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338 · Sep 2020
"why do she hate me"
why do she hate me, i dont understand
I did all i could as your man
she ask me to love her so i ask for her hand
my attempt seem to go without justification,
when she became mad i became a sentive man
it was never a thought i was bring her love to an end

her request was never by past without grateful planning so many acts right on my *** but i never gave in, stayed gratefully just that chance to express this enter love of this man
ended with lack of understand placed so bluntly
why do she hate me ?

I tryed my  best but her hate continue to manifest without just each passing day
I cooked cleaned, i love above means so, why does she hate me then as if there was never any love to begin why do she hate me so much why so much...
just something on my heart. hurting..
217 · Sep 2020
GO'S this way no better way to say
times where ones faced with moments of truth,
what's done is done,did and dead.
life love of lesson sometime are a messy blessin.
ALL the love less stress toward blessed best, and required reward less
you twist,turn and bend in the end
IT'S compliticated just to give in to bend it's did
YOU did ,I'VE DONE that's a fact NO rewind on that track kept it pushing didn't give in when lesson test love boldly

pure of heart start better then last
carefully choose keepin in mind we've done, it's did
let's keep it dead...
just facts of life...
168 · Dec 2020
our day or better worste
to day is our day
the day we , you an i.
stand befor the man
man of all man which, we stand
GODLY hand in hand in the present of all man woman and our children GODS CREATION

never the less, came from separate paths an  worlds the same life
through different corner blocks
many trial of love quest we're still hardly able to fully digest
isn't the dream we've dreamed it's predestined it's divine to his plan

with i do be wed taken your hand as your man husband, best friend
with love and never dishonor fully sickness through health good or bad with worst be for GOD and children of christ
as one in which i'll  vows to remain till death do us apart

our  day or better worst
something every family man dreams of some day some  sooner some later but  theres a day
144 · Dec 2020
right now , right here
IN the mist of life love and lesson god places people in places things in our path to test patience
heed its upon us to take and reconize the sings never second guess the time you've invested
move forward it's part of life love; protest it the right direction
lesson menifest into meny expression from the very minute one get trapped into that second lesson become there opponent
face with everthing taking notes maintainning rewardly staying afloat
it's best for life love and lesson that's in session for future investments
see the real ,you can joke self never know god may sent that here
the world rotates that we have faith hold not halt or for get
all the practices teaching
preparation planning for this very minute second hours days years something one feared.. it's Right now.. Right here taking center stage yeah that life love oh yes lessons
that fear no time for rest, it's now; right now... right here...
121 · Sep 2020
BRON  in a disfunctional American setting with rotten roots of an destroyed family with dead values mistaking lies for love....

she's on the go ,beautiful as a rose, but soonly changed
life from man to man serching for the father she never had
relying on the hardedn streets to deal her a better hand with clouded thoughts with desires for fancy things has a baby as a teen
cycle repeats it self once again.
alone the way soft peddles begain to ruffle bleed from her own throns she continue to ****** deeper ,traped  in the same ghetto as a rose refused to give up give in nither let go knowing if she stops now there's no sunshine and the soil that provides her roots will dry so she motivate her self everytime she hears her baby crys determine to survive while looking into a mirror now ,realize it's her Daugther eyes and see the same rose of the ghetto....
wrote for all woman that can understand the life of growing up in the hood as a single mom
116 · Sep 2020
I'M just a messager
nothing I exspress is irrelevant
in a world full of trials of tribulation
im just one of meny bring reality to situation
where there isn't any
I'M placed here for a reason
every word has it's own meaning
open your thought just pay a attention
allow the truth to fill your soul, like a table speed dose the belly


nothing i do is of me
part of the human body
reaching out toward humanity

116 · Sep 2020
24/7 , 12 months , 365 ; three hundred and 65 DEGREE
humanity wakes from sleep
actions move with determination,
to execute

look past yesterday's matter's
position ones tools to use,
refuse to loss or abuse words for reason not to
progressively move

mapping out ones destination prepared self
for any godly mission loaded with ambition
This is it , PROGRESS ; is the decision
there's nothing more glorious
in our vision then progress
by: basim w. r            2/26/09   I Am
115 · Sep 2020
"Bacc Down That Road"
Bacc on the road again blowin through
ready to disply my Non -Accepted blues
Bacc down the road once more

Bacc to reclaim simple and plain
Don't need dusty hold on time
Don't have the mind ,just to define
this dusty musky road fully over load
of pain
I'VE payed my dues
per takin on your past blues given love to repair
your feeling of being misused from misty blues
blowing heart felt tunes
now like a cowboy in pitch black under the moon on a horse name DOOMED which i refused to loose.

Back down that road singin happy  blues

bacc down that road....
love, life and lesson
110 · Sep 2020
released from darkness into lite
shadows continue to travel my path
but never seems to last

it's life i guess?!
is this part of god eye opening plan for me but yet i wonder, yeah",
i often ponder what's in store for me years to come toward my future
maybe my life is predestine
i rack my thoughts strain my brain trying to maintain
and just understand as well plan for the unexspected
battle with faceless enemy that stands

see it's my plan to go in and come out alive
but that's just the bold courge of this solider that refuse to die although its to soon to tell things may turn into a rage of hell if my godly plan  re bells
it could only means ;we didn't plan to excel by executing the plan then expel which will only place us back in the belly of the whale and remain there until the next time opportunity prevails
109 · Sep 2020
TO night step into the chamber of love
with whip cream , strewberries and you
taking my time laying on sensully strong and long having you singing your own song

taken each one of your toe's licking upward as i **** just enough to help release your ****** soul groove twine with me
it's about you not me
THIS moment is just your night I'LL SET THE MOOD AND brake all the rules as the disc spin our favorite tunes, ISLEY BROTHER, LET ME groove with  U

YOUR PEACHES AND CREAM FILLED DESIREABLE CANDY BLOW serves my tougue with a taste i cant stop just want to give you just a little more licking you up and down stopping at your
play ground were your most wettest suger  the man in his boat bring your body to a ****** over load
but never the less this is just one of many test and you've passed with screaming ***......

let me love u
you tell me...
108 · Sep 2020
problem befor solution
Never placing problems befor solutions
remain on reality
challenges that get the best of me

rebuilding self-Images as a man with a grater ability
to slowly handle obstacle as we go, so demand boat will continue to float stopping matter at the door.

traped in sanity mentally insane
refuse to be stop or bothered with mind road blocks
bring absolution self pace and drive
toward confusion to it's end having no kin save no friend

reconstructing fix an adjust trene an rectify with reciprocution unwilling to bend
saying and doing what it takes and stand and remain not placing problem befor solutions
the truth
85 · Sep 2020
:the truth:
she's blackness mentally strong
soft beauty of completeness

she's the QUEEN of indepth means
our ebony goddess of curves with desireability and truth
with full lips the wildest nose and darkest eyes
a tree that defines BLACKness oh, yes ***** hair wraped  in silk garment, covered in golden rings of beauty
placed upon her ears,neck and the blacker then blackest hands
yes;the true divine mother of earth, she's MY MOTHER, YOUR MOTHER; SISTER or brother's mother

black rooted as me and you
the true soil of truth........
i wrote this while locked away and thinking how so meny of us black men leave babies you made to be raised by some other and wonder why in alot of cases when you see eachother again will be incarcerated and we as man dont give mom's the credit they truelly deserve. so this is for the strong. all mother's

— The End —