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122 · Jul 2022
Fringe Of Lunatics
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Fringe Of Lunatics

    It’s a typical fall day with an
Overcast sky and a crisp breeze
There’s a sprinkle of rain falling
As well as leaves from the trees

I’m ready for some football
But my Saturdays are camouflaged
There’s now political agendas and
My entertainment has been sabotaged

The outside world has penetrated
With the noise of great measures
It’s robbed me of a way of life
And it’s ruined one of my few pleasures

A United strength and togetherness
Is hanging on a weakened hinge
Of all the many ways we were to fall
I’d never imagine at the hands of the fringe

Fighting among ourselves, it’s obvious
This is the Devil and his bag of tricks
Who would have thought it would end
By the deceived Fringe Of Lunatics

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/10/2022
All rights reserved
121 · Aug 2023
Good Ole DR HOOK
Chuck Kean Aug 2023
Good Ole  DR HOOK

      It’s no secret, I love Rock & Roll
I listen to QFM Ninety Six
They play Iconic Rock and so I
Hear Bands like AC/DC and Styx

I love hearing Boston and Tom Petty
And many such artists as this
The list is almost endless and it really
Makes me smile when I hear KISS

Alice Cooper and Def Leopard
Also fit in with all the rest
And let’s not forget Rush and Led
Zeppelin whom also pass the test

But I’ve mentioned before that music
Is my Mistress and she soothes my soul
And that means I listen to it all
Not just my favorite Rock & Roll

Sometimes I need Jim Croce and Bread
I’ve got Jesus and I’ve got the Good Book
And I can always rely on England Dan and
John Ford Coley and Good Ole DR HOOK

Written By:Charles Kean
120 · Mar 2023
In Your Darkest Hour
Chuck Kean Mar 2023
In Your Darkest Hour

   In Your Darkest Hour
When the Demons Come
There is no surrender
You must never succumb

In your Darkest Hour
You must stand tall and fight
You must always remember to
Stay focused on the light

In your Darkest Hour
Loudly sing your fight song
Never show signs of weakness
Keep yourself firm and strong

In your Darkest Hour
Remember Jesus and in him confide
His promise to you is that
He’ll always be by your side

He says call on me brother
And together your Demons we will devour
I will always be with you
In Your Darkest Hour

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 03/20/2023
All rights reserved
119 · Jan 2021
Crystal Ball
Chuck Kean Jan 2021
Crystal Ball

    I found a crystal ball
In an old run down shack
It was beneath layers of dust and rubble
In a room way in the back

The shack was in the woods where I was
Hunting and I know this will sound insane
But I felt as if I was being drawn there
As if it was calling my name

It has great powers, it seems more than a
Mer mortal can comprehend
Do I dare try to connect and do I dare
Begin the process to transcend

For even now as I have it in my hands
Visions of our future it’s starting to reveal
I feel myself beginning to slip into a trance
Between what is  fantasy and what is real

I see a bad Moon rising in a dark,
Dark Apocalyptic Sky
I see millions of people in fear
I hear them all as they cry

I see the Earth from above it and
I see the end of mankind
I see it’s complete destruction
With Nothing left behind

I also see what seems to be a new
Beginning complete with the Neanderthal
And somehow this brings me peace
As I stand here with my Crystal Ball

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/06/2021
All rights reserved
117 · Jul 2022
Clash Of The Covenants
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Clash Of The Covenants

   I’ve never beat around the bush
There’s nothing I’ve tried to hide
I’ve always been honest even if I
Take a risk our opinions may collide

When it comes to my love of Jesus
I’ve always let it be known
In my heart I know he’s with me
And I’ll never be alone

You might think I’m a Christian
But that’s technically wrong
I’m a man of righteousness
And in reality it’s a new song

Here’s the reason why, I sing
With my excited breath
I’ve been freed from the *******
Of the ministry of death

The ministry of death is the teaching
Of the old covenant of Mosaic law
This teaching is now obsolete and it
Might as well be the Devils Claw

Jesus died and his blood washed our sin
We’re free from trying to be prefect servants
Replacing the old with the new,celebrate the victory Jesus won in Clash Of The Covenants

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/01/2022
All rights reserved
I Re Wrote This and I deleted the other one

Thank you!!!
I’m reading a book with the same title.
What I love about it is the Author explains it clearly and breaks it all down. He’s not saying that we are free to do as we please and everyone goes to Heaven.
No he’s not saying that we can break the laws. What he is saying is that the laws had an original purpose but with them also came the introduction of the sins that we were not to commit. Thou shall not covet being the last one and most important. If thou covets he/she is in temptation to lie steal and **** and if he or she covets the affection of someone other than their own spouse He/ She May also commit Adultery. Coveting leads to all of the other sins. He also states that if you have one law you must abide by all of the laws. Break one and you’ve broken all of them. You cannot pick and choose which laws you wish to obey and which ones you choose to break. The laws were to be obeyed holding the standard of perfection and no human is perfect. The temptation was to much and mankind buckled under the pressure. God saw this to be a huge problem the harder we tried to be perfect the more we became sinful. Adam and Eve had one law. Thou shall not eat of the tree with the forbidden fruit. One temptation from the serpent and the law was broken.
Think of a child being told they cannot have any cookies from the cookie jar and you turn your back for a minute and they get into the jar eat the cookie and you catch them with the evidence upon their face. So God sends his Son Jesus to be sacrificed upon the Cross to take all sin from everyone and I mean everyone if only they believe in him and believe he is the Messiah and except the gift of Grace and salvation.
This frees us from the ******* of the laws and the pressure of perfection and the temptation of breaking the laws.
In turn a righteous person does good naturally with their faith in Jesus he/she doesn’t have any desire to covet lie or steal or ****. It’s complete freedom from any sinful thought and of any pain and it is pure love and it gives us more willingness to love as well. Love thy neighbor as you love yourself, there’s no hate in the soul of someone who has faith in Jesus. It’s really amazing when the light bulb comes on and you can see the light and you can become the light. I’ve never felt so free.
The old covenant of the laws of Moses
(The Commandments)
Were made obsolete and basically useless debris with the new covenant made with the crucifixion of Jesus. Those who believe in me shall have eternal life in Heaven.
Everything I just explained I tried to put in my short poem. Jesus crucifixion was the victory of the Clash of the covenants the new destroying the old. It’s really Beautiful!!! God Bless!!!
117 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

   Lately I've come to a new
Kind of an understanding
I've noticed my universe
Is progressively expanding

Lately there's a change in
What my eyes are seeing
And there's a feeling my
Soul has been receiving

Lately life seems to be Something
that's worth living
I've got a heart that has
Love that's worth giving

Lately there's a voice my ears
Have been tuned to hear
And suddenly it seems
To be all to clear

Lately I've seen a new light
Shining brighter every day
And my darkness feels
A million miles away

Lately there's a message
Powerful but sedately
And the man that I am
Has changed as of lately

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/28/17
All rights reserved
117 · Oct 2023
Under The Knife
Chuck Kean Oct 2023
Under The Knife

      Well I’m sensitive to the Anesthesia
Four times I’ve been there before
It stops my heart and I basically die
Life four Death zero if you’re keeping score

I’ve survived and beaten the odds
But I know it wasn’t without subvention
I didn’t come to victory on my own
I like to think it was Devine intervention

But I am only human and it is only natural
To worry about things we can’t control
Though I know that if I don’t survive
The Lord will take my soul

His will is his will but I wish to live longer
So I have hesitation going for number five
I feel like I’m pushing my luck every time
I die and fight to stay alive

So I have a favor to ask if it’s not too much
Trouble, I need your prayers in rife
It would give me comfort as once again
I’m about to go Under The Knife

Written By:Charles Kean
116 · Feb 26
The Broken
Chuck Kean Feb 26
The Broken

        She fell in love and she fell
At lightning speed
He gave,  he took and he was gone
The damage done, a heart left to bleed

Their parents divorced
When they were in an early age
Two shattered children
Life goes on turn the page

His father abused him, mentally, physically
For years there was nothing he could feel
He was left with so many scars
He thought would never heal

Bullied by others because she was different
She felt unloved and outcast
She lived in a cloud of darkness
Never escaping her past

There’s a still small voice
Like a whisper his words are spoken
I am that I am and I am the only way
I hear the prayers and heal The Broken

Written By:Charles Kean
116 · Jun 2023
The Love Snakes
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
The Love Snakes

       Be careful of loves bite, for
Loves venom will flow through your veins
The poison will quickly leave you to
Succumb while love slowly reigns

Beware the love Cobra
Their venom is lies
Their target area is straight
Into your trusting eyes

Don’t forget about the love Boa
His love is control and constricting
He’ll squeeze you so tightly
You’ll find his love slowly suffocating

Love rattler he’s a bad boy with a
Clear warning to stay away
His fangs are long his movements swift
It’s not a game I suggest you play

To feed your appetite for love
Please know all of the stakes
The love King is tamable and good
With kids and the best of The Love Snakes

Written By:Charles Kean
115 · Jan 2022
Time Traveler
Chuck Kean Jan 2022
Time Traveler

    A crazy thought just passed through
My brain and I’ve blown my own mind
Now the following words are just for
Thought and they are unrefined

For I have yet to process anything
Because there’s so much that I don’t know
But with each word typed the seconds
Slip away and none can we stow

Understand that my brain thinks randomly
I try never to do things deceptively
I’m a man of honor and pride myself
On my honesty and my integrity

So as I share this information please
Don’t put me off as being crazy
I don’t take any drugs that would
Leave me feeling light and hazy

So here goes nothing, I travel time
And my theory is we all do
For there is no true present
I know what you’re thinking koo coo

Maybe you could be right
Because I can’t present it technically
And nothing I say can change anything
But our decisions can change our destiny

So as the past slips away with each breath
We inhale of the air in our atmosphere
We experience no real present because each
Exhale is in the future like a time traveler

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/20/2022
All rights reserved
115 · Apr 2022
Time Has Come Again
Chuck Kean Apr 2022
Time Has Come Again

    It was many years ago
In a forgotten time and place
But now there’s an echo of what was
And it’s something we must face

Frightening as it may be
What is written shall be done
The world has chosen its path
The web has been spun

The ancient words were written
The story has been told
The sacrifice was made but still
Our love is for gold

So here we are today
Our lesson we’ve yet to learn
We’ve dismissed it as a fairytale
All the while Hell’s fire continues to burn

God is speaking loudly and still ignored
He will reclaim his domain
He said he will return and soon we’ll
Know time has come again

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 04/17/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Apr 7
The Invisibility Of Poverty

        The world never really sleeps
Life is lived in some type of capacity
We were meant for love and compassion
But that concept is beyond our mentality

Obviously we’ve been separated
There’s good guys and the bad guys
There’s the political left and right
And there’s no rule that applies

Once there was a dominant lower
And middle And upper class
But the middle is disappearing
Bitten by the snakes in the grass

And every day we just pass each other
By as we do what we need to survive
As everything is designed to cater
To the rich so that they can thrive

And every day greed takes more
Control without care of the inequality
And the world turns and the people live
With The Invisibility Of Poverty

Written By:Charles Kean
113 · Aug 2021
Destination Hawaii
Chuck Kean Aug 2021
Destination Hawaii

    I work hard and I work long hours
It’s always a forty plus hour week
So there’s really a no brainer
It’s always a good time that I seek

Vacations come usually only one time
In the span of a year
And because of Covid last summer
We just stayed right here

Here being home and not one
Place did we dare to go
So the Virus seems to be under control
But does anyone really know

The restrictions were relaxed
And we decided to book a trip
And even though the numbers are rising
Tomorrow we arrive on the air strip

A lot has happened and unfortunately
We lost two loved ones so dear
And with everything else it’s just
Been one Hell of a year

So I’m sorry but I’m going to put it all
Behind a make this stern decree
I’m going to have me some fun
And I’m headed for destination Hawaii

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/13/2021
All rights reserved
112 · Jun 2022
A Letter To Death
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
A Letter To Death
     I read a letter to death today
Written by someone who’s dying
And after reading it, uncontrollably
I just began crying

It shook me to the core
It was typed perfectly neat
Very few words, the author
Kept it very short and sweet

Unlike my poetry
This letter didn’t rhyme
But forever now
This letter will be etched in time

As I write this down, I realize
It will also be forever etched in my head
No I don’t think that I will
Ever forget get the words that I read

They were as follows—Dear Death
I’ve met life and he wants me to fight
But I’m so weak, can we meet
That was it, tied in a bow nice and tight

I wish I had never read it and now forever I’ll
Think of this person and their last breath
As the words that were written echo
From A letter To Death

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/03/2022
All rights reserved
112 · Jul 2022
Pond And Willow Tree
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Pond And Willow Tree

  I’ve traveled a bit and I’ve seen more
Than I thought I would ever see
I’m happy with my life and I don’t
Ponder my final destiny

I know there’s hearts that dream
And they never seem to be satisfied
Always wanting to explore the unknown
And seeking information that’s classified

But I have an old soul, front porch
And a lemonade or a sweet tea
Away from the city and the chaos
That’s the life for me

So if there’s ever a time that I disappear
If you hear that I’ve gone missing
And they’ve checked everywhere
Knowing I’m not with my baby kissing

You might want to search out in the country
And find I’ve trespassed a farmer’s property
You’ll have to look no further than
The Pond And Willow Tree

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/28/2022
All rights reserved
112 · Jan 2020
Chuck Kean Jan 2020

     In a world that seems to be spinning
Undoubtedly out of control
We all search for answers and we
Pray for a peace in our soul

Is it easier to be disconnected, for if we
Care it becomes hard to take a breath
Because caring can feel so strangling
So we’ve even become immune to death

It’s as if we let ourselves have a heart
We push ourselves to all that we can take
We live life from day to day knowing
That our heart will constantly break

It’s so hard to find the balance
And it seems there’s no common ground
Though it’s becoming more difficult we
Must still find room for love to be found

In these times when life overwhelms us
And makes it easier to be in denial
Even with our technology of the internet
When everything is going viral

We tend to get bitter and draw our lines
And build walls trying not to be overthrown
I pray we still have love in our hearts
And just let Jesus be our cornerstone

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 06/21/2019
All rights reserved
112 · Jun 2023
Curse Of The Undine
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
Curse Of The Undine

    So beautiful she was a spirit of
The Water, a rarity to be seen
Some say she’s a myth
But some believe in the Undine

A water Nymph able to become a human
If she fell in love with a human male
But there’s a price to pay if he was
To cheat and cause their love to fail

According to legend the male cheater
Is forced to consciously stop breathing
He is to end his own life because of his
Betrayal and his will of deceiving

I’m not gonna speculate on the myth
Though sailors swear of their reality
I’ve got no proof or documentation
To Sway, be it legend or a fantasy

But if Ancient accounts are factual
Betraying such a creature isn’t so keen
Such an act of disloyalty one would
Succumb To The Curse Of The Undine

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 06/05/2023
All rights reserved
Undine pronounced (Uhn-Deen)
111 · Oct 2020
Changing Times
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
Changing Times

     These are changing times
The clock just keeps ticking
Yes these are changing times
Though the blood never stops dripping

These are changing times
But things remain the same
Yes these are changing times
But it’s still a politician’s game

These are changing times
The waiting for peace is unremitting
Yes these are changing times
But the lies they continue spitting

These are changing times
But they still dismiss God’s voice, forbidding
Yes these are changing times
Yet nothing seems unfitting

These are changing times
Yet we’re still caveman savage
Yes these are changing times
Yet we’re forever greed driven to ravage

These are changing times
No one can figure it out, no one can win
Yes these are changing times
Yet we’re still divided by the color of skin

These are changing times
We’re still buying what the media has to sell
Yes these are changing times
As we keep getting closer to Hell

These are changing times
I cannot explain enough with these lines
Yes these are changing times
These are changing times

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/18/2020
All rights reserved
110 · Jun 2023
Dead To Me
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
Dead To Me

       Everything that came before
Is just a vision in the rear view
Faded away like a dream or
A vision in the misty morning dew

When your hand reached out for me
It gave me a reason to live
It was your forgiveness and love
That helped me heal and forgive

But with a heart so broken
And the shadow that was cast
Like a snake shedding its skin
I was slow to shed my past

As the picture of the painting
Began to become clear
I was able to see all the Angles
That you sent to be near

And everything had to open
My eyes so that I could see
I had to become dead to myself and
The past Had to become Dead To Me

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 06/19/2023
All rights reserved
Thank You Jesus!!!
110 · Dec 2023
I Didn’t Commit Suicide
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
I Didn’t Commit Suicide

        I was here on HP and I read some
Trending words under a title of Suicide
It made me stop and Thank God the tears
Of my darkness long ago have dried

For when I was a young man
No one ever knew the tears I cried
And no one ever knew just how
Close I was to suicide

Yes there was actually three times
That literally I tried
Now it makes me sad to think
Just what if I had died

I would’ve never had a wife or daughter
To receive the love I could provide
I would have never enjoyed so much life
If death was the answer I was to decide

I’m not rolling in money but my
Heart and soul are filled with pride
I have riches that money can’t buy
I couldn’t be happier, I didn’t commit suicide

Written By:Charles Kean
109 · Jul 2020
Chuck Kean Jul 2020

     Love to some is nothing more
Than a story, that which is mythical
Some say love is real and falling
In love can be purely magical

The attraction to someone
At first glance can be purely physical
But we must look beyond this
For true love, as this can be critical

For if we fall in love with the wrong
One, than love can be parasitical
And to our hearts this type of love
Can be dangerous and even apocalyptical

I’m not a modern day Spock or Vulcan
But love would seem to not be logical
But love is real and very powerful
Finding the right love can be rhythmical

So in your search for love be aware
That love is far from predictable
And also be aware that the power
Of love is ultimately irresistible

I tell you though not to guard your heart
For safety but instead do the reciprocal
And when you find true love
Know that it’s far from whimsical

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/03/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 18
There’s No Second Chance

     There once was a man
His heart was as hard as stone
He was pure Evil with no remorse
He lived his life all alone

He didn’t believe in God and Grace
He didn’t have an ounce of righteousness
Sometimes he would hurt others
For no other reasons but spitefulness

Drugs and Alcohol and a mindset
To get all that he could possibly get
Killing and stealing with no respect
For the law in its face he would spit

He lived his life on the edge of darkness
But tears never fell from his eyes
Then one day he got a taste of his own
Medicine and he met his demise

Falling to Hell he cried out to God please
Help me but God stood strong in his stance
You ignored me in life, never changing your
Evil ways and There’s No Second Chance

Written By:Charles Kean
107 · Mar 31
Jesus Saved My Soul
Chuck Kean Mar 31
Jesus Saved My Soul

    I’ve never been known for being well dressed
I sometimes can get so depressed
I can let life leave me so stressed
But I know that I am blessed

Literally you know I’ve been to Hell
I’m not sure what it means to be an infidel
Don’t know about a higher clientele
Could never seem to get off the carousel

My hearts been stabbed by the impeller
I feel like I crawled from a cellar
A real low life bottom dweller
My past is sadder than the story of old yeller

But I can say now it’s all behind me
From the chains that use to bind me
I have clearly broken free
Through the darkness the light I can see

The Devil has lost his control
Though I know I sin and love Rock & Roll
And I look like an ugly troll
It’s all good because Jesus saved my soul

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 03/30/2019
All rights reserved
107 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

         Love is so hard to find
Love is so easy to lose
Love can be so blind
Love can bring the blues

We take the risk and we leap
We give ourselves as we fall
We are cautious and secrets we keep
We can’t reveal it all

Time has left us weary
Time saddens the soul
Time has left us leery
Time has a way to take its toll

Love is what we all desire
Love can steal our heart
Love can light our fire
Love can tear us apart

We know what it is to be broken and lost
Yet our mind fails to be agile
It is reckless with the ultimate cost
For the heart can be so fragile

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/07/2020
All rights reserved
107 · Feb 2020
Pink Or Blue
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Pink Or Blue

     I’m confused, New momma to be
She must be too
Because now the answer isn’t so clear
The question pink or blue

Do you know if it is a girl or a boy
Maybe it’s something in between
Sometimes the answer comes later
In life and is yet to be seen

Now I’m not here to judge
It’s just something that boggles my mind
To approach an obvious man
And really it’s a woman I find

Just something to think about
We may need to re think how they are raised
****** dolls, ***** Monster trucks
No time outs, bad,whoppings, good, praised

This has nothing to do with feminism
Or anything to do with Misogyny
We should just be what we are
And it should be more predicatively

We can be whatever we’re going to be
All I am really saying is hark, hark
******, ***** not what’s in the head
A restroom door shouldn’t have a question mark

I am not trying to be mean or racist
But there was a time when we knew
Now I don’t even know how to speak to
Someone not knowing pink or blue

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/10/2020
All rights reserved
I know that this can be controversial
But I am really not trying to be mean
I am a 57 year old man and growing up
In my day, boys got treated like boys
And girls got treated like princesses
And everyone knew if you were a girl
Or a boy. Even if you had yourself a
Tom boy you still knew that it was a girl.
God Bless!!!
106 · Jun 2022
Somebody’s Hero
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
Somebody’s Hero

   In today’s world, youth is robbed
To early of it’s innocence
The power of evil is intruding
And persuasive with it’s wickedness

Yes the world is getting colder
Our acts of kindness are fading
Giving way to darkness and gloom and in
The waters of our pureness evil is wading

But you can be somebody’s hero
There’s no need to prey on the weak
They struggle with their everyday
Their lives are already bleak

It’s easier to be good than you think
Don’t be the one throwing the trash down
Instead be the one doing the right thing
And pick it up from the ground

Be somebody’s hero, hold open a door
And don’t be afraid to share a smile
Take some time to give of yourself
And be with someone for awhile

You don’t have to be a Doctor or nurse
Or a soldier or a first responder
Just join in on the fight and kindness
Is a powerful way to conquer

You don’t need a cape and have
Some kind superhero power
To be the one to save someone
In their darkest hour

It’s really just the simple things
It’s not always the Knight or Vaquero
Riding in on a horse to save the day
To be Somebody’s Hero

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/11/2022
All rights reserved
106 · Jul 2022
A Crazy, Crazy Dream
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
A Crazy, Crazy Dream

     Last night I slipped into a dream
Started out with red carpet glamour
And quickly changed to scenes like a
Video by Peter Gabriel, Sledgehammer

I was walking on water and was
Suddenly on a Ferris-Wheel
Then I was in a comedy act on stage
Slipping on a Banana Peel

I was behind the wheel of a NASCAR
Out on the track really racing
Next thing I knew I was on the streets
With the police behind me chasing

The next thing I knew
I was naked on a nudist beach
I didn’t have any where to hide
And my clothes were out of reach

Then I was in a restaurant eating Apple
Pie A la mode you know with Ice cream
I don’t even like Apple Pie
What A Crazy, Crazy Dream

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/12/2022
All rights reserved
106 · Jul 2021
Chuck Kean Jul 2021

    It’s funny when I look back now
Oh how much things can change
Yet I still find myself an outcast
And I carry on in my world so strange

Everything else has changed but people
Still live life like High School
There’s all the clicks and you’re in or
You’re  out and then there’s me the stool

No matter how nice I am and no matter
What I do, I still just can’t win
No matter if I always treat others right
There’s not a click that lets me in

I poor my heart out and open my soul
And to my face they say I’m the best
But my guidance they discard when
They join with the rest

I’m there for them when no one else is
Around and I let them use me
As soon as others arrive they disappear
It’s always the same they always abuse me

Two faced people taking pleasure in
In someone else’s pain
Especially when they know your past
Because you told them about the rain

But I just come to the realization
That their lives must really ****
And it’s me that they envy
So I must always be my best Chuck

Because I truly have God and my Angel of
37 years, they are my rock keeping me strong
When the rest of the world can be so cruel
As they treat me oh so wrong

It’s funny when I look back on the past
My head would whisper of Suicide jive
But also the voice in my ear would be
Telling me that I must survive

So here I am living life to its fullest
Soon off to Hawaii and after to see KISS
And those who shun me will always live
A life that’s meaningless

Because they care for nothing and no one
And it’s obvious that God doesn’t exist
Though they know he’s there knocking
But to open the door they still resist

So the bottom line is I’ll never let them
Bring me down and in conclusion
I know I don’t need them and I am okay
Without being a part of the inclusion

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/23/2021
All rights reserved
106 · Feb 2020
The Cross
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
The Cross

The cross upon which
He died because of his
Endless love for mankind
Crucified for all to see and know
Reigning over the Devil and his
Oppression of darkness and hate
Sinners one and all can have
Salvation if they receive his gift

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 08/23/2018
All rights reserved
The first letter of each line
Also spells out the title.
105 · Oct 2022
Into The Night
Chuck Kean Oct 2022
Into The Night

   As the day slips away
And the dusk turns to twilight
I know my tears are gonna flow
As time gives into the night

Our love was passion and fire
I knew I was never gonna be the same
And now it’s all just a memory and
In the night the wind whispers your name

And as people see me now
There’s no words that can be spoken
I didn’t know a heart was made of glass
And how easily it could be broken

Now that you’re gone, with each day
The love inside of me slowly dies
You were taken too soon and forever
I’ll be haunted by your green emerald eyes

Time is irrelevant, pain is constant
As I’m faced with the reality of my plight
And I fear getting lost forever in my
Dreams as I enter Into The Night

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/19/2022
All rights reserved
105 · Mar 2021
Watch You Fall
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Watch You Fall

     Do you still think about your past
Do you still think about you and I
And if you do, does it make you smile
Or tell me does it make you cry

Do you still tell yourself
You weren’t the one that would scrutinize
Do you tell your friends you let me go
How does your brain rationalize

In your own little world
Do you you live in a fantasy
Will you ever face yourself
Will you ever understand reality

Will I ever matter at all or did you
Just dismiss me from the start
When you look back now, was there
Ever any love for me in your heart

And as you were hanging on the
Edge of love and I was holding on
Did I lose my strength or did I let
You slip away knowing love was gone

In your arrogance and memory
What does your mind recall
Was it you or was it me?
Did I let go just to watch you fall

Written By:Charles Kean
& Beautifully Broken
Copyright © 03/08/2021
All rights reserved
105 · Apr 2020
My Email Response
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
My Email Response
   My Uncle sent an Email
Stating he was doing well
Trying to stay safe and calm
Staying home, the irony him being a survivor Of Vietnam
So light heartedly but but seriously too
The following is my response I’ll share with you

Glad to know that you are still among the livin
And o biding by the rules you were given
Meanwhile I’m on the front line, the lucky one
In the game of Chess the sacrificial pawn
A lowlife wheelchair van driver
Donning PPE striving to be a survivor
As the sights are straight from the movie screen
Living in a live apocalyptic disaster scene
Arriving at a make shift care facility
Where the fiction becomes the reality
Watching as people decontaminate each other
And my PT’S panic in one form or another
With the Police waiting in force
Just in case something goes off course
We were bright and early eight AM today
Lined up in a convoy and on our way
Moving PT’S to an abandoned hotel
A place just the fire removed, just short of Hell
With no words for we had no supplement
A sight we could not record or document
We decontaminated our trucks in the rear
We removed all of our protective gear
And we repeated this throughout the day
But I took a moment to bow and pray
For I now have visions I will forever keep
Hopefully I will manage to get some sleep
And tomorrow I hope for something new
But fear the same will be what holds true
So now I must rest my head
And cover myself in my bed
The alarm will sound all too soon I know
And again out of my door I will go
So say a prayer and wish me luck
Signing off now, love, your nephew Chuck
So please don’t be one of nonchalance
And I hope you liked my Email response

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/16/2020
All rights reserved
104 · Jan 2022
Dazed And Confused
Chuck Kean Jan 2022
Dazed And Confused

       It’s all different but yet the same
I feel like they did it as a game
How could it be so easy to be mistaken
I know it’s English but feels Jamaican

It always comes down to pronunciation
Sometimes it might seem like flirtation
When it’s really nothing like it at all
Things can quickly begin a free fall

She wound the bandage around his
Wound for the boy was hurt
Meanwhile the soldier decided to
Desert is tasty dessert in the desert

The wind was too strong to wind
The sail around the mast
He thought there’s no time like the present
To present his present for it was time at last

It’s all different but the same and
I hope I was able to keep you amused
But as for me it’s things like this
That keeps me dazed and confused

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 12/31/2021
All rights reserved
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
104 · Aug 2020
When Night Falls
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
There are four, please read all
Rate your favorite by using assigned
Numbers, tell me why.
Please don’t be afraid to be critical.
Let’s have some fun. Let’s connect
I would love the feedback!!!
God Bless!!!

When Night Falls—1

   Sometimes I pray for the light of day
I welcome the distraction of my mind
Sometimes at night I wish that
My visions were not so well defined

I really have left my past behind but
Those pesky cobwebs still hang
They’re In the attic of my brain at it
Reminds me of when sorrow sang

Most days and nights I get through
And I am left completely un phased
But something sparks a memory and
It can’t leave me completely unscathed

I’ve learned to rely on Jesus
And the visions I can quickly dismiss
And there were good times and
It’s healthy to reminisce

But I confess without warning
Frighteningly I will awaken
And the sweat and tears are flowing
And I am left shaken

The visions of what was long ago
Come straight from the Devils castle halls
And forgive me but it’s the reason why
Sometimes I dread it when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/03/2020
All rights reserved

               When Night Falls —2

   Sometimes the day is too long
And it lacks in its charms
Sometimes I pray for the day to end
So that I can be in my baby’s arms

When I wake up I’m next to her
It’s the only place that I want to be
When the work day is done I know
She’ll be there with me

We’re so good together
And it comes as no surprise
I knew we were meant for each other
The moment I looked into her eyes

I give Jesus my praise
And I thank him for his love
I will forever be in his debt
For the gift he sent from above

When I’m in her presence
Believe when I say and I’m not faken
My knees still get weak and I
Can’t keep them from shaken

So I guess you could say it’s forever love
I always come running when she calls
And I can’t wait for the day to end
And I cherish the time when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/03/20/20
All rights reserved

            When Night Falls—3

   Sometimes when I’m working
Time ticks away so **** slow
I know it’s wrong to wish the moments away
But sometimes I just wanna go

Sometimes knowing it’s five o’clock
Somewhere gets me to thinking
I wish I was at a party somewhere
And I could be dancing and drinking

I thank God for my job and my life
I enjoy what I do, it’s a form of giving
But sometimes I wish I had more time
For fun and more time for living

So don’t get me wrong
I don’t want it to be mistaken
But I know somewhere there’s people
Out on the dance floor doin some shaken

I just wanna be somewhere with my baby
When my day of working is done
I want to be the life of the party
I just wanna have some fun

So let me go to the club and get the
Party started within its walls
Sometimes you just gotta get away from
It all and enjoy yourself when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/04/2020
All rights reserved

                  When Night Falls—4

  Sometimes I rush through my chores
With so much to be done
But it’s a race against time
Trying to beat the setting Sun

I’m always aware of my surroundings
I have no choice for my survival
One mistake is all it takes, there’ll
Be no chance for a reprisal

I thank God for each day and I know
There’s no since In wishin and hopin
And all throughout the night
I’m sleeping with one eye open

There’s the sounds in the wilderness
The crickets the toads and the Owl
The singing birds the deer and bear
The fish jumping and the wolves howl

But there’s a sound that I hear in the
Woods and it’s really just unnatural
I’m sure that it’s a huge hairy beast
But I have no evidence collateral

But you can believe me when I say
That it does exist, for I’ve seen its eyeballs
And I’ve spent days praying for a never
Ending Sun, never a time when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 08/04/2020
All rights reserved
As a writer I never know where I am going
To go when I get an idea.
I always get the title first. That’s the idea
(Old Ones) (Apocalyptic Sky)
(When Sorrow Sang) and so on.
I was putting my clothes away the other day
Listening to music. Wham out of nowhere
(When Night Falls) popped into my head
I cannot write it fast enough with one thumb typing, too funny but that’s how I do it.
With my dark past the original version is what came out. The title however can really be taken anyway it wants to go. This is true with anything. Poetry, plays, songs, movies.
And I thought why not put a little romantic touch on it. Version 2 and I thought how about the working class. Version 3
Then I thought of Horror. Version 4
Please rate them using their assigned number 1-2-3-or 4
And tell me why. Also don’t be afraid of being Critical. I’m 58, I can handle it.
God Bless!!!
104 · Sep 2022
Chuck Kean Sep 2022

    She was stunningly beautiful
From head to toe, without a flaw
As if she was created with the universe
And her beauty was part of natural law

In her conscious she’s always worried
About looking her absolute best
Her hair and makeup and the clothes
She picked had to pass the mirror test

Her outer appearance meant everything
And slowly she became ugly on the inside
And those within her presence began
To wish they had a place they could hide

She became so obviously obsessed
And getting old sent her into a rage
She constantly was having plastic surgery
In countless attempts to hide her age

She died alone never did she comprehend
True beauty comes from within
Time will always take its toll on our outer
Appearance in a battle we can’t win

Life is so drastically short in time
And outer beauty will rarely remain
The moral being we should worry about our
Inner beauty and not be so vain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/27/2022
All rights reserved
Inspired by Faces
By:Lori Jones McCaffery
103 · May 2023
Chuck Kean May 2023

       The orchard of Apple trees
Was once the best crop
The branches are bare now
There’s no Apples to pick or drop

Outside my window I see a Butterfly
In a flutter ballet and a Rabbit hop
In my emptiness is the sound of silence
You can hear a pin drop

There’s a pain so unbearable
My heart is breaking, no signs it will stop
In my overwhelming weakness
To my knees I am forced to drop

My mind is in chaos and in a
Whirlwind I am spinning like a top
The clouds have turned grey
The rain started to drop

My uncle Dean has passed away
I have seized in function I’ve closed shop
From my eyes uncontrollably
My tears begin to Drop

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 05/12/2023
All rights reserved
In memory of and dedicated to
My Uncle Dean
Passed 05/11/2023
103 · Nov 2020
It’s Been A Long Time
Chuck Kean Nov 2020
It’s Been A Long Time

   It’s been a long time since
I let him come out to play
It’s been a long time since
I let him enjoy the day

It’s been a long time since
I opened up the doors for the daylight
It’s been a long time since
I let the breeze flow, with delight

It’s been a long time since
I turned the stereo up loud like this
It’s been a long time since
I threw on some KISS

It’s been a long time since
I felt that child I’ve left behind
It’s been a long time since
I felt so unconfined

It’s been a long time since
I have, and hope you’ve enjoyed my rhyme
Today I let the kid inside of me come out
To play but it’s been a long time

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/09/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Oct 2022
The Thief Is The October Morning Wind

  In the Spring  on the wings of a Butterfly
Flutter’s in a new hope
Praying the Dragonfly of summer
Doesn’t steal the colors of the Kaleidoscope

The Devil loves to intervene
And he plans his little schemes
But having Faith in God will assure
The Angels will guard your dreams

As the light weaves in and out of
The Realms of space and time
The music in your heart
Will search for a remembered rhyme

When your dreams and song
Come together and make you whole
You’ll realize God’s plans for the
Eternal life of your soul

But in the meantime darkness will
Visit you like a long lost friend
So when the sky turns grey beware
The Thief Is The October Morning Wind

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/02/2022
All rights reserved
102 · Feb 2021
Chuck Kean Feb 2021

    It’s the saddest of all
When humans **** each other
And even sadder yet when it’s
Called civil and brother is killing brother

There’s nothing civil about it
We know it’s the Devil at work in his play
As he’s laughing with great joy
As thousands die each day

You see it in all types of wars
Like between the police and the thugs
The good verses the evil
And this includes the war on drugs

And there’s domestic war
When two people forget their love
As a riff comes in between them
And a push comes to a shove

And last but not least as two friends
Have a problem that they can’t solve
It boggles the mind and makes me wonder
How did this happen how did it evolve

A friend is someone you regard with
Affection and someone you trust
But as quick as the blink of an eye
A friendship can turn to rust

And one side is thrown for a loop
As they’re hit with a surprise attack
Blindsided and viciously over taken
By the other one stabbing them in the back

And just weeks before you were asked
For your love and support and prayer
And you were there for them and that
Same person becomes your slayer

As a follower of Jesus I was taught
Even if my heart had been riven
That I am to accept it and to have
The strength to say all is forgiven

And with my teaching I will and I do
With my heart but in my brain I’ll define
And this will be remembered as the moment
Trust was lost as you chose to cross the line

I just wanted to know what was wrong
Not knowing what you were fighting for
You said not to worry everything is cool
And your next action was declaring WAR

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/11/2021
All rights reserved
102 · Mar 2022
Chuck Kean Mar 2022
I found out yesterday that my KISS buddy
Paul, Passed away yesterday and this morning
My wife had a stroke 🙏🏼 Please
101 · Aug 2022
Internal Combustion
Chuck Kean Aug 2022
Internal Combustion

    No need to worry about WW3
Or about an Asteroid from Space
Or being swallowed by the Sea
Or the invasion of an Alien Race

Don’t worry about a biblical flood or fire
Though Jesus will return
Humans have lost their hearts and desire
History lessons they didn’t learn

Loved ones turning on each other
Because of Political divide
Father Son, Mother daughter, sister brother
Separating as they choose a side

Born to love, innocent child
Grow up to hate as an adult
The world is in chaos Neanderthal wild
Be aware of the blind assault

Heartless no remorse in killing
Get in line behind the Antrustion
So easily and so willing
Disaster comes with Internal Combustion

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/20/2022
All rights reserved
101 · Jan 2022
Reign Of Terror
Chuck Kean Jan 2022
Reign OF Terror

      In the narrow London streets
In the heavy mist and chill
In the thick London fog, he’d hide
In the shadows and move in for the ****

With the dusk comes the breeze
Your hair rises is the killer near
In the night hear the screams
In your veins feel the fear

His victims, Annie Chapman, Mary Ann Nichols, Frances Coles, Elizabeth Stride,
Alice McKenzie, no matter how carefully
They tried, from his wrath they couldn’t hide

London Police were left Baffled
They dubbed him Jack the Ripper
He was swift and smooth
There was no one slicker

For even with every clue and every lead
His evilness was free from error
On the narrow streets in the London fog
During his Reign Of Terror

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/05/2022
All rights reserved
His Reign of Terror lasted for three months
Started on August 31st in 1888
And it’s believed that there were actually
11 Victims and to this day technically
They’re still unsolved.
101 · Feb 2020
Proof Of Existence
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Proof Of Existence

      I’m am not here to preach
And I cannot tell you what to believe
But I feel like I must reveal what I
Experience, observe or perceive

I can talk about the planet’s, stars
And about things I know myself
And how nothing in nature
Is selfish, nothing is here for itself

I can talk about the miracles of
Babies and things
Like caterpillars and how they turn
Into butterflies and get their wings

But if you don’t believe in God
You don’t believe in the Devil
And nothing I say matters anyway
So what’s the harm in my revel

So here’s the thing I wanna mention
Maybe it’ll give ya something think about
Good and evil exists at the same time
And maybe I can erase your doubt

I was born a Buckeye and my heart is
Broken hearing the recent news
If you haven’t heard two Buckeyes are
In trouble for a moment of confuse

You see God gave them talent and showed
Them a wonderful life and his way
The Devil gave them a beautiful girl
And it was the temptation that would sway

She was uncomfortable and said no
She was ***** for they had no self resistance
The Devil smiled and God cried and to
Me this is just another proof of existence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/15/2020
All rights reserved
100 · Jan 31
Into The Night
Chuck Kean Jan 31
Into The Night

   Like a bridge over troubled water, I’ll
Be your safe passage to the other side
When you’re afraid and trembling, let
Me be the one place you seek to hide

Like a light house Beacon, I’ll
Be your guide back to the shore
When you’re in need of comforting
Let my arms hold you tight forever more

Like your favorite song I’ll be
The music that will calm you
When life gets to be overwhelming
Let my voice be strong and true

Like an Army of a thousand men, I’ll
Fight Hell to keep you from harm
Let me be the one to answer the call
When you sound the alarm

Like the brightest Moon light, I’ll
Shine when you’re in darkness fright
Let me be with you forever when
You go uncertain Into The Night

Written By: Charles Kean
100 · Jun 2023
When Death Was Calling
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
When Death Was Calling

     Disappeared is all color
Everything is shades of grey
There’s no distinction between
The dark of night and light of day

The feeling is as dead of winter
The branches are bare
I’m finding it difficult to breathe
There’s a staleness in the air

I don’t know the days
It’s all just a blend
I’m alone with my thoughts
The devil is my only friend

This was my story from an eternity ago
My first KISS was a shock to life
The AED at the hands of Angels
Now thirty nine years with a wife

The past is gone and just a distant memory
I broke away from the enthralling
Cherishing life and glad I didn’t answer
The phone When Death Was Calling

Written By:Charles Kean
99 · Feb 2020
The Edge
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
The Edge

      You may have a heart in pain
Standing on the edge
Your crying tears of a never ending rain
Standing on the edge

You feel there’s no words left to be spoken
Standing on the edge
Your Heart is completely broken
Standing on the edge

You feel empty of the love you’ve been giving
Standing on the edge
You may feel life isn’t worth living
Standing on the edge

You may want to take your last breath
Standing on the edge
You may think the answer is death
Standing on the edge

But there’s something I know first hand
Standing on the edge
Your a heart beat away from something grand
And your standing on the edge

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/03/2020
All rights reserved
I was on the edge of Suicide but if I would’ve taken that leap, I would have
Never known the wonderful life I
Am living today!!! Give your pain to
Jesus and don’t give up!!! You never know
You can be a heart beat away from that
Life worth living. God Bless!!!
99 · Jan 2020
My Soul
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
My Soul

My soul waits more than the tired
Wait for the night so they may sleep
More than a child waits
To tell a secret they just can’t keep

More than a commuter
Waits for the morning train
More than a flower waits
For a gentle spring rain

More than a mother
Waits for the apgar score
More than the waves wait
To reach the shore

More than a fisherman waits
To fish with his new rod and reel
More than a spider waits
For its next meal

More than a band waits
To Rock & Roll
More than the watchmen wait
For the morning, for the Lord
Waits my soul

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/30/2020
All rights reserved
Actually written in 2019
But I accidentally deleted it and
Had to have a friend re send it
To me and her copy didn’t have the
Date so since I had to rewrite it from
A picture, I just put today’s date on it.
99 · Aug 2020
All That Matters Is You
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
All That Matters Is You

  Where I work this is the way we roll
This is deeply planted in our soul
There’s things in this world we can’t control
We give comfort and we console

I do what I do because I care
I transport patients in a wheelchair
Still health care it’s the Cross I bear
Proudly my uniform I wear

From total knees and hips too
Drug abuse and alcoholics and the flu
But now the world is a scary new
But one thing will remain true

Doesn’t matter your religion Lutheran, Hindu
Doesn’t matter your race, black, white, Bantu
Doesn’t matter your political view
All that matters is you

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/03/2020
All rights reserved
But I tell you the current BLM
Movement is not about BLM.
The soul purpose of this movement
Has one focus.
That focus is to destroy America!!!
Please be careful of what you are really
Standing up for.
Getting behind this movement though
It may be good intentions is not what we
Want or need in America.
This is telling everyone that you stand
For and believe in the destruction of America. It doesn’t show or mean that
You stand for or believe that BLM.
God Bless all races!!!
99 · Mar 2020
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
This is why they don’t tell us
The truth about UFO’S—****
We can’t handle the truth.

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/16/2020
All rights reserved
98 · Jan 2021
Chuck Kean Jan 2021

      The night fell like a black velvet
Curtain and left me in darkness
The light disappeared as quickly
As the blink of an eye

I found myself pausing as if
Time itself had stopped
For my eyes were slow to focus, like
The pace of a snail as it slimes itself by

As the beams of the Moonlight
Fell upon me like rain, I regained my
Senses quickly, like a flooded river
As it swiftly flows in its rage

I felt the blood rushing through my
Veins pounding in my head like drums
And I felt like I was the center of attention
Like a rock star upon a stage

But soon I felt so calm and peaceful
Like waves softly crashing upon the shore
So know this poem has no meaning except
For my appreciation of the metaphor

Written: Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/10/2021
All rights reserved
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