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Never was any relationship
Between us, she uttered
With great pride

That’s also a
Certain kind of relationship
I replied with great humility
The eyes lived in
Darkness for a while
Apprehensive of
The light rays
Suddenly come in;
But only for a moment
A song of empty words
To which a mesmerising
Tune is composed


A song where a sweet
Melody is composed
For  nonsensical lyrics
When the light
Is turned on in the
Early morning,

Does it annoy you?

No, it illuminates.
The bunch of roses you offered
I brought home cuddling them
To my blossom softly and closely

When I arrived home, I saw
The flowers were withered
The Petals were no more;

Remained were only the
Thorns of the long stems
Buried deeply in my heart
Promising never to leave ever
  Apr 2019 Werdkraft Fenrite
Mike Adam



The only relevance of distant past
Is only its irreverence, if any

Then, why does my stupid heart
Need reminder after reminder
Of this triviality
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