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Shamai Apr 2022
Oh great One
I look for you
In the temples
And in the churches
I look for you
In the books and in the verses
In the air and in the song of the bird
I look for you and the tears
Come down my cheeks
For the only place I can find you
Is in my heart
Shamai Apr 2022
I am the light
And manifestation of all
All that is within
Is without
From clay I was born
And to clay I will return
As witness God observes
And lays judgment
With love
I Am
Shamai Apr 2022
In my body sits unrest
A gathering of hurricanes
And volcanoes and tornadoes
Wanting to express
Deep within myself
There is hope
For a better world
And I sit in the mire
Shamai Apr 2022
While all around me
Bombs of hate are exploding
And prejudice
Is falling from the sky
In buckets of tearful wounds
And I watch
Waiting for an opportunity
To express
Innocence and love
We can no longer hide
In our unwillingness to know
We must reach out
And express our oneness
And love for other
As well as for ourselves
Without love
There is no world
Without compassion
There is no peace
Without self
There is no hope
I am
I am the only one
That can create
Shamai Apr 2022
What is it like
To find out
That my world has been torn asunder
And I am lost
In this chaos
How do you raise children
In a world filled with
Prejudice and hate
How do I find love
When darkness fills my life
My heart reaches out
And my soul cries
For that which was
And I fear
That which is to be
Shamai Apr 2022
Where am I
And what has become of my world
That used to reflect my innocence
And will to be
I am a torn being
Bleeding out
Into chaos
Trying to find self
In a world
Where self cannot live
The pain of finding out
That I no longer
Have a future
In this world
Filled with hate
Shamai Apr 2022
I breathe
Therefore, I am alive
In a world of chaos
And destruction
I live
In a damaged vitality
And a crushed spirit
Of unknown origin
I am
A product of my environment
Tattered and torn
Crumbling into
A world
Of chaos
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