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383 · May 2020
Fallen ROSE May 2020
I miss you.
Although I lost you before I met you
I miss you
So much that I lay awake at night wishing you could hold me tight
I miss you
So much that I cry and don't even know why
I miss you
Sometimes hating the fact that God took you away without us having a chance to play

 I miss you
Although I have never met you
I just miss you and I don't know why.
Identical usually feel as if something is missing without the other.
144 · May 2020
Just because
Fallen ROSE May 2020
Just because you know my name
Doesn't mean you know what I've been through
Just because you know the colour of my eyes
Doesn't mean you know how many tears they have cried
Just because you have seen the clothing I wear
Doesn't mean u know what type of person I am
Just because you heard stories about me
Doesn't mean they are true

So therefore don't judge me. .. just because ...
Don't judge someone else based on appearance.

— The End —