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Shamai Nov 2020
Is there wonder
In a world
Of darkness and woe
Is there a place
Inside of us
That gives us a chance
To collect our
Happiness and joy
Is there a reason
Or rhyme to life
As we know it
Or is it
Some kind of
Shamai Feb 2022
Do you have fear
I’m sure you do
What comes next is your game
If you run away
If hide you do
Then this habit is really lame
For learning to face up to your fear
Is what you need to learn
To think about this fear of yours
And then to take a turn
To do something different than you have in the past
To move right past the fear
To look it in the face and say
What is it we have here
Most fears have come from something past
Something that made us small
So if we can talk to the fear
We will start to understand all
Of course we need to be careful
Of things that make us hurt
But when that feeling present
Is really quite a squirt
Then we can step into our power
And shoo it right away
For when we go right past the fear
Then no longer will it stay
And in it’s place we’ll feel real strong
And now we can do more
Then tremble cry roll in a ball
We can get up from the floor
And know that we are more than that
The fear from which we run
When we stand up tall and face that fear
Then we know that we have won
Shamai Mar 2022
Rising in the body
In form
Keeping us from reaching
True destiny

Behavior following
That creates
Both darkness
And light

Another way of saying
That we are
And no longer
In an
Ever changing world
Of destruction
And rebuilding

Inability to move forward
Stops us
In our tracks
Can lead
Of self
And awareness

I have
I release
For in that fear
Lies decades
Emotional upheaval
That dominate
Our being

Rising above the fear
Gives us the vantage point
Of future

I bask in you
For you bring
Of self
And possibility
Shamai Dec 2018
Is a way to write
What I’m feeling
Or meaning to feel
Or have to feel
Or don’t know
What I’m feeling
Yes, just perhaps
Is about
Shamai Jan 2019
It’s in the loneliness
That I find myself
Adrift in a river
Of emotional cognition
I try to get away
And I drown in the never ending
Shamai Feb 2021
I think
I’m finally coming
To the end
Of my
Of thought
Finally breathing
Finally able
To just
Ahhhhh …
Shamai Jun 2021
I didn’t even know
That God existed
Until I found love
It was in that love
That the beautiful hand of God
Revealed itself
And showed me
How to live
An authentic life
It reminded me to live truthfully
And, in living my truth
I would find the freedom
To just be
And so, in finding God
I found
My Self
Shamai Apr 2022
Where am I
And what has become of my world
That used to reflect my innocence
And will to be
I am a torn being
Bleeding out
Into chaos
Trying to find self
In a world
Where self cannot live
The pain of finding out
That I no longer
Have a future
In this world
Filled with hate
Shamai Feb 2019
Sure laugh at yourself
And make fun of yourself
And truly find humour
In yourself
And then
Maybe then
You can start to take yourself
And then
You will be able
To find
Your truth
Shamai Jan 1
Enraptured by G-d
Anchored and lost at sea
Aimless with no purpose
Floundering while finding a space
In which to breathe
Knowing the right
And questioning the wrong
Light and darkness
In cloudy mists
Of feeling lost
In a sea
By G-d
Shamai Mar 2022
Bombs exploding all around
War is hell and hate abounds
We live in a world when we don’t know
When it will be our time to go
We look around and fear comes in
We wonder what we did to sin
And forget to take an active role
We need to remember our real goal
To know our self, know who we are
Look deep inside not from afar
We think we belong we take a stance
We involve ourselves in a frantic dance
And think we know what comes up next
And forget to aim for our apex
Go inside and find your name to fame
Stop playing their ridiculous human game
We must remember to quietly sit
To be in the world and not be of it
Shamai Jan 2020
On a bed
Made of spidery webs
And flowing
I drift into sleep
Wanting to stay awake
And finding consciousness
More and more
Shamai Feb 2019
For better or for worse
This is who I am
And will continue to be
No matter how much
I try to change
I am old
And will get older
I am married to myself
For better or for worse
Till death do us part
Shamai Sep 2019
Being in the world
Is not always as easy as it looks
It takes
And courage
And a strength
Seldom found
In the Animal Kingdom
For animals
Never have to worry
About being overtaken
By someone’s mind
Or being taken advantage of
With cruelty
Animals ****
For food
And dominance
And nothing else
While the animal that is man
For the sheer pleasure of it
Shamai Sep 2019
Sometimes I sit around
Thinking about what life could have been
If I had…
You can fill in the blanks
And I wonder
How different things
Could have been
If I had only
Just said no
Or yes
Or maybe
Or not spoken at all
Could I really have changed my destiny?
Or  was it already
Set in stone
Before I was born
How much free choice
Do we really have?
Shamai Oct 2018
The awareness that life is endless
And known through its expression
Of boundaries
Set by us to finite
The infinite
To harness the Self
Through the self
Freedom is deeply felt
In the physical pit
Of humanity
A place of extremes
And limitless
And gratitude
Shamai Feb 2022
Mask and vaccine what’s the take
Looks like the world now needs a break
Everything was closed down tight
We called out government with all our might
It’s hard to understand what this is about
We scream and yell and some of us pout
We hold marches and drive to the capital city
The Americans joined in, now that’s a pity
We just want our freedom, ability to choose
If we’re all corralled in then all of us loose
Vaccine and mask should be a choice
And yet we punish those who have a voice
I’m getting older and wiser than most
That is the reason for this post
The more rules the harder it is to be real
It’s not appropriate to make us heel
So rule makers listen we want you to hear
The end of the world could possibly be near
The rule that we need, the most important of all
Is to be gentle with others and heed the call
Of a higher power, the creator of all
If we could only listen we wouldn’t feel small
Be kind to others; treat all as your own
Step gently on the earth and set the tone
Set the inner boundaries that make you true
To yourself be authentic and be your best you
Shamai Feb 2019
Someone who can hear
My cries of pain
And hold me
When I am cold
Someone who cares
And shares
And understands
Someone who walks with me
And picks me up
When I fall down
That special someone
Who gets me
Even when
I’m not acting
Like me
Shamai Feb 2019
What is a true friend
Caring, sharing, knowing love
Shamai Jul 2020
Sometimes we meet someone
And wonder
How to connect
And what to say
We want to please
And be thought of
As a good person
And yet
How does one get to know another
Until they have shared
What is important to them
How does one make friends
With someone new
For me
I just want
To be me
And for you
Just be
Shamai Aug 2020
Friendships are
What keep us going
In times
Of stress
And woe
Friends can hear our pain
And rejoice
In our
They know when to approach us
And when
To let us alone
Friends can hear
When we need
To be held
And allow us the time
To lick our wounds
A gift
Shamai Jan 2022
Is there someone you like
Is there someone you trust
Is there someone you hold in affection?
Is there someone you admire
Is there someone who supports
Is there someone with whom you make a connection?
Then maybe it is a friend you have found
You know there are few from afar
To find such as this one that is truthful and clear
And can be held up to and beyond par
A friend is a person on who you can count
Even when the going gets tough
You know they’ll support you and guide you with love
And will never treat you too rough
For friends are the people we look for in life
They are hard to find and we need to hold on
For once we have found one be sure not to let go
Treat them well before they are gone
For a true fiend is one you want to respect
You want to hold them in esteem
You want to support them and show them your truth
You want them to be on your team
So look for a friend that is authentic and true
Look for a friend that is wise
Look for a friend that supports who you are
Look for the one that’s a prize
And let them know what they’re doing is right
Let them know that their lives are touching yours
Let them know that their presence can make a true difference
A true friend can be a real cure
For most of our ailments come from being alone
And having no one by our side
A true friend is one that understands your pain
And takes everything else in their stride
Shamai Nov 2018
Do you ever feel
Like you have no one to talk to
Like no one  understands
The depth of your be ing
Do you hold your thoughts in check
Not wanting to overwhelm
Those who are friendly
And live mundanely
I wish I could find
Someone to share my thoughts
My dreams with
Someone who understands
And doesn’t have a need
To fix me
Or mother me
Or dismiss me
I look for companionship
At the level
Of heart, mind, and soul
And seek, in that person
A friend
Shamai Oct 2018
I had a friend
That was dear to me
And I lost her
And miss her

I had a friend
And she helped me
And guided me
And showed me love
And I lost her

I had a friend
And I looked for her
Over hill and dale
And back again
And I lost her

And then
In a corner of the world
Where they write poetry
I found her again
I send her Love
Shamai Apr 2020
My lie is in chaos
My life is a mess
I’m starting to go CRAZY
And I don’t feel blessed
I don’t have the virus
I’ve been staying in doors
It’s been weeks since I’ve seen
More than tiles on the floor
I know I should be happy
And have blessings to count
And I’m getting so bored
And my bills they do mount
It won’t be long
Before this all will be over
A memory forgotten
As I sit on my mower
Enjoying the sunshine
And people I’ve missed
When when will this happen
Don’t want to get p*ed
I’m counting down weeks
Minutes hours and days
Would love to go out
Enjoy life and some plays
And instead I sit here
On my computer I write
Poetry to remember
From chaos to light
Shamai Feb 2021
My mind is literally exploding
With  ideas and thoughts
And images of things
I can  paint and write
And put into poetry
And I can’t slow
My mind down
It’s racing at a speed
That exceeds my ability
To express
How do I put onto paper
All the thoughts
That I am experiencing
In a single moment
How can I slow down
The process of time
When I am but
A mere
Human being

I want to paint and express
All the images
That I  am seeing
They’re going by too fast
For me
To capture
I sit
At my keyboard
And close my eyes
And allow
Come forward

Coming forward
I can’t slow them down
I write
Is this
What its like
To be
A genius
If I was a genius
Would I be able to
To capture
All the thoughts
Pin them down
In a
Shamai Jun 2021
Montreal had a man who could stand
On his shoulders without using his hands
He fell on his ***
And decided to pass
The man who could stand without hands
Shamai Jan 2022
We can call God by any name
Allah Hashem or Dieu
He comes to us in many forms
From birth until adieu
Some people think that God is just
A figment of imagination
They think that people made it up
To hold people in congregation
And yet the image of God has lived
Through many generation
There are some who believe and some who don’t
Some hold God in infatuation
There are some who pray and some who hide
The belief is in gradation
However you hold the thought of God
In heart or in damnation
He plays a role in many lives
We call him he or she
And yet in truth the God is neither
Just energy in which to be
Our belief in God will set the stage
For who and what we are
Doesn’t matter if we believe in ghosts
Or angels who live on a star
For God is the whole the completion of us
He teaches us right from wrong
He helps us to hold onto more
He guides us to belong
For without God what would we be
A stranger lost in space
He holds onto humanity
With love, compassion, and Grace
We think that God is far away
A place that we can’t see
When in fact he’s deep inside
Each one of us as we be
God guides us on our every step
As we go on through our life
He holds us to a higher form
From here to afterlife
Shamai Feb 2019
God is that part of ourselves
That reflects the Universe
And guides us
To our Destiny
God is the part of ourselves
That contains unconditional Love
And caring and compassion
Who is always there
To hold us
And guide us
And love us
Like an exceptional parent who never leaves our side
The one part of ourselves
That we are always searching for
And can only find
Inside of
Shamai Feb 2019
God like perfection
Love, compassion in motion
Always living Truth
Shamai Oct 2018
Is there
Anything more
I need to say
Before I
Retire for the night
And I can’t
Shamai Oct 2018
Children are lucky because they have
A Grandma and  a Grandmama
Nonna, Mhamó, Abuela, Bibi
Babcia, Giagiá, Avó, Oma

Nagymama, Mormor, or Kuku wahine
Are names of love for their Nan
O baachan, Babushka, Tutu, Halmeoni
Are certainly not names for a man

Ouma, Savta, Bubbi, Geema
Nai Nai, Nona, Gramms and more
Bomma, Mawmaw, Yaya, Nana
If I keep going you’ll think  I’m a bore

All names for their Grandma
The one they adore
That special someone
Who’s love to the core

She plays with them, cuddles, and keeps them all warm
She feeds them, she rears them takes over the chore
But all of this just to say, lest we forget
Grandmas are LOVE LOVE  LOVE and more
Shamai Oct 2018
Is the silence of knowing
That we are not alone
In this desolation
Of unconsciousness

A waving motion
Of understanding
That in our alone-ness
We still belong
To the many that walked
Before us

It is a remembering
That hand in hand is needed
In order to complete
Our life’s work
And that
We were never intended to walk
Totally alone

Oh, great creator of life
Forever guide us forward
Bringing together that which was
With that which is to be
And remind us again and again
To check into our hearts
In order to know
That all is, as it is meant to be
In gratitude.
Shamai Dec 2019
Is at the essence
Of our be ing
When we can appreciate
And love who we are
And all that we have
And bring harmony and joy
Into our lives
Then we can know the true meaning of
Shamai Dec 2018
Grieving Tears fall down
And I am one with my loss
Gone and always here
Shamai Oct 2018
Grieving sadness
So heavy
Weighs me down
And yet, I have to allow
The feelings, emotions, caring
And love that make this possible
For, if I hadn’t loved
I wouldn’t be able to feel the loss
Shamai Jun 2019
It’s not easy to feel  the loss
To allow ourselves to go into the pain
Knowing the overwhelming depth of emptiness
That we are going to sustain
Shamai Oct 2018
Unfolding roses
Explain the meaning of life
Makes delicious scents
Shamai Dec 2018
Young mind and old body
Aging has finally caught up
By surprise, I’m there
Shamai Dec 2018
Heart and heaven felt
That is what my grief feels like
Promises of joy
Shamai Jun 2019
Pain and deep grieving of loss
Jumping over truth
Feeling before moving on
Shamai Nov 2018
All I ever want
Is to hold you very close
And you slip away
Shamai Nov 2018
Poetry hearts
Expressing through loving glance
With paper and pen
Shamai Nov 2018
Silence prevails
My favourite time of day
Pure Solitude
Shamai Dec 2018
An ominous cloud
Portentous and sinister
Foretelling the storm
Shamai Oct 2018
I’ve heard the old adage,
“is the glass half empty, or half full?”
In my world, I’m happy I have a glass!!
Shamai Nov 2020
Half of me is gone
It just walked out the door
And I know
Deep within my heart
I know
That it will come back
Until then
Am only
Shamai Nov 2018
Once upon a time
There was a young girl
Who had been fed on
Cinderella stories
And happily ever afters
And she believed
And looked
For her Prince Charming
And he never came
So she pretended
That the next man that came into her life
Was her prince charming
And that she would have
Her happily ever after
She didn’t
Shamai Oct 2018
Happiness is when
The sides of your mouth
Want to move into
The warmest smile it can produce
And your heart sings
At the smallest provocation
And you wonder how
You ever lived without it

It is when we are sad and needy
That happiness makes itself known the most
For it is in the loss
That we appreciate most
What we had
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