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May 2019 · 106
Diana May 2019
Her afterthoughts curled themselves
Around her hollow heart
Which erratically  thumped offbeat
In her chest
Like poisonous weeds
Disguised as blooming flowers
Apr 2019 · 124
Internal Chaos
Diana Apr 2019
It’s funny
Because as I stand here alone
With my eyes gently closed
Below the branches of large willows
That live in this hidden park
Having the warm sun
Soak into my skin and
The distant melody of birds chirping
Be the only source of sound around me
I can’t help but feel
As though it’s too loud
Because my thoughts
They scream
Demanding to be heard and felt
Even when I don’t want to
Give them the authority to
Which is so different to the
And quietness
That this place emits before me
In comparison to what’s happening
Inside me internally
Even though this poem is quite sad, I believe it will get better. We can’t always be optimistic, and that’s okay! Sometimes you might struggle to find peace among the chaos or light within the darkness, even if it happens to be within.
Apr 2019 · 739
Haunting Silhouette
Diana Apr 2019
It saddens me
Knowing that this
Between us
Will never work
Because you look at me
Desperately searching for someone else
You look at me
In hopes to catch glimpses of them
It saddens me
Because we never truly had a shot
When all I wanted
Was that
A fighting shot
Diana Apr 2019
As a poet
I find myself most curious
With mundane
Because it allows me
To create depth and complexity
Diana Apr 2019
You say you love me
But not in that way
As a friend
You say
But I can’t harbor these festering feelings
Within me any longer

If I was aesthetically prettier
Would you say you love me
In that way
If you were attracted to my looks
The way you say you are to my personality
Would you then
Pursue me
I find it quite interesting how there are many people around us that have such attractive personalities, but we don’t pursue them because of their looks; however, if they were to look aesthetically pleasing to us oh how different would our feelings be for them...
Apr 2019 · 1.7k
I’m Sick of Writing Poetry
Diana Apr 2019
Romantic poetry that is
Because I write about detailed experiences
I’ve never truly experienced
But imagined in my head

Because I’m done submerging myself
In the utopia of a perfect love
Between two hopeful romantics
Finally coming together

Because I’m done
Falling in love with the idea of love
Before I even get the opportunity
To fall in love

Because I wanna stop wrapping myself
Isolating myself
By temporarily living in the fictional world
That lies between the words
Of pages of books
In the aisles of abandoned public libraries
Where true love conquers all
Where life’s responsibilities blur
Fading in the background
While romance is magnified
To an unreachable level
That I desire to reach

But my question remains

W h E  n    w  i L  L
M  y          t     i    M    e
C o    M    E
Update #1: May 2020 + single in quarantine
Update #2: September 2020 + single
Update #3: June 2021 + single
Update #4: October 2021 + single while attending in-person school
Update #5: April 2022 + kissed a beautifully kind stranger <3
Update #6: July 2022 single and going to a gym with pretty ppl
Diana Mar 2019
"I'm scared"
She mumbled into his shoulder
As he held her tightly to his chest
"Of what"
He whispererd as he tilted her face
To meet his
"Of the way you look at me"
"And how's that"
"Like you love me
With an intensity I've never seen before"
Mar 2019 · 944
Poetry Lives Within
Diana Mar 2019
we are

We are the muses that haunt others
Late in their silent nights
That are comprised of a
Pencil or pen
And lingering mind

We are the strangers
That elicited a thought within another
That manifested into a poem

We are the vessels
Of poems written
And poems to come

we are
Mar 2019 · 344
Rules to Live By
Diana Mar 2019
Carry a humble confidence
With you
Everywhere you go

2. Be spontaneous
Because the best memories (typically)
Are never preplanned

3. Realize that you are
But never
Allow any one of those traits
Define you

4. Learn to love yourself
Before deciding to fall in love
With another

5. Never compare yourself
To something or someone
That you were never meant to be
Compare yourself to who you were
And will be

6. Never crave validation
Of your worth
Through the meaningless words
Of people who don't truly understand
Or know you

7. Most importantly
Because life's too precious
To have your focus be in anyplace
But where you currently are
Pleases add on in the comments below :)
Diana Mar 2019
I want to be with someone
Who physically can't take their eyes off me
So much so
That I can feel his gaze linger
In my peripheral vision
And when I catch him
In the the middle of his silent admiration
I can't help but blush
Because his unspoken reverence
Is so blatantly displayed
Across his face
With such potency
With no veil hiding his emotions
That I can't quite seem to comprehend
How it's all directed at me
Mar 2019 · 144
First Love,
Diana Mar 2019
You are the rose
Without the thorns
Mar 2019 · 134
Knowledge Is Power
Diana Mar 2019
Is the result of
Mar 2019 · 1.6k
Reason to Feel Beautiful
Diana Mar 2019
There is
On this entire planet
That is
Like you
Your looks
Your preferences
Your character
All combined
Makes you
Diana Mar 2019
I want to smear red lipstick
On my lips
Strip you of all your clothes
Piece by piece
Kiss your body
From head to toe
Only to pull away from you
And admire my artwork
Feb 2019 · 408
Utopic Perfection
Diana Feb 2019
The world's idea of perfection
Is unattainable
Which is why people are never satisfied
Isn't that what those of power want
People to never be satisfied
With themselves
So they try to mold themselves
Into something that no one can be

They attempt to be
Grow muscles
Inject implants
Manipulate their flesh
Until it's just right

They will never achieve something
That's perfect
They will never be satisfied
Even though they strive to be
Because it's all
Diana Feb 2019
She was hella shy
With a lingering eye
thoughts spoken by my brother
Diana Feb 2019
Hold on to that
Diana Feb 2019
you deserve
a love
that's greater
than the one you
you deserve
Diana Feb 2019
Tell me
How do you explain
To someone
Who is blind
Feb 2019 · 640
Misunderstood Intimacy
Diana Feb 2019
And yet
As I press you close
Against my chest
I can't help but feel as though
I can't hold you like I want to
And that
Is a reality
That I struggle to grasp
Feb 2019 · 200
Diana Feb 2019
It's okay to let loose
Truly live
Allow the responsibilities of life
Blur into the background
And live in the present
Diana Feb 2019
Be with someone
Who makes you question
Whether you've ever been in love
Feb 2019 · 440
Byproduct of Infatuation
Diana Feb 2019
He could make such mundane tasks
Look so interesting
Feb 2019 · 320
Dear Future Lover
Diana Feb 2019
I look forward to holding you
I look forward to playing with your hair
I look forward to kissing your neck
Whenever the urge strikes me to
I look forward to
Oh wait
I think I just met you
Feb 2019 · 706
The Poets' Bucket List
Diana Feb 2019
Passionately kiss a beautiful stranger
Dance with someone special in the rain
With the headlights of a car
Be the only source of light
And the music from the stereo
Persuade our unsynchronized movements
Try an extremely overpriced fruity cocktail
In a luxurious bar
Sit down at an occupied table
That has a random person
Introduce myself and
Play a speed round of 20 questions
Exploring the idea
Of creating a false reality to someone
Who would accept it
Because they expect nothing less
Add on!!
Feb 2019 · 196
Falling in Love Every Day
Diana Feb 2019
As humans
We are constantly changing

Those friends from high school
You said bye to on graduation day
The next time you see them
You'll be slightly or drastically different
They'll be too
Because our experiences shape us
Into who we are

When we
Fall in love
With someone
We fall in love with the person
That they currently are
And as time passes
I do believe that we fall in love
With that same person
Because they aren't the same person
You aren't the same person
That you were
When you first fell in love
With each other
I hope this poem inspires you to fall in love everyday with the love of your life.
Diana Feb 2019
Is not dependent
On your
Diana Feb 2019
You deserve to have someone
Revere you

You deserve to have someone
Whose heart thumps a little faster
When they see you

You deserve to have someone
Whose idea of perfection
Sits before their eyes
And has your name

You deserve to have someone
Who gets nervous
When they're trying to think of a response
That will woo you

You deserve
To be boldly pursued

You deserve
To be loved

Feb 2019 · 690
Devalued Perfection
Diana Feb 2019
Continuous perfection
Leads to overlooked accomplishments
A renewed definition of ordinary
Takes root
Loses its value
People's compliments
Lose their presence
Jan 2019 · 476
Unwavering Love
Diana Jan 2019
I want the kind of love where
Even when I'm upset
Even when I'm angry
At you
And I deserve the right to be
I can look you in the eyes
With tears streaming down my face
And still be able to whisper
I love you
Jan 2019 · 153
Imprints on a Foolish Heart
Diana Jan 2019
Some say that their lovers
Have left their imprint
All over their heart
But you
You left the biggest of imprints
The only difference
It's invisible
And sometimes
I rejoice
Foolishly believeing  
That your mark has left
But it's only temporary alievement
Before reality sets in
And I realize it's still there
Jan 2019 · 244
Tears that Magnify
Diana Jan 2019
I find it quite interesting
How the entire world magnifies
Right before our eyes
When we are on the brink
The brink of crying
When the unshed tears
Have gathered and collected
At the bottom of our eyes

They struggle to fall
Yet for a brief moment in time
We see things closer
We see things blurrier
Than we have ever before
Right as they sit on the edge
Before they take the tumble
Before they take the fall
Diana Jan 2019
Tell me
How can I make you
See yourself
Through my eyes
And not yours
RIP Mark Bubchuk
This one's for you
Jan 2019 · 33.3k
Note to Self
Diana Jan 2019
Jan 2019 · 1.6k
Abusive Familiarity
Diana Jan 2019
Chronic neglection
Leads to apathetic acceptance
Of mediocrity
In all forms
Jan 2019 · 261
Sober Highs
Diana Jan 2019
The very things
That once gave me euphoric highs
No longer keep me satisfied
And no amount of blissful lies
Can make me blindly ignore
This brutal realization
These highs aren't limited to substances; they can be activities, rituals, etc. that once brought comfort.
Diana Jan 2019
So you've told me you've said
I love you
To others before
Have you ever
Been in love
So much so
That you fear to speak it
Into the physical realm
Because the emotions are so potent
Intoxicatingly lethal
Jan 2019 · 160
The Blissful Sound of Water
Diana Jan 2019
Taking a shower
I find it quite spectacular
While a little bit peculiar
How I can hear even more
Mezmorizing sounds
When I cover my ears

As I stand under the water
I close my eyes
Cover my ears
And allow the new
Unfamiliar yet comforting sound
Of the water cascading down my head
Fill my mind

It's loud enough
To drown out any and everything else
Around me

It is an all-consuming noise
That consumes the sounds of the outside
So you're able to be left
With your inner thoughts
With a comforting bliss
Washing over you
Diana Jan 2019
I love the way
You love dancing in the rain
Freely twirling with your arms outstretched
And head tilted towards the sky
Attempting to catch the rain
Within your mouth
Leaving all of your inhibitions  
On the floor
Where the rain carried them

I love the way
You allow loose strands of hair
Wildly fall around your face
As you have a mountain of hair
Atop your beautiful head

I love the way
You always ponder questions
And desire to know more
Than what's been told
Or what meets the eye

I love the way
You separate yourself from
I have met
Without intentionally doing so

I love the way
You laugh embarrassingly loud
At all of my jokes
Terrible or not

I love the way
You chew your thumb
When you're in deep thought
Or the way you twist your lips
To the side when you're confused

I love the way
You hype everyone around you
Making them feel as special
As you are to them

I love the way
You never strive to be the world's
Depiction of "perfect"
But your own version of it

I love the way
You're passionate about
About anything really

I love the way
You write notes to yourself
All over your left hand
With a blue pen
Which eventually gets smudged
And smeared all over your right arm
And chin

I love the way
Your fingers get abnormally cold
And I always have a pair of gloves
With me

I love the way
You treat everyone with love
Regardless of what others have said
Or of their known history

I love the way
You smile with your entire being
So much so
That your eyes disappear
And I always have to zoom
On the picture
To see if you accidentally blinked
While you punch my arm

The only thing I don't really love
About you
Is the way you love him
This poem was oddly inspired by John Mayer's cover of the song "Free Fallin'."
Diana Jan 2019
When it's dark out
And night has fallen upon my town
I look up
Towards the sky
And can't help but notice
That the sky in itself is not dark
Like we assume it to be
In fact
It's what's beneath
That makes the earth appear dark
Which can be considered poetic
If you let it
But I've noticed that the sky varies
In brightness
Some days
It's acceptably darker
Other nights
It's strangely lighter
Which is ironic
Since the night is quite often
Associated with darkness
I encourage you to take a look at the sky tonight and see if it appears to be light or at least lighter than what you imagined the sky to look like at night :)
Diana Jan 2019
I crave to leave
Lingering kisses on
On your body
On those that are
And aren't
Easily seen
Diana Jan 2019
I desire to passionately kiss your skin
Feel your heartbeat
Beneath my lips

I desire to run my swollen lips
Across your jaw and
Down your neck

I desire to hear your
Quicken its pace
Become erratic
Release freely
From those precious lips
Of yours

I desire to feel
Your body
Flush against mine
Our hands
Selfishly intertwined
Listen to our hearts
Together in time
Diana Jan 2019
I've learned to accept that
The best response
To certain questions
Happens to be your silence
It possesses the power
To speak emotions
That words cannot

So accept silence
Listen to what it has to offer
Embrace it
Knowing that it has the ability
To bring cathartic consolation
When you
Or someone else
Crave it
In the most dire times
Sometimes cliches aren't good enough to convey how you would like to respond to someone. In fact, they might be worse than saying nothing at all. However, silence can be stronger than words will ever be.
Diana Dec 2018
Look me in the eyes
Speak of sugarcoated lies
It will be then when I realize
That you and I were meant to die
Nov 2018 · 114
You Will Meet Your Match
Diana Nov 2018
Your words lurk in the back of your mind
Brewing a storm of emotions
Ready to destroy

They seep through your skin
Permeating the air
They escape your pursed lips
Biting anyone who comes in contact

Your words
They flow through you
And enter reality
With a vengeance

But one day
You will meet someone
Someone filled with so much light
So much hope inside
That your words can't penetrate
And with that
You will meet your match
Nov 2018 · 686
Wordless Power
Diana Nov 2018
For someone
Who claims to not be good
With expressing your emotions
You sure know how to make me
With. Those. Eyes.
Diana Nov 2018
I stopped writing poetry
Took a break
Some might say

Maybe it's because I'm finally happy
And I don't need to express my
Or anger
Into words
Since they've disappeared

Maybe it's because my muse left me
And now
I don't have any
Raging teenage hormones
To fuel my passionate
Love struck emotions
Into cheesy poetry

Maybe it's because I just needed a break
So that I can start writing about
And look for another muse
To kindle other emotions
That got lost in the flame
That was put out
All too soon
Nov 2018 · 146
With my Words
Diana Nov 2018
I don't want to capture
A guy's attention
With my body
But with my words
That speak with such
Depth and complexity
It silences his own
And makes him ponder
The ones that escape my lips
And drift into reality
Only to be left lurking
In the forefront of his thoughts
For many hours
After our conversations have drifted
Into the cold
Crisp wind
Of the cool night air
Nov 2018 · 1.5k
Mid-conversation Revelation
Diana Nov 2018
an individual should always feel
IN their looks
but should never be confident
BECAUSE of their looks
Diana Nov 2018
Is more ****
Than a Confident Woman
That knows her worth
And what she rightfully deserves
Not because of anything superficial
But because of everything inside her
That's original
It's not something literal; it's more figurative. A woman can wear her confidence in knowing what she's worth and what she honestly deserves with high standards and nothing else because she herself is precious.
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