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there is a monster in my closet, she speaks with two mouths and keeps dents on her wrists and feet.
The monster is terrifying, she uses needle teeth to tear through the skin of lovers. Her eyes brim with tears made from glass.
And sometimes The monster gets really really sad......
The monster uses her needles and blades to rip tears of copper into snow white skin and she whispers her sweet nothings into her closet full of sin.
Now my carpet is stained with copper and static, I can't walk in my closet or The monster goes manic.
this is unfineshed but im going to wait to fines it until im ready, feedback is always welcome
 May 2020 Sue Collins
Until the sunlight bounced its last light
Another gleaming face
And we
Looking up amidst the lenses
Memories bright as burning eyes
Puddling in skies
Above you see
And when the moon winked at us
We knew that it was alright to love
when the moon winked at us
 May 2020 Sue Collins
Steve Page
I spent my day breathing life into my memories.

I often walk or sit among them.
I give them
the attention they ask for
to maintain their roots.

I administer
the moisture they desire
to retain their colour
their scent.

I know they aren't
what they used to be
but they grow with me
and give me hope
for more
more beauty
more life
and more to live for.

I spent my day with my memories.
 May 2020 Sue Collins
Amna Khan
The sprinkled moondust
hovering above the wisps of clouds,
veil the puzzle pieces
as they linger
in the pools of wisdom
left behind by the sages,
where the thinkers have bathed
and left their sorrows,
to come out immaculate;
leaving a legacy
for the new intellectuals to put together.
Comment if you liked any specific parts of my poem. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
 May 2020 Sue Collins
To split a universal truth
Through the prism of poetry.
To write with mercurial mystery,
Employing cryptic non-sequiturs
After succinct statements of staggering profundity,
Is what I dream of as I contemplate
The enormity of my mediocrity.
 May 2020 Sue Collins
Soft brown bread easily cut into
teeth seek out seeds to split
slight crunch of salad
green and still a little wet
brown spread of pickle
just a little, not too strong
save strength for the cheese
salty and satisfying, addictive
simple sandwich uncovering
memories of simple times
always sunny all the colours
seem brighter when I remember
family picnics games of rounders
wildly swinging the bat
I always missed
lounging on the green grass
gently placing crisps
with extreme precision between
the soft brown bread
Writing about a sandwich as part of an exercise from Writing Magazine. This was fun!
If I leave
Do I go left
If leaves leave
Are there any left
I left with the leaves
I followed them right
I wanted to know where
They go
When they leave
But I got lost
The leaves left too fast
Leaves have to leave
Naked after fall
Never leave chasing leaves
Unless you know the way
The trees will re-leaf
New dressings in spring
What a relief
Playing with leaves 🍁 looking at our beautiful trees
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