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Hakikur Rahman Jun 2021
Gust of wind returns crying-
on the banks of the Gomati and Mahananda
In this heat of summer-
pedestrian lost his sense,
looking steadfastly towards the open sky.

No air is circulating somewhere else,
which will provide
a little bit of relief,
The female octogenarian beggar
still turning from door to door-
with convex shoulder, obese body.

Exhale with sigh
oarsman of the boat docks in on the shore-
because, to cross to the other side,
no one is waiting on the quay.

The earth is caught in a pause
Will the drought be last much longer?
The Gomati River is a tributary of the Ganges, The Mahananda River is a trans-boundary river that flows through the Indian states of Bihar, West Bengal and Bangladesh.
Hakikur Rahman Jun 2021
The bored bard sings on the way
Across the bents of many unknown villages
On the bucolic path full of memories
Where cries and laughs are hidden.

There is no time to stop
The moments passes by the wind
Bard in his melodious tune
Sings about what is hidden in his heart.

The series of the mathematical table-book
Cannot be forgotten anymore
That's how the sweet melody of his
Remains in the middle of the heart.

His life was spent by singing
By the river side of this worldly affairs
That's why always with anxious eyes
Looks back again and again.
This poem is dedicated to those lone singers, called Baul (bard) in Bengal and the society have forgotten them.
Hakikur Rahman Jun 2021
Rajakini Randha is roaming alone
With her soft feet in silence-
Flowers are blooming in the garden
Gave chrysanthemum pendants in the ears.

Wearing a necklace of kanakachampa flowers around his neck
Red variety of oleander's bracelet is in her hand-
A bunch of Quisqualis indica is hanging in the hair
A swarm of golden jasmine is tied around the waist.

Inserted cypress vine in her coiffure
The fringe is full of mirabilis jalapa-
Yellow bells flowers are wrapped around her legs
Where does she go with her timid timid feet!
Rajakini Randha is the name of a girl and there are
some of the beautiful flowers of the Greater Bengal.
Hakikur Rahman Jun 2021
Thought-consciousness is aroused in the lake of the heart
Fragile hopes are thrown into the abyss of pain.

The thirsty mind plays with my nightmares
Sitting on the shore of this life even after prolonged swimming.

I light the extinguished lamp with the afflicted face
Memories covered in darkness are the random boundaries.

Yet I sing with hope, the triumph of life
Did not see the way forward, though hear the melodious tune.
Hakikur Rahman Jun 2021
New sun arises in the eastern sky
Aspirations applauded in the middle of the heart.

This day must be won
Injustice, oppression can not be feared.

Where you see inappropriate, injustice
Protest, to find the proper justice.

Just by sitting, the moment cannot be crossed
To the conscience, one should not be submissive.

With the conviction of the new day, we have to move forward
By overcoming all obstacles, success will surely approach.
Hakikur Rahman Jun 2021
The branches are expanded with the green leaf
As a result of the advance rain
The heated surface has become cold
Because of the early drizzle.

Joined to come at an inopportune time
The hail storm
Lightning raises fears among farmers
The tin made rooftop is shaky in the wind.

The mango branch is shaking
The pods are falling prematurely
In this imbalance of the environment
What's in the fortune!

It is swaying in the swing of hope
For peasants and their wives
Although in advance crop damage
Giving a sign of danger.

Still, let it rain
Fill the nature vividly
Let the planet be greener
Green fill up all around.
Early rain is always good for the nature,
but sometimes it brings storm too, which
becomes dangerous to the farmers of Greater Bengal.
Hakikur Rahman Jun 2021
That is an undeclared war
Contaminated with speed imbalance.

That is crammed with illusory fantasies
Not with any beginning, not with any end
There is no feeling or affection.

That is implicit in the shadow of indirect imperfections
Falling into the rage of unwanted thoughtlessness
Inactively exists.

That is an uninvited guest
Does not obey any prohibition, does not have any genre
Does not follow any time frame.
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