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Shamai Aug 2023
Can we ever really know
Basking in the radiance
Of what we want to be
Hoping that we can change
That which is
I wonder
What life could truly be
If all we wished for
Came through
And life was lived in Truth
And all around me
There would be
And peace
What could life be
If it was not
It is
Shamai Aug 2023
I take a breathe
And the breathe stills my being
And brings a depth of resting
In the no thing
All around me I am surrounded
By a sense of stillness
And I dance in the joy
For no thing
Is where life begins
An intake brings me closer
To that which is not
And I remember a time
When other was more than now
All is still
My body feels heavy
And then
Light as a bird
I lift off
Into the unknown
For death
Is just another side
Of life
Shamai Apr 2023
Why is it that people can’t see
How simple life can be
If they would only recognize
How closely come the ties
Of what we expect of others
And what others expect of us
If we could only be ourselves
Without making such a fuss
If truth be told the only thing
Important for us now
Is just to feel we’re recognized
Sacred space for I and thou
If you could just allow me
To be me and not the you
If we could just be sensitive
And take the final cue
For you works well for you to be
It does not work for others
We all are here to do our part
As sisters and as brothers
So please accept me as I am
I’m perfect in all I do
And understand that who you are
Does certainly work for you
Please do not place me in a box
Formatted from your creation
We all came here as separate selves
Stopping this will cause stagnation
When you can accept that I am me
And you are who you are
When I can feel like all of me
Is really not bizarre
When you can say you love me
Just as I am right now
I will then stop my proving
And may simply just allow
For being me is why I’m here
And being you is important
Can we just hold each other in love
And be more in concordant
Shamai Jan 2023
I will go about my day
As if it is the only thing
I have to do
I will enjoy each taste of life
Catching the drops of nectar
That it provides
I will see the world
Through different eyes
Because the newness will excite
My living
I will know
That in order to be one
I must act one and feel one and be one
I will live as if it is my last day on Earth
And I will thoroughly enjoy
Every moment of it
Shamai Dec 2022
Sometimes anger distorts my vision and creates a sense of being lost and alone
The eruptions of the volcano colours all that I see
And I am no longer in control
Of that which I never was really in control of
I can’t continue
I can’t understand
I can’t see straight
And then
All comes back to reality
And all reason returns
To its right place
I think I am again
In control
The next time
Shamai Nov 2022
Slaughtering an animal, sacrificing the self
This is the kind of life we should want for our self
We give up that which no longer suits us
We try to let go without any fuss
We sacrifice to spirit we sacrifice to self
We try to remain humble in spite of our wealth
We offer to G_d what we’d like to become
We hope in the end we will become just as one
We consecrate and present our weaknesses and flaws
We go down to our core and become very raw
And come right back up in strength and in truth
And come back as empty as when we were youth
We open let go wholeheartedly being
We become as we should our soul we are freeing
We live our ideal, belief and our end
As a message to self we are trying to send
Be pure and live truth be righteous and whole
Going back to creator should be our true goal
Offer and sacrifice be present in mind
And the truest gift of life you will surely find
Be grateful for all for which you are given
And for that which is human you will surely be forgiven
Korban means to draw near as surely we’re meant
As we reach our true goal which will be our ascent
Shamai Nov 2022
My poems are like the falling dew
They come right down and stick to you
They speak of things I might have done
Or learnt, understand as story's spun
Poems speak to me right from the heart
The soul reaches out and plays its part
Words spin ‘round and then they stay
It’s like a child’s daily play
Poems speak of love they speak of hate
They warn us now not to be late
I dance around the words so much
Trying to understand the world as such
So poems give me the chance to spin a yarn
And expose myself without a  ****
So write I will ‘till day is done
The words of the poem will be finespun
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