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Shamai May 2022
I was walking along the water
And decided to take a seat
Because my rhythm I was losing
And I couldn’t keep the beat
I looked into the water
I was not far from the street
And what I saw surprised me
And it really was a treat
I saw an old lady smiling
And it truly was so sweet
She was happy with her life
And other people she liked to greet
The day was beautiful
A rising heat
Didn’t bother her
As she raised her feet
She looked into the water
Just passed the concrete
And what she saw
Was quite offbeat
She saw a woman
Who was quite complete
She’d lived her life
Without conceit
Gave love to all
At every retreat
She remembered others
Who could lie and cheat
They took advantage
And were not upbeat
It’s important to remember
It’s not the athlete
But the one who takes care
And has no cheat sheet
Remember the other
That is on your street
Remember to step forward
And not take a backseat
For love is the answer
If you feel incomplete
Step forward with love
And be discreet
Shamai May 2022
Foot after foot
Lead laden feet
That don’t want to move
Hidden behind memories
Of yesteryear
What is it
That keeps us going
Against all odds
Why do we feel
Like we have to keep trying
Even when
Our tiredness
Is so obvious
Life has a way
Of enlivening
Our be ing
And keeping us going
Long after
The will
Has tired itself
Shamai May 2022
I want it
I need it
I know it is good
And yet all the time
I know that I should
Eat healthy eat properly
Take care of my ***
Do all that I can
I know that I  ‘ought
And the chocolate is calling
A burger or two
My clothes no longer fit
And neither does my shoe
Spinach and kale
Are the foods I adore
But fries and onion rings
Are the foods that I store
When will I change over
Let go of the past
When will the food change
Take hold now and last
Green smoothies I want
I need I adore
But somehow the calories
Are all that I store
So body please forgive me
If I lose motive and drive
For being healthy is what
I hope now to strive
Let go of bad habits
Throw junk in the garb
Whole foods are so healthy
I know I won’t starve
Forgive myself
For all of my sins
And throw all the crap
Right into the bins
Shamai Apr 2022
There are times when I have
A need to speak out
And to let others know
That I have no doubt
That I am correct
And they are not
That I know what I’m saying
And in that I am caught
I believe what I speak
I believe that I know
And I forget to remember
The seeds that I sow
If I’m always correct
And my friends are too
Then our ideas collide
And we’re stuck in the glue
Of believing that we
Are the only ones who know
That only our thoughts
Should be allowed to grow
We forget that other
Is important as well
But we keep right on going
And our heads sure do swell
So I suggest a time out
A time to breathe and reflect
On the part that we play
And how we should connect
As partners we can
Do more than as one
Working together
Can be so much fun
No more conflict
And no more commotion
Love is the answer
To the magic potion
Shamai Apr 2022
Life’s curves are the challenge
We need
To grow
Into that
We are meant
To be
Shamai Apr 2022
In life there are times when we change
And the enormity of the situation
Can bring tears to the eyes
We walk a path
And suddenly the road wavers
And the path thickens
And we are challenged
To be the best we can possibly be
And life’s journey brings us
To the threshold
And gifts are given
That make the journey
More palatable
And truly
Joy filled
Shamai Apr 2022
I follow a path of freedom
I follow a path of truth
I follow a path of love
And I follow a path of youth
The Creator has given us
Much that we can do
He asks of us to all be one
And to ourselves be true
We’ve come to earth to find out
Who we are and from where we’ve come
What our role is in this lifetime
And where we’ve all come from
Some say that God created us
In six days and on the seventh day he rested
They tell us that we must keep laws
And on this world we’re tested
Some welcome child with ritual
Welcome them to this kind place
Some say we come from Earth
And some say we come from space
Some say our heart beats just as one
Some like to do a dance
Some sit in quiet and meditate
Some groups are steeped in romance
Whatever way you choose to walk
Do it softly or speak it loud
Remember that you’re the unique one
With gifts you are endowed
Use your life wisely remember that
Our breaths are numbered and soon
You’ll find that all things come to an end
With nature you must attune
Say hello then say goodbye
You’re days on Earth are done
You’ve done all you can to make amends
I hope you’ve become some One
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