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Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Sit down,
Make your meaning,
I will do the understanding.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
Sit with me,
Sing with me,
Drink with me,
Sleep with me,
Be with me,
Otherwise, you are free.
Kafka Joint May 2020
Skies are full of stars, dreams
And drones,
Something might happen.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
Sleeping on a regular basis is just a middle-class conventionalism.
Not sleeping at all is like an avant-garde that never sleeps.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
sleepless sheep
are counting people,
to have nightmares.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Small towns
Are ****** at maps.
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Smile, at least for a while,
And after a while,
Still smile.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
Smiling is a random occurrence
In this hostile environment
Of slow moving fishes.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
snow will fall,
Sun will rise,
you'll have to wake up and go somewhere.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
should do something.
(putting out the light).
Kafka Joint May 2020
Some nervous tension
Is still in the night air,
Although everyone is asleep.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Some of you are never happy,
Oh, come on,
Be happy.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
Some people have a normally structured soul,
I've got a dozen of obscure corners.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
Some people would say:
"I love you",
Some others:
"Let's do stuff together ",
It's basically the same.
Kafka Joint Feb 2021
Something new is something old with a time stamp on it.
Sometimes this stamp is covered with a dust of millennia or even some ancient galaxies, but it's always there to be found.
There is nothing new, but us.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
some things are bitter,
some things are nice,
a lot of things are both, and twice.
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
Some thoughts are good as doorstops,
As the person in question is out of motion,
Staying around and possibly blocking a door.
Kafka Joint Jun 2020
I'm dangerously close to a danger.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
For your fate,
There is an update.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
Sometimes I drink alcohol,
Sometimes I look into the sky,
I am human.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
Sometimes, things don't have to be good or bad.
They just have to happen in the right order.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
Sometimes, even an ocean might shrink for you,
But then you'll have a tsunami.
Kafka Joint Jun 2020
You are waking up,
But you weren't sleeping.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
Sometimes a piece of chicken,
Sometimes a piece of chocolate  
Always the peace of mind,
And I'll be happy forever.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Sometimes I'm scared,
But never enough to be afraid.
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
Sometimes, I think.
But it's never my decision.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
sometimes it's allright
not to fight,
let everything out of sight,
go home.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
Sometimes it's a mystery,
Sometimes it's a lottery,
But it's always a mystery,
Because it's always a lottery.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
Sometimes, it's never,
And at some times,
It'll be forever.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Sometimes, I would lose myself in thoughts, so I would be found days later in a tropical forest of french Guyana.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Sometimes, we are squeezing,
Sometimes, we are squeezed,
The life is a twist.
Kafka Joint Jun 2020
Sometimes, you have ***,
And then you don't have any ***
For a very long time,
Which could ne perfectly fine,
But usually it *****.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
So much of a "new normal",
I really miss all this "old crazy".
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
I am not a hipster,
I am a hunter and gatherer.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
Sorry, but I have only words
To tell you about my love,
Sorry, but I have only thoughts
For the mentioned above.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
Sorry, I don't have any data available.
- What does it mean?
- I don't love you anymore.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
Souls on edge
Are alone and waiting.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
Sounds and lights,
Fights and delights,
Broads and tights,
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
I'm sleeping, and than not sleeping,
The room is spinning, the room is spinning,
Ok then, roomy, let's spin again.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Stars are like people, who,
In addition to all the other problems,
Also have the Eternity to deal with.
Kafka Joint May 2020
State your business.
- Pleasure.
- What kind of pleasure?
- It's my business.
- What kind of business?
- (goes on and then ends in violence).
Kafka Joint Nov 2020
Stay at home,
If you have a home,
Stay at home,
If you want have one.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Stay with me,
Stay with me forever for a moment,
Our happy craziness is worth it.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
Step for step,
You can step away,
Or you stay.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
Fighting back,
Biting back,
Loving back.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Stone steps
Are crumbling under the weight
Of the flying time.
Kafka Joint Jul 2020
Or maybe?
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
straight lines
are going into nowhere,
just like me.
Kafka Joint Apr 2021
Strange hours
Full of weird minutes,
As the day is going somewhere.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
Strangeness is overrated,
Yet nothing is normal
And any boredom is lethal.
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