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Shamai Feb 2021
A blank slate
I long to just be
Ready to be written on
In the stillness of the night
An expression
Of life’s
Longing for
The stillness
The night
An expression
Shamai Feb 2021
I smell the roses
As I slow down
My thought process
It isn’t easy
To come to a place
Of stillness
When my mind
Is racing
And yet
In the stillness
The dream
The essence
Of be ing
And I long
Be still
Shamai Nov 2018
I sigh, the deepest sound
That expresses a sense
Of inability
To cope
With life

I sigh
And the sound comes from
The depths of despair
And longing
For life’s

I sigh
And the world changes
In front of my eyes
And in welcoming me
I sigh
Shamai Oct 2018
I wonder sometimes
What this world is all about
Nothing really makes any sense
Rules are made, to be broken
The good can sometimes do evil
And the evil do good
I can’t make any sense out of any thing
I try
Lord knows I try
And still
Nothing makes any sense
So, I’m guessing
That living doesn’t originate
In the brain
In the thoughts
In the knowing
But, in the
Shamai Nov 2018
Is there anyone out there
Who cares
Who mourns
Who searches
Who wants to know
About life?
Shamai Dec 2021
I think I’d rather be your friend
Than your wife
You speak to your friends all the time
You laugh on the phone
And share ideas
And secrets
As you wife
I clean
And cook
And take care of you
And miss out
On all the joys of being your friend
I think I’d rather
Be your friend
Shamai Oct 2020
I had a dream
And it was beautiful
It smelled good
It looked good
It tasted good
And now
It’s gone
I don’t really know
Or understand
I felt the purity
Of its creation
And now
I can no longer hold on
To what is no longer
Both sides of an equation
Need to be equal
In the game of love
Need to give
And take
Shamai Apr 2022
Oh my oh dear what should I do
I cannot find my other shoe
The time is getting later and
I need to take a firmer stand
On getting myself some discipline
I need to work on singleton
The voices in my head tell me
The way they think I need to be
But they are voices from the past
And it’s not so healthy if they last
First I thank them for their work
If I didn’t they’d know that I’m a ****
Then I tell them it’s ok
For them to take a rest and play
I can handle all my stuff
It really shouldn’t be so tough
It’s time an adult I must be
If I want to reach my joy and glee
Take charge of all the things I am
An authentic self and not a sham
So I pull up my boot straps and get right to it
Become more involved get healthy and fit
And clean up the place put things in order
Like I truly live here I’m not a border
Things have a place so find them I can
Become a responsible woman or man
Shamai Feb 2022
Red and green
What can it mean
Red and runny
Now that is funny
Red and yellow
Can be quite mellow
Red and white
Now that is right
Yellow and ****
That can be smart
Yellow and green
What can it mean
Blue and white
It’s  quite the sight
Green and blue
This one’s for you
Red and blue
Another for you
Yellow and long
Might just be wrong
Black and white
That’s quite the sight
Violet and blue
It sticks like glue
Yellow and red
Enough said
Shamai Oct 2018
Can I find just one more poem
Inside my head?
They seem to just write themselves
Causing a rush to paper and pen
Before the image becomes a cloud
Dissolving into the mist
Of life’s longings
Shamai Apr 2022
Sometimes we just sit there
We sit and we wait
For others to take the lead
Don’t feel it’s our fate
And yet strength lies in numbers
And we need to stand tall
We need to play our part
And reach out to all
The world doesn’t change
From a very small selection
We all need to play our part
With love and affection
So from a place of compassion
I ask you to get up
Speak truth and devotion
With a loving cup
Shamai Jun 2019
A little bit of milk
And sweetener, just a touch
I’m making up a tea
And  don’t want to have too much

A little bit of toast
Butter, jam upon the top
I love to have   my special snack
I don’t know how to stop

Perhaps I’ll have a plum or two
Or a banana that is ripe
Some chocolate, smile on my lips
Now that is more my type

Of course some ice cream, cherries too
Whip cream would make it swell
And nuts and sprinkles, silver *****
I promise I won’t tell

Alas, the tea is all I have
I have to watch my waist
I dream about the other stuff
Would love to have a taste
Shamai Feb 2022

What is it that causes a person
To reach out beyond themselves
And think that they own everything
And not think of someone else
They move in on a country
With guns and armament
They bomb and over power
And create graves of monument
How can a person think of
Only their own empowerment
On the shoulders of the others
And create devourment
They close their eyes their ears their hearts
And no longer can hear other
Their sisters and their brothers
And even their own mothers
How can we break beyond the shell
Of personal entitlement
And try to get them to a place
Of pure enlightenment
For these kind of people
It won’t happen ‘till their death
Until they reach the underworld
And try with their last breathe
To ask for some forgiveness
For the hell they’ve precipitated
But karma tells them that instead
They pay for what they created
Shamai Jan 2020
All around me
Things are changing
And it feels
Like no matter what
I do
Shamai Apr 2019
Life never seems to be
As I thought it would
Planning, examining, thinking
And finding out all is for naught
A different trajectory
Into a land
I know not
Finding footing
On ground that
Is in constant
Weaving and falling
Into experiences
That I have little
Practice of
And I pick myself up
And keep on going
Shamai Jul 2019
I remember a time
When life had meaning
And I didn’t have to do anything
To feel full
Of life experiences
Shamai Nov 2018
Seems to be
So complex
Without much meaning
Living day by day
Not really understanding
What’s going on
What to do
How to do it
If things are going ok
Or not

Everyday a
A little bit deeper
Into complexity
Loss of purpose
Just a little bit

Wish we could have be born
With a Life Manual
A daily report card
Shamai Aug 2023
Can we ever really know
Basking in the radiance
Of what we want to be
Hoping that we can change
That which is
I wonder
What life could truly be
If all we wished for
Came through
And life was lived in Truth
And all around me
There would be
And peace
What could life be
If it was not
It is
Shamai Dec 2019
They’re all part of life
Sadness and joy
Happiness and pain
All a part
Of the human condition
How does one cope?
How does one sustain themselves
Through all that life throws our way

I used to think
That life was all
Fun and games
And then
I began to live
Really live
And feel and know and care
And become
And then I learnt
That life contains
Both joy
And pain
And I have to find a way
To encompass
Shamai Jun 2020
We sometimes wonder
What life
Is all about
I have no idea
I will never
To find out
Shamai Apr 2021
There are things in life
That just happen
And I don’t feel
Like I am in control
I act
And don’t have to
What life is
Shamai Jan 1
How odd it is
That in the not knowing
Wisdom emerges
And takes us by the hand
And leads us to our tomorrow
Even knowing
Shamai Dec 2018
Is a very peculiar
State of being
Filled with
And pinings
And letting go
Of what we used to think
Was important
And no longer is
Always in flux
Life has a way
Of keeping us
On an ever changing
Shamai May 2020
A never ending stream
Of experiences
Which take me
On a roller-coaster
Of living
A cacophony
Of sights and sounds
That take me
To my next destination
Always in movement
Stasis doesn’t exist
Chaos and order
And always
Shamai Oct 2018
Life has a way of creating a meandering of sorts
On a path of unknown origin
Towards a goal that is pliable, and malleable
And filled with the absence of futility
And I walk on that unknown road
Towards a goal that has been set in the conscious section of my unconscious mind

Which is to say that I actually know where I’m going in my blind search for a life that has meaning,
That has purpose, that feeds me in ways I have never been fed

Filled with the nutrition of the unknowing, and yet the trusting, with faith, of that which is meant to be,
Coming from that which was and is still to be

George Land¹ tells us that the future is calling to us, becoming and beguiling us to come hither,
Calling to us to follow that which has already been completed

And the future beckons to us, and I am led by the magnetic pull
Of Wisdom
Land, George; Jarman, Beth, Break Point and Beyond: Mastering the Future -Today, Harper Business, 1992
Shamai May 2019
Words can not express
What life is all about
The ups and downs
The twists and turns
The knowns and unknowns
The love and the hatred
The accusations and the forgiveness
How can one see
What life is all about
They are
Shamai Jun 2020
Life is a lived experience
Of that which is
And that which is meant to be
One step at a time
Moving forward in time
To become
What we were always meant to be
Shamai Jun 2019
Life’s twists and turns
Are a journey
Of no return
No matter how we long
We can’t go backwards
Or force the future
To come forward
We live in the present
Holding on
To all that was
And all that is to be
Shamai Jun 2019
Tears in my eyes
Why does everything feel so sad
Loss, compromise
Life is about
A give and take
Many times the take
Is bigger than the give
We look  from a distance
And understand
That giving
Is many more times more powerful
Than receiving
Shamai Feb 2021
Running in a breeze
Of tulip smells
And dandelion colours
All adrift
In a sea of
Be ing
Shamai Jan 2022
You’ve made progress in life
Now what do you do
You’ve hemmed and you’ve hawed
And wondered about life too
You don’t really know where you’ve come from
Or how far you will go
Life has a way of taking hold
Hold tight and don’t let go
We think we are in charge of life
Of what is going on
And even when we plan our day
Something can still go wrong
So we’re told to build our lives
On just letting go
Of believing in faith and a higher form
And energy that moves to and fro
How can we hold onto something
That we cannot hold or see
How can we just stop doing
And allow ourselves to be
For if we can in truth let go
And allow a higher form
Then what does that mean about who we are
As we steer though the storm
We have a body and mind and more
And higher self that guides the ship
And it’s ok to make mistakes
And allow ourselves to slip
If we just learn from our misfortunes
And make them for no more
Then God will guide our ship body
Through pleasant and through storm
Our job is just to stay on board
And not make too much fuss
Just play the game and do what’s best
And be an authentic us
Shamai Oct 2023
I have a choice
As I face life’s challenges
Whether to hide
Or whether to live
The former may feel better in the moment
The latter means challenges
Am I up to that?
I gather my strength and my courage
I dive into life
Shamai Feb 2019
Life has a way
Of perpetuating
It’s self
And leaning to be more
Than what it was
In the beginning

Of death
We are born
And with each moment we are alive
We are dying

Cell by cell
We are becoming immortal
In our existence
And living
The Wisdom
Of the Ages

Which brings forward
New life
Shamai May 2020
I think
Sometimes I really
About life
And about
And happiness
And how to find
The same
Life time
Shamai Aug 2023
I take a breathe
And the breathe stills my being
And brings a depth of resting
In the no thing
All around me I am surrounded
By a sense of stillness
And I dance in the joy
For no thing
Is where life begins
An intake brings me closer
To that which is not
And I remember a time
When other was more than now
All is still
My body feels heavy
And then
Light as a bird
I lift off
Into the unknown
For death
Is just another side
Of life
Shamai Aug 2019
It’s been awhile since I wrote words
And thoughts upon the page like turds
Of nasty memories of things abide
From which I lived, and could have died

First body reminds us of the pain
Of which we no longer want to go to again
And then emotions from eyes do flow
Upon black wings of an eager crow
We yell and scream to get it out
These are authentic, not just a pout
And to a paper we run to scratch
Expressions, emotives, put on a  patch
And deeper in we try to go
And many times the road is slow
But travel we do on our journey home
Many steps forward on which to roam

When all is said and done and gone
We come back better, it’s not a con
For consciousness comes and mind is stilled
And peace and calm on which we build
A new understanding of life on which
We can live in the now and found a nitch

Life is lived in pain and sorrow
And joy and laughter in which we borrow
To rise again to new heights of Grace
Our authentic self to live and face
Shamai Feb 2019
Life is about change
Acceptance of who we are
At every life stage
Shamai Feb 2019
Life ever present
Growing in inequity
Please come back to me
Shamai May 2020
What does death feel like
Is there consciousness in death
Can we feel
Like we do
In life
What is the difference
One day I am here
And the next
I am gone
Who cares
Who cares
Whether I’m here
Or not
I walk a fine line
Unable to comprehend
Feelings tearing at me
Drawing me down
Into the abyss
Of life
How am I
To choose
Shamai Nov 2018
I am not
And have never been
A stranger
To my love
And anxiety
I know
And yet the unknowing
Plagues me
And makes me question
Who I am
And what I have come here
To do
And so
I vacillate
And contemplate
And ruminate
And laugh at myself
For taking life
So seriously
Shamai Feb 2021
Isn’t it funny
Or interesting
In the time it takes
To type these words
I have a quijullion  poems
Running in
My head
How do I capture
The intellect
When it’s running
Like the wind
Shamai Dec 2019
When we are married to the Beloved
There is no more fear
No more worry about what is to be
Because life is lived in the present moment
We can let go and know
That we are not alone
That we were never alone
Always with us is Spirit
The essence of creation
Through the vibration of
Light and sound
Always reverberating through the Universe
We are so much more
Than our human existence
If we just
Take the time to
Shamai Jan 2022
Our body truly is a gift
Given from above
Without it we’d be stuck in place
And would find it hard to love
We need to keep this body of ours
In shape and feeling healthy
We need to eat well and exercise
In order to feel wealthy
Sometimes we may feel tired
And not feel like moving so
We need to push right past that block
Allow our energy to flow
We need to keep on wanting health
Our body is so keen
We need to feel we’re worthy
And feel good about being seen
We also need to exercise mind
And our soul shouldn’t be forgotten
Eat well, exercise and meditate
So we aren’t feeling rotten
If we bring our mind, body and soul
Into alignment, into balance
We’ll know we’ve done all we can do
Not fallen into nonchalance
So keep in mind these simple words
Look good, feel good, be good
And do whatever you can do
As you already know you should
Shamai Nov 2023
Lord, dear Lord
Deliver us from this hellhole of a world
And give us Hope
That all can be made beautiful
And that we, again, can see
The beauty of your Love
Lord, dear Lord
Help us to survive
In this world of hatred
And anger and solicity
Where man is seen
As an animal
And not the beautiful creature
That you created
Lord, dearest Lord
Open our eyes to the meaning of life
Fill our hearts with loving kindness
Help us to be the Good that we want to see
And the Love that we are meant to be
Guide us through the hardships
And help us to appreciate the gifts
That you have bestowed on us
Lord, Sweet Lord
Fill us with Gratitude
So that we may be
The children
We are meant
To be
Shamai Oct 2020
you say
we'll never be able to go back
and right now
that sounds really good
because back
can only get
Shamai Aug 2020
Love is such a small word
For the experience of a life time
That takes one
From the inner knowing of experience
To the outward joy of being surrounded
With safety and permanence
Love permeates
Takes over the bad
And makes it into
Everlasting good
One can do anything
Perform feats beyond their ken
When they
Are filled
With true, pure
Shamai Jan 1
Life has no meaning
Without love
A continuous quagmire
Of not knowing
Until the right equation
Of feeling held
And knowing love
I sit in the space
Of reaching in
And knowing
The true authentic
Of love
Shamai May 2020
I drift
In a swirling world
Finding that my feet
No longer touch the ground
How am I to exist
Without the grounding
The necessary attachment
To the world
And I go elsewhere
Where feet don’t matter
And love guides the way
And my heart swells
And joins in the chorus
Of everlasting

Sometimes, Love is all there is
Shamai Oct 2018
Has a way
Of sneaking up
And catching the heart
Binding it
With ribbons and roses
And I love
To find myself
By love
Shamai Nov 2018
A time and space where the angels dwell
And guide us into a place of non-attainment
We look at the stars, and count their beauty
In their light
And, we wonder how we ever allowed their beauty
To reach beyond our touch

And, isn’t love like those stars that we cannot reach?
We try so hard to understand with our minds and bodies
Truly forgetting that we are created in love, exist in love, and are
Total love

We focus on attachment to body and mind
And forget the soul of antiquity
That houses the God
Of our creation

Love is but a bubble of existence
That reaches out to hold and protect us
As in the Mother’s womb
Where we can truly be
Who we are meant to

Love is that catch phrase
That tells us that we are someone
And belong
To another being of existence
If ourselves

The truth is..that we are not
If we have not another
And we can search outside from here to eternity
And only find that true love
Within ourselves

Love…magic…wholeness of existence
Within and without
From beginning to end
And we are
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