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the Sun comes down and shares my table
touches my hands, warmth, on cold skin
it is a star I remind myself in some ones sky
some one far across the Universe some one-
I will never meet this side of eternity-
but if they exist, good chance they do,
Heaven will be all the more wonderful.
commentators are plentiful
but not bothering to even give a like?
keeping on dreaming and rejecting
being realistic, honest, with oneself

dreams are dreams within bigger dreams
and the bigger dreams remain

to be honest
love creates, love rejoices,
love is a dynamo-
energy of the Universe
Like a pack of yowling feral cats
Fighting in a ghetto alley
We snarl and hiss and arch our backs
Baring claws at one another.

We wound our spirits and our souls
In endless rounds of recrimination
That swings like a giant pendulum
But never moves the clock hands.

There’d be catnip enough for everyone
If the fat cats didn’t hoard it.
There’d be beds for all of us to sleep in
If the slumlords didn’t lock them up.

Maybe we need to band together,
The Tabbies and the Calicos,
The Tomcats and the *******
And see if we can find a way
To build a world we all can live in.
Begging the wind to stop blowing is useless too.
The one umbrella I give her
and get drenched in the rain.

My eyes are not dry
as rain bathes my eyelashes
makes me cry in joy.

I'm happy she's not wet
as it pours on pitter patter
pitter patter.

In the rain I find the might of love
and in the music of the pour
I hear my heart burning
in the light of sound.
With her in the rain, morning Aug 2 2024 on way to school.
Indebted to Nat Lipstadt for his inspiration against my comments on his poem "What is a soundless Sound".
when the bars close down
I walk through a silent town...

an open window
a song is playing...

and you whisper in my ear
telling me everything
I long to hear

you chase me with your Cheshire cat smile
know all my failings

you come to me in sleep
and in sleep I hold you in my arms

such sweet lies
this crazy blue night
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