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Shamai Nov 2023
How can I be what I can not see
How can I hear what is not said
How can I behave in a world of hatred
And continue to love that which is
What will guide me through this life
And bring me to a completion of existence
Guide me home
Open my eyes
Allow my heart to love
To accept
With Gratitude
Shamai Nov 2023
Lord, dear Lord
Deliver us from this hellhole of a world
And give us Hope
That all can be made beautiful
And that we, again, can see
The beauty of your Love
Lord, dear Lord
Help us to survive
In this world of hatred
And anger and solicity
Where man is seen
As an animal
And not the beautiful creature
That you created
Lord, dearest Lord
Open our eyes to the meaning of life
Fill our hearts with loving kindness
Help us to be the Good that we want to see
And the Love that we are meant to be
Guide us through the hardships
And help us to appreciate the gifts
That you have bestowed on us
Lord, Sweet Lord
Fill us with Gratitude
So that we may be
The children
We are meant
To be
Shamai Nov 2023
Does it ever end
The dreary lifeless sense
Of no tomorrow
Gone are the days
Of laughter and joy
And placed behind the screen
Is reality
Shamai Nov 2023
Tears just behind the eyes
Threaten to fall
And obliterate
The happiness
That once was
All I can see
Is desperation
And unease
And sadness
I want more
I remember the sunshine
And the hope
And the laughter
And yet, it feels like it
Has fallen
Just behind my eyes
The tears
Shamai Nov 2023
The world is changing
And I’m not sure
I know
Where it is
The crimson sky
Lands  on the tears
Of fallen soldiers
And the sun rises
On the hope
For a
Better tomorrow
I sit in wonder
At the fanciful anguish
Of death
And marvel
At the
Of life
Where is tomorrow
Can we hope?
Shamai Oct 2023
I have a choice
As I face life’s challenges
Whether to hide
Or whether to live
The former may feel better in the moment
The latter means challenges
Am I up to that?
I gather my strength and my courage
I dive into life
Shamai Aug 2023
The eternal flame
Of what we wish
We had
Holding onto
That which we want
While letting go
Of that
Which we have
Hope lights the internal flame
Of longing
Keeping us alive
In the solitude
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