Just a glimpse
Three seconds to be exact
Just like the research told me
That’s all it took
For me to continue my
Lingering stares
I would look for you
In places where I’ve seen you before
Trying to flirt with the butterflies
No dinosaurs
In the pit of my stomach
So that they could take five
Just enough time for me to be bold
To be confident in myself
Enough to look at you
For more than three seconds
Without quickly darting my gaze away
I’m not sure what captured my attention
There was just something unspoken
About you
But I wonder if it was just neediness
Because it’s been years
Since I really liked anyone
So maybe I like you
Because I miss the feeling
Of have a crush
Of having the nervousness
The sweaty palms
The shy smiles
Rosy blushes
Face splitting grins
Maybe I only have a crush on you
Because I needed the reminder
Of what it’s like
To have a crush
Because now that I’ve seen you
A few times
I think the infatuation has subsided
I love it
Yet I hate it
All at the same time
I wonder if I should introduce myself somehow, but I don’t really know what to do. Do I smile at him, make eye contact a few times, ask him what his name is? What’s the social protocol when it comes to these situations?
Edit: I found out his name is Anton :)
Edit 2: found him on Instagram and chickened out on requesting to follow him
Edit 3: the pandemic stopped all possible progress on getting to meet him in person :/
Edit 4: well, school is virtual so now I can’t even see him around campus...I don’t even know if he even is on campus...until next time...
Edit 5: it’s september 1st 2021 Last time I saw him he was a freshman and I was a sophomore but in the fall he will be a junior and I a senior. I don’t feel the same way I did about him :/ maybe he will just be a boy that makes me smile and reminisce on in passing