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56 · Jun 2020
Everyday is a ‘Groundhog Day’
We get up in the morning
And go for a walk
It’s just another day

We do the household chores
Just as the day before
We sit relax and have a cuppa tea
It’s just another day

Then shopping and cooking
Magazine and book looking
Sitting and snoozing
It’s just another day!

Theresa Hartley-Mace
Semi retired! Write this before Covid
56 · Jan 6
Fact or fiction
Words can be powerful
And mean what they say
But words that are used
Can only be in great honesty

Thank you for the words
And what they’re bringing
Put the words together
And you’ll hear someone singing

But words from fiction
Can only just be
Not really meant
To you and to me

Thank you for the words
And what they’re bringing
Put the words together
And you’ll hear someone singing
56 · Jul 2020
White shiny teeth
Bright sparkly green eyes
Black velvet coat
Curled up claws
Pointy black ears
He has no fears

Sneaks out at night
Seeking his prey
Crosses the rooves
Both night and day
Hides around corners
Ready to pounce

His long white whiskers
Make him look a samurai
So we called him Sam
The cat on the cam!
He's not our cat! He broke in when we moved in and has been with us ever since but disappears every now and then! So we are sure he's got another home!
We feed him well and i think everyone else in the neighbourhood does too!
Hes a beautiful cat so affectionate and cuddly!
56 · Jan 26
There’s no need for fighting and killing
And all this blood spilling
With an advanced world
Of technical advances and natures
There’s compromise
There’s consideration
There’s respect
There’s love
There’s peace
Or the world will just decease!
56 · Jan 11
Minus 5
Early walk this morning
Before the sun was rising
The sky is black
And Full of stars
Minus five here
Freezing I fear
It’s quiet
And there’s not a soul about
Twinkling, sparkling frost on the pavement
Cold so cold
The frost is biting
Frozen fingers frozen toes
Even a red, frozen nose
It’s quiet so quiet
It’s still, there’s nothing moving
Everything is frozen
The frost is thick and spikey
Well It is winter
But extreme
A cold cold spell
It calls for Hibernation
and just enjoy the scene !
56 · Aug 2020
I pray
I pray
That everyday
Will be a good one

I pray
That there is hope
For everyone

I pray
That love is there
For every soul

I pray
That everyone
Has a good day

Every day!
56 · Sep 2020
That's me
Power and passion
Peace and perfection is
Pleasure to me

Love and laughter
Daring and being dafter
Makes me happy

Fun and flirtation
Exquisitely with elation
Is just at my station!

That's me?
55 · Oct 2020
It’s a sin!
Give me the peace within
I ate a whole box of chocolates
And that is a sin
In a sweat
So I’ll walk twice as far in the morning
Briskly whilst I’m yawning
Orange matchsticks
Milk chocolate and crunchy pieces of orange
They were delicious!
55 · Aug 2020
RD to P
It started with an RD
Reveal device
Then it went to a P
But it keeps you alive
My dear
To lose you
Is my only fear
I need you another year
More I do implore
So keep that heart beating
And stay with me for sure!
55 · Jan 18
Down in the dumps
Going over the bumps
Makes me want to eat
Because I’m so beat
The bread sticks come out
No doubt
Greek Yoghurt and hot salsa
Delicious delightful and deliriously nice
I chomp and I chomp and I munch
A hand full, a bunch
Of lovely breadsticks
I crunch
Makes me feel so good !
55 · Jan 30
Beautiful past
I ramble down to the beach
On a summers day
Body board under my arm
Wet suit on
I’m off and away
For yet another lovely day
Work rest and play play play
Riding the wave
Better than chocolate I crave
Sumptuous sea and soft grain sands
Sun shining down with no demands
Life in my forties Was a peach
And now in my sixties I just can’t reach
The memories are precious though
And I appreciate it all you know
But wish I was there right now
Enjoying and living the life
Without a trace of strife!
55 · Dec 2020
It’s in my neck
Oh what the heck
It’s a pain
A lump grown bigger
Then go and figure
Can’t see it
Can’t free it
Covid puts a stop
To any kind of op!
Covid seems to be responsible for longer hospital waiting times consultations, scans and check ups! It doesn’t care!
54 · Jul 2020
On a Rock
I wrote his name up on a rock
and in came the sea and washed it away
I went right back, next day and then I took stock
I  wrote it again anyway, then came in the tide
So I had to run and hide,
Because the sea started chasing me for writing on a rock!
54 · Nov 2020
Your sanity
No one knows what another is


In their duress
They tell you

But sometimes what they are

They can’t describe
Or they have to hide

So out comes
The happy face

You hide your pain
But there’s nothing to gain
It becomes profane
As you go insane

So tell me now
What you are

So I can help
So I can be there
So we can share
The burden of what you’re  
My husband is struggling with his mental health and physical health bless his soul! But mental illness is so so common! The best medicine is to talk to someone! Don’t be alone!
54 · Jul 2020
My Apple trees
From a tiny seed
Came a plant indeed
An apple tree
maybe two
Each day they grew
It started with the pip
Popped up
And popped off
The stalks grew
The leaves popped out
The little plants
Began to sprout
Apple trees are on their way
To grow and mature every day
Until they’re mature
To produce their fruit
And give me more and more
My apple trees I do adore!
54 · Jan 5
Some lives are lucky
Some lives are yucky

Some things are great
Some things we hate

Some times are good
Some times are mud

Some ways are easy
Some ways are measly

Some days are Happy
Some days are ******

Some positive
Some negative
Take the rough
With the smooth
There’s nothing to prove!
54 · Jun 2020
To Adrian
To Adrian
By Theresa Hartley-Mace

I Made a wish just for me
I can dream can’t I ?
I wished I could be what I want to be,
And not to be afraid to live my life you see,
I need to fulfil my fantasies
I have learnt of ways to help me,
You gave me confidence, you are my rock, my paradise, my love, you’re so nice,
you’re everything to me!
When I met you as I fell in through the door,
You took me under your wing.
And then I wanted more,
You are the Sunshine through my window, indeed you truly are,
For you I really care
You’re my shining star
You are always there
You Make me feel so good
You put me on top of the world
Helping me to grow
You inspired me to achieve and do what I believe
You are my magic, you are my life, and you take away all the strife!
I look at the world as an optimist
but as you are a pessimist and this works well together,
You keep me grounded,
So I’m not spinning in the air,
You make me appreciate everything I’ve done!
We'll always be as one!
You are my Sunshine
My super shining star
You keep me calm
You keep me real
You keep me going
No matter how I feel!
With you I'm on top of the world!
You give me hope
To help me cope
My love for you will always be
Until eternity!
My everything, heart soul and body guard my backbone my confidence my world my life !
54 · Dec 2020
Don’t you go!
Don’t you go
I love your white flakes
Because it makes
A beautiful scene
So serene
54 · Jun 2020
Life's too short and precious,
Do we really try to enjoy
the beauty of life were given?
Like a walk outside when its cold as ice
the sun is shining its so very nice,
You feel so invigorated and so alive
it helps us to carry on and survive,
Like looking up at the stars
on a dark clear night and the beauty
and peacefulness is a sheer delight,
Like enjoying the silence
when all is still
its better than taking any pill,
Like appreciating the wonders of the world
giving us so much pleasure and peace,
Makes the love in our hearts simply just increase!
54 · Jun 2020
Be Happy


Happiness is a state of mind
To yourself please be kind
Give yourself permission to be
Feeling good and being Happy !

Happiness is feeling good
It’s your right and so you should
Like seeing the sun shine
And Drinking a glass of wine!

Doing your favorite thing
Having a laugh and sing
Dancing to happy sounds
Playing with your favorite hounds!
Be happy, laugh, smile, enjoy life. Love Theresa x
54 · Jun 2020
Shadows on the wall
Orbs floating freely
Ghosts not ghouls
Touched me just nearly

Who are they?
What do they want?

Feeling their presence
I know that they’re there
If only I could help them
I do really care

Is it my family?
Is it a friend?

If only I could hear them
And they hear me
We could talk together
And help them be free!
54 · Dec 2024
It’s Christmas
Christmas is coming ever so fast
The problem here it never does last
it’s a time to be together for family
And friends
Time to tie up all those loose ends
Those who are alone
We should give them a home
Then help them on their way
To a brighter better day
Christmas is a time of great happiness and cheer
So let’s all just make it especially this year!
Happy Christmas everyone with lots and lots of love and hugs and kisses from me ❤️
53 · Aug 2020
Early morning
An early morning walk with Moose
Its fresh,  its so nice
Calm and cool and quiet
An ultimate delight
Except for the birds in the trees
The butterflies and the bees
The birds tweeting excitedly
And then a gaggle of geese fly over me
What a joy to see
The pigeons are hooting
In the distance I hear pop shooting
Nobody about, not a living soul,
Just Moose and me
Its just sheer glee!
53 · Jul 2020
Your Eyes
Your eyes
They’re beautiful
No lies
They are the windows of your soul
You’re wise
And with a beautiful heart
No denies
Your love is incredible
It fills the skies
Your eyes
They’re beautiful!
53 · Oct 2020
What’s going on?
What’s going on?
You’re so sad
Like it’s the end of the world
But to you that’s not bad
You weep like the willow
And you say
you’re in the darkest place
Where there’s only night
There’s no day
No one knows what the other does think!
Unless they explain or put it in ink!
The sadness is overwhelming
Like a river of mud
And a dark grey sky
It’s not good, and I don’t know why
I’d help if I could
Just please let me try?
Living with someone who suffers from manic depression is hard especially when they won’t share or let you in! But too it must be so terrible for anyone suffering a depressive illness ! Bless!
53 · Dec 2020
Satiation is an eloquent sufficiency amount of food!
So satiation must be good!
It’s good to be satisfied!
53 · Oct 2020
Exciting Nature !
It’s the Excitement of nature
When a salmon jumps in the river
When a squirrel climbs a tree
When a gaggle of geese
Fly over me!

And when the stars at night twinkle and shine
As the bats fly by after nine
The night is dark but all is fine
Nature is just so divine!
53 · Jun 2020
To You
To you
I say these words of beauty
Because it is my duty
To you the sun shines through
You make me feel I’m new
Your presence is endearing
You make me feel like cheering
You make me feel so good
You say i really should
You say it isn’t hard
Your love I do regard
I say these words of beauty
Because it is my duty
To you!
53 · Sep 2020
You’re amazing!
You are amazing
You make the sun shine
Warming my heart
You make me feel
So good, so real!

And when the stars are out at night
You make them twinkle shining bright

You are a breathe of fresh air
You have a good heart
And really care!
You are such a good soul
And you’re very loyal!
53 · Oct 2020
Not right!
I feel that uneasiness
The plethora isn’t right
Like when something is going to happen
Sometime in the night

There are people close to me
Who are not very well
That feeling I have and I can see
Somethings a foot I can tell

There’s a deep dark sadness
Deep within my heart
Something not right I guess
Well I’ll play the part

I’ll wonder and wait
Then I’ll see my fait!
53 · Jan 7
Good Grief
Good grief
The sky
Oh my oh my
Is so grey today
Looks like it’s going to burst
And shoot golf ball hail stones
at our bones
Or least of all sleet
Or snow …. More neat
But there’s a glimmer of hope
As it sails on by
And now the sky is blue
But the wind
Cuts like a knife
Freezing cold
Minus 3 I’m told!
53 · Jan 26
Wind and rain
The bamboo tree is waving at me
The wind is getting worse
It’s swinging side to side
As if it has a curse
And then it stops quite still
The rain comes down at will
And now he’s getting wet
The wind comes back with force
He swings around of course
His branches shudder and shake
I hope that wind will break
53 · Oct 2024
The Passing
I arrived just in time
He was on his way
In his wife’s arms
I wrapped my arms around them both
She was in a panic not knowing
I told her he was going
and was on his way
He finally passed away
it was such a sad day
Happy I could be there
To give my love and care
I used to be a cancer care nurse and this situation was quite common, very emotional, ! A lot of sadness! Bless!
53 · Jun 2020

No mystery
The answer
It’s a phenomenon!
53 · Aug 2020
I am a morning person!
I am a morning person
But there’s a morning person and a morning person
I’m the one who comes later
Five o’clock in the morning is a bit stiff!
Do you get my jiff?
Well I am at that time
Stiff as a board
It takes an hour to loosen up
With a strong hot coffee cup
And a cake,
A cake will help me wake,
A muffin to you
But that will do!
So once I have woken
Raring to go
Take the dog out for her walk
She loves it you know!
And when We get back
My whip I do crack!
Not really!
Dog now asleep!
The little creep!
I clean the kitchen
Do the bins
Put the washing in
For all my sins
Clean the floor
Wash the door
Fill up the dish washer,
And what’s more?
Oh what would I do without you!!!!!
Well that’s my morning !
As I said I’m a morning person
So now I’m back to bed!!!!!!
The rest of the day
Has gone astray!
Husband in bed!
52 · Oct 2020
Little lights
From pink to purple to blue
To green to red
The little lights are a delight
Flashing on and off
Just those little lights
Brighten up our dark dark nights!
52 · Sep 2024
The Past
The past may be gone
But it’s still here
In our memories
Memories so dear
They are good
They are fun
They make us laugh
They make us cheer
And everything we’ve been through
Especially good
The memories are here
As we shed a tear
Of laughter
We had fun
In the sun
And when the day was done
We had more fun
It’s not the past
It’s the memories that last!
52 · Aug 2020
Brain pain
You try your best to explain
How you feel within
I feel your pain
I understand how you’ve been
But I can’t imagine yet again
What you mean
By living in the past reliving the pain
I wish you’d put it behind, left unseen
And going forward will reign
Like a queen
Before you go insane
It’s obscene
What you’re doing to your brain!
52 · Dec 2020
How lucky am I
How lucky am I
As I looked to the sky
Twas five in the morning
Without any warning
I saw a meteorite shower
And again within the hour!

I thought at first
It was a shooting star
My excitement burst
When I realised what they really are

No matter what
What a beautiful sight
How lucky am I
It was a sheer delight!
52 · Aug 2020
So tired
Why do I get so tired?
It’s not that my brain isn’t wired !
It’s working well so I can tell!
It’s the body, it cant understand I’m not twenty one any more!
I always say at thirty you’re in your prime,
Enjoy your life and you’ll be fine!
Forty they say life begins, I remember for my sins, fast car, surfing the waves, having fun enjoying my days!
At Fifty the aches and pains set in, slowing down and enjoying a gin!
Now I’m in my sixties oh dear, my worst fear, now comes the ails and pales, aches and pains, breaks and bruises, blisters from my shoesies, stiffness and fatigue!
Looking forward to back to back cruises,
I’m not going in a care-home, oh no!
I don’t think I’ll make the eighties though!
Looking forward to retire, slowing down,
and doing just what I want to do or not do!
Ageing  is a reality! But gotta keep going!
52 · Dec 2020
Powerful words!
Powerful words
How powerful spoken words alone can be ?
Not to mention written words!
Given the intonation of the words that’s said!
And even How the words
Are phrased, portrayed and paraphrased!
And what their meaning is,
They can be immensely beautiful ,
But they can be very, very sad
And hurtful, even bad!

So think before you say something !
And try to say something nice
Each and every day!
To keep the woes at bay!
And make someone a happy day!!!!!
52 · Feb 13
We are all run by electricity
And electricity never dies
The neurones fire away
And we see another day
So when we die
Our electricity lives on
Could it be we fly
To that place up in the sky?
52 · Dec 2020
Powerful words
Powerful words
How powerful spoken words alone can be ?
Not to mention written words!
Given the intonation of the words that’s said!
And even How the words
Are phrased, portrayed and paraphrased!
And what their meaning is,
They can be immensely beautiful ,
But they can be very, very sad
And hurtful, even bad!

So think before you say something !
And try to say something nice
Each and every day!
To keep the woes at bay!
And make someone a happy day!!!!!
52 · Jan 8
We are all only human
We all have feelings
I know I’m not the only one
We are only human
51 · Jun 2020
Listen to the birds
Listen to the birds
Tonight They’re exchanging lots of words,
With their beautiful bird song
As the sun slowly goes down and the night is not long
And as the air quickly cools
And the sky gently drools
After a lovely sunny day
And as the night comes near
The bats will appear
Flying tree to tree
Across and in front of me
Then the owl starts to hoot
And it’s baby owlet so cute
starts crying
It needs a feed before it leaves the nest and start flying
Hearing the birds
I have no other words
Other than how beautiful it sure is to listen and hear at this time of year.
51 · Jun 2020
Aye yes me
aye yes me

Went for a walk with Moose in the rain
Anyone would think we’re going in sane
Now we’re home we can dry off
Doesn’t help with my cough
My back does ache
I need some cake
Back to bed warm and cosy
With a nice hot chocolate
Under the duvet all snug
as a bug
Yes I aye me
Done for the day
I’d say!!!!!!
It’s an horrible wet day!
February!!!!! Until I broke my leg I used to walk my laphapoo ! She’s gorgeous! Well she walked me!!!! Didn’t matter what the weather! Hopefully soon we can do it again ! 9 weeks today!!!! Airboot off next week!!!!!
51 · Jun 2020
Words can hurt
Words can hurt!
Words are powerful things
They can cut you up
And chop you down
And stab you deep inside
And no matter what you do
You want to run and hide!
Someone who used to be a friend rang my husband up after he’d sent what we thought was a lovely birthday pressy to say how much she hated it! That’s not what friends do!!!!!
51 · Jul 2020
Tick tock time
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Is ticking
each and every day!

How long have we got?
How long can we stay?
Will we have another day?
Will we live?
Will we die?

We are all dying everyday!
Make the most of life
I only pray!
Tomorrow will be
Another day!

Here today,
Gone tomorrow!

Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Is ticking
Each and every day!
We are all aware of our mortality, life's too short to waste it ! I try to enjoy my life every day! Life's just too short! Enjoy!
51 · Jan 3
In the natural world
The bees are buzzing
Honey have you heard
The grass is greener
On the other side

The birds visit
For their seed and fatfood
And there’s a squirrel
Who likes his coconut halves

The sky is red at night
This is shepherd’s delight
It’s peaceful and quiet
In the natural world!
51 · Oct 2020
That’s me
I’ve been told
I’m Just like
A nutty professor
I have brains
But no sense
I’m disorganised
All mixed up
Like a stew
I have the meat
I have the potatoes
I have the carrots
But where’s the barley?

I’m fun
A nutty nanny
So I’ve been told
I’m the one
Where the E numbers come from
And the colouring books
The bath time ducks
The paint
And the bubbles
For fun
At bath time!
And giggles!

I’m the one
Who walks the dog
Walks me
She decides
Where we go
When we go
How far
How long
When we go home!

I know
That’s me
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