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Shamai Nov 2019
Sometimes I wonder about life
What it is that calls to me
In the darkness of my unknowing
I wonder what truly lies
At the depths of my be ing
Reaching out to catch me
As I fall into
The abyss
Not knowing is the sign
Of true compassion
Of true humility
Of a trust that is so deep
And so wide
That I fear not
The fall
Shamai Jul 2020
I awake in the morning
With a smile on my face
And I wonder and I hope
That this truth
Becomes a reality
I’m blown over
By the rapidity of feelings
And marvel at the beauty
Of it all
Shamai Apr 2019
Black hole
******* us in
Making us think
That life here
Is all there is
When truthfully
The black hole
All our dreams
All our desires
All our wants
All our jealousies
The black hole
***** in the all the light
Leaves nothing
In its
Shamai Jun 2021
From Canada there came a man
Who liked to stand out, take a tan
He sat in his tuque
Through the snow took a look
That Canada man with a tan
Shamai May 2020
It’s that time of year
When the sun is shining
And the warmth on my skin
Causes the flowers to bloom
And the birds to return
To their nesting
And I want to jump and leap
Through the air
With the
Joy of Spring
But alas
I can’t go out
Into my joyous place
By the stream
And watch the birds
Celebrating the birth
Of a new world
I can’t share my happiness
With those outside
As I frolic in the mists
Of a new day
I have to stay inside
Bundled in my aloneness
Shrouded in the knowing
That the world is changing
And I
Along with it
Shamai Jan 2022
When I think of all the things I’ve done
The places I have been
I wonder at the logic of all
And what I’ve heard and seen
Which comes first the chicken or egg
Do we think or are thoughts given to us
Do we process all that we’ve become
Or is it just the dice in a toss
I think and therefore I transform
I do and slowly I am
Do my thoughts create or am I the God
Do I exist or am I a scam
I know you must think this is all much dribble
Just thoughts pouring out of my mind
And yet I’m on the discovery road
My thoughts and my being combined
We need to master we need to transform
We need to ground all that we learn
We need to grow up to who we’re meant to be
We tend to move to what we do yearn
I am therefore I become
I learn and then I grow
I try new things until I am that
Until I become the flow
Shamai Oct 2018
I prefer
To live in my dream world
Where I am in charge
And can do whatever
I want to
I prefer to stay in my dream world
Where no one judges me
And colour and beauty is everywhere
And I can be the only being
In my world
I prefer to live in my dream world
Where I can see and do and be
All I want to be
I prefer to live
In my Dream World
And Be
Just Be
Shamai Dec 2018
The world
Has taken a turn
For change
And it seems
Like I have become lost
In the differences
Of existence

Nothing is
As it used to be
And it’s hard to make sense
Of the whirling entity
They now call
The Earth
And I am confused
The Changes
Shamai Oct 2018
As the earth touches our fingers
And gives us the gift of light and sound
And the many experiences we live upon her
So we need to also honour
The soul that enlightens the life
And gives us hope
In our darkest hour
Our bodies hold the treasures of our existence
And give us the experience
To know ourselves
In these times

Our minds hold the power to bring us forward
Into the enlightenment of the ages
And the knowledge of which it is privy
Our minds help guide us forward
With trivialities and the creativity
Of knowing

Our emotions help us to experience
Our lives in the body
It gives us direction and the means with which to express
That which we are
And are hoping to become

Our souls take us to places long forgotten
And yet to be
It reminds us of our greater knowing
And the existence of pure joy
It is to our souls that we sing
With the exuberance of life
And look for guidance in our suffering

Yes, we have bodies, minds, emotions, and souls
And we are more than that
We are
All of existence
From here to eternity
And beyond
We are
All there is
On this journey
Back to the One
Shamai Aug 2020
Along the way
I found a home
For my thoughts
And some
I wanted to take back
And others
Were meant to keep
Shamai Apr 2022
Step by step
One foot after the other
We walk our destiny
With sister and brother
We know not where
The journey will end
We plod on steadily
Try to ascend
We go to church
We say our prayers
We lead a life
Learn ours from theirs
Be good, do good
Be one we’re told
They force us all
Into a mold
We try our hardest
To do things right
We try and try
With all our might
Until one day
We wake to find
That we are caught
In our own bind
We reach for end
The prize to achieve
When instead we find
It’s time to leave
Hold on now to
Each step you make
It’s not the end
It’s the journey you take
Shamai Dec 2018
Today I wrote a letter
And  sent it to the one I love
I  remembered to buy a stamp
And I sealed it with a dove

The letter is going to India
Now that is pretty far
I remembered to include some kisses
And if I could, would have included a star

For the person to whom that I sent it
Is very important to me
And there’s never an end to the love all around
For this person that I wish I could see

But this place is so far
Couldn’t get there by car
So this rhyme hits the bar
And I hope it won’t mar

This letter
Shamai Jun 2020
Around and around the thoughts go
With no beginning and no end
‘round and ‘round in my mind
Like a merry go round
Of life
It’s hard
To still
Shamai Mar 2022
I am a product
Of my own creation
My mind decides
Where it wants to go
I follow it

If I could only decide
Who I want to be
Where I want to go
It might
Make life more interesting
And instead
I allow
My mind
To guide
My life
Shamai Jul 2019
Will there ever be a time
When humanity accepts
That they are more
Than themselves
Will they ever know
The joy
Of love
And the Oneness
Of Being
Or will they constantly
Engage themselves
In hatred
And lies
And the need for Power
And will they turn their backs
On all that is
To instead
Shamai Sep 2019
This is
Just the way
It is
And I truly
Have no say
The outcome
Shamai Nov 2018
I sit and wait for the phone to ring
For an email to appear
For someone to show
That they care
To remind me
That I am still alive
And still play a role
In this life
A purpose
A reason for being
Why doesn’t the phone ring?
Shamai Jan 2020
The power is out
What shall I do
I’m in the dark
I have no clue
Why it is out
Or when I’ll see
The lights go on
In light I’ll be

The dogs are batty
They’re scratching the door
If I had kids
They’d be on the floor

What do we do
When the lights go out
How do we live
And walk about

I can’t cook supper
Or read a book
I’m on my computer
The power they took

Not time for bed
Or lying around
What do I do
With no light on the ground

Oh hum, o gee
I can sit and stare
Oh my, can’t see
Is that a bear

Please, come on soon
Can’t wait much more
Maybe it’s time to think
About going out the door

Oh yes, I think
It’s coming back
Ok, never mind
I can unpack
Shamai Apr 2022
I really want to help you
And I want to give my time
And yet when they are ready
Your ‘no show’ is your dream time
You really meant to do it
And something else just did come up
Your heart was in the right place
But your work had no back up
What does it mean to give your word
And do what you should do
What does it mean to follow up
And not say your adieu
Better to keep silent
Keep your promises to yourself
Then open up a window
And be found on hidden shelf
For promises once spoken
Should be followed through to end
And offering up your valued time
Is something to commend
So keep  up all your promises
So others know your true
Be honourable and capable
And always be the best of you
Shamai Apr 2022
In life there are times when we change
And the enormity of the situation
Can bring tears to the eyes
We walk a path
And suddenly the road wavers
And the path thickens
And we are challenged
To be the best we can possibly be
And life’s journey brings us
To the threshold
And gifts are given
That make the journey
More palatable
And truly
Joy filled
Shamai Dec 2021
The thrill
Of stepping onto a sleigh
Knowing that soon
I will be
Shamai Dec 2021
The snow is white, and wet, and cold
And alive
With the rhythm of life
I walk through the crunch and wet
And feel wholeness coming back to my limbs
The earth
Sharing her wisdom and beliefs
And I
Am but
Shamai Aug 2021
Will a third poem show up
They always come in threes
The first is a beginning
And the last is the tree
The roots we hold onto
As we become more
Our fate has no limit
We are so much at core
I want to be more
Than I first thought I was
And now I’ve grown stronger
And can understand the laws
The Universe will guide us
All the days of our lives
It will show us the true way
As forward we strive
So trust in your be ing
And do from the heart
You only live once
Take a stand, and now start
Shamai Jul 2019
Will there ever be a time
When humanity accepts
That they are more
Than themselves
Will they ever know
The joy
Of love
And the Oneness
Of Being
Or will they continue to forget that
There is so much more
To life
Then the constant need
For desire fulfillment

At the core of being
Is so much more
Than material possessions
Can ever give us
And yet
Humanity keeps seeking
They have forgotten
That they are more
Than their possessions
You can’t take it with you, they extol
And people don’t listen
And they cannot hear
The Truth
Shamai Oct 2022
Weird feelings in my body
Weird feelings in my mind
I don’t quite know what’s happening
I’m feeling kind of blind
It’s like a sense of forebode
And sense to stay quite still
I can’t describe what’s happening
Something’s going against my will
Clarity is what I need
Understanding is what I want
It’s like my body and mind
Are talking in a different font
So how do I make sense
Of this quagmire and unknown
Is it something I need to throw out
Or something I need to own
I guess I need to sit
For a while or maybe two
Until I understand
What it is I need to do
Shamai May 2020
I drift
In a fog
Of non-understanding
The world is in a mess
And I can’t
Any sense
Of it
Shamai Apr 2020
So many days in solitude
So many days alone
Can only talk on SKYPE and ZOOM
Can only speak on the phone

I miss my social time with others
As we shared our hopes and dreams
Thought things would always be the same
And now life has changed, so it seems

My thoughts are wobbly
Don’t know what’s in store
Things couldn’t go on
As they were before

So changes are made
From the way life has been
More sensitive to
What has been unseen

We need to take care of
The Earth on which we thrive
Begin to understand
That love is prescribed

Until we make changes
Things will stay as they are
Unhappy and joyless
Was the old life on par

But now after being
Kept inside for so long
Our thinking has changed
From what was so wrong

Living in harmony
Is the way to go
Love compassion acceptance
Is the only way to grow

Into a new society
Where we embrace
All that’s same all that’s different
With love and with grace
Shamai Dec 2018
In my mind
What thoughts
To keep
And which
To ignore
About thoughts
And then
Putting them
To bed
Shamai Jan 2022
Tick tock, tick tock, time is passing by
Sometimes it makes me happy and sometimes it makes me cry
Our busy time moves by so quickly, when at rest it sure slows down
Time is measured by what we do and how we move around
Einstin talked about  ripples in space-time and the relativity of life
Some people talk about the here and now and others about past life
Time is the continued sequence of events that occur throughout our day
Time is the measurement of what we are as we work and as we play
We plan and schedule and arrange our days with activities galore
And sometimes we just sit and veg and never move out of the door
So how can we make the best use of our time on a daily basis
If we procrastinate and sit around and get nothing done in stasis
Time has a way of flying by until our time is over
If we don’t use our will and make some changes our life we won’t turnover
Take the time, make some time, use your time spent well
Do the things that make you happy, do the things that to you compel
Do the things that bring you happiness and the things that bring a frown
Do the things that fill your day up rather than spending time lying down
For time moves by and before you know it your time will be complete
You want to look back at all you’ve done and know that your life was sweet
So take the time and do your best and consider each breathe as your last
For life passes us by so very quickly and before you know it life has passed
Count each tick tock as a gift to hold and cherish  as your own
Meet friends find love and celebrate and know that you have grown
Shamai May 2022
Foot after foot
Lead laden feet
That don’t want to move
Hidden behind memories
Of yesteryear
What is it
That keeps us going
Against all odds
Why do we feel
Like we have to keep trying
Even when
Our tiredness
Is so obvious
Life has a way
Of enlivening
Our be ing
And keeping us going
Long after
The will
Has tired itself
Shamai Jul 2020
Today is a day like all others
All things seem to meld into one
And I wonder what will excite
The spirit in me
Will love suffice? Or will adventure take the lead
What will remain important in my life
And what will I let go of
Only time
Shamai Feb 2019
I want to give back to God
The gifts of love
And respect
I want to be
That person
That God
Expects me to be
I want to hold
In highest esteem
That part of myself
That is
God like
And to know
That I have been made in perfection
And to live
Shamai Jan 2023
I will go about my day
As if it is the only thing
I have to do
I will enjoy each taste of life
Catching the drops of nectar
That it provides
I will see the world
Through different eyes
Because the newness will excite
My living
I will know
That in order to be one
I must act one and feel one and be one
I will live as if it is my last day on Earth
And I will thoroughly enjoy
Every moment of it
Shamai Nov 2018
For today
I’m going to
Listen better
Speak less
Observe more
Be true to myself
Overcome obstacles
Laugh, sing, dance
And Live


Just because I’m me
I will become more than that
And live to my Truth
Shamai Nov 2018
Today is a day
Like any other day
Only, today I laughed
And cried
And mourned
And loved

Today I sought
And found
And searched
And won

I thought about love
And Love
Thought about
Shamai May 2020
I will stay on track
I will do all that I promised I will do
I will continue to grow, and learn, and be
I will enjoy life and live it
Today I will know that, if this is my last day
I have lived it
To its fullest
Shamai Jan 2020
Yes today
The day I live in
Forgetting about the past
Or the future
I want to
Live in the today
That I am
Shamai Feb 2020
I went back to childhood
And I lay down
And just closed my eyes
And did
How good it feels
To be
In a place
Shamai Oct 2018
Today is a day
Like any other
I gave time for thinking
And cleaning
And knowing
And growing
And being

Today is a day
Like any other
And I knew
And I sold
And I told
And I loved
And I grew

Today is a day
Like any other
And it is mine
To hold dearly
To love clearly
To grow into

Shamai Jul 2020
Today is a new day
A new slate
To make of it
What I will
It’s nice to be able
To forget yesterday
And to live in the now
No worry
No fuss, no bustle, no drama
Shamai Jan 2022
I will be more than I was before
I came into a world
That was created
By others before me
I entered
Not knowing
Wanting to learn
Wanting to be more
I have learned
To make the world a better place
Begins with me
If I can remember
To always leave things
Better than I have found them
I have learnt
The lesson
Of life
Tread softly on the Earth
Shamai Mar 2022
Today I will write
As best I can
To make myself heard
All over the land
We need to be peaceful
We need to be love
We need to reach out
To the God up above
And make our needs known
As we reach out to other
Our mothers and fathers
Our sisters and brothers
And let them know that
They are not there alone
There are laws to protect
That are written in stone
We need to take care of
The world, best we can
We need to stand up
And take a real stand
Today is the start
Of a new way to live
Reach into your heart
And give, give, give
Shamai Nov 2018
A chance to write a story
Or two
Or three or four
Or maybe more
But instead
Write a poem
Shamai Apr 2020
Have you ever had a day
Where nothing seems
To fit together
It’s like
I can’t find a place for myself
As I move
From activity to activity
And never quite
Any of

It’s like
Trying to find myself
In a mind field
Of emotions

It’s like
Playing Russian Roulette
With an
Unloaded gun

To say
The least

How does one right themselves
As they fall from a high building
How does one attempt to complete life
In the slow down

How does one attempt
To live
A life that is
In stasis

Twiddling my thumbs
What to do
Shamai Jul 2019
Sometimes words come easily to me
And sometimes not
Sometimes I forget to take the time
And others, not

Poetry, as an expression of life
Makes pictures out of words
And takes our minds soaring
To new heights
Of understanding
So today
I put pen to paper
And fingers to keyboards
I will write
Shamai Nov 2018
Today’s the day
I write a poem
That has meaning
That reaches hearts
That states a deep message
That touches

Today’s the day
I write a poem
That helps others to know
The wisdom
Of thoughts
Of  voice
Of experiences
Of life

Today’s the day
And I hope
You will continue
Shamai Oct 2018
To dream is to reach into the deepest part of the self
To seek out and find that which has traversed the Universe
And come in the form of what is to be
I walk along a path that is my destiny
Always wondering what is ahead
That which I have already planned and placed into order
The dream comes before the self, before the birth
Before the One which is to come
And I step into the dream with each breath that I take
And I wonder at the illusion of what I thought
I had to do
Just ‘be’ I am told, and that truly is the way, the dream, the illusion into truth
Just be in the flow of the life that was recorded and planned
To live out all that is meant to be lived
To honour that which was walked before and to live that which comes in front of us
To dream is to become
To dream is to love that which is to come
To dream is to be
And nothing more

To dream is not to create
But to live that which was already created
To know, with certainty, that all is
As it is meant to be
To dream is to take into oneself
The wholeness of the Universe
And the allowance of the energy
That flows through the matrix of the all
To dream is to live the truth
That we have come here to live
To dream is to know
That we are perfection
And always have been
To dream is to live the dream
The creation of life
And all it is
As it is
Shamai Mar 2022
Welcome my child
What can I say
You’ve come into the world
And are here to stay
I welcome you
With all my love
For you are a gift
From up above
I’ll hold you and clean you
And keep you all warm
I’ll make sure to protect you
Through any storm
For you are the child
To which I gave birth
Through my body
I brought you to Earth
I’ll watch as you grow
Encourage your smile
I’ll hold your hand
Through every trial
And one day you too
Will become a mother
And know that you also
Are like no other
Shamai Oct 2018
I love you
The day we met
I looked into your eyes
And saw infinity
I knew
We would be together forever
You got sick
And you died
And I was all alone
And yet
A piece of you
Is still in my heart
Shamai Oct 2018
Is it true?
Can it be real?
Do I really want to know?
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