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It was amazing the news of good things to come
Our journey there was exciting but pleasantly anxious at the same time
Not knowing what to expect
Unbelievable and unbeknown for our future
It seemed to take ages to get there
But when we arrived
It was amazing
For what we could see
There just in front of me
Was the best thing that has ever happened to us
We opened the door
The lights came on
And our wonderful life had just begun!

It was so quiet
Smelling of roses
Warm and welcoming
I had come home
To the land where I should live!
I’d like to skinny dip in a warm open sea
I’d do that  just for me
I’d like to sit in the snow
In a hot tub you know
I’d like to hug all the trees
In the sun lit forest oh please
I’d like to go where the sun shines
And soak it up with a glass of Sauternes wine
That would be divine
I’d like to go cold water swimming
I think it might be slimming
I’d like to dare and do something brave
I’d like to dance on the dance floor
Like never before
I’d just like to!
The clock is ticking
Soon the Omaze draw
Some lucky person
Will get the key to the door
It’s the one that we want
And we want it just more

Let’s hope we’re lucky
I beg, I implore
To win the brilliant
Omaze draw!
Because I want it more!
To write is a privilege
A wonderful thing
When others can read
The words just proceed
To a story old and new
About just anything you do
Anything you see
A Descriptive delightful
Keep on writing
just write!

This morning I woke up early , I’m on it,
With a bee in my bonnet
Working through my washing pile
As it diminishes I have to smile
Dishes next, empty the dish washer
And put them away so much posher
The tumble dryer is wild by now
The clothes are even drying wow
I’ve cleaned the pots and pans
The sandwich maker, the air fryer and fans
The kitchen floor
And what’s more
It’s all clean
It won’t stay like that
It’s all there in my dreams!
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