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Grace E Nov 2022
One by one petals fell.
I consulted a daisy,
To see if you truly loved me.
I went to pick off the last one,
But it didn’t come off completely.
Half a petal lingered.
It foretold your half hearted approach.
I should’ve listened to that daisy.
Grace E Nov 2022
Sorrow is the best medicine
For a selfish heart
And pain, a remedy for pride
So let me be broken then
Grace E Nov 2022
Guttural depths enclose me.
The vast expanse, like a tomb.
I am surrounded on every side by dark waters.
The endlessness is suffocating.
The immensity, my prison.
The deep, my grave.
Grace E Nov 2022
He told me he’d take care of me.
The only person he couldn’t protect me from
Was himself
Grace E Nov 2022
I am an inhospitable, icy expanse.
A vacuum, incomprehensibly vast.
Like the universe, stretching my infinite arms,
Embracing an incalculable oblivion.
You’re an astronomer. Wildly obsessed
Drawn to my darkness and immeasurable breadths.
Chasing twinkles of starlight, there in my eyes.
Studying bits of brilliance, in my dark skies.
Grace E Oct 2022
The gentle passage of time continues.
Rhythmic seconds that dance by, unnoticed for the most part.
With a consistent and familiar beat.
Tick.. Tock..Tick.. Tock..
I wait for that gentle passage of time
To slowly erode you from my heart
To chip away and wear down
The lingering memory of you.
But I’ve found here, in my time,
A peculiar truth.
True love, cannot be dampened by time.
A flame, that once it’s lit, can only be reduced
To a simmer, but never truly quenched.
And whenever I see you, talk to you, smell your coat.
I find the love I have conceived for you, has only deepened with time.
My respect for you has only doubled.
That is how I know I love you more than I have ever loved any other.
Compared to what I feel for you. All other “loves” where merely a dress rehearsal for the real thing.
And in my full confidence and assurance can say,
I’ve never loved another, in my time.
Grace E Sep 2022
The tide, turn and test of time
The twists and turns we encounter.
Sometimes change comes silently, slowly and unannounced.
As in corrosion, decay, the quiet shift from one generation to the next.
Sometimes change comes harshly, abrasively and all at once.
And we must adapt quickly or die quickly.
Whether it culminates slowly or crashes all at once.
We must never fear it, but expect it.
And accept it is apart of being alive.
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