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Shamai Apr 2022
Do you ever feel
Like no matter what  you do
You can’t overcome the hurdle
Like life
Is pushing against you
And you don’t know which way to turn
Always remember that
Life is here for us
To experience
For us to gather our
Inner resources
And find a way
To create joy
From misery
Shamai Apr 2022
Sometimes we just sit there
We sit and we wait
For others to take the lead
Don’t feel it’s our fate
And yet strength lies in numbers
And we need to stand tall
We need to play our part
And reach out to all
The world doesn’t change
From a very small selection
We all need to play our part
With love and affection
So from a place of compassion
I ask you to get up
Speak truth and devotion
With a loving cup
Shamai Apr 2022
Afar access adieu abode
Dictionaries have some of those
Apace argosy arrant asunder
These are words from those down under
Dictionaries have words we’ve never seen
If you want to learn you must be keen
Shade shore slumber slay
These are words with which we play Sylvan tarry temerarious tenebrous These words are certainly clearly arduous
I think of beget behold beseech With all of these words I want to screech
Where do words come from and why do we use
We listen to sounds and we listen to clues
And try to understand what words are about
Which ones hold meaning which ones hold clout
Yet when the day is done we can look back and say
There were many new words that we used today
Shamai Apr 2022
Oh no oh no what shall I do
I can’t cook an egg or make a stew
My stomach is hungry the stores are closed
I don’t know what to do I’ve been exposed
I never learnt how to boil the water
To make spaghetti like I aughter
I can open a can if I can find
The opener I must be blind
I can call a friend to make some stuff
My God this is getting really tough
I can call for a pizza if the shop was open
Oh when oh when will it reopen
Mr google can guide me in trying to cook
The chance of that is like a house chinook
Oh dear oh dear what do I do
I want to bite and I want to chew
The dog food is looking better around now
Should I get down on the floor with the dog to chow
Desperation is reaching me at my neck
A cookbook I think it’s time to check
Aha a salad is easy as pie
I think that I will give it a try
Shamai Apr 2022
Did you walk the dog
Did you make some tea
I don’t know what’s
Come over me
I don’t want to do it
I’d rather rest
Watch some TV
Not take a quest
I’m just feeling lazy
Want to stay in bed
Covers are pulled
Right over my head
I’m hiding from others
I’m hiding from self
I’d much rather be sitting
Upon a shelf
It’s easier to do nothing
Than get involved
I’d rather be hiding
And be absolved
But I do peep out
And what do I see
A friendly smile
Coming at me
Maybe it’s not so bad
Maybe I can give it a try
I think I’ll go out now
Oh well, bye bye
Shamai Apr 2022
Oh my oh dear what should I do
I cannot find my other shoe
The time is getting later and
I need to take a firmer stand
On getting myself some discipline
I need to work on singleton
The voices in my head tell me
The way they think I need to be
But they are voices from the past
And it’s not so healthy if they last
First I thank them for their work
If I didn’t they’d know that I’m a ****
Then I tell them it’s ok
For them to take a rest and play
I can handle all my stuff
It really shouldn’t be so tough
It’s time an adult I must be
If I want to reach my joy and glee
Take charge of all the things I am
An authentic self and not a sham
So I pull up my boot straps and get right to it
Become more involved get healthy and fit
And clean up the place put things in order
Like I truly live here I’m not a border
Things have a place so find them I can
Become a responsible woman or man
Shamai Apr 2022
Waiting waiting
We’re almost there
A time for fun
A time to share
All week we wait
Until we’re done
Watching the clock
Till we reach the home run
Counting down
Minute by minute
Working hard
So we don’t get the boot
Our coat is ready
Our cap we have on
We have been thinking
Our plans are drawn
There is something special
About Friday night
Our work is finished
And we feel alright
We hop in the car
Turn the music on
We dance in our seats
From dusk to dawn
And before you know it
Monday has come
We’re back in our chairs
Looking tired and glum
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