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Shamai Apr 2022
Step by step
One foot after the other
We walk our destiny
With sister and brother
We know not where
The journey will end
We plod on steadily
Try to ascend
We go to church
We say our prayers
We lead a life
Learn ours from theirs
Be good, do good
Be one we’re told
They force us all
Into a mold
We try our hardest
To do things right
We try and try
With all our might
Until one day
We wake to find
That we are caught
In our own bind
We reach for end
The prize to achieve
When instead we find
It’s time to leave
Hold on now to
Each step you make
It’s not the end
It’s the journey you take
Shamai Apr 2022
I really want to help you
And I want to give my time
And yet when they are ready
Your ‘no show’ is your dream time
You really meant to do it
And something else just did come up
Your heart was in the right place
But your work had no back up
What does it mean to give your word
And do what you should do
What does it mean to follow up
And not say your adieu
Better to keep silent
Keep your promises to yourself
Then open up a window
And be found on hidden shelf
For promises once spoken
Should be followed through to end
And offering up your valued time
Is something to commend
So keep  up all your promises
So others know your true
Be honourable and capable
And always be the best of you
Shamai Apr 2022
My day started out as normal as can be
There were things to do there were places I must be
I hurried out the door trying hard to keep the pace
Although I knew I couldn’t really keep up with this race
I had to sweep I had to cook I had to do my best
In one day there’s so much to do to keep  up with the rest
It’s just that sometimes I don’t want to do most anything
I sit and stare or play some games keep busy without doing a thing
And then by night the guilt kicks in and I look at my obligations
I look at all I could have done and I look to my relations
It’s ok to take a rest sometimes and leave some things to slide
It’s ok to rest in a comfort zone and in silence and peace abide
And then it’s time to pick up pace and rally to the call
For when truth is told we have to do and get right on the ball
I take and I receive with love I have to do my part
For in this untidy world of mine is where I have to start
To account for all I could have done and pride in what I accomplish
If I take an accounting of all I am it really would astonish
A daily accounting of all I am and all I hope to be
Gives me a chance to set my goals and a path I then can see
Shamai Mar 2022
I was walking on the street one day
Just minding my own business
When a woman came upon me
And caught me in my dizziness
She asked me why I walked
Upon the sidewalk with such force
She asked where I was going
And was I truly right on course
I looked at her and wondered
What this woman was about
I looked at her and wondered
With trepidation and with doubt
How could she just accost me
With her loud obnoxious voice
How could she stop my promenade
With questions and no choice
So I answered in a voice so soft
I tried hard not to quiver
I answered her as best I could
Even though I felt a shiver
I told her that I do my best
I walk on roads with strength
I spoke to her with truth and love
While keeping at arm’s length
I spoke of worlds that I had known
And places I had been
I would have talked of love and such
If that’s what I had seen
Instead I talked of woes and hardship
Of things that I had done
I continued in my dissertation
Even as there was no sun
I tried to stop my words from flow
She’d opened up a door
I wanted her to hear my plight
I wanted so much more
But then the time came quickly
I felt heard she walked away
Perhaps the two of us might meet
On another sunny day
Shamai Mar 2022
I used to look at money as the root of all evil
I used to look at money as a debt I could not pay
I marveled at how others could keep their books in order
My money used to travel, in my pocket it couldn’t stay
I tried to think of money as a bartering of sorts
I tried to call it friend and to understand its source
Money has a way of speaking I couldn’t understand
I failed to understand its movement and its course
And then one day a teacher said to put it in my mouth
That ***** crumbled paper cloth with print upon its face
I could not would not take that ***** bill from hand to mouth
I would not put it in my mouth myself to now debase
Most money comes from hard work from a job or from a place
It travels through the land from hand to hand from face to face
Money is just a way of saying you’ve earned like most adults
Money is a way of keep people in their place
Countries play with currency with values high and low
Stock brokerage and Wall Street keep our money at a tow
We have no way of knowing if it’s up or if it’s down
We have to learn to pay at source with money from the crown
They play with percentages and valuations infatuation and in flux
Countries loan it out and scream pay back when it’s really only bucks
I want to understand the silliness of paper and coin
I want to shout out stop it when the countries then conjoin
To hold it is to waste it and to spend it then it’s gone
What way is there to understand its brightness and its brawn
So money I will place you in the world not understood
I’d like to give you value if only then I could
Shamai Mar 2022
Meditation is a place where we should go
When times are tough when times are slow
Go inside and meditate
Silently sit and silently wait
Soon you will see the light inside
Soon you’ll go on a magical ride
Find a teacher who knows the way
Stay with him both night and day
The world outside is cold and damp
Check out your actions and then revamp
Begin to see other as your self
Begin to know your authentic wealth
Be kind to other in humility give
It’s the only way to actively live
Change things around and go inside
Know who you are, in love abide
Shamai Mar 2022
Bombs exploding all around
War is hell and hate abounds
We live in a world when we don’t know
When it will be our time to go
We look around and fear comes in
We wonder what we did to sin
And forget to take an active role
We need to remember our real goal
To know our self, know who we are
Look deep inside not from afar
We think we belong we take a stance
We involve ourselves in a frantic dance
And think we know what comes up next
And forget to aim for our apex
Go inside and find your name to fame
Stop playing their ridiculous human game
We must remember to quietly sit
To be in the world and not be of it
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