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Shamai Jan 13
Did you know that life is like
The flitting by of birds
With each encounter life slips by
And we run out of words
So grab on tight and don’t let go
Make each encounter count
Live each breathe to its fullest
And gather your amount
Of Karma, there is good and bad
For each we must abide
The good brings good, the bad brings bad
We balance on each side
Until we reach a point from where
We finally understand
That living life in purity
Should really be our brand
Think out each thought before you speak
Let thought be pure with love
Let encounters be true and meaningful
And come from up above
The character from which you live
Is who you will become
Let each day each breathe bring true love
And show where you come from
Shamai Jul 2022
What is it
That creates hatred
In the hearts
Of humans
What is it
That makes one want to
Go out and ****
Another human being
How can we ever
Reach the hearts
And minds
Of those
Who have lost
Their compassion
And humanity
Shamai Nov 2018
Why do I
Listen to other people
When my heart tells me differently

Why do I think
That others know better
Than I do

Why is my belief in myself
So tainted with unreliable
And indifference

When will I
Start owning
I am
Shamai Jan 2022
It’s really time to write a poem I should give it a try
For writing poems gives me a chance to really explain why
We need to share our inner thoughts we need to understand why
Our words can bring forth wisdom and our words can make us cry
Our wisdom place knows oh so much if only we can share
The things we’ve learnt the things we know give others if we care
We aren’t here to sit around we really should ask why
We aren’t alone on this planet Earth so we should really try
To reach out to others , to hold their hand, to give a little sigh
Put others before our own true self and not just pass them by
For all we know is just a part of an ever greater whole
We need to know why we are here, we need to play our role
We may think we are small and weak and not a player in the game
We may think we are different or we may think we’re the same
Whatever the course we should always remember that we’re not here alone
We’re part of an ever greater whole our talents we should own
Whatever part we play whatever we’re meant to do
Is a part of the whole life game to our own selves we’ll be true
Just find out what you’re good at, what you love to do, where you show strength
Keep at it with a follow through it’s important to go the length
For we have come with good and bad, we need to find what brought us here
The part we play the reason why will one day become clear
Shamai Nov 2021
This world in which we live
Is in a horrible mess
People don’t talk
And people don’t care
We wear our anger
Like a badge of pride
We keep ourselves hidden
In a place inside
When will love prevail
So that we can see
A world that is shiny
And new and free
And instead we keep ourselves
Hidden way inside
We’re afraid to speak
We’re afraid to cry
I watch all this
With a tear and a sigh
For until we talk
We may as well die

I hold onto that
Which was before
People who cared
And people who were more
Than a blank slate
Without emotions
People who hide
And have lost their devotion
I am hurt at the core
To see empty faces
People who lie
And have lost their graces
Will it ever come back
Has our innocence been lost
Will we hide and cringe
Will we ever defrost
Will we ever remember
How it used to be
When people felt
And would not flee
We need to learn now
How to live authentically
To show our true selves
And to finally be free
Please wake up now
Before it’s too late
Our future is not lost
We can still change our fate
By opening our eyes
Our ears, and our hearts
By pulling together
All of our parts
Walking proud and *****
As the people we are
Human beings with hearts
With our soul as the star
Shamai Dec 2021
A time of contemplation
And rest
Under the deep, soft snow
Of life
That keeps us from
The Spring
Of our
Shamai Oct 2018
Winter is coming
The autumn leaves sit on the ground
And the frost of the morning
Shines in the light of day
Cool against my skin
I feel the winter wind
Nipping at my nose
And cooling my fingers
Until the numbing pain
Makes me reach for gloves of warmth
And dreams of
Shamai Nov 2020
Awake early
Sitting at the table
With tea in hand
And thinking
Thinking can be a very
Dangerous sport
Because it causes the persona
To question
All that it is
And to feel and experience things
That are not real
I wonder, in my dazed state
What is real
And what  isn’t
And it is so hard
For me to know
The difference.
I sit at the table
With tea in hand
And wonder
Shamai Jan 2020
I want to say something
And words
Cannot express
What I am feeling
I wish
I could understand
All that exists
Inside of me
Shamai Feb 2019
I never know
Which way
My words
Are going to carry me
Will they speak of the present
Or of the past
Or of the
Of life
Shamai Oct 2018
I never quite know
What to write in a poem
I look into my heart
And search words
To find meaning
To life's distractions
Never quite knowing
What I will find
I’m finished
Shamai Dec 2020
Words are powerful
Hurting words
Judging words
Cutting words
Power over words
Can stab the heart
Pouring life expression
And the belief in oneself
Onto the ground
If we want to be there for others
And truly hear them
We need to let go
Of our beliefs
Open our hearts
To be truly
And loving
And caring
And only then
Can we say
Shamai Aug 2020
The words come forward
Like a never ending stream
Of flowing
Water jewels
That take on the hue
Of sparkling gems
That want to find a home
In the pupils
Of my mind
Shamai Apr 2022
Afar access adieu abode
Dictionaries have some of those
Apace argosy arrant asunder
These are words from those down under
Dictionaries have words we’ve never seen
If you want to learn you must be keen
Shade shore slumber slay
These are words with which we play Sylvan tarry temerarious tenebrous These words are certainly clearly arduous
I think of beget behold beseech With all of these words I want to screech
Where do words come from and why do we use
We listen to sounds and we listen to clues
And try to understand what words are about
Which ones hold meaning which ones hold clout
Yet when the day is done we can look back and say
There were many new words that we used today
Shamai Mar 2019
I decided to write a poem
To put words together
In such a way
As to express
My innermost feelings

And I lost the words
And my thoughts drifted
And my computer keys stuck
And nothing came forward

Perhaps tomorrow
I will write a poem
To express my life
And for today
I’ll just go
To play
Shamai Oct 2018
Writing poetry makes me feel alive
Gives voice to my thoughts and ideas
And helps me to understand
What is going on
In my life

Writing poetry helps me
To reach into my deepest recesses
And find words that express
Things I haven’t thought about

Writing poetry gives voice
To my inner journey
And guides me forward
On the way
To Greater
Shamai Oct 2018
My eyes are getting heavy
Perhaps I should go to sleep
The baby is already down
And hasn’t made a peep

I walk towards my comfy bed
Hoping for dream land soon
The sun has set, it’s getting dark
And soon I’ll see the moon

I’ve put away the toys and clothes
I’ve tried to make things neat
There’s nothing left upon the floor
And nothing on the seat

Another day has come and gone
With so much to get done
And now I lay me down to sleep
Until the rising sun
Shamai Aug 2020
You are everything
My life, my breath, my whole self
Only you can be
Shamai Dec 2018
Have you ever played a game
That hooked you in
And took you away
From life’s living
Have you ever
Listened to a boring talk
Thinking you owed it to your friend
To be faithful
Have you ever done something you wished you hadn’t
And thought you had
No choice

Well, guess what

You’re human
Shamai Jul 2020
I wondered, curiously
Who you are
And found out
That you are
My heart stealer
Shamai Oct 2018
Into a deeper state
Of relaxation
To the inner life
The relaxation that comes
When we let go of the mundane
And relax
Just relax
Into the unknowing

Eyes closed
Body relaxed
Nothing to bother
Nothing to do
Just rest
Deeper sleep

And then
I don’t want to open my eyes
This is such a yummy place to be
No problems, no caring
Just total succumbing
To not knowing
And I want to stay
In my
Yummy Nap
Shamai May 2022
Lying in bed
I can not sleep
I’m not feeling sleepy
From my head to my feet
My thoughts are racing
I can’t keep up
I’m twichy and itching
From the day’s build up
What shall I do
How can this go on
Especially if it’s to the food
That I am drawn
Late night snacks
Stick to my hips
Oh well guess it’s time
To finish those chips
I know I should
I think I shall
Gather up all my thoughts
In one corral
And try to be still
And try to be right
Gather my covers
Wrapped around me tight
Good night to my door
Good night to my sheep
It’s time to bed down
It’s time to sleep

— The End —