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We are constantly consuming, with no comma
Not  giving a care if that will lead us to a comma,
Until our intensive-consumption puts us in a comma,
So intesively consumed by uniting as many commas as we can financially
Intesive hunger of desire, as if triggered by cannabis
Whilst some of us are led to the comma by lacking,
Some of us individually- consume- unconscioully until they cannibilise
No unity in sharing, is their conscious-digesestion
Intensive-care-unity ,  being the cure
To this our state of intesive-criticalness of carelessness
Illness being ignorance, consequence being illness
Of  the Mind, Body, Soul
This is three-dimensional, thats why we suffer third-degree injuries
If the odds are three-is-to-one, Mind, Body, Soul
When we intensively-care only about the 'one' out of the 'three'
Then what are the odds of success
Intensive-care-unity, of the trinity within
Will commission the commassaries of the unity without,
Is the first degree
As above as below, as within as without,
Is the first decree
Thought, Will, Action
Word, Sound, Power
Is the 'wheel' of creation
Let us create consciously for divinity
Dig-deep within to intensively-consume-unity
for dignity without
Our labours will be rewarded fruitfully
With these fruitful rewards shall our desires be filled with satisfaction
I used to be big on life,
Now i am big in life.
Tis all because i decided to let bygons be (bygons),
And focus on new beginings.
Off the bat hits of life like its the begining of new innings,
'Cause all bats are on the table,
And all bets are off.
Living life raw hence all gloves are off.
They say 'the gods must be crazy' to have me as an offspring,
Whilst im in my meditational contemplation,
Of springing from continent to continent,
Galaxy to galaxy for my next home-run.
The Creator being my basis,
Gallaries and gallaxies i will use for my bases.
Knowing i am the son of the soil in my soul,
I stay unbilical coded to mother-nature.
Culture and tradition be the foundation,
Deeply rooted the fortress to retreat-home.
Rooting-off all regrets
With their repeat habbits,
Whilst studying my mistakes.
Changed the conceptualisation off hobbies,
Into entertaining activities of progress.
Believing in hope,
And having hope in beliefs.
Distinguished in differentiation,
Of data to information,
Information to knowledge,
Knowledge to intelligence,
Intelligence to wisdom.
As i am in the dominion of the wise,
I rise to dominate the (non/un)wise with the wise.
VisaVersa has turned to VersaVisa
People want to be machines, machines want to be people
Animals want to be people, people want to be animals
Angels want to be people, people want to be angels
Enemies want to be friends, friends want to be enemies
Summer wants to be winter, winter wants to be summer
Ice wants to be water, water wants to be ice
Criminals want to be police, police want to be criminals
Men want to be women, women want to be men
Power wants to be money, money wants to be power
Adults want to be children, children want to be adults
Nuns want to be parents, parents want to be nuns
Bachelors want to be couples, couples want to be bachelors
Divorcees want to be married, married want to be divorcees
Truth wants to be lies, lies want to be the truth
Wealthy want to be poor, poor wants to be wealthy
Hate wants to be love, love wants to be hate
Islam wants to be christian, christian wants be muslim
Wise want to be foolish, foolish want to be wise
IngaNdinga funz'abalambileyo
Inga ndinga lumkis'abaziziyatha
Inga ndinga khanyisel'abasebumnyameni
Inga ndingomelez'abangenamandla
Inga ndinga phakamis'abawileyo
Inga ndingaphilis'abagulayo
Inga ndingafudumez'abagodolayo
Inga ndingathuthuzel'abadakumbileyo
Inga ndingatyebis'amahlwempu
Inga ndingakhel'abangenaphahla phezukweentloko zabo
Inga ndingaluthando kwabakhohlakeleyo
Inga ndingayinyaniso kwabangenayo
Inga ndingaluxolo kwabangenalo
Inga ndingakhulula amatyathanga kwaba basemakhamandeleni
They expect everyone to

believe in their genocide

but not a word about ours.

They expect everyone to

turn the blind eye, while

they extract a gold tooth.

They expect everyone to

view them as victims and

us their national antonyms.
.          A S S A N G E 'L

      In Judaism goats were

       laden with sins of the

       village then sent forth

       into the desert, to die.

       They were known as

        escape goats, from

       whence derived the
    modern term, scapegoat.

   Angels were journalists of

    God, messengers, town

   criers, paragons of virtue,

       underwriters of truth.

    In Biblical times, the ***

        symbolised service,

   suffering, patience, peace,

humility, but above all, wisdom.
Up until now, i have never known neutrality as a feeling.
As i am feeling neutral. Motionless, Emotionless .
Feeling as between but not inbetween.
Neutral as in the epicentre of feeling,
Not disregarding any emotions yet having no regard for them irregardlessy.
Not out of control, in control yet incontrol.
It feels like another state of being,
Not inhuman but a state beyond human being.
Not powerful, not powerless but still,
Everything in this state feels still.
It is a natural occuring meditational state, awake,
A state between the yin-and-the-yang.
Everything is equally equilibriumly balanced.
Calmness and peace overcome the whole being,
As this is new to me, i have no grasp nor comprehension.
My feeling is my interpretaion, my interpretation is my feeling.
#Crossroad-intersection-conjucture within
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