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Shamai Jun 2022
Transition is just a word
That describes growth
And change
We grow and we learn
And we exist
In a quagmire
Of change
Shamai Jun 2022
I walk a path
That others
Have walked before
It makes no sense
To tread on land
That doesn’t
Create change
And my life is worthy
Touching others
I am
Others can be
Shamai Feb 2019
What is it
That I find
Inside of myself
As I search
For the
Meaning of life
What emptiness
Evades me
And creates the illusion
Of true happiness
I know
That somewhere
Deep inside of myself
That there exists
A true joy
An authentic
I just have to find it
Amongst all the other
Shamai Jul 2020
There are times
When you think you’ve had
All the experiences
You will ever
And then
You learn
That you have missed one
The one of
True love
Shamai Mar 2022
There are times in our lives
When a feeling passes over us
And we wonder
What is True Love?

A feeling that begins
In the deepest recesses
Of our heart
That extends
Into our knowing
That this person
This one
This thing
Will be forever
Our memories
And our
It means
That nothing
Is too much
To give
And nothing
Is too small
To take
It puts other
Before ourselves
It means
Putting someone
Of  who
We think we are
Unconditional love
No boundaries
It’s all encompassing
And all consuming
When we truly love ourselves
All is harmony
In our lives
An never ending
Of giving
More than we get
It means
Charity begins at home
And we want to
Be in that everlasting
Of being
When we are enveloped in love
Time stands still
And everything has meaning
That means
When love enters our lives
We feel protected
Like nothing can ever hurt us
For we are enveloped
In caring
In knowing
That we are more
True love
Talking and sharing dreams
And thoughts and experiences
True love
Takes us on a journey
Of enlightenment
The dark corners
Of our lives
It means
Emptying every crevice
And filling it
Shamai Jun 2022
June into July
The time’s passing fast
Soon all we do
Will be in the past
We think we’re important
And what we do counts
Yet all our actions mount
In karmic accounts
Reflective of who
And what we do now
All that we sow
We will reap with a plow
Discern and be thoughtful
Watch your words and your thoughts
Or your life will become
A game of follow the dots
Be considerate and kind
Come from compassion not hate
For at the end of times
All your deeds you will rate
I know you think now
That my words are in vain
But it’s your life and your soul
That will be marked with a stain
Go forward in love
Love all that you meet
So when you come home
Your pure soul you will greet
Shamai Feb 2021
Trying so hard
To slow down
Trying to stop
The running
In my head
Trying so hard
To be in this world
If it’s supposed to be
An effortless effort
Shamai Jan 2021
Have you heard of this? Cute
Shamai Mar 2022
To the people of Ukraine
We feel your pain
We see you fight
With all your might
We want to support
And we fall short
How can we help
How can we be
How can we become
Your road to be free
No one should come
And take away
The land you’ve built
The place where you play
All life is sacred
And to be safe is a right
And yet you fight
Will all your might
To hold onto
What should be yours
The freedom to be
Without the wars
So hold onto
Your God given right
Patriotic love
Within your sight
And know that others
Walk by your side
Silent and strong
We’ll be your guide
Shamai Nov 2018
Used to be a time
When pictures were taken
And put into photo albums
Stuck up on a shelf

Used to be a time
When cameras around your neck
Were common place
And expected on holidays

Used to be a time
When we waited days
To see what photos
We had actually taken
And we stood in line
To gather together
With oohs and ahhs
Surprised that many
Weren’t what we expected
With heads chopped off and eyes that were red

Used to be a time
When we used cameras
Instead of telephones
And we bought lenses
Instead of apps

Used to be a time
When it took time
To get the right angle
And we had the time
To wait

Used to be a time when film
Came in canisters
And we used chemicals
To develop them

Used to be a time
When we reminisced
Remembering the good old days
And thinking we knew it all

Used to be a time
And that time is now gone
And no one is developing pictures anymore
Shamai Jul 2019
In a vacant way
I have found
That living from my heart
Brings more comfort
Than living on the street
Shamai Jun 2022
Every cell in my body
Is vibrating
All at different rates
Until I crash
And fall down
Into a place
Of nowhere
I wonder
How I got here
Shamai May 2020
Who let the virus out
It’s so much easier
To believe
That it’s
An act of man
Than to believe that
It’s an act
Shamai Mar 2020
Now locked in and  bored
This virus keeps us inside
Hoping it will end
Shamai Mar 2022
I’m waiting for the sun to shine
I’m waiting for the day
I sit inside and wait
Hope the sun will surely stay
Seems to always be
Waiting for something to come
I’m waiting in the morning
And when the day is done
I wait for things to rise
And the oven to get hot
I wait for rain to stop
And wait for water in the ***
My day is spent in waiting
For something to come out right
I’m spending my time waiting
From the morning to the night
If I could only go on
With the things I’m waiting for
If I could just be all myself
From toes up to my core
If I could stay for just some time
In the space that we call present
Then I could understand
And see where my time is spent
Let go of expectations
Let go of judgment too
Just do things in the present
Give myself the love I’m due
Then anxiety will fly out the door
And peace will reign inside
And I can love now all of me
And stand with strength and pride
No longer living in past and future
The present is where I’ll be
With joy and jubilation
With love hope and with glee
Shamai Jun 2022
I wait
Wondering what it is
That I am
Waiting for
My life has always been
A wait
And I wonder
It is
I’m waiting
Shamai Feb 2022
Tea or coffee coffee or tea
Do I want to wake up or do I want to sleep
I’m looking around the world has changed
People are lying and appear deranged
I wonder when people fell asleep
When they stopped making choices and became like sheep
Wake up wake up I want to say
It’s a time for work not a time for play
Things are urgently needing our attention right now
There are things in this world we can’t allow
Look at the ones who are making the choices
The laws are crazy lift up your voices
What do you want what will you say
We can’t wait for tomorrow this is the day
To get involved in this scheme of life
You can’t complain and remain a low life
Rise up to the cause rise up to be true
The only one that can change the world is you
Shamai Apr 2019
It’s been awhile
Since I’ve been able
To write words
Thoughts pour forward
In images
And the words follow
Slowly behind
Wanting to share
I put fingers to keyboard
And volley forward
Into times gone by
And future endeavors
Wanting to share
Wanting to write
Shamai 1d
The bombs are explosions in the air
With fragments falling into fields of clover
And the Shield helps us to breathe
In a time when life has become so fragile
And I wait for the boom sounds to eliminate
Whoever or whatever the enemy is
And my belly flattens as I wait for the sounds to dissipate
Anticipating the siren
That causes us to run for shelter
In a time when life exists
Why has hatred and anger taken over our sensibilities
And what is it that keeps us going
In times when the going gets rough
How will we exist in a world of confusion
And chaos and unreality
When grounding means fear
And love is kept hidden in the heart
How far can we move from our humanity
When will it all end
Shamai Nov 2023
The world is changing
And I’m not sure
I know
Where it is
The crimson sky
Lands  on the tears
Of fallen soldiers
And the sun rises
On the hope
For a
Better tomorrow
I sit in wonder
At the fanciful anguish
Of death
And marvel
At the
Of life
Where is tomorrow
Can we hope?
Shamai Nov 2019
Isn’t it weird
That poetry
Is my best friend
And words are used
To express
My love
Shamai Mar 2022
The geese have returned
To their Northern home
And I am awakened
To their fanciful flight
And the resonance
Of their welcome
Shamai Apr 2022
What is it like
To find out
That my world has been torn asunder
And I am lost
In this chaos
How do you raise children
In a world filled with
Prejudice and hate
How do I find love
When darkness fills my life
My heart reaches out
And my soul cries
For that which was
And I fear
That which is to be
Shamai May 2022
I am letting go of all I was
And making room
For something new
The space feels clear
And bright
With new adventures
And possibilities

An open door
Of letting in
A new way
Of seeing the world
Endless chances
To renew
And find

What is it
That makes the most
Of every
Moving one along
A path
Of enriched living
What is it
That creates
And moves self
To be more
Than they
Thought they were
What is it
Shamai Mar 2019
What can be better
Than a cup full of tea
Brimming with cream
And slathered with honey
What could be better
Than a sconce slathered with butter
And a jam full of berries
On a plate warm from the oven
What can be better
Than a breathe through a nose that was blocked
Or a beating heart that was once stilled
How can we be better?
Gratitude for all
Shamai Dec 2020
What is it called
When you don’t even
Have the strength
To yell
At your dog
To stop
Shamai Mar 2019
What if what we call dreaming
Is actually our true home?

What if our lives are just a giant video game
Played by people with a weird sense of humour?

What if we really don’t exist
Except in someone’s warped sense of justice?

What if Truth
Is just someone’s mind creation?

What if when we sleep
We are really living in another dimension?

What if what we call justice
Is really injustice to someone else?

What if what we think is proper
Is really improper?

What if we can’t know right from wrong
And it just gets skewered up in our fantasy?

What if life as we live it
Truly takes us nowhere?

and all along, we thought
that there was a right and wrong way to live
and that our lives depended on how we behave
and treating people with kindness was important
and that compassion played a role in who we are
and that we all have a purpose in life

What if there is no purpose
And, we are just here….now…..
Shamai Nov 2020
Friends are those
Who want to share
They show us love
And how they care
They listen to stories
And all our woes
They exercise with us
And touch their toes
We know their near by
Because they stay close
And even from far
They never boast
They never judge us
Or make us feel bad
And they allow us to be happy
And sometimes to be sad
A friend is a friend
Who our secrets will keep
When we stay up real late
They won’t fall asleep
We can giggle and talk
And still want more
From far away
Or just next door
We may not talk
For a long long time
When we finally meet up
We are partners in crime
So what is a friend
You may still ask
It’s a person who’s transparent
Without any mask
Shamai Feb 2022
A question that so many ask
Is where we soon will go
For we all know that when we're done
To death we all will grow
For leaving is inevitable
Is what we’re meant to do
We come to learn our lessons
And when done then we are through
This life is a gift of many breaths
And when our breathe is at our last
We look upon all we have done
We review our life past
And if good we’ve done then we can say
We have done all we’re meant
We have become much better
And we can look forward to ascent
And if instead we have hurt others
Not given thought to acts
We’ve thoughtlessly hurt others
And fallen through the cracks
Then we’ll go home realizing that
We could have done so much more
We could have made improvements
Right through to our soul core
This gift of life is given
So we can make things right
Discernment and responsibility
We should hold onto really tight
And become the very best
Of who we’re meant to be
To make things better to become
A better side of me
So if death you fear and want to hide
Then heed these words I say
Always practice being kind to all
In love you then will stay
For death is just a passing
A letting go of who we’ve been
And moving on to something better
Our soul we try to clean
And if our job upon this Earth
Was done with vim and vigour
Then your ascent after this life
For sure you can assure
Shamai Nov 2021
An experience of the body
A journey of the soul
I meander and can not
Comprehend it at all
I live each day
As if it’s my last
I count down the hours
Until it is past
My nose in the air
And my feet on the ground
I can’t comprehend
How all this must sound
I’m on a journey
That will take me home
I’m learning to live
And I’m learning to roam
For one day I’ll return
To the place where I started
The place where I came in
And the place I departed
Shamai May 2020
Something is happening
A shift
In my understanding
Of where I am
And where
I need to be
A change
In my placement in the world
And my bodies willingness
To accept
I let go of so much
And empty myself
Of past inforgiveness
I thought I had to
And now I know
It was just my mind
Guiding me
In the wrong direction
And today
I don’t know who I am
Or where I’m going
And I have hope
Someone does
Shamai Feb 2019
What is life
If not a conglomerate
Of differences of being
What is life
If not a place of chaos
Where mind reigns
What is life
If not
A hurry scurry
Of useless endeavors
What is life
If not
A gathering
Of ignominious experiences
Meant to teach us
Shamai Jun 2021
Love is just another way
Of saying
That all is
As it’s meant to be
In living love
I have found truth
And meaning
In my life
In being love
I have found a way
To share
That truth
In giving
I have
Shamai Jun 2019
What is a poem
If not a conglomerate
Of words
Put together
To express
A thought
What is poetry
If not a mangling  
Of ideas
Forcing one
Set on paper
To ideas
What is poetry
If not love
Of thought
Of word
Of deed
Shamai Jul 2020
Lost and hopeless
I never thought
I would speak
An emptiness inside of me
That feels like
Energy sapping fingers
Pulling at my innards
How horrible
To feel
And not know
What to
Headache starting
Looking for food
To fill the void
Shamai Feb 2022
We have a name
That tells us all
That we are meant to be
And yet that name is given
By the ones that we can’t see
We take the name
And make it ours
We hold onto it tight
We think that we are all of that
We think that this is right
And if we were to question
What that name now means to us
We might find that we'd query
And put up a little fuss
Imagine if that name we hold
Could be a choice of ours
What would you call yourself
Would you reach out for the stars
Or keep the one that’s given you
Hoping you grow inside
Do you live your life by others choice
Do you go along for the ride
If you could choose another name what do you think it be
Would it stay the same or take a change
Rename yourself with glee
If I could make a little change
I’d think on what to do
For changing out our proper name
Our self we would renew
Shamai May 2020
Life is a mixture
Of true and false
Sometimes happy
And most times sad
Never quite knowing
How my day will turn out
I plow through the many tasks
I set for myself
Always heading
Towards a goal
Of unknown origin
And I think
What’s it all about?
Shamai Jan 2022
The TV is on
What should I do
I want to watch programs
And I want to play too
It’s so easy to get caught
In the TV’s  hypnosis
When I should really be dealing
With life’s gnosis
TV was invented
To bring us some joy
But instead it’s turned into
An adult’s game toy
If I go out get some air
If I take a walk around
Then my health will improve
And I’ll lose a few pounds
And the TV still calls me
With it’s junk food and rest
I think that I’m now
Taking a real life test
What will I choose
What will I let go
The walk is real
The TV is faux
Shamai Dec 2020
I awoke
To the smell of
Rotting fetid stinky
Left over and rancid
And I wondered
When we get forgotten
Will we
Smell bad
Shamai Jan 2022
For some weird reason people think
That money and fame equal love
They spend their lives acquiring
When sufficient could be enough
Their eyes look wide and far to find
What they think they could need
While forgetting to look inside themselves
With thanks and prayer , indeed
This intense and selfish desire won’t bring
What you are looking for
If you would look inside yourself
You’d find you need no more
We need so little to get along
We’re all we ’re looking for
It’s just that you’re looking in the wrong place
And always think you need more
And when you get those wonderful things
That you’ve been searching for
You find that feeling deep inside
Is tearing at your core
Enough is enough should be enough
We shouldn’t need any more
And yet we continue to gather ‘stuff’
And see life as a chore
If we could just sit in silence
Then we could learn the truth
That less means more and we’re enough
We have been since our youth
But someone somewhere gave us the message
That we are not enough
We formed a skin that’s thick and wide
And very very tough
And yet our true self is loving and warm
And soft pliable and truth
If we could just be enough for ourselves
We’d find the fountain of youth
The intense desire of greed is strong
And very overtaking
If will we possess and want to change
Then a new ‘we’ is in the making
Let go of objects, money, power and all
That you used to think you needed
And find your true authentic self
Your desires you’ve exceeded
Shamai Jan 2022
For some weird reason people think
That money and fame equal love
They spend their lives acquiring
When sufficient could be enough
Their eyes look wide and far to find
What they think they could need
While forgetting to look inside themselves
With thanks and prayer , indeed
This intense and selfish desire won’t bring
What you are looking for
If you would look inside yourself
You’d find you need no more
We need so little to get along
We’re all we ’re looking for
It’s just that you’re looking in the wrong place
And always think you need more
And when you get those wonderful things
That you’ve been searching for
You find that feeling deep inside
Is tearing at your core
Enough is enough should be enough
We shouldn’t need any more
And yet we continue to gather ‘stuff’
And see life as a chore
If we could just sit in silence
Then we could learn the truth
That less means more and we’re enough
We have been since our youth
But someone somewhere gave us the message
That we are not enough
We formed a skin that’s thick and wide
And very very tough
And yet our true self is loving and warm
And soft pliable and truth
If we could just be enough for ourselves
We’d find the fountain of youth
The intense desire of greed is strong
And very overtaking
If will we possess and want to change
Then a new ‘we’ is in the making
Let go of objects, money, power and all
That you used to think you needed
And find your true authentic self
Your desires you’ve exceeded
Shamai Jan 2019
When life was more simple
And things weren’t hurled
And violence wasn’t written
All over our world
Then silence was golden
And beauty abounds
And I can sit in harmony
With thoughts that are sound
When life was more simple
And we had time to think
The world was much better
Poems were written with ink
If I had a choice
I think I would choose the now
I would try to make things better
Maybe follow the Tau
And silence, as my friend
Would allow me to grow
And all my bad habits
I would have to forgo
Shamai Feb 2021
An envelope filled with tulips
Painted as an image of life
On canvas with brush
And all I see
Is an empty canvas
Shamai Aug 2021
It’s been awhile
Since I’ve taken to poem
I’ve been planting flowers
And staying at home
Things have changed so much
In this world of ours
So many in fear
So many who cower
We need to regain
Our felt sense of self
We need to hold onto
Our own inner wealth
To know who we are
And who we will become
We need to hold strong
‘Till our work here is done
So do what you must
And trust where you are
You are more than you think
You are truly a star
Shamai Apr 2020
Can anyone tell me
What life is about
How we came to this world
Conscious beings on route
To a better time
And a better place
Flowing so strongly
With love and with grace
Tell me please if you can
What path I must take
To know who I am
Can’t make a mistake
Or I’ll have to come back
‘till I get it right
Over and over again
Until I gain insight
I want to know
Yes really to know
Why I came here this time
With lots of crap in tow
And how can I move
Beyond this old stuff
So want to be clear
And say it’s enough
So I think I will pray
In silence of self
Meditate for a while
Take myself off the shelf
And get to know
All of me and no more
Embrace and with love
A pure self at the core
Shamai Dec 2018
Oh lord
If you could see
What I have become
Would you still
Be proud of my
Or would you wonder
What is left
Of who
I was
Shamai Mar 2022
I look in the mirror
And what do I see
I see a stranger
Looking back at me
She’s wiser and older
And full of grace
And she sure does move
At a slower pace
She knows who she is
And where she comes from
She knows where she’s going
And the authentic outcome
She’s friendly and smiles
And laughs all the time
She’s sure of herself
As she reaches her prime
So look out world
I am here to stay
I’m feisty and healthy
Even though I am grey
Shamai Apr 2021
About who I am
I feel male
How do I know
I really
Shamai Mar 2022
What does it mean
To fall flat on our face
And not know what life is about
What if your spirit
Was calling your name
And all you could do was pout
What if needs and expectations
Were guiding your life
And you didn’t even know they exist
What if purpose and value
Were lost for a while
And never showed up on your list
Life is about finding out
Who you are and what’s your path
Faith and religion only go so far
They warn you to be careful and do what you must
Because actions could be your bar
You want to feel good and you want to smile
You want to find purpose and goal
You want to reach who you are and will be
You want to feel healed and feel whole
It starts from your wanting
And moves into the now
What you will create
You’ll find as your Tao
Reach inward and find
Your true self at core
Know God and your self
And you will be more
We all fight for freedom
For wisdom we search
To find who we are
Is our research
Go in and be silent
And listen with peace
Your understanding of life
Will surely increase
Shamai Jun 2019
What is sadness
But the tearing from asunder
The thought of who we are
Into what we have become
The recognition that
We have facades upon facades
Of who we wish we were
Instead of
Who we are
We fight so hard to become
Only to find out
That we are not
Who we would like to be
And will never be
The truth is that
We cannot be
That which is not
That which is beyond us
The truth lies
In finding out
Who we are not
And then discovering
We always were
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