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JD May 2020
F-you…with that smile
Those lips those eyes

The passion you offered
The desires you stirred in me

You walked into my life
You walked thru my life

You devoured me
You destroyed my morals

You left me longing for more
Then you  walked away

***** you, ***** your smile
I will rebuild my morals

I will rebuild my heart and soul
And you will be the loser!
JD May 2020
The black skies
Bring out the dark moods
Then you smile
And my life is full of sunshine.
JD May 2020
Your beautiful face
Suddenly appeared in the crowd
And within in millisecond
My sad face blossomed
JD May 2020
As another salty tear falls from my eye
The memory of you so clear

So many moons has passed since I’ve seen you
Yet I never dreamt you would leave this world

You touched my heart with your kindness
You touched my soul with your courage

And now on this day, your bornday
My eyes cannot stop weeping.
In memory of my late friend/employer and someone that made the world a better place
JD May 2020
I feel I have no life
I guess I  have no passion
My dark secrets hidden

Spending my time drinking
Spending my time dreaming
My secret dreams about you

And sometimes, just sometimes
You come along with a smile
A secret smile only I can see

Then I spent my time dreaming
Dreaming  the things, that will never happen
The secret love we share.
Sometimes the best moments in life are the ones we cannot share with anyone.
JD May 2020
I realise, that I longed to be touched, to be kissed.  
I longed to be adored, to be the only one.  
I long for passion, to be pushed up against a wall and kissed till I can breathe no more.
I long for passion, for hours of *******.
I long to be touched and loved but mostly,
I just want to be adored.
JD Apr 2020
Where am I?
What happened
My head hurts

I’m awake and I can see
The explanation is clear
Empty bottles on the floor
My head hurts.
Sometimes the headache is worth it, but mostly not!
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