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I need sleep
We all need sleep
Sleep is wonderful
Dreaming is better
Look at the story
The narrative of life
We sleep and dream
Of things unseen
All mixed up
With a bit of this a bit of that and the a bit of the other
Sleep is a need
And we all need sleep!
I haven’t done much poetry lately
Too much going on
A sick husband and a very poorly friend
I need to care for whilst they are there for
Because life is fickle life is frail
We’re not immortal we can fail
Nothing lasts forever
It’s like a feather
It floats, it’s fragile,
But for a while
We can live
And we can smile!
Make the most
And run that mile!
I see the moon glistening through the trees
What a beautiful sight
And it’s still actually night
It’s five in the morning
Before the day starts dawning
Everyone and everything is sleeping
It’s quiet, it’s dark, and today it’s wet
Well that’s the scene that I have set
I need more sleep
Or I’ll be in a heap
So back to bed to rest my weary head!
What a beautiful moon it was glistening and sparkling through the trees
The past may be gone
But it’s still here
In our memories
Memories so dear
They are good
They are fun
They make us laugh
They make us cheer
And everything we’ve been through
Especially good
The memories are here
As we shed a tear
Of laughter
We had fun
In the sun
And when the day was done
We had more fun
It’s not the past
It’s the memories that last!
I’ve known and loved you for so many years
We’ve had lots of laughter and some tears
We had so much fun Since our friend ship began
I’ll always love you and be there when I can !
Pick me up
Make me smile
Laugh with me
For a while
Make me happy
Don’t be sad
Think of all the good times we have had!
Life’s not easy
Or Bright and breezy
Cuddly and squeezey
Life’s more sneezy
Hard to pleasey
Often teazey
Constantly wheezey

Life’s quite hard
Often barred
Shown the red card
On your guard
Easily jarred
Some are tarred
Or up the yard!
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