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Shamai Dec 2018
Can’t people
Find Happy
I mean
If life was supposed to be
All gloom and doom
Then maybe we should have
Been born in a box
Hidden away
To multiply
Our distress
We’re out there
Spouting our grief
Harboring our illnesses
And thinking
We own wisdom
All we need
Truly need
Shamai Nov 2018
Xmas is coming
Let’s roll out some cheer
For the little baby boy
And his parents so dear

And let’s have a drink
To a season that’s merry
With gifts and much fun
And mistletoe and berry

Of course, I am Jewish
And don’t partake in the fun
We light candles for eight nights
And gifts, we get none

We do eat some latkes
From potatoes they are made
If the holiday starts on Saturday
Then our bread will have a braid

So I wish you so many
A happy season filled with joy
And if your vegan and have no meat
Then may your turkey be of soy

And with family and friends
May you celebrate with love
Hunkered in for the holidays
With fulfillment from above
Shamai Mar 2022
What is a woman
What can she be
A tidy package
Of love and glee
She cares about others
Makes others her own
She’s kind and considerate
And very well known
Whether with child or without
She does her part
She knows who she is
Right from the start
A woman is whole
From beginning to end
She reaches out to others
To make them her friend
So on this day that is special
For women world wide
Please stand there beside her
Always be by her side
Shamai Jan 2022
The time has come for all good  men
And women, to take a stand
To speak their truth and jest their love
And passion across the land
We need a voice that should be heard
By people far and wide
The inner cry of higher knowing
The words from deep inside
Let’s find a place where people care
Where truth is held up high
Deceit gets buried and lies are gone
Let’s all reach for the sky
For we are more than most will live
We hide when we should shine
Let’s raise our voices in unison
Reach out as one divine
Shamai Dec 2019
It’s New Year’s Eve
I’m all alone
No one to visit
No one to phone
I wonder what I’ll do all night
While others party, get high  as a kite
I could watch TV
See the Apple come down
I could sing a song
I could sit and frown
Or I can just enjoy
The quiet that’s here
Smile and remember
The times of cheer
I’ll start the New Year
With some remembering
Of times of when
Things were much much better
And then I’ll plan
A thing or two
To start the year
With something new
Perhaps write a  story
Or read a book
Take some time
Something new to cook
And then I'll smile
And say to all
Happy New Year
Have a Ball!
Shamai May 2020
Involves making sounds
In different orders
And experiences
A blending
Of the good
And not so good
A weaving of difference
That eventually
Shamai Nov 2018
Have you ever felt
Like you just want to be left alone
Feeling tired of nonsense talking
Jabbering on about nothing
And then
When alone
You feel so isolated
And things are just so quiet
You wish someone would call?
Shamai Jun 2021
Have you ever felt
Like deep down inside of your self
There is a gnawing feeling
Of discontent
Like there was something you were supposed to do
And you don’t know what that is
Like something has been forgotten
And you are on
The road to nowhere
There is a gut feeling
That leads us
To freedom
Of the soul
It takes us to places
We didn’t even know existed
That feeling, deep in our soul
That gets us from point A to point B
In the shortest possible time
We could only understand
What it is
Trying to say
Shamai Dec 2018
Have you ever
Felt so tired
That all you want to do
Is cuddle up
Under the blankets
To sleep

Have you ever felt
Like the winter weather
Is wanting you
To slow down
And rest

Have you ever felt
Like time has sped up
And your body is slowing down

Have you ever
Shamai Mar 2022
God’s love came knocking at my door
And I let him in
He taught me truth
And he taught me
About be ing in  the world
He guided my life
And kept me safe
He showed me the meaning of life
And how to live
In a world of
Anger and deceit
He showed me the way
To enlightenment
Kept me on
The straight and narrow
He allowed me just enough space
To hang myself
And then
He brought me lovingly back
To reality and purpose
I thought
That I had found God
When, in reality
He had found me
Shamai Dec 2019
I came to read your poetry
And look what I have found
A broken heart
A floating leaf
And snow upon the ground
You write as if your life is over
Or maybe just begun
You write as if you fall in love
And have no room to run
I read your words
And feel your pain
And comment on them some
I send out hearts
And small congrats
And love that you have come
To join me on this quest of life
For writing is our game
We look inside
Our deepest heart
And try to feel the pain
It’s hard to come upon a group
Where pain of love is welcome
And here I sit with pen in hand
And read all you have gained
I have to write, not just to read
I’m coming to an end
With pen in hand and paper still
Some poetry to gain
Shamai Jan 2022
When I think of poetry
I think of some words
That tend to give picture
To thoughts
I think of the ways
To express all our dreams
It’s just like the game
Dot to dot
We begin with one word
Or a phrase we think of
And try to expand
What we see
We think of the rhymes
And the cadence of voice
Bringing colour
To all that we be
But some in this group
Seem to think that a word
Or two is enough as a dome
I don’t understand how
A daily expression
Can be justifiably
Thought of as poem
There are many different kinds
Of poetry expression
Some rhyme
Others just chain of thought
There should be some forethought
Some real inspiration
Put into this game
That we’ve bought
I would like to think that
Our poets out there
Can truly express
What they see
So please take the time
To make poetry your aim
Give thought to the process
That be
Bring us all to tears
And great jubilation
Speak out
Use the words now at hand
Poetry is our expression
Of life as we see it
Use words well
Speak out to the land
Shamai Feb 2019
A place where I can put my feet up
And try to figure out
Who I am
In a body
That is neither here nor there
And yet
It keeps me
Where I am
Body, mind, soul
Acting in unison
Crying for
Which creates
Trying to bring balance
And harmony
And peace
My life
Shamai Aug 2020
It takes a lifetime
To find our precious Selves
And finally come Home
Shamai Nov 2018
The air was so clean
An heir I hoped to meet
The son of a friend
In the sun
And I promised not to stare
As I walked up the stair
Through the aisle
That led to the isle
The trees that were there
Were mostly of pear
Though some were the sum of the not
And the smell was so sweet
As I returned to my suite
As this tale finally comes
To its tale
Shamai Jun 2022
Falling from the sky
Pitter pattering
On the soaked ground
Reminding us
That fulfillment
Always follows emptiness
And caring
Always follows pain
Shamai Aug 2023
The eternal flame
Of what we wish
We had
Holding onto
That which we want
While letting go
Of that
Which we have
Hope lights the internal flame
Of longing
Keeping us alive
In the solitude
Shamai Nov 2020
I don’t know
How to go on
I’m stuck
In this place
That felt
So good
And now

I’m stuck
I don’t know
To go
Shamai Nov 2018
Today I will eat humble pie
A delicacy that reminds me
That I am no more
Than my parts

I will learn that there
Is more to life
Than I ever imagined

I will be reminded
That ego has no place
In a sane world
And that
Other and I
Are One

I will be reminded
That it is better
To eat Humble Pie
Than to think
That I am
The only
Shamai Feb 2022
I am human
I am less than more
When I think of myself
In relation to the world
I understand
More is less
I’ve learnt that
To be human
I must give up my ego
And accept humility
As my power
For it is only in being humble
That I can achieve
I am more than I was yesterday
And tomorrow
I may be less
By recognition
There is a power that comes
From knowing
That to be humble
Is to be
My truth
Shamai Dec 2020
The longing deepens
And the craving
The gut wrenching feeling
Of needing someone so badly
That nothing else matters
And all my resolve
Shamai Apr 2022
Oh no oh no what shall I do
I can’t cook an egg or make a stew
My stomach is hungry the stores are closed
I don’t know what to do I’ve been exposed
I never learnt how to boil the water
To make spaghetti like I aughter
I can open a can if I can find
The opener I must be blind
I can call a friend to make some stuff
My God this is getting really tough
I can call for a pizza if the shop was open
Oh when oh when will it reopen
Mr google can guide me in trying to cook
The chance of that is like a house chinook
Oh dear oh dear what do I do
I want to bite and I want to chew
The dog food is looking better around now
Should I get down on the floor with the dog to chow
Desperation is reaching me at my neck
A cookbook I think it’s time to check
Aha a salad is easy as pie
I think that I will give it a try
Shamai Apr 2022
I breathe
Therefore, I am alive
In a world of chaos
And destruction
I live
In a damaged vitality
And a crushed spirit
Of unknown origin
I am
A product of my environment
Tattered and torn
Crumbling into
A world
Of chaos
Shamai Dec 2020
My mind likes
To play a game
Keep me away
From my purpose and aim
It pulls me from
A focused stare
It beckons to me
From its nightmare lair
A place where it
Takes over my life
Gives me no chance
Puts me in strife
‘Till I can no longer
Find out who I am
I whirl with thoughts
Like a placid lamb
So I think I’d better
Learn to meditate
Keep my mind still
Keep my focus straight
Then I will no longer
Be a sham
I will become
The great ‘I AM’
Shamai Dec 2018
I am
But a simple minded
Created with ease
By others
And then I wonder
I truly
Shamai Apr 2022
I am the light
And manifestation of all
All that is within
Is without
From clay I was born
And to clay I will return
As witness God observes
And lays judgment
With love
I Am
Shamai Oct 2018
I am alive
In ways I never knew

I am alive
To a wisdom
That comes
From a greater

I am alive
To that
Which has gone before
And will be again

I am alive
And I enjoy
My living
Shamai Jan 2020
I am awake
Even when I am asleep
For thoughts fill the mind
With trivialities
And the silence is
The true power of be ing
Let go of impurities of mind
And settle into
The silence
For it is there
That you will meet

In the silence
I am at peace
Nothing can penetrate
The strength
Of pure

I thought I knew love
And then
The Lover found me
And the heart
Was opened
And I knew

I am now
Shamai Apr 2022
While all around me
Bombs of hate are exploding
And prejudice
Is falling from the sky
In buckets of tearful wounds
And I watch
Waiting for an opportunity
To express
Innocence and love
We can no longer hide
In our unwillingness to know
We must reach out
And express our oneness
And love for other
As well as for ourselves
Without love
There is no world
Without compassion
There is no peace
Without self
There is no hope
I am
I am the only one
That can create
Shamai Apr 2023
Why is it that people can’t see
How simple life can be
If they would only recognize
How closely come the ties
Of what we expect of others
And what others expect of us
If we could only be ourselves
Without making such a fuss
If truth be told the only thing
Important for us now
Is just to feel we’re recognized
Sacred space for I and thou
If you could just allow me
To be me and not the you
If we could just be sensitive
And take the final cue
For you works well for you to be
It does not work for others
We all are here to do our part
As sisters and as brothers
So please accept me as I am
I’m perfect in all I do
And understand that who you are
Does certainly work for you
Please do not place me in a box
Formatted from your creation
We all came here as separate selves
Stopping this will cause stagnation
When you can accept that I am me
And you are who you are
When I can feel like all of me
Is really not bizarre
When you can say you love me
Just as I am right now
I will then stop my proving
And may simply just allow
For being me is why I’m here
And being you is important
Can we just hold each other in love
And be more in concordant
Shamai Mar 2022
I know a place
Where I can go
When I’m feeling lonely
When I’m feeling low
It’s a place inside
Where I can hide
Collect myself
To be by my side
The place inside
Is warm and unique
I love to go there
You can take a peek
My safe place gives me
The time to reflect
To look at my life
And see the affect
I know I am special
I am one of a kind
I love to be in
This space in my mind
And when I come out
The world seems to  be better
And I slowly become
A loving trend setter
So watch me and learn
What I have done before
For I am woman
You can hear me roar
Shamai Feb 2019
I dream
And think I can
Do anything
Which I can’t do
In the physical world
I awaken
Full of
Vim and energy
Only to come back
To my
Broken body
Shamai Apr 2019
If today was the day I was going to die
I would want to throw a pie up to the sky
And catch it and then throw again
To have some fun and make a plan
For death comes when we least expect it
Could be when lying down or having a sit
Or even running a lap or two
Or cutting carrots and making a stew
We never know when it’s our time
To write some words or make a rhyme
And which will be our very last
Will we speak of the future or the soon to be past
Our time on Earth is very short
We can speak plainly or end in retort
Not knowing when the time is nigh
We can go out loud or with a sigh
So if I could choose to be sane or insane
I would start all over and do it again
Shamai Nov 2020
I haven’t been afraid
Of living my life
And taking in
All that
Life throws at me
With a smile
I haven’t been afraid of doing
What I’m meant to do
Even if the task is hard
And I wonder
Where I’ll
Get the strength
I haven’t been afraid
To be
All that
I’m meant to be
In this moment
It makes me happy
To know
That I can
Shamai Jan 2022
When you say,’ I know’
What you’re really saying is
That you have no interest
In finding out
What you don’t
A wise woman once told me
That when you say, ‘ I know’
You are closing all doors
To future learning
Everyone, yes everyone
Has something to teach us
If we can just
Open our ears
Our heart
And our mind
To understanding
We don’t know
Shamai Aug 2020
I love the way
You say my name
And tell me
Of my beauty
It makes me feel
In your
Shamai Jul 2020
Now I lay me down to sleep
I open my heart
And into it I creep
And look around
And who do I find
A man of strength
And lustrous mind
And I say to him
You’ve found me now
You hold my heart
In your sweet brow
Please be gentle
And please be wise
Know that I look
With loving eyes
I’ll watch your step
Hold you when you falter
We'll walk our love
Right to the alter
As one we'll walk
Into what is to come
You leading me
Parts together in sum
I trust I see
And hold your dream
Walking together
As a loving team
Shamai Jul 2020
You came in as a surprise
I wasn’t looking
And you found me
Hiding in the dust
Wondering about life
And you took me in
And you ate all of me
We became one
I love it
Shamai Jan 2019
Sadness is an illness
That never leaves the shore
It hurts like hell inside my soul
It hurts right to my core

The waters are now murky
And the storm is coming nigh
The waves are rough, I’m hanging on
From my throat emits a sigh

Sadness, grieving, letting go
I don’t know what to do
Letting go means I’m forgetting
And I want to remember you

My friend, my hero, my soulmate
You came,  you saw, you left
And now I’m sitting all alone
Mourning, crying, and bereft

If I could have one minute more
I know what I would do
I’d hold you tight, whisper in your ear
I love you, I love you..
Shamai Nov 2018
I don’t know how it happened
And suddenly
Candy Crush became the love of my life
And it seems like no matter what I do
I am called back again and again
To play this childish game
That has me hooked
I try to do other things
I’ve even turned off the sound
So I can break the hook that binds me
And still,
I am unable
To stop playing
Shamai Nov 2021
Have you ever said, to yourself, I’m so tired
And then wondered
What you are tired of
I’ve had sleep, so it’s not a body tired
I like what I’m doing in life, so it’s not an I’m tired of life
What is tired
And who
Is tired
And who is expressing
I am SO tired
And then
There is no answer inside
Shamai Mar 2022
There is something in this world
That gives more back than we put in
And that gift
Is the gift of giving
When we give to others
We allow ourselves to become
An object of love and caring
And we open the heart
To receive more
When we restrain ourselves
And keep everything for ourselves
Our heart closes
And we become tight
And dried up
And lonely
When we go beyond ourselves
And recognize
All is one
Then we understand
At deeper and deeper levels
In giving
Shamai Nov 2020
Its true
Like most girls
Who fall in love
I have become

What does that mean
That I
Eat, sleep, dream
Through the filter
Of that love
That the sun rises and sets
On his demeanor
That all I think about
His him
And that
I can’t live
His Love
Shamai Nov 2020
He lies in bed
Eyes closed
A gentle purr upon his lips
A dreamy look
In his demeanor
A loving glance
In his rest
And I know
At once
That I’m
In love
Shamai Apr 2022
Oh great One
I look for you
In the temples
And in the churches
I look for you
In the books and in the verses
In the air and in the song of the bird
I look for you and the tears
Come down my cheeks
For the only place I can find you
Is in my heart
Shamai Dec 2018
I see the world
Through a haze
Finding the edge
Between sanity and the inanity
Just a narrow wedge
Into which I can drop
With ease
Shamai Oct 2018
Empty pockets
Gather dust
And children’s toys
And other stuff

I reach inside
And never know
What will come  up
And what will grow

Turned inside out
The pockets reveal
A history
The things we steal

Many things that gather
And find their way
Inside my pocket
It’s all okay

One day I think
I’ll write a book
Of pocket stories
Will take a look

A Herstory
A gathering docket
Of all the stuff
Inside my pocket
Shamai Jan 2022
I want to sleep
And sleep doesn’t come
I think about things gone by
And things to come
I try to bring myself
Back to the present
It’s so easy
To let go
And think about
Things I want, or need, or would like to see
I bring myself
Back to the preset
What will tomorrow bring
And what was yesterday all about
I think
And remember
And try to make sense
Of things
I bring myself
Back to the present
It is only
In the present
That I can live
Shamai Dec 2020
Have  you ever thought about
What it would be like
To think
To have a mind
So quiet
That one wonders
If they truly
In the silence
Thoughts form
I chase them away
And prefer to be
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