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Shamai Mar 2022
A favorable combination of time and place
If we don’t take a chance then we’ll never reach grace
There are times in our lives when things go well
There are times in our lives when things are swell
They go the way we wish they would
We take a chance as well we should
And then sometimes things go away
No matter what we do they do not stay
And frustration sets in and we give up
We don’t know what to do with the big flare up
And we forget how much fun we used to have
And how people helped on our behalf
We give up all and hide inside
And wait for the coming of a helpful tide
Sometimes we wait sometimes we gain
An understanding we need to obtain
Opportunity knocks and we should respond
Take a chance on choosing what is beyond
Jump into the opportunity that comes to us
Allow and choose without a fuss
For when opportunity knocks we should be home
Consider it luck like a honey comb
And embrace the chance for life to guide
Our way to home in love abide
Shamai Mar 2022
How are you doing
And what’s up
Checking in
Before I sup
How’s the weather
Taking walks
Stopping by
Having talks
The world is changing
Moving fast
I hold on tight
And feel the past
Don’t know where
I’ll be tomorrow
Will I be in joy
Or deep in sorrow
We can not guess
We can not plan
Our life moves on
Visit the clan
Tomorrow will come
Yesterday is gone
The present is now
I greet the dawn
I take each day
As if the last
I don’t hold on to
Things from past
Each day is new
Each day is pure
I  open my eyes
Just to assure
That I am still
Here on this earth
Know who I am
And know my worth
Shamai Mar 2022
People ask me what I’m doing
And I tell them I’m being still
For in that silence lays
All the things I can fulfill
For prayer is talking to the One
Who cares for us with love
And meditation is listening to his word
The message from above
While asking is reaching out to God
It’s in the silence that we know
Just who we are and where we’re from
It helps our soul to grow
Just close your eyes and contemplate
Then let go of it all
When in the presence of our Lord
We are truly very small
The inner world is magical
Inner light and sound are present
It heals it holds it makes us whole
It’s where our time should be spent
While talking is good the listening
Is much more satisfying
It helps give satisfaction to our soul
When from the body we’re flying
We rise above body consciousness
And take the hand of the Lord
He takes us on the inner journey
An area to be explored
Meditation is an open door
To becoming more than we are
It takes us to another place
Beyond the moon and star
Shamai Mar 2022
I pray to God for loving
And I pray to God for food
My every wish I wish for
Becomes prayer and that is good
Prayer is just a wishing game
A time to ask for stuff
Yet isn’t it time to realize
That what I have is quite enough
When I pray to God I recognize
His presence and his Grace
When I pray to God I hope
That I don’t fall flat on my face
Prayer is communication
And what I could be saying is ‘thanks’
Thanks for all you give me
And thanks for all your yanks
That bring me back to where I am
And where I hope to be
Thank you for your loving
And thanks for holding me
Shamai Mar 2022
Peace is that which comes into  
The body and the soul
It sits in heart awaiting
And it helps us reach our goal
Peace can be  elusive
And helps us reach out and hold on tight
Peace can be the calming presence
That keeps us feeling right
Peace can be a harmony
Of beautiful dimension
Peace can be a holding
And a space for true ascension
When peace is reached
We feel a sense
Of beauty
And ideation
Peace can be delusion
Or creative imagination
When peace is reached
We know a sense
Of beauty and detachment
Peace can be a letting go
Of old thoughts a dispatchment
Peace is not a common place
It takes work to reach its space
Peace takes time to germinate
Can’t reach it as a race
It takes quiet and perseverance
It takes will and solid grit
It takes Sat Chit Ananda
And the ability to sit
For it’s in the silence
That the magic can take place
It’s in the inner world that we find peace
With silence and with Grace
Shamai Mar 2022
I’m waiting for the sun to shine
I’m waiting for the day
I sit inside and wait
Hope the sun will surely stay
Seems to always be
Waiting for something to come
I’m waiting in the morning
And when the day is done
I wait for things to rise
And the oven to get hot
I wait for rain to stop
And wait for water in the ***
My day is spent in waiting
For something to come out right
I’m spending my time waiting
From the morning to the night
If I could only go on
With the things I’m waiting for
If I could just be all myself
From toes up to my core
If I could stay for just some time
In the space that we call present
Then I could understand
And see where my time is spent
Let go of expectations
Let go of judgment too
Just do things in the present
Give myself the love I’m due
Then anxiety will fly out the door
And peace will reign inside
And I can love now all of me
And stand with strength and pride
No longer living in past and future
The present is where I’ll be
With joy and jubilation
With love hope and with glee
Shamai Mar 2022
The shopping the cleaning the cooking and more
All of these things should not be a chore
They’re done with the love that we have for another
A mother a father a sister a brother
We take our time and do things right
We clean everything we see in sight
And when it’s done and we’re all alone
We smile with joy and set the tone
Our gift to other is really our self
And who we are puts us on the shelf
Of honour and praise for who we are
When you give from the heart you are a true star
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