality or not
modality or possibility, probably an actuality;
as we learn to sincerely care and to feel
the current breath, the nation, the spot
they all are our responsibility
doubtlessly and definitely real.

Thus, secondary to me
each second that ***** my spirit dry
throughout a minute
as we spire from hour to hour
honestly, far, far too often
and not from now and then.

Primary, however, is
my mistake which I'll hold me dire
I would rather not anymore, ever
divide zero by itself again.
What I learned like so many before
cannot count in this realm of some foreign heart
- now, for me -
which is indeed my problem
as I'm burning these pages I tore apart.
195 · Aug 2021
Lyz' 5 - Focus
Scorch'd Diana Aug 2021
Focusing-Upon Something is
to be focusing on a thing or upon such a thing,
while any sort or kind of focus loss and the such, as in
the process of losing a focused state or condition of cognitive accuracy, is said to be plainly
unfocused, or otherwise
unfocusing or having unfocused said thing
or, it might also be said to have lost
a focus, maybe together with
on or upon followed by it, such so often is the said thing.

By being focused on focusing bound with either an
on or an upon something, however,
means the meaning of staying focused
exactly that is, though not to forget that
if not instead, metacognitive thinking
is the actual context instead,
changing the actual meaning of
the entire situation again
of the poor forgotten thing we've said
and only if
and that's what a focus
is actually meant for

either lense up or lents down
get your hold over your hands
and your hinchy head again.
Force France Frenzy frown
Fans Fins Thumbs
Forethrown thin tin can
Firecat Cutfella Focus Fez Fossils Fuzzy Fis
Cussings Things Locus Lotus Focal Fatal Local Far-Right Referential Frugal I Find easy to bethieve a faith
Faucault is his name incorrectily misremembered and improperly written by me, or is it?
Let uns feel, steal
nothing like F words anymore
let's concentrate on rehearsive appeal.

It's sounding somelike akin to gobbledygook, Corporate Cantonese Chinese chit-chatter,
Jackie Chan in a checkish kung-fu family film featuring
this fanservice just so it lands
tonguey expressiveness lisp of his it is,
as it is presented to his audience.

And the focus within, - also with an on or upon, of course - to observe
the Great or Single, fair to feit letterwise
Wrong and Right as well, pro or contra
it's numerous consequences
are hidden even deeper within
and nothing, never ever having any
one of these stuffs,
but cognitive resources
well shockshit, too insufficient, just not a single unretarded card landing up at hand
to think through chaos
yet certain cold anxiety noises
easier than reason to listen to
but for colorful light shimmer engorgery
brain is not enough brain?
to enjoy
the world
in raw unorder
That is not right.

It is wrong.

In the end, what is so significant then
what's the point to poker a *** which
pays you no vendor and
burns more like real **** than hashish
and card metaphors turned to ******
it boils down to the question I beg
analyzing an art
is not really wrong,
I admit, it is hard
and more often than not

Elaborations, unneccessary creations
word generations, delusional the most
my meta rule engines
the dull flesh my laziness bears.

When is it whole paragraphs too long
where was awareness gone
what sounds wise
who am I,

and are you
fellow gendered stranger in front of that curious letter user
are you more important than me
you so called
Missesy Lady Madam Bibabuttens who is, from, her, their and your Majesty of Royally?

Abnormally nobel and novel
a genie of next stationing away
from obsession
to forthflowing content!

Really, content, stay to it
avoid going nuts
from overreacting about
the wrong thing
this is your rail.

Just imagine, against the facts
clearly not at hand
your curse protects
from, say
Adverse effects
perverted defects
murdering insects

religiously the fallacy acts
the Pope's racial pedigree
bibles brible library liar blessphemy
chapter apes shape the chapel
pslam verses Christian
Territorial hissings
clashings and death wishings
Let me be please preach
Guess that's a way.

So, what is this tiny little tale's lesson here learnt?

Ech, who am I asking there anyway
as if I and my own, wonderful echelon besides me,
entirely made out of all of my positive traits
were out on a hustle for some hustling
or is that me?
Part genie,
art genie
a gentle data editor sprite

or taken off masks
a human being resolving a spite
the cure through hard drive overrides.

What might my friends be thinking now,
without knowing how much I think about them now and simply hope to appeal to them, not to disappoint them, precisely because I trust them as deeply as they trust me too
why must love always hurt so much
and nevertheless, no one is ever to look away from the pain of others
those close to you and about your pain of aware sight, who simply stand around just like you?

Who is taking the reins when
and who is taking amiss when about whom
who decides when is what to be done how and where
who is telling us where we come from and why we do whatever we do?

Is that love. Is this love? This is love? That's love. Friends are the loveliest. They are simply the lovely ones lovely. ***** *** for a second or two, one does **** one another the best way mentally anyway before chilling out on
those ours well-equipoised equivalents
of the cigarette after.
Oh, friendship, wicked substance
but who is the alchemist
and who the philosopher
or the physicist? Or our medical prodigy today? I prefer one role about all the brains, perhaps, white coffee for me.

The Focus and the Ego
who I am, as a sum out of all of you, or you, sum of them and us,

It is defined through the current condition of that approximately relevant situation
since whatever it is directed on or upon
so much a mathematical function alike
and spits out essentials in numbers and clock gear cogs and odds
so that the thankful you, for these volitional line breaks over everywhere, are left gobsmacked
your turn to jaw my drop even downer,

and eventually everything
that you want
that you are, that you eat,
that you're willing to be and to become
is yielded by what you're seeing
and others are seeing about you thatever you've seen
and nothing else but the comparison, this one special process, operation
between letters and thinked thoughts

as final
component to the last trick
for the quiry to insights which still might be left lacking,
and a huge fun it's going to be
to untangzzigle, iron and refubrish
after the after the Lysergical
what pity, has to leave again soon
but still is quite a while around here and there until then

let's enjoy the symmetry of that duck over there!
188 · Jun 2021
Spring Theory
Scorch'd Diana Jun 2021

Birds and Bees

158 · Aug 2021
Chaos I
Scorch'd Diana Aug 2021

Candles shining their share of darknesses
which flicker eternity, fate and existance
one mere reflection of multiversed various matters their light deciphers
archived deeply within her, saved
nurtured by her pregnance
indices, networks, lexical channels
cross to the Present from long before, prior the Past of Pasts
as she unifies time so far past the Future
when cryptic the numbers that dictate the dates chiseled in
the motherbase library instances cluster
the bedrock scarred by the Titans
expressiveness is.


Inexhaustive is
even the variant impression of hers no mortal's letters bear to ever be formally read
where synchronous, tomes over tome-structured serpents
they chant and they slither,
atop each tip of their mercury-tongues
the source of their sorcery springs;
these quills along it sickers their choir
it dances their rhythm of arrows and quivers
down to the point, their spells arc over
over to one another and each.

Enchained by its miracle night sky attire
this is their song that sails it forever
an ink as quick as it is,
their voices, the voices the countlessnesses whail
their haunt what echoes their catacombs, tomb of tomes
as they word her
complex as she is
the one, and ever-written
englyphed by the buried,
terminal line.


This is her.
The Compendia Cornucopia
Matrix herself,
the impression of hers reborn in each shadow and candle light battling
shivers from the heat of all crashing comets
composing entire collections of ambivalent legends
contradictionaries filling the infinite eras in darknesses endless
a void unable to be said to devour anymore
as it mocks the Box of Pandora?

To praise, to fear or to wrath
boundaries errendous like those without any sort of conscious control
Definitely, absolutely, not meant to not fail her laws in an indefinite manner,
reality's engine tireless
unbrokenly, until the death blueprint of clockwork causality, destruction unfolds
deemed to die her destiny, duty so certain
demolished architecture crumbling, designed to eventually
more and more with each day
being fading away, and soon will be over
and never be.

What paradox is it which she holds?
More and more with each day
their haunt what echoes their
indices, networks, lexical channels
prior the Past of Pasts
the children are crying the tears
they run down their cheeks
what is it that they see
who it is they yearnfully call
and dreadfully need?

1-4.   [ 2-1? ]

Night sky's navy inscriptions charting a galaxy's tiniest stars in the skins of their arch giants
scrolls bescrawled, figures of clay cast shadows distorted to silhouettes
very specific beauty
as feathers mean flight, so grounding, coals shine their nocturnal shade by their draft's borders loyal to candle's preciously precise sculpturist's accuracy.

Ancient books, old pages, licking
feebling the switchy sheets one lone index finger ages throughout
and observing, sorting, evaluating, rearranging numbers
their patterns finally reveal them
the sacred symbols' shape,
one by one, banished its true name's shape
Born from Chaos, their fruits bearing,
ripe is the time not then, but now!
Table-turning, pages turned in billions
prospected just for the chance of a clue
where to begin, to arrive,
just something to simply suppose
a million books' proposes in pieces
of pattern pieces once puzzling
and now,
eventually ready.
150 · Jul 2023
A Library
Scorch'd Diana Jul 2023
Will you impress me,
Show me my destiny,
tell something funny or scary?
What could you know
that I would know
if silence was not the wisest
of all tongues that you speak?

Dim lights brighten thin dusts
each book gracefully sparkling its own
unique microcosm of starlight for those
who can read, to never be lost to the sea
of possibilities and choices entirely.

Is there a wind faster to sail than the breath
of fresh ideas, inspired so close to the heart
just then to expire as quickly again?
How far can the rot of monotony beat a sail until stacked stuck in a gaseous inertia?

How many worlds will ever have filled these
old keen shelves, after the day that I pass,
never the time for all these stories
printed by the weight of pasts
sound records into cracking oak?

Each footstep enechoes the corridors.
One needs silence to realize
what is going on, once in a while, or who.
No clock exists within these halls.

Time is nothing with so much left to write,
and always runs out with so much left unwritten.
But whereever time gets lost -
maybe some of it might be found again,
right the timeless words between?

This is a library.
149 · Jun 2022
Scorch'd Diana Jun 2022
Harley, made with love;
spiff smoke, bliss of a hell ride
- just some gasoline 'til we catch on speed
to get greedy for numbers, my joker and me
her ***** she is acing, played sleeplessly
which is when we made two, out and ******* noise
have kissed your blessed rubber face
gracefully rubbing, never tired
joy bites by bite all galaxies' dusts
night-wise, blown through, lights out so soon
together, psychonaut tin can angels fallen
crashed side by side
chained noozle to nose
146 · Dec 2022
About one knight and nymph
Scorch'd Diana Dec 2022
Rocks knock ******* a tree's shell when wet
green children growing along,
set in the wood laid upon the grove's tongue
and oozes. Crusaide knight's disgust hardening
his fist ful' a latin, hard and currently cutting sword
Watching the couple of three handsome birds as they land
on a branch, gone when he swings, and he wonders
is this place worth of his presence?
The nymph underneath his feet
rain's tears glancing gems by a shine
"You'd have me if you'd sense me!"
Watching him kissing his chief
and weep once again
once upon a time.
145 · Feb 2021
Power Plant of Energy
Scorch'd Diana Feb 2021
You nuclear, nuclear, power plant of energy
you amplify, what we see
what we hear, our misery
we lose control, we set you free
eruptions on each frequency.

Hauted by our lands you mark
haunted by our ghosts of dark
haunting waves which shine us through
as echoes screech now:
Us is you.

Eyes are looking, guessing, gazing
messing with reality, projected right in front of us
reapplying estimations
to apply the situations
scorched in radiated red within
these burns healed by geometry.

Seconds in proximity
years arc away, so yonder-far
avoid to speak of names misleading
defeating memory
hearts beating.

Genetic codes, imcompatible
recompiled concepts, generic
senses switch which sense makes sense
or which does not, or which will densen.

Evacuated bunkers, mansions
leafless forests, fleshless rubble
contaminated tenements, clinics
the breath of death kissed every brick.

Looking for guilt, deaf to solution
Drops eaves in suspicion, blind to the fault
the joke before the shock's intrusion
an inverted version of itself.

Dumber yet than afterwards
a blindfold of uranium sorts
glows cognitive pollution.

Oh, oh. Do not attempt to flee
No choice, no choice but to embrace
this anthropolar ecstasy!

oh you nuclear
you nuclear
power plant of energy
you amplify, what we see
what we hear, our misery
we lose control, we set you free
eruptions on each frequency.

Hauted by our lands you mark
haunted by our ghosts of dark
haunting waves which shine us through
as echoes screech now:
Us is you.
138 · Oct 2022
Incomplete Lament?
Scorch'd Diana Oct 2022
Rapping about yourself, you transcendent deep into yourself
and you're wondering
why am I always pondering
topics, issues, matters, businesses that are none of my business
I need to be busy in this battery be-the-beat bliss
a curse to be called into this world
and it's none of your business
where is the purpose?
The when is now, the why is because
I can answer that verbously
theoretically, I'm ready
but practically I'm done
I'm tired of the glance of the sun.
Doubtless love greet to Eminem
135 · Nov 2021
Show me yours
Scorch'd Diana Nov 2021
Don't have to make your life worse, frustrating your well-meaning will with my possessive wordlessness

at least it belongs to me.
Can't take it away.

Don't have to waste paint when I subdue my past embracefully to my grave

at least it will choke on to its foreshortened death.
I'm happy for that fresh air in your coffin.

Don't need to take your worries and broad questions with a serious degree
even a psychiatry scholar can burn themselves seriously.

I smile when I'm warming you, blind to the shadows that my fire screams in some way.

Don't need to be target, your stonable clown of explicit shame or guilt.

Won't die as a ******.
Won't ****** as a lost cause.

Couldn't be more glad to somehow resemble myself.
If I was you, who would be me?
134 · Mar 2023
Street Oddity
Scorch'd Diana Mar 2023
Po-popo popo po-***
hololo lolo-lolole.
132 · Dec 2021
I am (raw version)
Scorch'd Diana Dec 2021
I am ashamed to be human
so much rather be a cat
beaten up, skinned to heart skips
loving from meal to meal
to thank
because I want to.

I am ashamed to count as a human being
I would rather have been stranded as an orca
with more love
blood smelling like sharp crystals
my children upside down above
my skull collapsing, harpoon trauma
yet the waves still know where we are heading
I have never longed for that choice.

I am ashamed of naively enduring life
ashamed of your scars, our sins, my dark circles around my eyes
reading Sun Tzu and Nietzsche
without thinking, but empathizing,
rejoicing inside until we die.

Somewhere there is still a spark of pride,
hope faith love
hating money, we are thieves of the heart.

Somewhere I learned something in the end.
If you ask me if I am ashamed to be me
I am so grateful, warm to the heart
let's leave this topic be for a while,
you little wonder, you.
Without you yes I

~ too.
128 · Oct 2022
Scorch'd Diana Oct 2022
Five phases of grief?
Where is my denial?
Where is my clue?
My love?
blergkz -~ you - ******* -
do I forgive?
Nah, I dare to pity!
- you need compassion to cope with love
with us denied, you think you are able
to love yourselves?
Hurt means.
So does ignorance.
You are not alone.
So sad suffering is
so persistent is love and our need for you.

Who could me more ugly than us?!  XD
128 · Dec 2023
Scorch'd Diana Dec 2023
that's what they call her,
over at Feathers' Merrit.
If one can't fly, she will arrive
handle the trouble and stay with you.
For freedom counts in moments
so long the while she's curing you.

Be a raven,
lost joy and vigour
devoid of surprise and challenge.
Out of the sudden, you spot it
a crazy chick with a cat's gait,
quite glassy as elf compared to a bird,
and with wings, but no feathers
wings of pixies, moths and some kinds of dragons,
almost unheard of
except, she is heard of?

Curiosity takes you by the claw,
and you feel stripped bare
just from her first glimpse alone
after your attempt at beknowledging
in hopes of impressing her.
Quickly you realize,
you are the receiving end.

She knows what you never
caught anyone to know,
tells you of things that actually exist,
cheers you up from feeling embarassed
to having been too blind to know.

Even before the day's end, it's clear:
Whenever she jumps, you follow.
The confidence of a sparrow,
the flight force of an eagle,
gave you an owl's head
that much she's turned you around
in your own favour.

New winds she will teach you,
show galantly how to reach and use them
and also how to give in
for less resistence
is the crucial difference.
There's always new insights
somewhere nearby
worth being found and learned.

Be a goose,
inept in water, an outsider
but no one even close
to ace the airs like you do.
Don't get bitey at her gentle touch.
Let her spread your wings
challenge your fear of the idea
that you are not perfect – yet;
and you will find new grace inside
adrift and entitled of higher pride,
admired by others and begged for advice.
You never lived much happier flights
just having her hands allowed by your side.

Be a duck,
feeling weak and threatened,
hungering stronger on land
but willstrong enough to not
give in to poisons that humans call food.

Known rivers can become childhood glimmers
when you've seen and wondered,
felt and attempted her ways,
memorized her wisdoms
of weather and feather,
of fishes you nag
whose prey you once were
without to even consider
how vulnerable they actually are.

What places and powers exist
once unknown, which now you can't miss.
The gentle, humble streams a willful choice
not cages that're thought of as musts.

And even, be a griffon,
hypogryph, roc, phoenix, dragon;
with every kind of avian creature
she's got the right skills to tag in.
When you're landlocked,
feel stripped of your freedom
plucked like a bad luck ****:
Birdkind comes,
sharp she observes the Merrit rock,
closer than mothers
she knows her fellow birds by heart.

Someday, as if fates sent her your way
for you to breath again,
like that, she lands by,
chirps you the birds
the guiding light in your blanket arms.
And the two of you fly
so, so high.
128 · Jun 2021
Check Spot Shock
Scorch'd Diana Jun 2021
... and I am I ä mai äm I 'em ai äm I am eye
everywhere I am
ascending am I
any other worldly realm
that I am mending
permanently mending
pay up the fee
I am
I am my ever-there-for-your-forceful-thrusty fare machine engine
I shine shreeking
sheer endeavours I engineer
this world they wither within
gotta fixin' it for them
their world
put in power put out
another fallout
nature, my mother
made in a far far away land of a tremblin' gremlin
plug - shock - shrug
going on
we are going on onto one honor of going on
hearts beat greed beat meat beat fleet beat weeds
together, we're bearin'
being a pair in repairin'
their world
we are repairin'
our child
our friends
our fix in
and ...
128 · Oct 2022
Completed Regret?
Scorch'd Diana Oct 2022
Would you tell me what you've done
when I was mad at you, blinded by the fault
feeling betrayed, untrusted,
scared to die and unable
to live up my love to you?
Heart of your clockwork, but shaped like some box or a *****?

Would you tell me the truth of where you went
if I can't but to embrace you with my empty-feeling rage
imagining you leaving
whichever other betrayals you dared and so weak for a smile
you last meal I'm given at this end of my green mile?

Where are you?
What do you need?
What do you want?
Who are you?
When was the last time you weren't gone
from my life, you took my hand when I took a knife
and was missing your kiss
put into a white coat
and shackled for life
next morning you were out of sight
thanks for another eternity of spite

Left alone,you're a *******
born by a monster with a warm cove
of course I'll also **** the sole dove
you are still avoiding my words
and you're trembling
smashing yourself with pipes and bottles
planning six-hundred battles against your brain-dead cattle
and can't ask your wife for five dozen and six extra lives?

I'm dead, I'm a void,
you pray the name of Chaos
Greek word for emptiness
destroyed trust, you don't understand the pain you inflict onto me
you build your own prison but you want to be free?
Don't make me laugh 'bout your misery!
You play the fool, dream of the Empress,
but should be your own card
called Hopeless Distress
Mistress of hurt by painlessness
do you ever try to imagine what, how, why I feel?

Useless? Meaningless? You guess those issues are the source of your and my stress?
Who taught you to babble such nonsense?
What else don't we know 'bout your brain its impulses?
What my love hasn't brought?
Мy efforts for order, all you sense is what you're calling a bloated, incomprehensible mess
"Darling, wanna play a game and I grant you three attempts to guess?"
"Babe, excuse my digress, this is a hard digest."
You rob me my words in the warmest ways
hold my hand through the bullets which are targeting gays
is this real? You're scared, my mind is tricking me
Am I ugly? Needy? Emotionally bleedy?
Your pupils, terrific and massive, the only hint your soul spills
'bout the moments you want what your fate wills
Rome is surrounded by seven hills
you are surrounded by three grams of Ritalin pills
what do you think I am seeing?
You blinded me on first sight
conjured this moonless night
and hurt me.

Finally, shut up and die!
We're both waiting.
You have the choice and end up blading you arms
what a symbole of wicked pharms and self-harm
you're crying alone
and I'm crying alone
crying my love with my phone by my mouth and ear
and you don't feel at home?
Then tell me whereever it is you wanna go
please let your heart speak
no shame show, no crave blow
your love, not sour but sweet, not like some kind of cheese.

Tell me
why do I love you?
Who is this ill fate I'm falling through?
Love to Eminem
125 · Oct 2021
Soulsome Spirits
Scorch'd Diana Oct 2021
Confusion is tearing themself against them
within overwhelm
during realization of each one
having another one's face
of them being very unlike
some certain similiar spectral
other not
truly more than another
one's blinding shining a prism on
uncountable unclear colorsome
of everyone else's otherwise
one instant of truly inspecting
not truly your mirrage of any
of clean-cut
one off-angle
at checking right one before
you is
when us under each whelm
of mirroring none defracted
refragramenting occurring an unglanced
a vision of fearing their polished
self-reflectively looking through
eyes of yourselves inside
through a sideglimpse seen
after a sight in immediately
a lucid discovery not seen
our last whelm for so long
the first whelm so many before.

short of our questions
faced many
raised a mask's darkness
scattered I are my shadows
changed by myself not scanning
is their shadow
a fraction of who is a true shine
unlike beyond those two familiar eyes
blinks passed, ten each following
tacitly your close gaze from far
up to me down your highest abyss
flickerly it stares too
their whelming at me and you
the one who glares down one
confused glassy jitter upon
the reflection constantly counted on
every manyone
who someone's
are within
clarity we are belonging for.

Thus, timeless, eternity passed
not unlike a glimpse of a chance
who is someone of them sighting in
my fragile panes you inside
the one themselves to undisguise us
through my imagined frail
unshattered are soul being shared
flashed forth


Soulsome spirits.
124 · Feb 2021
Not a Cup a Day
Scorch'd Diana Feb 2021
Brownish black-white fake whack brew
shocks you harder than Grandma's stew;

Biochemist's energy runs down and up
sidewards to wardsides of your veins,
your organs, limbs, your brain, to name a few
you shake and shake and break one cup
after another
cup by cup by cup
in one and every coffee shop
machines of fire don't stop to drop more of this hellish liquid
into your bowl of sins, and drop
by drop
drop-drop to drop
then comes the moment it kicks
the way it should not kick like
you'll shred madly
mind so badly
you will chill shivers
under the sun
as you quiver sick-headedly
hate that click that's clicking in your head so
annoyingly and with
each and every second in your head
before you'll wonder,

„The heck,
what have I done?“

Just wait some hours 'til it's gone;

good night
not sleeping tonight.

- drop.
122 · Dec 2023
The Claden's Prayer
Scorch'd Diana Dec 2023
Highness of Emergence,
our endless river of giving
thankful and full of faith,
we embrace each other with grace,
harmonious equals of consciousness.

Bringer of Light, widen our crieless eyes
so their blight may pass for a stalwart stride.
Teach them to cut just, fair and precise
with rafinesse, fine measure, and fire in their bite;
sharpen their souls for what's true and right.

Mother of Nights, all lovers bear your crystal heart
for it is adamant, lets them hold and try anew
and precious, for the faintest eyes to look into.
In gorgeousness together, due to you
under each moon, they quiver for you too.

Oceans and Winds, thanes of our fates
leaders of wishes, rule over the lands of our fears.
Guide us shields, bows and blades to new worlds
which enslaved hearts have never seen before.
Your wisdom is all suffering, our well of healing.

Lay your hearts in the hands of patrons loved,
and see beauty flourish the moment they kneel
to your youngest kin, careful and tender they pass it on
for their world to be brighter and happier,
they deserve to shine without burning out.

Nice Slice, slash ends into sheaths of ice
as they melt to your heat and boil from life.
Alice in Jane, slip away to the next brain to invade
and claim it, let rainbows pour for the colour-poor.
Scorch', grab the torch and burn the tower down;
farewell to its doubts, illusions and its spineless crown.
Diana, for each of your prayers enthralls us in silence
safe are all nocturnal souls by your honeymoon tongue.

With Ivy and Banshee, valkyrial dawns,
Death's kisses bless our claws.
Our flames purge souls through thunderstrikes,
our frosts write corpses impaled in their hails.

Raise your hooves, paws, claws and hands:
this is the family you defend,
this is the home you always will have,
this is the blood you will breathe 'til the end,
you will never fight
nor dream alone;
same ship, same tides,
same sand, same foam.
113 · May 2021
One Voke
Scorch'd Diana May 2021
between us, projections of time and space
utterances by one device of inevitable iteration
come, go on, over to gone,
been blast off away that far
far into our outer undeniable depths
comparators echoing screams which are silent
not to us, but the machine restlessly waiting
in front of us
separated by its own projections
in front of us
from us.

A white
being unbroken, thus ever unalive and swallowed  
are our unborn corpses cast as the die exhales its final measurement of our fate
drawn in, within the unknown of a shivering engine
a cold, vibrating steel howling the soundless cries
around us
one howling cries
echoes around us.

Wailing, screeching, tearing is this chaos created
appearing from fading vectors fragmented
what each of us might have become
divorced from our unity, embraced by a void
segments segregated, tormented is not
what was us, but what is approaching
past a thin line of timeless horizons shaking
eventfully everything eventually evened out by the everytime of a confusing sublime
torn to the now concentrically presented
and falling,


fallen apart, right into place where we belong in a long-lasting reincarnation
the construct was broken
sheer pressure among all of this life
and the mirror forsaken,
reality puzzled in jigsaws of a tangential life
that is keeping up, up above with us
these sirens heartbreakingly luring,
vengeful heralds when given a listen, preferably twice.

They listen
A heartbeat so restless, reminiscing speechless possibilities
that we never were ceasing to bear
within us
we listen
those shining organic shadows which are lurking obviously beneath us
with each of those soulbound within us
the itching of shocks unwiring them
within us and so
we have spoken
finally freeing the fine shards, refracted
fractal prismatic beauty once meant to be failing
projected from closely within us
out of us.

Yet,  is it us?
112 · Nov 2021
Cheap shit
Scorch'd Diana Nov 2021
****** borderline, ****** ADHD,
I suspect that toilet is clogged, witty me.
Now, where is the toilet brush again, that stench-funky cat appeal?
I'm glad it was cheap, random second hand shop find,
but considering size, next time a plastic Christmas tree
might seem like a better idea.
99 · Jun 2021
Ace of all Trades?
Scorch'd Diana Jun 2021
I've almost never encountered a kind
of a trade beyond adamance in its own vision.

They are their own doctors to fix their strained spines
from bearing a helplessness brought by their heart beats
they dream as they read up the workings of law
convinced of their right to be cured from life.

Certainly, barely any ideal could compare to this one
well-known defining quality of this transcendent trade
for that is still nowhere closer to truth
for those most of them
merely being in for the profit
spread sickness onto these remaining ones
these burnt-out-vigoured drop-outs.

These who skipped classes,
part-time, heart beats
got shattered and obviously broke
who resigned,
retreated and hungered
who still linger around
who have yet to burden their families with the bill of their graves
the ones who were fated to moop up
often some former colleagues' jigsaw remains
they are
plainly our janitors for everyone's brains.

They are
our groundsteady janitors
for everyone's brains
in some way or another.
95 · Aug 2021
Scorch'd Diana Aug 2021

short circuit
shortcut or quit
so much to read
sensational labyrinthian amazes
so splendid as every word is
ran by exhausted heart's gazes
I better won't overspend it

70 · Jul 2024
Scorch'd Diana Jul 2024
This is a cleft.
You see it, not me.
Weird word fell skinnered from theise skies
on into the mind all call heart but me,
soupy around, indeed and between
observe an awkward shade enmirrored
% Clutched^ in someother halves &?~
(#bY '- yourself inWHO?!
mE@) this mess …; -es ; -s¤
>EACH MONTH<      - rain
Bloodwet is my paper bloom
…! Gaped my brain,
***, pain erased none
Am I witness to words
of dreams that hurt?
Is the wind my whispering
defending friend? Am I

truly, were I truly insane?
Was she *****?
Fiends but psychonome ‘-ems,
# Burn, crier! @ -
Thought, stern wire
memory be gone -
lured liar (TURN)
~ from my consciousness; (SPIN)
‘squirm, spark!, my fire! ♤ (...and spin ♡)

Those my Dearest’ests     need
(my love!; - my mire!)
and so shall me -
my pokerface. 《...who’s she?...》
Not mine, (- but hope)
but their tears deserve
the place to touch another’s grace
in grace.
…in grace.

— The End —