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Shamai Nov 2022
I used to think that life was just an everlasting game
I thought I could do anything and still remain the same
And slowly slowly I did learn that living can be hard
I learned to move through life with joy while letting down my guard
I learnt that I had something rare, a gift that I could share
A love that came from deep inside and started with a prayer
That God would find me worthy of the gifts that he could give
That I could share this deep found love, forget and to forgive
To accept, find compassion, and unconditional love, to move forward on a path
To know that I reap what I sow with no lasting aftermath
I’m here to end my karmic debt, be of service, become a one
To know both self and Over soul, to end what I’ve begun
To step out on the path of life with happiness and joy
To find both purpose  and  authentic meaning and become the real mccoy
For living truth is higher than just moving right along
In finding higher purpose I can dance and sing a song
And share what I have learnt in life and continue to go on
Trust in the Lord who’s merciful until the day I’m gone
Shamai Oct 2022
Weird feelings in my body
Weird feelings in my mind
I don’t quite know what’s happening
I’m feeling kind of blind
It’s like a sense of forebode
And sense to stay quite still
I can’t describe what’s happening
Something’s going against my will
Clarity is what I need
Understanding is what I want
It’s like my body and mind
Are talking in a different font
So how do I make sense
Of this quagmire and unknown
Is it something I need to throw out
Or something I need to own
I guess I need to sit
For a while or maybe two
Until I understand
What it is I need to do
Shamai Aug 2022
I watched a woman and her daughter
Going across the street
And she scuffed and she shuttled
And she kept a beat
And her mother called her out
For being a child
And she asked her to stop
Because she said she was wild
And the child looked up
With anguish not glee
Because all she wanted
Was just to be
Mothers take their job
So serious and cruel
And she thinks she'll be judged
And look like a fool
And children are children
And do what they must
And expecting adult behaviour
Is really not just
Just let them play
And learn as they go
For experience is a must
In order to grow
So just let them dance
Shuffle and move to and fro
Let them challenge and question
And then please let them go
Shamai Aug 2022
Sometimes my thoughts flow freely
And sometimes they can get stuck
I don’t know where they wander
Sometimes I’m in a great big ruck
I try to get my mind to move
To another place or two
And yet it keeps coming back
To a place that I once knew
My mind wants me to remember
What happened long ago
I just want to keep on moving
And I cannot keep the flow
If I could just remember now
And then just let it go
Then I know that I could move on
And it wouldn’t be so slow
I want to stay here in the now
Be present at my core
Then I could live in harmony
And I could be much more
If all I am could just become
The me I want to be
Then things would come together
And I could just be me
Shamai Jul 2022
What is it
That creates hatred
In the hearts
Of humans
What is it
That makes one want to
Go out and ****
Another human being
How can we ever
Reach the hearts
And minds
Of those
Who have lost
Their compassion
And humanity
Shamai Jun 2022
June into July
The time’s passing fast
Soon all we do
Will be in the past
We think we’re important
And what we do counts
Yet all our actions mount
In karmic accounts
Reflective of who
And what we do now
All that we sow
We will reap with a plow
Discern and be thoughtful
Watch your words and your thoughts
Or your life will become
A game of follow the dots
Be considerate and kind
Come from compassion not hate
For at the end of times
All your deeds you will rate
I know you think now
That my words are in vain
But it’s your life and your soul
That will be marked with a stain
Go forward in love
Love all that you meet
So when you come home
Your pure soul you will greet
Shamai Jun 2022
Is such a necessary
Of communication
It reaches out
And catches my spirit
In an attempt
To describe
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