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Shamai Jan 1
Life has no meaning
Without love
A continuous quagmire
Of not knowing
Until the right equation
Of feeling held
And knowing love
I sit in the space
Of reaching in
And knowing
The true authentic
Of love
Shamai Feb 2022
Love is like a rose petal
Strong enough to demand life
Fragile enough to float away

Love a four letter word
That creates

Wanting and allowing love into your life
Means allowing in pain and
Things that make us stronger
Becoming vulnerable
Means allowing
To enter

Shamai Oct 2018
A time and space where the angels dwell
And guide us into a place of non-attainment
We look at the stars, and count their beauty
In their light
And, we wonder how we ever allowed their beauty
To reach beyond our touch

And, isn’t love like those stars that we cannot reach?
We try so hard to understand with our minds and bodies
Truly forgetting that we are created in love, exist in love, and are
Total love

We focus on attachment to body and mind
And forget the soul of antiquity
That houses the God
Of our creation

Love is but a bubble of existence
That reaches out to hold and protect us
As in the Mother’s womb
Where we can truly be
Who we are meant to

Love is that catch phrase
That tells us that we are someone
And belong
To another being of existence
If ourselves

The truth is..that we are not
If we have not another
And we can search outside from here to eternity
And only find that true love
Within ourselves

Love…magic…wholeness of existence
Within and without
From beginning to end
And we are
Shamai Dec 2019
What is love
If not a perpetual
Joy of be ing
Our hearts sing and our bodies glow
And we believe
Yes, truly believe
That there is more to us
Than our bodies, minds, or emotions
Human love can be a tingle
And Spiritual Love
Can be our lives
Shamai Jan 2022
There’s a feeling inside of me
That I call love
It’s warm and it’s cuddly
And a gift from above
Love is a word
That is hard to describe
A feeling a knowing
It comes from inside
When a person’s in love
They radiate Grace
They’re glowing they’re happy
It shows on their face
The day can be rainy
Or blustery cold
But when love is around
It is beauty to behold
This four letter word
Can express just so much
A warm compassionate voice
And a gentle touch
They say love is just
In the eye of the beholder
But when love is around
People don’t grow older
For love is the panacea
For everlasting Grace
For when love is around
It brightens up the place
Shamai Jul 2020
I love
You are you
And I am me
We make
A whole..
Shamai Sep 2020
Emanates from the creator
Gathers in our hearts
And moves forward to touch others
Who have meaning in our lives
Shamai Aug 2020
In the arms
Of love
Never to return
Shamai Jun 2020
Love is
Holding and caring
Making use of all our senses
Love is shaded
And holding
And pure
Love is clouded with doubt
And eager to please
Love is all there is
In a world
Where pain and suffering
Shamai Dec 2021
At the heart of all
That we are
Our comings and goings
Mean nothing
Without the context
Of love
Love permeates
Every particle
Our world
We are love
We breathe
We exist
Love exists
In the world
We are

Growing into love

Raw pain
The kind that brings
Tears to our eyes
And permeates
Our very
Is important
Our growth
When we allow ourselves
To feel pain
To acknowledge
To go through
The pain
We allow ourselves
To feel
Life does not exist
Without pain
In fact
It is the very pain
That we run from
That helps us to grow
Into that
Which we are meant to be

Authentic love

Without pain
Does not exist
It isn’t until
We totally give ourselves
Over to the love
And feel the pain that
That brings
That we can truly be
We truly are
Shamai Oct 2020
The question of why
Means I am more involved
In the thought
In the action
Love is a game
Played by more than one player
For we come into life
With our baggage
If we don’t heal that
We are doomed
To repeat
Shamai Nov 2020
Deep within me
Is a hunger
A lust for life
An inability
To accept anything
Less than
I stand
At the doorway
Of coming of age
And wonder
Why love
True love
Seems to elude me
I long for the permanence of life love
The only One I can get that from
Shamai Mar 2019
Don’t step on the dog
His bite is worse than his bark
Don’t fly the coup
Birds splat in mid-stream
Don’t backside a cow
Smells are forever
Don’t silly a goose
Her eggs are mighty tasty
Don’t slither a snake
You never know where his cousin lives
Don’t bother the animals
Just make peace with the world
Shamai Nov 2023
How can I be what I can not see
How can I hear what is not said
How can I behave in a world of hatred
And continue to love that which is
What will guide me through this life
And bring me to a completion of existence
Guide me home
Open my eyes
Allow my heart to love
To accept
With Gratitude
Shamai Feb 2022
Some people talk about living together
How relationships can swell
While I believe that marriage
Can work out really well
I believe that marriage is truly
A spiritual connection from above
I believe in the institution
That can freely express true love
For living together and sharing life
Can bring a special bond
And when you add in spirit
It’s like a magic wand
That holds together all we are
And who we’re meant to be
For marriage is the special glue
Which helps us to be free
To be ourselves without the fear
Of finding we are wrong
For when we’re in a marriage
It’s like living in a song
The daily routine becomes a joy
Of which we both can share
We’re not afraid to be ourselves
To take chances and to dare
When living together we never know
When the beauty truly might end
With marriage it’s a single thread
Loving messages we can send
For marriage truly reaches places
That living can not find
It helps us through the trying times
When we are in a bind
Commitment can be found in both
With fulfillment reaching high
When married we can take a chance
And reach out for the sky
There is a difference between marriage in life
And living together as friends
What happens when conflict appears
And you feel like love has ends
Marriage is the glue that binds
Invisible and strong
It’s there whenever you reach that place
When things can turn out wrong
Marriage is for life, beginning to end
Through highs and also lows
It means you look at all your faults
And the person that you chose
And you find a way to make it work
You don’t run out the door
The intimacy earned from being together
Are the memories you will store
So while some say that marriage
Is a relic from the past
I think that marriage truly means
Your relationship will ultimately last
Shamai Nov 2022
I used to think that life was just an everlasting game
I thought I could do anything and still remain the same
And slowly slowly I did learn that living can be hard
I learned to move through life with joy while letting down my guard
I learnt that I had something rare, a gift that I could share
A love that came from deep inside and started with a prayer
That God would find me worthy of the gifts that he could give
That I could share this deep found love, forget and to forgive
To accept, find compassion, and unconditional love, to move forward on a path
To know that I reap what I sow with no lasting aftermath
I’m here to end my karmic debt, be of service, become a one
To know both self and Over soul, to end what I’ve begun
To step out on the path of life with happiness and joy
To find both purpose  and  authentic meaning and become the real mccoy
For living truth is higher than just moving right along
In finding higher purpose I can dance and sing a song
And share what I have learnt in life and continue to go on
Trust in the Lord who’s merciful until the day I’m gone
Shamai Jun 2022
Sitting deeply within my emotions
I wonder what exists
Beyond the ME
That I know
Is there more to life
Than that which we can see
Is there life beyond our existence
In this netherworld
Of chaos
I wonder
Shamai Aug 2022
Sometimes my thoughts flow freely
And sometimes they can get stuck
I don’t know where they wander
Sometimes I’m in a great big ruck
I try to get my mind to move
To another place or two
And yet it keeps coming back
To a place that I once knew
My mind wants me to remember
What happened long ago
I just want to keep on moving
And I cannot keep the flow
If I could just remember now
And then just let it go
Then I know that I could move on
And it wouldn’t be so slow
I want to stay here in the now
Be present at my core
Then I could live in harmony
And I could be much more
If all I am could just become
The me I want to be
Then things would come together
And I could just be me
Shamai Mar 2022
Meditation is a place where we should go
When times are tough when times are slow
Go inside and meditate
Silently sit and silently wait
Soon you will see the light inside
Soon you’ll go on a magical ride
Find a teacher who knows the way
Stay with him both night and day
The world outside is cold and damp
Check out your actions and then revamp
Begin to see other as your self
Begin to know your authentic wealth
Be kind to other in humility give
It’s the only way to actively live
Change things around and go inside
Know who you are, in love abide
Shamai Jul 2019
I close  my eyes
And joyfully enter
The world inside
The ebb and flow
Of luminescent colours
That guide my way
To the inner worlds
I have found a place
Of happiness
Joy and peace
That has always laid
Inside of me
The doorway
To life
Shamai Mar 2022
People ask me what I’m doing
And I tell them I’m being still
For in that silence lays
All the things I can fulfill
For prayer is talking to the One
Who cares for us with love
And meditation is listening to his word
The message from above
While asking is reaching out to God
It’s in the silence that we know
Just who we are and where we’re from
It helps our soul to grow
Just close your eyes and contemplate
Then let go of it all
When in the presence of our Lord
We are truly very small
The inner world is magical
Inner light and sound are present
It heals it holds it makes us whole
It’s where our time should be spent
While talking is good the listening
Is much more satisfying
It helps give satisfaction to our soul
When from the body we’re flying
We rise above body consciousness
And take the hand of the Lord
He takes us on the inner journey
An area to be explored
Meditation is an open door
To becoming more than we are
It takes us to another place
Beyond the moon and star
Shamai Aug 2020
Meant to be stored
The thoughts
And memories
Kept rising to the surface
And I looked
And chose
That were meant
To be kept
Shamai Dec 2020
Christmas day
Has come and gone
The wait was hard
And the wait was long
We tidied up
And set things in order
We packaged presents
With ribbon border
This year we had to
Keep away
Isolate at home
Or we would pay
So sit, I did
At an empty door
Looked at the lights
And my cookie store
And came back to
A harsh reality
Christmas isn’t about presents
It’s about mortality
Shamai Dec 2021
Tis the season and the time
To know from wence we came
And where in fact we’re headed to
As we play this crazy life game

We’re born into a story of woe
Of difficulties and strife
We move forward to an understanding
Of our authentic right to life

Our freedom to be our true, real self
To move with love and courage
We sometimes see the difficulties
And tend to be discouraged

So take to heart this message
Of joy, love, truth, and peace
Of knowing of who we  truly are
And self love to increase

As children of God we have a place
A role which we shall play
A puzzle piece on the scheme of life
A place from which to pray

That all of life find balance and love
That all men shall be free
To live with all abundance
So our true selves we can be
Shamai Aug 2020
Minsan gusto kong magsulat
Sa isang wika
Maliban sa aking sarili
At makita
Paano ito

Sometimes I want to write
In a language
Other than my own
And see
How it
Shamai Feb 2022
Sometimes I really think I know what to do and how to think
But find out that along the way my ideas really stink
Others might find that what I say or do is really quite offensive
But really what I’m trying to do is become a little more pensive
When I feel judged or taken for granted I don’t know what to say
Sometimes I just get quiet and take time out just to pray
For none of us are perfect and mistakes are really common
I try to think out of the box which makes my acts uncommon
Life really is a game of sorts in which we try out stuff
But when others tell me I am wrong I say that is enough
Experiments are part of life to teach us right from wrong
It shows our individuality, that we’re not part of the throng
So mistakes are really part of this real life game
To teach us how to be with others since we aren’t all the same
If mistakes I make that prove me wrong I can pick up and start again
Because my actions aren’t premeditated to just cause you more pain
I will make mistakes ‘cause I am human that just is who I am
I’m doing the best that I can do I’m really not a scam
So please be patient as I learn to become a human being
For expression is a mode of love and a step to my well being
Shamai Sep 2019
A commodity
Written on paper
With coloured ink
And worth

Why do we believe
Everything people tell us?
Why can’t we learn
To think on our own
And not be ruled
By the Laws of the Land?

I can think
And feel
And be
On my own
And yet
I need other
To confirm

The world is corrupt
And the people in it
Even more vile
And yet
This is my home
For now

Will I learn
To be like others?
Or will I retain
My Self Awareness
And be Truthful
To my Self.
Shamai Mar 2022
I used to look at money as the root of all evil
I used to look at money as a debt I could not pay
I marveled at how others could keep their books in order
My money used to travel, in my pocket it couldn’t stay
I tried to think of money as a bartering of sorts
I tried to call it friend and to understand its source
Money has a way of speaking I couldn’t understand
I failed to understand its movement and its course
And then one day a teacher said to put it in my mouth
That ***** crumbled paper cloth with print upon its face
I could not would not take that ***** bill from hand to mouth
I would not put it in my mouth myself to now debase
Most money comes from hard work from a job or from a place
It travels through the land from hand to hand from face to face
Money is just a way of saying you’ve earned like most adults
Money is a way of keep people in their place
Countries play with currency with values high and low
Stock brokerage and Wall Street keep our money at a tow
We have no way of knowing if it’s up or if it’s down
We have to learn to pay at source with money from the crown
They play with percentages and valuations infatuation and in flux
Countries loan it out and scream pay back when it’s really only bucks
I want to understand the silliness of paper and coin
I want to shout out stop it when the countries then conjoin
To hold it is to waste it and to spend it then it’s gone
What way is there to understand its brightness and its brawn
So money I will place you in the world not understood
I’d like to give you value if only then I could
Shamai Feb 2022
A little bit of onion
A slice of cheese or two
I wonder where this is going
Will I end up in a stew
My mouth is very watery
My nose is twitching so
My taste buds are so grumbly
Where will this poem go
It’s important to remember
Just where our food comes from
Will it make my tummy happy
Or will I come out really glum
First please think of farmers
Who are growing all our food
Next give thought to helpful people
Who can be very shrewd
The food is grown the pickers pick
It needs to come together
Who is it that brings everything
Together no matter the weather
The growers the pickers the gathering crowds
The cooks the packers the stuff
Have all got to work together
So that we have enough
And don’t forget the travelers
Who brings things all to store
They carry they unpack they place the food
And even do much more
Did you ever think about all this
How food comes to your house
It takes much more than before you knew
And don’t forget your spouse
Who buys who cleans who prepares for you
So you can do your thing
If you’re lucky that person may indeed
Begin to dance and sing
Our stomachs may enjoy our meals
From taste to satisfy
But heart is where you want to be
If you want to reach the sky
So taste and satisfaction
Can come to us sometimes
But the love of a good friend
Can really toss up our enzymes
So all these words must mean something
Or this poem wouldn’t have be written
Be kind be loving be thoughtful and true
And you’ll find yourself so smitten
Shamai Feb 2019
So long it’s been
Since I have written
A poem
For I have been living
It its
Effulgent beauty
I have been learning
And living
And dying
And I am more
Than I was
And less than I will be
Shamai Oct 2018
Don’t you sometimes wonder
About things
About life
About living
I do
And I can’t make any sense
Out of the worldly ideas
I stay in my head
Then move
Into the silence
There I stay
For as long as I can
And then
I return
To the living
Shamai Feb 2022
My heart is set on ice cream
But it’s spinach I will eat
For while I know I shouldn’t
Chocolate definitely would be my treat
I’m trying here with all my might
To eat foods that bring me up
It’s the ones with higher calories
On which I prefer to sup
My perseverance is waning
And patience is running low
The chocolate bar is calling
It’s the kale that brings a glow
I know I should be healthy
And eating foods that are right
But my choice right now is limited
So I eat whatever is in sight
I empty all my cupboards
I clean my frig as well
I want a svelter figure
And French fries make me swell
What will it take to keep me on
A regime that is right
My clothes no longer fit me
And my jacket sure is tight
So help me, support me, make me see
That healthy is where it’s at
To set my mind to knowing more
And stop all that back chat
I want to long for vegetables
I want to crave no more
I want to know that eating
Should be more than just a chore
I want to learn to listen
To what my body says to me
I want to exercise with joy
A thinner body to enjoy with glee
I want to let go of all those habits
That keep me from my goal
I want to eat and exercise
And feed my inner soul
Shamai Feb 2019
I remember the days
I could do
Anything I pleased
I had so much energy
And life
And youth
And now
It’s all gone
And I find myself
An Old Body
Shamai Apr 2022
My day started out as normal as can be
There were things to do there were places I must be
I hurried out the door trying hard to keep the pace
Although I knew I couldn’t really keep up with this race
I had to sweep I had to cook I had to do my best
In one day there’s so much to do to keep  up with the rest
It’s just that sometimes I don’t want to do most anything
I sit and stare or play some games keep busy without doing a thing
And then by night the guilt kicks in and I look at my obligations
I look at all I could have done and I look to my relations
It’s ok to take a rest sometimes and leave some things to slide
It’s ok to rest in a comfort zone and in silence and peace abide
And then it’s time to pick up pace and rally to the call
For when truth is told we have to do and get right on the ball
I take and I receive with love I have to do my part
For in this untidy world of mine is where I have to start
To account for all I could have done and pride in what I accomplish
If I take an accounting of all I am it really would astonish
A daily accounting of all I am and all I hope to be
Gives me a chance to set my goals and a path I then can see
Shamai May 2020
My dog
Has a shaggy tail
And the ability
To make me love
All of life
In his innocence
He brings wisdom
To my mind
As he shakes his tail
I am reminded
Is all
There is
Shamai Dec 2018
My dog is pure heart
Unconditional loving
Innocence in motion
Shamai Feb 2019
Baited breath
And wet nose
Loving heart
And furry toes

Barks so loud
And droopy chin
Soulful eyes
And loving kin

My dogs are here
And getting older
Just as I am
Only they’re much bolder

They sniff back sides
And jump up high
Sleep on their backs
And bark good bye
Shamai Jul 2019
My heart feels empty
No one around
To love
To care for
To hold in my arms
And examine
The meaning of life with
No one
Shamai May 2020
Time seems to have stopped
I look at my watch
And minutes
Feel like hours
I think I have slept
And only minutes have passed
Since I lay
My head down
Minutes, and hours, and days
Drag on
In never ending
That keep me
From becoming
Living each breath
Which never comes
Used to be
That days went quickly past
Too quickly
To keep track of
And today
They seem like
The longest days
My life
Shamai Aug 2020
I await my love’s desire
He comes to me in the night
Holding his hand out
To greet the new dawn
And I cuddle in
With anticipation
Of a new day
Shamai Nov 2022
My poems are like the falling dew
They come right down and stick to you
They speak of things I might have done
Or learnt, understand as story's spun
Poems speak to me right from the heart
The soul reaches out and plays its part
Words spin ‘round and then they stay
It’s like a child’s daily play
Poems speak of love they speak of hate
They warn us now not to be late
I dance around the words so much
Trying to understand the world as such
So poems give me the chance to spin a yarn
And expose myself without a  ****
So write I will ‘till day is done
The words of the poem will be finespun
Shamai Jan 2020
Have you ever played the game
Of hide and seek
Have you ever felt
Like you want to
Start all over again
In a different way
What would you do differently
I kind of like
My life
Even though
It can get pretty lonely
And the only one
I have to talk with
If I could change
In my life
I think I would
Be kinder
And more loving
Shamai Jun 2019
I want to paint
I want to put
Colour to canvas
And watch it grow
A story coming forward
From a colour
Well placed
Imaginings from the mind
That play out
Across the white canvas
That grows in words
In wisdom
In actions of youth
Played out
Across the expanse of
A desert
Or a park
Or a water scene
That is remembered
From long ago
The chance to
Tell our story
With canvas
And paint
Shamai May 2022
Is there something inside that wants to come out
Is it time to scream is it time to shout
What is all the fuss what is going around
That raises the spirit and makes a big sound
Can you guess what it is can you figure it out
Can you think and think what’s it all about
I truly don’t know just know it’s real
But it really must be quite a big deal
So shout and scream and make a noise
Standing still with equipoise
It’s time to be real it’s time to stand out
We know what it is without a doubt
Neshama it’s time to take a stand
Coming out is what you planned
To show the world what you’re about
To be yourself and just hang out
Shamai Aug 2020
Alone again
With the possibility
Of finding myself
And instead
I chose
To find new love
Shamai May 2020
What is change
But a new knowing
Of what life is all about
And the understanding
That nothing has ever been
In stasis
Along with all that is
Are forever
Locked in movement
Ever changing, never the same
A lone figure amongst
The many
I hold onto
That which was
While embracing
That of which
I have no knowledge
And I jump
Into the abyss
Never knowing
If I will hit bottom
Or learn
To fly
Shamai Nov 2018
I’m feeling lost
Like my life just took
A quick 90 degree turn
And I almost fell off
And now
I don’t know where I am
Or where I’m supposed to be
I’m charting a new road
Maybe one I haven’t travelled on before
And I’m eager
To find my way
Shamai Mar 2022
We say NO to our children
And  often forget
What we have  said it for
NO is a word that is so overused
That naughtiness will come before
If we could only say what we really mean
Instead of the shouting we do
Then children would understand what we say
And not hold their breath and turn blue
No is a word we use way too often
We’ve forgotten what it truly means
We’re reminded when our children, the older they get
And become the terrible teens
Please use NO sparingly
Only when there’s a need
Remember to hold it at bay
For children will leave when they’re all grown up
Even when you want them to please stay
Try encouraging your children to independence
Being able to make choices alone
For when inner learning takes over the game
There will be nothing for them to atone
Shamai Jun 2019
A mother less child just barely born
Sits on the stoop with heart so torn
Nobody wants her and nobody cares
Not even worth crying while on those stairs
Will somebody come and take her in
Is anyone around to tickle her chin
But still no one comes and it’s getting cold
That little baby lies she’s not so bold
She’s all alone and needing her mother
She barely whimpers would be happy with another
Is there anyone there who really cares
Can someone come does someone dare
To love a child who has no home
to care for one who cannot roam
Will someone take her inside where it’s warm
Will someone keep her from all harm
Can anyone hear that silent child
That’s wanting  some love so undefiled
Shamai Oct 2018
Today I cannot write a poem
The words they just won’t come
I’m eager to post on the board
And I’m feeling really dumb

If words don’t flow, then a poet I ain’t
Trying hard to find some words
That flow in line and keep a beat
But mine just sound like turds

So maybe I should stay away
From poetry and  prose
And keep my thoughts just deep inside
And let them take a doze

See what I mean, I just can’t write
A poem worthy of beans
I think I’ll hide and stay inside
I’ll hide by any means

A poet I’m not, as you can see
My words are kind of jumpy
I’ll just look out the window today
And just allow feelings of grumpy
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