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Philipp K J Nov 2024
Ah Alaina you are peace and patience
Printed on your face and the WORD OF GOD
Is your motive votive spirit’s guidance
Its you who wear the light of the World

Lovely daughter of our beloved Tess Ma'am
Praise worthy is your commitment to church
Selfless service and painful pleasure calm
You are a gift to our Lord pure and rich

Happy Birth Day to you Alaina Dear
We all wish to have a daughter like you
No! you are our darling Dau ‘midst us here
With your sweet Mom like gentle honey dew

God Bless you at the end O’ sweet seventeen!
And may the Lord bless you with years umpteen!
Today, 03.11.2024 is the birthday of Alaina, my student at church
Philipp K J Nov 2018
Adam waded out of the garden
With him Eve as his first shade of the Hades!
With faded glory and heavy heart
The earth moved with a tilt to avert
The inglorious eve from the sun in the west
In an attempt to set in the cover of darkness.
The leaves bent down as the branches
Stood still with the motionless wind aghast.
The adjoining creeks joined to weep
With the mother of mankind's misery.
Pearls of tears flushed down the cheeks
Of the deprived and devastated Eve.
The diabolic sin had created a contrast
In the invisible brightness of bliss,
To be visible and to perceive decibels
At the cost of losing the Invincible!

Adam's stoic resin tears seeped down
Like amber to petrify the sin at heart centre,
To convert the egoistic pinching pain into a relic
That should show witness for ages,
As a precious wreckage of man's first sin.
Transparent though yet the smothering Eve's pain
Must be confined at the centre of an air chamber
With a pair of tending dark fins of the lungs
That inhale and exhale like a wounded swan.

Still striving to smoothen and cool the pain stricken soul
Eve engaged herself to cover his chest with her long dark hairs
And pressed the pair of seat of emotions to absorb
And assuage his painful visage.

But the hot pain linger at the solid  rock bottom
Like ash covered ember at the fender
And melt a little the crystal tears
To vapour in wafts of deep sighs.

For the pain is from the depths
That nothing can match or reach
But for the touch of the Perfect
Who else can reach it and catch it
And turn it into an unfailing pail of Mercy?

But the diabolic seed of sin had implanted a contrast
In the invisible brightness of bliss,
To be visible and perceive decibels
To confine man's life into a visible spectrum
Bound by the lengths of day and night
And comprehensible only within the line of sight,
At the cost of losing the Invincible,
Eternal boundless brightness and Bliss!
Philipp K J Jul 2021
With a bunch of lilies in hand
I met father and gave it to his hands
I yearned to have a farewell photo, indeed
And father was cordial and happily agreed

We both stood, father and I
A callow fellow took my phone
To take the picture of father and I
I wanted to show him the camera icon
He said he knew everything, would try
Scrolling down the screen on his own

Patiently we stood, father and I
Father was cordial with me
And stood happily for the snap
I loved the moment
A proud moment
Close to father I stood
The cassock was like the lilies he held
Pure and freshly iron pressed it smelled
Breathless I stood for a while
Then impatiently a little

The man seemingly mad could not find the icon
And I took a step forward
Snatched my cell phone from his hand
By now someone called father from behind
Some one more important than I
We'll take it later  he said bye

Stunned I was sad and turned blue
My dream did not come true
I turned my head with a deep sigh
And saw father moving away
And my dream drifting away
Leaving a clear cognitive
Still, free of plastic, negative
Of "Father and I"  
Do not ask me a print
For I cannot make reprints
Philipp K J Dec 2020
O dear infant Jesus
We heard of your humble birth
The word incarnate salt of earth
They said is born to redeem us

The seed and source of wisdom
The truth and way to Gods kingdom
The Prince who shakes devil's fiefdom
O dear loving infant Jesus

You are the child of eternity
Marvel and master of humanity
I wish to give my felicity
O fuel and fire; lamp and light
I would sing and dance at your sight

CORONA cannot stop my salam
Though I cannot reach Jerusalem
If you wish so, please bless my home
Immanuel, a little Bethlahem

O lamb of God; light of world
O Spotless sacrifice sublime
Open my eyes to see the word
Stretch and touch my conscience's clime

Give me strength to keep off the sounds
And fury of the external bounds
Bind and drag me to your freedom
Even if it costs a martydom

And blind me to see your choice
And deafen me to hear your voice
To sing praises with your graces
O dear loving infant Jesus

Hope my voice reaches you with poise
With the right chim and charm of toys.
Yours Lovingly
Your beloved handmade.
Philipp K J Dec 2018
The Child on the manger drafts
A message of love in glossy smile
A sun rise of hope through gleeful eyes
Healing powers in tiny hands
travel thirst held in little legs
A Heart that flows incessant drink
And eternal food for hungry souls

A gift purely free of costs
An offer to man of any posts
Equally free to choose and use
Happy and merry Xmas feast
Let's sing and praise the high priest
Wish you all a merry Christmas and a wonderful epiphany
Philipp K J Feb 2019
Hi, every one,  I am the captain  of all disease
A micro Guerilla war lord  you strive to finish
Within the next fifty years and with catch word campaign
“IT’S TIME" as part of World TB Day (Twenty Nineteen).

Armored with mycolic acid, we are aerobic
Aerial experts invading human pulmonic
System in colonies of MBT spectrum.

Throughout the ages  my  target is  Human beings
Of all regions from Horn of Africa,  my origin.
My task and designs are to impoverish men
Kings and his men were my targets in ancient aeons.
People used many names to call me and my legions
'White plague', 'Phthisis', 'romantic disease' were common
Crazy men wanted to die embracing consumption,
A mere ‘the poor melancholy angel' assumption
To gift on the sufferer with sensitivity height
And  to slowly die with the disease of the artist
Until Rene Laennec inventing the Stethoscope.

Men realized the lesions scope and my design and art
Doctor Koch discovered the cause and effect of my start
Men like the owner of Mammoth Cave,  Dr. Croghan,
Put the sufferers into the cave  like a pagan
In the hope of curing the disease and began
To treat with the constant temperature of cave air.

I caught the German physician, Hermann Brehmer,  
Who came to the Himalayas to cure and endure
So he proved and labeled me a curable disease.
He opened a sanatorium, a place for healing
On the mountains of Silesia to treat the ailing.

Peter Dettweiler, an inspired patient of Hermann
Started one at Hesse for the afflicted He and Her man.
Edward Trudeau too was influenced by the German
And opened one at Saranac Lake's confluence.

But still we are powerful and **** millions of people
Our success rate of terror is far higher than the steeple
Chase unleashed in the Holocaust and in Hiroshima
We catch millions in latency and adapt to change
In time and try to outsmart any adept campaign!

Yet you can approach the Creator who may have a design
To defunct and re-engineer us to change and combine
Our deadly power to release us from this cruel confine.
For me too is fed up with this turbo holocaust!
Philipp K J Oct 2019
Oh! eyes that tilt towards the voice
They turn and roll to catch the toys
Oh! eyes the black two foal cuties
Attempt to jump to call beauties
The light the sounds the shadow patch
The shouts of laughter softer touch
Mother of three is still so free
To watch the babe's curious glee
Little Francis cling and hang
On George's hands to sing a song
The gentle breeze her sister Trees-
'a comes and plays a hide and seek.
Last Sunday 20.10.2019, my wife and myself visited my friend Mr. George's new born baby.
Philipp K J May 2019
As the dancing rain's toasting
The wooing wind is boasting.
Chin chin the rain drops cheering
On the roasting concrete roofing.

Cleaning the wind went goofing
Around the window curtains
Throwing the dusty dry leaves
Tweeting the twigs on fountains
Beating the rain wet hot heaves
Of love laden sighs certain
Wanting to dance with  dear rain
Wooing her love in prime time...

Chin chin they rhyme the refrain
The coy rain slip from his grips
Whisking they fall flat holding
Each others hands unfolding
The wind to chase their lean hips
Bending they freak into creaks
As the dancing rain's toasting
The wooing wind is boasting
'Midst this mid-summer hustings.
Philipp K J Dec 2018
Christ your tryst on earth
Remits redemptive lightbirths
O' souls many light years
Philipp K J Dec 2018
It is funny to see banners wishing Happiness displayed with cinematic glamour,
the pictures and hordings of Banner heroes.

The one at Tannery Road junction was peculiar to mention.
Here it was common
The captions "Happy" used to summon names of sundry festivals-Local  and national, even internstional.
What's uncommon was the bold prints
of a hero's name ARUMALAI outshining
The caption and his larger than life picture establishing the photographer's digital brushing skills.
A passer by wondered who'd be this Arumalai,
Is he so great as to be advertised in polivynil?
His glorious deeds may be what they want you to heed
Still never ever seen or heard of his manners
Anywhere than in these motley banners
Just as a function
at the Tannery road junction

Each one passed by this colossal glance attracted provoking  protracted ruminance  what do this expensive banners really mean?

In another occasion
the  glaring glorifying picture
of ARUMALAI followed the tag
Below the man posing a DICTATOR.
That was a period to a period of mystery!

Banners changed with seasons
with greetings on religious occasions
Festivals of importance
Birthdays of men even
with crowded profiles of hailers
Whose unrully manners
Too clogging up the banners
Like a wanted list of jailors.

One day a strange banner
hooked by the Tannery cross over
Spooked and shocked every passer-by
There the usual banner cut out
the larger than life image blings-out
Arumalai the BBMB corporator
Posing as dictator!

There was no wish of any kind.
It was a notice startling any mind
The sad demise of ARUMALAI
The BBMB corporator
Still possed as dectator
By his living promoters.

"He was sick and the local dispensary advised a minor operation.
He was administered
the necessary treatment.
Was referred to a super-speciality
centre and was declared dead.
His sad demise was advertised, he was forty.
His chummies complained of medical negligence", was the only news summary
in major news papers...
What was the reason for the minor surgery
What're the preparations
for the corporator's  operation
All are mystery for a  causal itinerary
passer by crossing over the Tannery Road junction,  wondering at the strange envountering with banners
that come and go
Keeping no annals
Floating on the mind for a while
Stopping at the red's knell,
Moving with the green signal
The rise and fall of heroes
As binary one and zero
The banners tell a story tertiary
Of the rise and fall of a luninary
Within a plane ofmomentary
Variation of red and green
On the Tannery road's screen.
Philipp K J Apr 2020
Hello Black Beetle
Bellow Dark Cattle
Flock in a dim cloak
At eleven O' clock
Are you still in ghetto?
  Or heading to metro?
Philipp K J Apr 2021
Hey super star
Brown prince butterfly
Sleepy eye caps coy
Smiley pliant ploy
Happy Brilliant boy
Moving up and down
Festive floral crown
Golden blossom tend
Galloping on the wind
Humming frolic loon
Catch up, match up soon
The eloping fragrance scent
The fleeing princess bends
On the gaily silent friend
The Cocktails made
Chilling sweet tide
Fiery floral flame
Glitter sparkle tame
Splutter splatter clime
Feast is served in time
Guests delight in fine
Butterfly pose
Probe in poise
Fingertips minuscule
Tickle tackle pinnacle
Happy snappy exchange
Next gen message
Supernova dies
Life's turn of dice
Rolls to darkest phase
Its a different case
Tobe born again
New journey to gain
A life of better fly
To ply with the wind
The superstar kind
To play the gay
Brown prince butterfly.
Philipp K J Jun 2019
Call it a day come back to me
Fierce the storm frolic in freak
Stress on and shake guy lines on quay
Fear grips the heart the mast looks weak
Tides roll out high like snakes with wings
I tie my raft on near by fence
Come back to me the voice still rings
Strong soft sound sacred soothing sense
Gentle arms wave warm welcome call
"Set and rest in your father's hall."

Th­e smoke, clock stroke the call for socks
The books iron box and school van's horn
Scaring the walls Tiffin box falls
Piecemeal songs from mobile ring tone
Smile waves bye-bye mopping up curls
Turning to rest from morning fret
A voice intrude bringing unrest.
"A very happy Women's day!"

That sound is high that startling cry
The turbulence did hardly subside
An ambulance flies howling by
A creak a crash, a rush beside
I C U through sealed chamber hole
And stand out all the overnight haul
As bills pile up and **** the soul
Encounter loans who bothers at all!
They start to wish a happy day
A fathers day or someones day!

Is my day as God wanted it
Every day be a peaceful day
Every day be the Father's day
Every day holy Mother's day
Every day  be a saint soul's day
Every day be every ones day
Every day be god given day!

Can you see the creator god
Can you listen  to voice of god
Can you feel the presence of god
Or touch and taste the peace of god

And sing the hymn of praise to Him
To burn the flame of light of Him
To live in bliss and peace with Him


Poor man's faith lost in lord's precept
Swept away by evil concept
Lost in building all wanton lust
Bear burden of unending list
To fulfill in this brief visit

God's call back is loud and clear
I created all for you dear
Just come back and see for yourself
Environment's around your self
Father Son and Holy spirit
Men and women do well merit
So call it a day and come back and see
Come back and come back to me!
So call it a day and come back to me
Come back and come back to me.
Philipp K J Jan 2019
Still not ready to believe
Your satellites have crossed
The boundaries of solar stadium
Far six

Still, not steady to relieve
Your delivery full tossed
Billions of fans on the medium
Tar fix.

Still muddy  to perceive
Your intellect is twisted
Bullions manning  on the podium
Philipp K J Jul 2021
Dear All, I'm sorry
I was told to smile
But I couldn't hold my tears
They cracked jokes saying
I look like a bride
But I could not smile
My curved pale lips turned a smiley
But my eyes flooded with tears..

I felt something unusual when they bathed me and dressed me with cotton Saree and blouse and  dabbed
My face with talcum powder and combed and tied my hair.

They were busy putting on golden studs in my ears and a long golden chain on my neck. I knew death is near. I heard and I felt death.. close behind me.

My favorite cloth smelt death
The golden chain and ear rings
Were chiming death knells
I could not smile.
For who can smile at the face of death.
My grand daughter seems to have seen my heart.
She held my both cheeks in her soft hands and kissed me and pressed her rosy cheeks against mine.

No sweetie I am not crying something went into my eyes...
I comforted her.
Yes dear. Something went. I wiped...

The photographer took the snap and it was good. But my flooded eyes betrayed the gurgling hot tears I was holding beneath my throttle..
Sorry... Sorry,  I know this is my post death photograph.....Obituary Photo!

I wished I could have posed for a better snap..pardon me I am sorry!
Philipp K J Oct 2020
Corona, you have set us free
From shackles of modernity
Gatherings and festivity
Eating and chatting at street carts
Meetings and dating with sweet hearts
Corona you have set us free

Sitting on the beach without speech
Red golden cheeks silently teach
The love laden rays how to bleach
Sans proximity build amity
Find unity without enmity
Praise Almighty sans community
How to make e-mails without file
Keeping down the bile how to smile
How to tell in truth I miss you guys
Masking our mouths with ties
Corona you have set us free
Philipp K J May 2021
Covid from Hell's unknown cellar
Meddler, the men's mercy killer
Out of fear the Heaven's plenty
Hell in due course will be empty
Sends the war team killer thriller

Breaching ozone shred their horns
Rolling down the human zone
Blow their clones on human forms
To fill their lungs with white venom
And with tattered souls return home

The Soldier scouts; browbeat with frown
Shouts out 'go corona go'
Candle lights to frighten Covid
Showers of flowers to brighten David
I've dethroned, Corona gone

The havoc done; still the battle's on
Missiles and trials go on 'midst groan
People throng around clouts at rallies
Whilst the dead are gutted  at gullies
And their kids and kin bemoan

Leaders toil to tally the spoils
Cadres boil in corporate veils
Corona blitz with double mutant
Smite the poor and the self content
Whilst the captain camps the perils

Trioxygen shield climate change
Science challenge devils
Covid muffled, the Hoax wax in
Whilst death rolls in diabolic spin
And deliver the  sucker punch
Philipp K J Jan 2021
O here goes the Twenty Twenty
The weary wagon mortuary
Wades  and fades into memory

We all travelled at a huge cost
Some of our beloved ones lost

Masked, perfumed we lived and  learned
With the brunt of death arround
We prayed and stayed close to God
With hope we may break the shroud

At last here at the boundary
I can see an obituary
I look and read with scare
"Death, you are  no more fear!"

And in the light I am shocked to see
The same old Twenty twenty
In a new light and hue
holding a little One!

May be this one is the new born
Inheritance of future crown!
May be it is the new brown
May be you had better not frown!
Philipp K J Jan 2019
The western sky sweeps
Darkness to back yards
The dawning east keeps
Designing with hues
Mornings greeting cards.
Nice to see the crews
Active in writing
Fresh magic haikus
Deep in creating
Textures and sinews
With unique mixing
Of color and lures
Interspersed musings
On honeycomb verse
Soft snowflake rhymings
Draught on fragrant wings
Beams of rainbow waves
Fuse sweetness and light
Deeds of Devine Inc
Wrought in suntan ink
Duty with delight
In morning twilight
Philipp K J Oct 2022
‘Twas not far away or  long ago
At St. Sebastian's house of God
Unfolded with great delight
A tale of the Sebastian Times
With Mattikere's mystic climes

Spoiling midnight oil with pleasure
An arduous task one can’t leisure
Editing and proof reading
For six full moon the crew worked hard
Once it’s done all o' them cheered 'loud

On ninth June Twenty Twenty-two
Father Eby offered the crew
Dinner at Comfort-Inn  
Some of them gathered at church yard
Some of them at hotel facade

They all reached the hotel on time
Editors of Sebastian Times
Calm and serene all smiled
Both Vicars with casual attires
Looked gracious and simple friars

As they entered the Comfort Inn
No one chose to usher them in
But the chief editor
Mr. Paul launched into the hall
He was fair and medium tall

Religiously they trailed in line
With most utmost lane discipline
The foyer room looked golden cast
The centerpiece a unique vase
Attracted them to stand and pause

Inside the hall the tables were set
Each of them were a quartet
It had a royal look
Occupying the seats we met
For the real editorial banquet

Phom and Papa began to fan
With dishes in hand wielding pan
Bell boys' service rodeo
They began to serve us to dine
Starters and fruit cocktails-not wine

(Phom is a name like Tom
Its pronounced as in foam
Phom is a Naga fiefdom
It was derived from Bhom
Which means cloud home
POM also means I in Thai
From Longleng am I
One of the Naga guys
Papa is another bell boy
Who's Phom's close buddy
Both in  black suits trendy
Wait right earnest standing
Far from their native soil
Phom and Papa do toil
In this posh star motel
Serving food and bottle
And all kinds of vittles)

Philipp began to pick and choose
The intake and didn't want to abuse
On a separate plate
He told the bell boy to serve the nosh
"Will get it parceled" yelled in josh

Ms. Sinu and Ms. Jismy Sanoj
Were sprightly like K.V Manoj
The extra plate piled up
Fish, Cabbage Gujiya sausage
Egg and Manjurian hodgepodge

Father Eby and father Mathew
Both were mused and little amused
Still both seemed solitaire
The ladies were only a few
All other women just withdrew

Mr. Jimmy Alexander
The merciful men's defender
Saddled next to father
He completely does surrender
To Jesus the peace messenger

Like Johny, Johny Nono-chan
Eating a burger  Chackochan
Telling tithes Aloysius
Truly Joyson; Bijoy joy-some
All of them were highly handsome

Without a prayer all dive dare
The crunchy fries with love and care
PHOM and Papa patrol
Grill, roast, vegetable, fish, sauce,
Vie one another for a cause

The feast became dilatory
Phil and Mano went in hurry
To find out the hungry
With food packs in hand both went out
To find the needy and doll out

When the feast was done they came out
And gathered round for a snap shot
This homely family
And a fraternity of sort
Planed and played in a resort

Tutorial on investing time
A plan for the immortal times
Who worked hard or hardly
Time investing memorial
In the Times editorial
Philipp K J Aug 2020
What a frightful sight  – Not a tinge of Temperance
Bending down to pick a stone aiming right across the storm
Marching down lower lanes preaching on Tolerance
Searching for proper times for scratching on others' pomp

What a fleet of troll on such role models of fame
Sending down the nerves such shivers to core values
Tease the preach, uproot the sprouts is their wanton game
Spending time in learning should expand their purview.

Stay at home, warm your room; turn off that hot hate news.
Be a stone against storm and build up calm at home
Wash your hands unmask the lamps, read St. John’s good news
Sing a hymn in praise of God - love Him as a norm.

The stark cerebral games, that viral news spiral
Can’t rival a single parable of Bible
Philipp K J Oct 2020
The dim lit wall screened figures, human forms,
Woman or man with long hair tangles
Sitting on horse, drifting on a floating home
A man stands on the banks with goggles

A lady with crook looks down through her nose
Laughing or mocking extends her hand deep-
Etchings; while by her side the siblings cling close
To their parents warm waving ******* in sleep.

The cold hands startle her being misplaced
Strangle holding breath she should faintly rhyme;
"Mom I,  can I have? your hand to embrace?"
For it would help her pass the sleep incline.

A heavy hot hand her mom would poke out
Snugging the hand she would squirt out high  
And fade into deep space like a rocket
Leaving behind flights of hot silent sigh.

But in the middle of nights intervals
She will feel her hands embracing the void
Then the vague fluid figures of mural marvels
Will smile or stare like sleepless wanton Freud

Long later in life she knew they were all
Forms of her gall painting her virtual role
Philipp K J Mar 2021
“Happy women’s day Ladies
It’s not the old serpentine tale, of course!
You cute, sweet, lovely, freebies
Darling, loving, adorable force
Excelling even the nature of creator!
Source of Solace, all men’s Curator
I come to sell you a new Age Fruit!
This you need not eat -just have it
And you will become the God Himself!”
Yes! Its time you assert yourself!
On this Happy Women’s day.

Thank you so much Mr. Serpent tales man!
Thanks for your wonderful words and sales plan
We are not of the old end of eternity
When the Lady fell on your selling skill,
Yet we appreciate your audacity
Your prowess and rumor mill!

Sorry! you cannot any more use us
As we are already with Jesus!
So be Happy Its Women’s Day!
Its our day and have a nice day!
Philipp K J Apr 2020
Did I fail to know?
The arms that held me safe
The soft voice drum beat
that kept my dream sweet
The hands that fed me,
breathed in lovely life
The kind tender heart
with extreme  treat

Did I fail the mud
set for me to tread
The light that hovers
still did I fail to see?
The air I breathe:
The leaves that coolness shed
Those silent hands
that extend to care me!

Did I try to know,
He who washed my eyes?
He who wiped my ears,
shaped my unique face
Did I try to know? -
In a moment's pause
When life woke me up;
life lifted my cause

Did I fail to know
Who am I to HIM?
Did I know "I AM"
is His synonym?
Philipp K J Dec 2018
The hot boiled rice
With brown gram curry
The nutty smell of sesame
Oil shrills in hurry
Deployed on a thrice
larger rounder plate
For a boy's belly deplete.
"Can't eat this much rice!"
He shouts with a surprise.

“You can do my son sure.",
Her firm voice enssures
The boys look measures.
"The remainder you keep aside"
Her remand saves  his pride.

A monthly forty rupees
Should not be pretty reason
For a lodger's liberty to please
Among two of her teen sons
Than a welling spring of kindness
A heart huge in roundness
Larger than a stainless steel plate
With a profuse heap of hot rice
The smooth boiled brown pies
Oiled with fragrance fleet.

For how he fully did feat it?
How she purely predict it?
The stomach of a young one could hold
The heap of love on a stainless steel mold.
Philipp K J Feb 2019
If your mind is a lake
And face the surface
I see a pure lotus flower
So pure and represent
The seat of the light
That well from the eternal source!

If your mind is a sea
And face the shore
I feel the gentle breeze
Kissing me with the depth of many oceans and nations behind.

If your mind is a universe
and face the sky
I sea the cool full moon
Pregnent with permanent
Philipp K J May 2019
Imaculee Ilibegiza
Dear I couldn't tell ye because Oh!
We wanted ye take flight sudden
The river of family to flow
Through ye our Compassion-ed maiden!

As you darted into darkness of night
We plunged into prayers on our knees
Holding the cross to our ***** tight
Way of the cross brought in us peace.

We know the enemy will come
Will ****** us all sparing none.
We were preparing our souls to numb
All the while praying for you brave nun.
Imaculee should flow eternally
A river of love and forgiveness.

Our hearth didn't fire since you left in fear
We burn in prayers as we hear
The enemy drum beats as it nears
Our dear home to put us to fires
But be calm dear, we are not in  fears.
We are in the power of our lord
We believe death cannot defeat
Let it trample under its dark feet.

Safe hands of god is with you we know
My friend is of enemy tribe though
But only to Lord does he subscribe
He will guide you safely somehow.

The enemy's blood stain smells the air
Hark, dear, every corner death lurks
Searching blood of innocent tribesmen
Women and children they  don't spare
Infants too they **** as kids of snakes.

If the most learned of them boasts the crime
Sure the devil had owned man this time
My child, Lee, I want you to flow
As the river of our family,
Flowing with forgiveness and love.
My love and deep kisses to my dear
Any time they'll tear us into pieces
But we are with our all time Jesus
We know your love will join the lord
And flow as the river of the word
Flowing eternally with love and forgiveness.
Hark! The enemy knocks at the door
Imaculee Ilibegiza
Dear I cant tell ye becoz.. Oh!
Philipp K J Apr 2019
April is retirement time
Triple hot memory stream
Of months that March close behind
Febru and Janu very kind
Not far still to remember
The days of cool December
The long talks in your chamber
The sweet eves of November
Not to mention the embers
Of love that warm up members
May be rain or hay day noon
July finds an all wet June
But days come like August guests
And busy with just inquests

Time turns September Rians
forget-me not, you asters
Full of morning glory stares
You Octogenarians
All contain within a span
Of sweet memory expanse
You too collecting pension
After superannuation.

Its nice to see you colleagues
Always glad without fatigue
Chatting and pat the other
Cracking jokes on your attire
The young baby look you wear
And the nursery kid's fire.

Its all fare and just affair
One more phase to maneuver
In the course of your orbit
On face of earth to be fit
To gain and do maximal
Service  to its proximal

April too is time to thank
For the net balance in bank
And set your mind on the crank
And care for fitness and fun
To re-register and run
The vehicle with new paint
Not to shuttle and to taint
Nor to settle in confine
But to scuttle along nature
To look and learn and nurture
And listen to the pristine
Wisdom from the Lord divine.
Thanks to you all who retire
And wish you keep up the fire!
Philipp K J Dec 2018
It's hard  to change any cult
More so the jealous from the occult
Faculty of the melting mold of mind
Zealous of inflicting conflicts of all kind
To the just and graceful among mankind.

Brazenly different from vogue dears
conspires to inspire its rogue peers
To smear even slur on  godly seers.
Constantly configures to figure out,
Anything,  by any means to spy out
The faintest attribute of the virtuous
Contributes to trigger the rash jealous
To fling out and pierce the gall
to gush out to spread and stall
The arteries, nerves to blood-en
the face and the cheeks to redden
Nose and the chin to harden
Ear lobs to burn and burden.

The jealous is well known
Yet the cause is unknown
Why does it vent its ire
Dent and impair the fair 
Engage in freelance
To abuse in parlance
In parliaments of vanity fair

The evil avail many a company
Of gluttons, covetous avaricious
sloth, sensuous pride and many
Engage merely to rage in ferocious
Fire, the fuel of the evil in the savage dark ages
obsessed in rampage and carnage

All celebrations become  aberrations  
Of the essence of celestial  presence
The din dares to dampen the spiritual
Asphyx the specifics in fad rituals

It is difficult to change the cult
of the stinky melting mold
of the evil minds that find
new felony ways to inflict conflicts
To the just and graceful lives
of the peace loving among mankind.
Philipp K J Nov 2018
Far yonder aether and spaces traversed in countless night years.

The tremendous travel on light waves till  oxidized on ozon layers.

The tedious wait for an elemental suit equipped with sensory marvels.

To sense the air fire water firmament chequered with energy levels.

The suit was made to order at a court woven by matching hearts.

The landing to a cosy slumber bag enacted by eye catching arts

The jovial journey accomplish with purpose meeting  the reach.

The cause of the entire travel tip off further detailed research.
Philipp K J Oct 2022
With tender praying hands
With gorgeous smiling bands
Chanting in lullaby
Praise isho messiah
(Praise be to Jesus!)

The children greet the guest!
Trying his level best
Straining a little crouch
Stooping down to warm touch

The angel stars jostle
Putting him in puzzle
He sits down any ways
Ambushed by joyful eyes

Bevy of Angels say
My name is Ketriel
And my name is Evlin
And my name is Jeevan

Mia, Anna, Ephrem
Maria, Joel, Dan
in a  heavenly frame
Confusing this poor man

They began to perform
Story telling and rhymes
Action songs and prayers
To make him feel at home

One even comes and says
"I'll go to Bethlehem"
whispering  in his ears
"If I get A+ this time"

"Good gracious is it true?"
"Yes. I'll to Bethlehem"
Asserts the little Deo
"Then pray for me too."

With folded hands he says
"Pray for me to Jesus"
"Pray for me to Jesus"
"Pray for me to Jesus"

To all the kids he met
Sure they bear Lords signet
The Spiritual magnet
The Holy coronet

Blessed are they who keep them
Blessed are those who teach them
Who impart the wisdom
Until 'Thy Kingdom come'!
Philipp K J Mar 2019
Lady your service to the needy
You render with  devotion
And  surrender your body
And mind to the creation.
Just that notion may be shoddy
For the greedy convocation.

All couldn't believe that talent
Was offered to multiply
And trade in the gift god lent
To apply and amass wealth and supply.

But Hi beauty, you are a true devotee
To use the gift of almighty
To touch and heal a plenty
Of suffering hearts in this community.

Short though your presence among us
It's deep and long in a sense
The example that you profess
With simple acts and joy immense.

It's our wish you continue here
For some more time to be near
As your grace and peace are dear
To us that stand in constant fear.

Since you are a chosen one
We are blessed in your presence
And we all thank you for the lessons
That we'll sure follow in sequence.

We thank God for your sweet company
A bold humble erudite seer
with simple pure diet and cure
May God bless you with long life
Many happy peaceful one free of strife
Still to serve and instill the virtues
As offerings to return the talents due
To god in multiple folds we thank you
And in thanks your hands we hold.
Dear Lady may you fare well
All days are your day if you care you well.
Happy Woman's Day to all our dear ones!
Philipp K J Aug 2019
Tears gushed
surpassing the cry
Fears gazed
causing it to dry
Warmth of the hearts
Froze in rubbles
Sobs of the breaths
Chocked in mumbles

The dancing rain
Of lovely screen
Lost its smiling
lively sheen
The wafting tasty
Kitchen smell
Paused in a fill of
debris hell

Temple lights
and canteen delights
Crumpled dark in
a flash of lights

Oh hand that fed
This lovely valley
Are we not value
In your tally?

The flowered hill
Was proud of itsef
My mired will
was fond of myself
The house I owned
The wife I found
Empires I built
On mental marsh
You kid and cast
Like spits in trash
Washed off all
in a playful haste
Buried all in a muddy paste

I didnt know the strokes
Of your brush
Could blow with such
a deadly crush

Oh I never knew
You could wipe
Out with such dark
force in one swipe

You counted the sheep
And found the lost
She set the lamp
Began to sweep
To seek the coin
She loved the most.

He sets the table
Feasts his return
Cooks the fat lamb
To feed his men

Your plays are cruel merciful
Dilly dally not with the poor
You send fears
and tears to we men
Then turn the sky
bright and hopeful
We settle with all our mettle
Soon steals in your dark fresh omen.

Your sums
are beyond our asumes
Your tallies
we miss totally
We presume
all in our resume
Yet your views
are beyond our purviews.
Philipp K J Dec 2018
Stop battering her mind by invasions
of your curious cultural perversions
Get out of her way I tell you for god sake.
She needs quietude
To come out of her servitude
to repair and restore her aptitude
In the balm and calm of solitude

Her dome is broken with throbs
torn yarns spasm derobes
With velocity escape to infinity
Due to your ferocious felinity

She needs peace to space walk
To gather the ruffled rob safe back

So leave her  alone I tell you
As if she were in ICU

She needs silence to settle
Down to revive her mettle
with rarer precious metals
Cement her mental pieces

Mind can swoop down with trough
Ride on a rough wave's crest
Pat and pacify with suavity
bring back the halo from infinity
zero down the hero with unity,
from a state of KD 
rejuvenate the PD
Back to an ambience of 3D

So Leave her alone I tell you

Let her bleed, perspire in despire
If mind willing, desire compelling
Let it prepare her self, to repair itself
the broken respiration sighs
With high waves of neighs
conspires to set in her scattred inspiration
To the errected pyre of desperation
Asunder to cinder and surrender.

Let the fire embrace her to scintillation
In a catalystic ambiance of ventilation
Mix and suffix with whirling flame
To phoenix her into a healing dame.

For god sake leave her alone I tell you..
Philipp K J Mar 2022
Teresa was counting one to hundred
Ian and Leon ran out to hide.
Francis put on a fancy dress
Like the big baboon in his back yard
As Teresa was seeking the hiders
Like a real monkey Francis came to her.
Teresa took a stone to scare off
The Monkey-like dressed Francis
Alphonsa watched all in wonder
As Francis ran off asunder
Anne was there with Aron
She saw the baboon darting to her
Teresa was chasing the monkey behind
Anne screamed and jumped backwards.
As Dan and Levin were playing near
Aron stood without fear
Francis called out “Aron brother”
“What Monkey speaks!”, Anne turned to hear.
By now Francis removed his head cover,
Showing his tiny white teeth in full power
And all of them broke into laughter,
Giggles chiming with parade
Pulling down Francis’ masquerade
Philipp K J Nov 2018
Lord if you can hear all that your creations talk and think
I am sure you are the Father of all snooping.
Now tell me one thing
Is it not true that you created this world simply
Because you wanted to
And test your great skills
You learned from some cosmic university?
Or is it just because you felt deeply to try your hand on life and forms  similar to creatures you had seen and copied from some other lands who have exclusive patent for such creatures?
Then I am sure you are the Ist plagiarist!
Have you got arrested? And sentenced for eternal life?
Because nobody had ever told to have seen you and had a realistic talk with you.
Leave it, for I don't know if this will offend you and get your spies to punish me.
But O Master, please pardon me if you have such powers; you know after all I am a tiny creature created by you. So you can afford to ignore me.
That feels good for me! So let me take some more freedom, to ask you; Please don't mistake me, why do you seems to be such an utter fool? Sorry for using some hard words, after all the the words are your gift only.
But master with your permission, let me put in this way, see you seems to be quite contradictory in some areas.
See, for example
Living and none living things  you created amply,
Filled earth  with all supply;
And  told man and woman to eat drink and multiply.
Till date we obey your words and comply
In our daily life as you told word by word our skills we apply.
But you seem to send wrong messages through your messengers to detach from all worldly affairs and turn to you.
Also you teach us to follow you leaving everything that you created, family and friends, our possessions and all comforts etc.
What is it Lord, you pulled us into captivation  and now tell us to leave everything. Is it not double talk? Then I am sure you are the Father of all double talks!!!
But one thing is striking me because today's politicians are doing the same thing to demoralize their opponents.
Let me ask you one final thing
But I am sure you will keep silence just like your today's counterparts.
Sir you had sent out Mr. and Mrs. Adem from your beautiful garden, let me ask you was it not part of a conspiracy?
You just wanted to throw them out of the garden because you felt they are a threat for you?
Sir, Master, please don't send your policemen to implicate me in any other fictitious cases. But for me,
If you keep quiet also know, no issues, but I just wanted to ask you, it is also a credit for you afterall I am your hand made! But Sir I will not be a threat for you. Believe me. So please excuse me. All the more you are smiling like a lion at a sparrow, so I feel pretty encouraged.
So I feel your silence is conceding to my questions. Right? again you are smiling...
Ok, in that sense you are good and generous.  So let me leave alone for a while, my respects to you. Pranam.
Philipp K J Dec 2018
Naked pink and ebony feet
brush the slimy grass filled path
Through the tea fields elephants retreat
After a night of jaded mud bath

Armored with sack and gunny  weight
Enter the frost covered fields in drowsy rest
Wake up the greens to  a gentle fright
And pluck under care of  enchanting *******.

The supervisor mackintosh
Walking with a bend and a toss
Shout at those Cinderellas
Who look for shoes and umbrellas
Even  before its time to knock off

The tin covered temple of olfactory  auditory deity,
the holy Garden tea
The chanting enchanting to a coma hot  mesmerizing wafts of aroma
fills the air, capture the sense of all devotees who belong to the Orthodox commune TEA or CTC.
The sirens bugle the devotees into fits
They come in shifts for worship.
The tender hearts freshly plucked before they attain mature Tea
Spread to wither under a  hell
of a hot air with care.
crushed and torn and curled,
the souls are put into a purgatory rotary drum to pause to meditate
on the ephemeral color change
To cover the green with copper red
Garment to ferment  before being sent
to the fluid fire dance
To attire in black and retire
in packages
for a last plunge in to a boiling cauldron
The finale
A sacramental service,
a self sacrifice to energize the tired souls
In cups of tea..
Philipp K J Dec 2018
Sweeping past the lineroom yards
With a long hand held broomstick
Malayandi was a daily sight,
A hard and indelible insight

His quiet mouth a taco
Betel leaf and tobacco
The sweet red rose scent
Animate his hands to accent
Rhythms in the dirt puddle
strokes of savage broom
Frolic along sewage groom
Gargle alongside marbles
Rake up ripple giggles
Babbling bubbles fling
Driving mild stink flakes
To spread morning
Knit into a dead neat serenity.

On festival seasons vacations
Instead of grooming the vassal
comes blooming with big vessels
Collects cooked food in measures
From each and every homestead
People pour in quiet leisure
Rice in a *** of metal
Curry in another kettle
Filled with reverence and pleasure
His heart is brimming sure

All different kitchen meals
In a single container appeals
All children of the same ranch
With many a range
of community
A bonehomie of unity

The children heard
from their friend his daughter
They'd preserved
All those food in cold water
And all the while
They'd eat from it too
This collected meal
for a week or two

This made the children to
look up at them
With same respect due to
a national anthem

Are they more advanced?
With knowledge enhanced
In matters of life and cleanliness?

Malayandi was unaware
That his humble duty covered
Sweeping as well grooming
The children's hearts
With arts of rare sensibility.
Philipp K J Jan 2019
Hello, this is my missing Mistress
Always she is for catching buses
Only for me its a physical stress
Clearly, she and me, 'musing bugs.

She handles it all on her own ways
Blooming face lighting little smileys
Like moonlit shining water waves
Laughter lighten her burdened dailies

A master lonely in friendly choirs
Shuttles merely from workplace to home
A king for cooking and child cares
Scuttling honey bee, nectar to comb.

Fancies mesmerize her failing frame
Work energizes her smiling game
Philipp K J Nov 2018
Musa stands for banana
But his name sake was Furhana
His headwear folded like samosa
Not to be confused with mimosa
Yet the fold was like Koya's head towel
Even the fantastic Ayamu's downwell.
That said: Koya heckled with his sickle knife
Never failed in the field to sit and file
The blade to trim out the hedge's tendrils rife
Closed one eye to see the fence's profile
The cutting-hedge technology of fence
Continued without denouncing offense
Rarely reaching any end, the dense
Fence talk gains again as every day commence.

Beauty creation was his faint inclination
At the entrance of the tea plantation
Stationed near to the police station
Part of his task unasked in the division
Was standing and talking to the man on the bike
Talks like, the strike, the Labour wages hike,
How to dodge a strife for a fair bounty
With words coated with 'chondy-chandy sugar candy.
For its said, he can wear any colour, I-uhml-green or P-yellows
To send jaundice or dainties to the Poor-fellows.
The talk prolong as the baron mellows
Till the madam's call comes from the bungalows.

Back to Musa, sorry for the interruption, he was left behind the lines...
For names of Mayan, Maanu and Jaanu make a beeline
Like Beebi and Kaybee,  maybe the guy too, sounding Shanghai,
All are bonanza, for a due stanza.

Musa chirped with chops of English
And fizzed out the name of fish and dish
Proud that he worked even with some British.
Once he mumbled the name mom and mummy
To call out his humble wife to introduce
The visiting chummy colleagues, over there.
Her numb eyes goggled out of a slimy shawl to reduce
Her head to a crummy Kameez that beleaguered  on her.
Not knowing what his trendy husband is telling,
And why he is calling her before them, Asia instead of Aisha!
His friends knew her trouble and told her its alright
And that made her feel she is the same Ayichumma on her own right.

Once Musa stumbled on the name 'chips' at a shop in the city;
Ordered the same along with other civil society
While seeing it packed, he grumbled for his stupidity
And burst out, "O, just the Koya fried banana, that's aplenty in our vicinity".
The shopkeeper gave a laugh,
And there, Musa left in a huff!
Chips=chopped banana slices fried into crispy chips.
Iuhml and PLO are political party and trade union respectively
Chondy-chandy= the local dielect with a musical intonation
Philipp K J Apr 2019
My self is humbled
When I see light arround
When I hear birds sound
When fresh air persuade
Its time you rise and join
Hands with the bands
Who just do the will
Of almighty and fill
Obediance and pleasure
That makes this world
Permanance is created
By chain of trancience.
Its the beam of light
That creats this drama
Sounds and shadows
With silence and shades
Flights and blights
Strings with words
That is god!
My self is humbled!
Philipp K J Feb 2020
Noor Alam dear what could I do for you?
Your proper name stands for light of the world
Gone are the light and the color and hue
From your eyes and your face darkness covered

Yet you lay alone on the playground slide
Easy and cozy as on a mother's lap
When all the inmates with that syndrome hide
Not wanting to show the guests their mishap

You cling the ladder rails resting your head
On the slippery slide lay  listening calm
I do not know a bit of what you said
Except for the name you lisped 'Nooralam'

Your growth and look matching a UKG
Yet, weak and weighed down under languid love
The ladder forms a mother Emoji
Beckons 'hurry and hug me heathen mom'

Lying quiet with ears close to metal sheet
As you try hard listening to her heart beat
Does she respond to your cling to her feet?
Else why should you sneak away to this seat?

Does she cry or sing to you lullaby?
Or do you see angels laugh and play near by
Else what prompts you to come and lay lonely?
And watch with your closed eyes some mystery!

Noor Alam dear what could I do for you?
We have been joyful making fuss and fun
Bright and delightful singing songs anew
But failed to see your play with shades and none

Our commotions and haughty naughty plays
Shed shadows on your whimsy flimsy ways
Our races are rude reckless and intense
Unaware of your lowly lonely presence.....
(On 16.02.2020 we visited Infant Jesus Childrens Home, Kothanur. Where around 110 *** positive inmates are taken care of. After lunch all inmates had gone to their rooms.
But Noor Alam a 3-4 year old kid climbed on the slippery slide and laid himself prostrate on the play ground slide expressing his intimacy with the equipment)
Philipp K J Dec 2019
Hi baby bread O' life so sweet
My joy you lay on hay of wheat
Hi Mary uptight yet so coy
Your eyes soar high and heart so buoy

Hi man beside the baby dear
Why the' look with so much fear?
He's the light of all the lights
Sent on earth with Gods delight

Let the world sing Gloria
Sing his praise hallelujah
The king of kings born
The might of sin is torn

Lo, herdsmen I'm lords messenger
A good-news borne I'm due here
At Bethlehem in Judea
A King of kings' born
A king for Israel you own
Go, find him on a manger
Past fence and pens and cages
Beside the Inns' passages

Let me greet the three; you sages
Seeking Lord for some ages
Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar
Come follow the guiding star

Bring frankincense, myrrh and gold
To gift the glory of the lord
The journey moves on symphony
Will end with Lord's epiphany

The king of kings born
The might of sin is torn
Let’s sing his glory and praise
And set smiles on every face

Let the world sing Gloria
Sing his praise hallelujah
The king of kings born
The might of sin is torn
A Christmas Gift to All my dear ones!
Wish you Merry Christmas and A Happy New year 2020 ahead!
Philipp K J Nov 2020
On a sun tanned Sunday noon
The rays are mildly intense
The day is full of events
Street hawkers' horn calls
Ring along narrow walls
Birds sound copious shrill
Proclaim their language skill
"Family Family
We are On Tree, On Tree"
"Caw-Caw" many broods
Tweet in funny moods
On a sun tanned Sunday noon.

The shadows become longer soon
A baboon sneaks in with a spoon
Can I scoop a spoonful of corn?
A squirrel too wooed by this goon
Queues beneath the sun panel boon
Drowsy brown cats on the porch
Perch and watch the girls from church
A draft of air brings to eyes
Smell of smoked chicken thighs
Whiffs of mutton stew stench
With alcoholic punch
From reveling liquor saloon
On a sun tanned Sunday noon
Philipp K J Dec 2021
Dear Friend,
You are precious to me, a great, great lot
You became my special friend with the lot
My heart on the mild screen begins to jot
Your thoughts as refrain darts I dare to quote
I did not choose you but destiny bids
I got caught musing just as tiny kids

I wish you the best this Xmas season
And thank you again and for no reason

May be as you are well advanced in years
And have experienced happy tears
And seen life and heard live stories of fears
And being a teacher too,
(that being my Waterloo!)
Prototype of all the teaching sages
Who were before and to be for ages
Selfless and so loving and caring
Love wrinkles smiley sprinkles pairing
Perchance, I thank you for that reason
Wishing all the best this Xmas season!

Wealth? Health?strength? Length of life? Or Faith in-depth?
What'd you like me pray for you, X'mas friend?
Look , God had thus far gave you all graces
No intercession this Winter Session
So prayers ruled out -- what about praises?
Yes! I would praise God Almighty Jesus
For all that He had prepared and prepaid
And that is the reason you were chosen
To be in glory and grace of Jesus
Bought with a price, a surprise, that frees us
And that's the true prize; all being specious.

And just that being all the more reason
Wish You all the best this Xmas season!
Philipp K J May 2022
Twenty and two pieces of banana leaves
Spread over stacks of news paper sheets
On each leaf a red spot of lemon tickle
while the boiled egg on top buckle
Over the three serves of mixed veg Biryani
These meals are to be packed and distributed at the lane
After three parcels the cello tape came to the reel's end
Nineteen parcels still to be packed and it's thirty past nine
The hungry have to be fed and the office duty starts at ten
How to pack the food parcels when the cellophane tape is spent
O god, the brain black out and hypnotic
And in no time the left hand stretch robotic
Moves to the left to a corner below the table
Amidst a jumble of books past two boxes  and cable
The index finger skips the top one and aims
The lid of the second one and claims
a brand new cello tape immense
Out of a stupor the brain awakens with a sense
O Jesus! His presence
Heart heaving,
Tears gushing
'Am not alone but Jesus
Like a baby watching curiously a craftsman work,
He is always beside the great Me, lurk
When the human wit run out and escape
Pouncing to catch for  me even  a cello tape
Philipp K J Dec 2018
She strolled on the aisle in style
with a smile
Her profile being caught on her friends mobile
phone cam crashed her in to a rib breaking laughter
The sun lit sands of the isle
felt chill waves kissing the spray of sea water
Philipp K J Jan 2019
Mark the 'withered'
words  of St.Mark
Hark! The 'tethered' verse
had gathered many
smothered seeds to grow
Unbothered bards to strow
The words undithered before swords
Of proud religious crowds
Whose life is bound by
books of frigid commands.
The Sun is for all man kind
Spreading love light to all kinds.
Not for 'we' men alone
And not for 'woe' man forlorn.
Its for all unkind and kind alike.
Sun of man is a book
Of compassions with unbound leaves of love
Demands no learning to read and recite
Rewrite and reverberate
It's a book that reads and recites itself
Flows the elixir of life
It waters the withered,
Tethered, thirsty
Creating beauty
Removing dirt and disorder
The Sun of man
Returns for duty,
In uniform every morning.
Philipp K J Dec 2021
Thanks a lot Santa for the Light emitting Lantern
Thank you once again for the sign of success pen
Lantern reminds me of  an antique lamp pattern
If thoughts are colored and feathered, they would take flight
Your mellow pen would hook and reel up the catch tight
And set them down on pages with greater delight
Once my next door neighbor owned- a hurricane lamp
I wished had I had one to show my posh and pomp
Like the lamp lighter Leerie to go lighting lamps
And parade as it were Aladdin’s magic lamp
Your choice is a voice of your finer inner heart
The lamp help decrypt; pen script the flying spirit
"Your word is a lamp for my feet" and light brighter
And "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
Thanks a lot Santa for the much loved lovely gift
Your fantastic love does my heart and soul uplift
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