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90 · Dec 2020
Lost Treasure
Jim Dec 2020
A jacket with a zipper
A sweater with a hood
A turtle neck with long sleeves
That'll suit me good

Pants with holes and patches
A belt too big around
A pair of shoes one size too small
I love the lost and found
89 · Apr 2020
The Billionaires
Jim Apr 2020
Well, I am thoroughly confused
About which of my rights are being abused
The branches of balance seem misused
Seems like the billionaires have nothing to lose
Jim Sep 2019
We were born never to die
Never to meet our mortal demise
Torn from the glint of a reflective disguise
Surprises to come from discounted thoughts
Taken from those who give all they got
Who know that it's not about verbiage spoken
About acts come and gone
It's all in the person

Respect to the one
The individual in silence
Retching for glory of incompetence
Completed with the figure of prejudice
Happenstance says he said she said
Developmental flaws in mystic palms read
To entice the spender and reassure all glory
That everyone's trial fit to their story
That every man's journey leads to success
But reality is only a few pass the test
They get to basque in triumph while all of the rest
Never reach their subjective goals
They have no glory to hang their beliefs and morals
No stability to prove that the choices given were executed correctly
Left to question their short lived history
Then swiftly shifting any blame to unavoidable chance
And continue on as before in blissful ignorance
86 · Jul 2020
Jim Jul 2020
How are you?

I'm not ok.
85 · Jan 2020
The Rules of Haiku Haiku
Jim Jan 2020
First line has five claps
Second line has two extra
Third goes back to five
84 · Jan 2021
The doors of protection
Jim Jan 2021
No one thanks a door for doing what it's told
Though very important is the job they hold
Think of all the cold and bugs they keep away
So, thank the lord for doors when you pray.
Jim Apr 2020
Bippidy boppidy hizidy who
I looked down at my untied shoe
I though to myself, well what are you going to do?
Bippidy boppidy hizidy who

Clippidy clappidy tinsity tam
I just shrugged my shoulders and raised my hands
Bamboozled at the predicament I's in
Clippidy clappidy tinsity tam

Bippidy boppidy hizidy hide
I had to stop and lose my stride
Not to mention the loss of all that time
Bippidy boppidy hizidy hide
81 · Jul 2020
I want to write
Jim Jul 2020
I want to write and have a million poems
to be prolific is the goal.
But, I lack inspiration to grab a pen
and sit down to write in my journal

I came to a conclusion; to be worthy of my time
my words would need meaning and soul
on how I was wrong and misguided in thought
but, it's ok for now I know.

Or how I remember why I compose at all
What attraction brings me back?
It is to read my own thoughts and memories I wrote
to help more daytime pass

Good or bad, short or long.. I am entertained
my efforts are lost in the process as creation begins an unending chain
that starts and continues everlasting in the boundary of my brain
81 · May 2021
Twenty One Days
Jim May 2021
I told her to wait while I took a trip
It wouldn't take long and I'd be home quick
Just heading to France, be back in a zip.

Packed up a bag and loaded a trunk
wished everybody the best of luck
And hoped that I had brought enough.

When I returned one and twenty days later
I placed a call in order to meet her
Made plans at Mario's to grab some dinner.

Dessert was a treat, we split the bill
I had thought it a date... that is, until
She shared a story of her new love, Bill!

Twenty one days was too much to ask
So I bought a plane ticket with a fast pass
To return sooner for my lady in France.
80 · Jul 2020
Jim Jul 2020
Hello, how are you?

The porridge is cold and I'm not okay.
79 · Apr 2020
Jim Apr 2020
The house it lay atop the hill
Atop the hill, across the river
Across the river from the town
The town down ways from the field

From the field up to the plains
Up to the plains and on to the desert
The desert leading to a high mountain peak
A peak with more than one side

The distant side giving way to coastal beaches
Coastal beaches with houses atop their hills
Atop their hills covered in sky

A sky that stretches above all hilltops
and rivers and towns and fields
And plains and deserts and mountains and coastlines
Ah, what a wonderful sky!
79 · Jul 2020
Where do you go..
Jim Jul 2020
Where do you go to watch the rain
Do you sit inside behind a window pane
Or under some shelter, out in the storm
bundled together, huddled for warmth

Do you dress in some gear and step out into the falls
Then let it just hit you like teardrops from gods
Shut your eyes tight and take it all in
Let your mind wander through the waddling wind

Where do you go to watch the rain
Tell me about it, then tell it again.

What do you do to enjoy the sun
Do you creep outside and go for a run
Or basque in it's rays and reap in its glory
Think of your habit, then tell me the story

Could it be you are blind from looking too long
Captivation from beauty couldn't be wrong
And even with no sight you can still feel it's heat
Oh how nice to enjoy something so sweet

What do you do to enjoy the sun
Tell me about it, It'll be fun

How do you come to know who you are
Did you have to look low, did you have to look far
Was it something you felt since the day you were born
Or are you still searching, lost, battered and worn

How do you come to know who you be
What do you think, could you tell it to me?
74 · Jun 2020
a chandelier of diamonds
Jim Jun 2020
a chandelier of diamonds
paints colors around
the dark abyss of
a cold, lonely,
darkened hole
of a shack
71 · Jan 2020
A Numbered Haiku
Jim Jan 2020
Zero, One, Two, Three
Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
Ten, Eleven, Twelve
58 · Sep 2020
Talk To Me
Jim Sep 2020
Hey, it's my shadow!
on the shade of a rock
Facing back at me there
refusing to talk

— The End —