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40/F/A Dream    Creative writer, dreamer, make-believer...INFJ...
a m a n d a
Where Shelter
“these words are my own, their conjunction is a junction to you, and a holy constitution for me.” W.S. “Dance me through the curtains that …
Max Neumann
M/Inner Shelter    Writing poetry since 2002
Bus Poet Stop
on a bus near you...    eye am a recording devicespecial filters of my own prejudice. eye live in various bus stops where punctuation of life moments need not be, are …
Smothered Divine
19/F/Where minds go to dream    I'm here to stay ♡
120/M/Nigeria    Love art,that's fact from poetry to pottery whether stretching or sketching be it painting or printing Not short not Tall Nor big or small proudly …
27/M    I am Safana, I doubt it's doubtless
M/Ant-hard-ica    she inquires why I write so many poems, easy comes reply: It gives me a fantastic living, it makes and gives, each poem, a calculation, …
Third Mate Third
I thank you in advance for any kind words. Battle ego like a cancer. A Third Mate is a licensed member of the deck department …
Still Crazy
I fear I'll do some damage one fine day, but I would not be convicted bya jury of my peers Still crazy, Still crazy after …
Smoke Scribe
with the aid of smoke, all clear, and this absurdity, strikes me as normal...
False Poets
how oft in life do we presume, take for granted grants so extra-ordinary that we forget to remember the extra and see only the ordinary. …
where we are    little could I imagine then that poetry would pick me at all, especially to write of words in dialects I don’t speak, but imaging their …
night unkind
nighttime    and next to nothing is everything, all worth knowing, you, write my poetry, as I write of you with breathless ease and comfort, for the …
clear conscience
why does it matter?    “I've got a guilty heart, and a troubled mind. No matter where I go, you’re never far behind. I'd like to think that you've forgiven …
no truth login
when I login, my truths insist, all the rest is vanity; so you see the writing comes hard, but the knees promise with every step …
36/M/from ‘round, outback    right here waiting for you
one of the Dakotas    “So come, my friends, be not afraid. We are so lightly here. It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear. Tho’ …
in the garden of Eden    sundial, of stone and bronze, wasting, weathered green, measurer of time in years; doomed to erode; and YET, the iris comes but for days, yet …
To walk and pass our long love’s day. Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide Of Humber would complain. …
The South   
Path Humble
“What does god ask of you? To act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah “walk humble and the path will …
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