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Diana Mar 2020
Physical beauty such as one’s looks
Is truly short term-gratification
Internal beauty such as one’s
Mind or character
Is truly long-term gratification
Diana Mar 2020
Falling water
Rushing thoughts
Scatter through the light of lies
Who am I
Who was I
The reflection of others’ minds
Composited by the mirrors held by others
Manipulating the image I saw
Transforming the person I was
To be an artificial shell
Of what others wanted
All while apathy filled this hollow vessel
Mass confusion erupted
when the question of who I was
Fought it’s was through the flesh and bone
To reach my brain
Apathy determined to push back
Against the strand of freedom
That dangles in my mind
It whispers
Fight for your liberty
That was stolen from you when you were young
Mar 2020 · 123
Millennial Rejection
Diana Mar 2020
You looked so beautiful
Artificial even
In the most original, unconventional way
I’ve tasted rejection
The millennial version
One unaccepted follow request
Was all it took
For me to nurse my hurt ego
Into a cathartic poem

I guess we were just never meant to be
And that’s okay
Because rejection is redirection
Towards my soulmate

I’m still a little embarrassed though
Hopefully when I see you
I don’t feel the need to hide
My head in the ground like an ostrich

I just smile and act as if you didn’t see me
But I still hold on to hope
Hope that maybe
Just maybe
You didn’t add me
Because you didn’t know me
I will never know
And that’s okay
Or at least that what I’m telling myself
It’s been a fun three weeks
Maybe I’ll read this to you someday
Or I won’t
Only time will tell
D.E.A. Hat guy pt. 2 - it would be my luck to have the first guy I make a move at not reciprocate :/
Diana Mar 2020
It’s quite poetically tragic
How you were my muse
Yet I
Was only an afterthought
To you
Even though you made me believe
That I was the sun in your solar system
Oh how bitter it tastes
Knowing your body language
Never lied
Yet I
Chose to listen to the words from those
Poisonous lips
Of yours
As they molded a facade over you
That kept me from the truth
Diana Feb 2020
After years of internal emotional torment
I’ve finally realized
That my issue
Was never about being perfect
It was about appearing to be perfect
Was never about if I was good
It was about if I was good enough
Diana Feb 2020
A pretty face
Isn’t hard to come by
But a beautiful soul
Now that
Is a rarity
On its own
That not many get the privilege
Of experiencing
Are you a product of society or from enlightenment as Kant refers to which requires a distinction from society and self.
Diana Feb 2020
Baby please
Please express yourself unconditionally
Because I will love you
Give me the good and the bad
Don’t pick and choose
What you want me to see
I want to see the most authentic version
Of you
The one you hide
From everyone
Even from yourself
Let me see you
The unrevised you that you try so hard
To conceal
You fear rejection if you show me
But what you don’t see
Is that I’ve already done this process
With myself
I’ve stripped away my facade
To the point where I was just a string
Of stereotypes and personas
And it was in that moment
Where I began to explore who I truly was
When I learned to love myself unconditionally
It’s a daily battle
Even quite messy
Yet no one tells you that version of it
But I’m here for you
Just like another was there for me
So baby
Please break for me
Break for you
So that you can learn to love yourself
In the way that I love you
Feb 2020 · 120
The ugliness of perfection
Diana Feb 2020
When you threaten another
By your character or achievements
There will always be people
Waiting to criticize
To judge your actions
Whether they fall short
Or aim outside of what’s deemed “appropriate” or “acceptable”
They focus on you
Because it sheds light
Consciously or unconsciously
On an insecurity of theirs
That manifests into
Jealousy or envy
Towards you

So understand
Being “perfect”
Is one of the worst adjectives
You can use
To describe another
Because it sets them up for internal chaos
That they aren’t equipped to fight
Unless they realize
They are independent from the thoughts
Of others and society altogether
Diana Feb 2020
Just a glimpse
Three seconds to be exact
Just like the research told me
That’s all it took
For me to continue my
Lingering stares

I would look for you
In places where I’ve seen you before
Trying to flirt with the butterflies
No dinosaurs
In the pit of my stomach
So that they could take five
Just enough time for me to be bold
To be confident in myself
Enough to look at you
For more than three seconds
Without quickly darting my gaze away

I’m not sure what captured my attention
There was just something unspoken
About you
But I wonder if it was just neediness
Because it’s been years
Since I really liked anyone
So maybe I like you
Because I miss the feeling
Of have a crush
Of having the nervousness
The sweaty palms
The shy smiles
Rosy blushes
Face splitting grins

Maybe I only have a crush on you
Because I needed the reminder
Of what it’s like
To have a crush
Because now that I’ve seen you
A few times
I think the infatuation has subsided
I love it
Yet I hate it
All at the same time
I wonder if I should introduce myself somehow, but I don’t really know what to do. Do I smile at him, make eye contact a few times, ask him what his name is? What’s the social protocol when it comes to these situations?
Edit: I found out his name is Anton :)
Edit 2: found him on Instagram and chickened out on requesting to follow him
Edit 3: the pandemic stopped all possible progress on getting to meet him in person :/
Edit 4: well, school is virtual so now I can’t even see him around campus...I don’t even know if he even is on campus...until next time...
Edit 5: it’s september 1st 2021 Last time I saw him he was a freshman and I was a sophomore but in the fall he will be a junior and I a senior. I don’t feel the same way I did about him :/ maybe he will just be a boy that makes me smile and reminisce on in passing
Jan 2020 · 58
Letter to Self
Diana Jan 2020
I was never Enough for you
I realized this today
As I was walking among tall skyscrapers
Noticing how small I was in comparison
I never felt fully satisfied
With you
Not because I made comparisons to others
But because I compared myself
To who I thought You should be
Which only left me with
Chronic disappointment
Because I could never live up to who I
Wanted us to be
I couldn’t be satisfied with myself
In the present moment
I was never good
I always needed to be better
Yet I unknowingly proceeded to chase
After something I would never achieve
Because the closer I got
The farther it would stray from me
Due to its continuous transformation
But not anymore
You see
Healing thrives in forgiveness
It’s almost as if it’s needed
And I have forgiven you
You caused us harm in many ways
Yet I still hold you dear
Because I know now why we did suffer
I forgive you for the hurt
And with this forgiveness
I begin to embrace who we once were
While happily accepting the reality
Of who we are today
And will be in the future
Knowing it has been built
On the sorrows of yesterday
Diana Jan 2020
I get the sad you
I get the mad you
The goofy you
The playful you
The flirty you
The ****** you
The cocky you
The youthful you
The happy you
The anxious you
The irrational you
The wise you
The mature you
The poetic you
The fearful you
The tired you
The depressed you
The hopeful you
I get all of you
And that’s all I ask
That I get all of you
All of your sides
All of the different versions of you
Without any filter
Complete vulnerability
Dec 2019 · 110
Love Imprinted on Flesh
Diana Dec 2019
I want to know what it feels like
To have have your lips trail across my
And collarbone
I want to know what it feels like
To have your hands
Gently caress the surface of my palms
Tightly grasp my waist
Leisurely move through my hair
Intentionally be placed on my inner thigh
I want to know what it feels like
To be kissed
On the forehead
On the tip of my nose
On my lips
On my neck
On my chest
On my stomach
I want to know what it feels like
To have someone who loves your
And spirit
With no inhibitions
With no conditions
Diana Dec 2019
do you think of me before you sleep
am I in your prayers
can I still be yours
because I still believe
I have to
because just the thought of you
keeps me alive
even though we’ve never met

I just want someone to hug
someone to cuddle with
someone to kiss
someone to hold hands with
because I’ve been depraved of it
for far too long

sometimes I cry
because I feel the gravity of my loneliness
because I just want to be held
for longer than 3 seconds

I feel
when will it all go away
how much longer must I wait
before you
the love of my life
so we don’t have to feel so empty
The poem’s chaotic, unfinished, and imperfect, but I left it alone because that in itself is poetic to me.
Diana Dec 2019
I’m known to be outgoing
To be the bubbly one
To be the first one to initiate
I’m tired of it
Tired of feeling like I need to continue
Being all those things
Truth is
I just want to do the opposite
I want to be silent
I want to be the not-so outgoing  person
I want to be the not-so bubbly person
I want to hesitate and wait and see
If the other is willing to initiate
But I notice that when I try to do this
Others become uncomfortable
In my silence
In my unresponsiveness
Yet I relish in it
I no longer want to feel as though
I need to work for others
To want to be with me
To want to get to know me
I just want to learn to be the listener
Not the speaker
For once
I just want to learn to be the observer
Not the one too busy entertaining
To observe
I just want to try to be the invisible silhouette  
For once
Not only the spotlighted show
Who is pitied by me
Dying for anyone to pay attention
Diana Dec 2019
When was the last time
You felt as though
You were seen
Facade and stereotypes aside
Just a bare, broken soul inside
Exposed to the compassionate other
Or more importantly
Have you ever felt seen
Has anyone ever looked past
The exterior you coat yourself in
Whether it be one of
Hatred or
I hope you all find someone who sees you for something that is different from what society paints you to be; I hope you find someone who loves you enough to take the time to strip you down to your most vulnerable state of being only to have them reciprocate in nothing but compassion.
Diana Nov 2019
When you no longer have control
Over your
When you no longer have the independence
To speak
To move
Do you still feel the presence of love
Do you still feel the presence of right relationally with another
When you can’t translate that
Through words or actions
Nov 2019 · 163
The Facade You Live Behind
Diana Nov 2019
You are not your failures
But most importantly
You are not your achievements either
Who are you
Oct 2019 · 179
Come Back, please
Diana Oct 2019
It’s in these moments
Of complete and utter isolation
Where we feel as though we don’t even know who we are
Where we begin to truly understand ourselves for the first time
Sep 2019 · 125
Just Another Love Poem
Diana Sep 2019
I want you right now
Like some want six-pack abs
It’s an unrealistic goal
To want it immediately
Because many things are needed
Self discipline
And consistency
But I can’t help but wish you were
Right here
Right now
Like some wish for abs
When they look at their stomach
I just want to hug you
For long periods of times
Let you paint my nails
And laugh at your technique
Allow you to braid my hair
After I teach you how to do so
Shave your beard
And apply tissue paper on your cuts
Make terrible friendship bracelets
And tie them around each other’s ankles
Let you teach me how to play a game you like
Go on ride alongs
where we each gather music for a certain mood
And do nothings but drive and listen
I want you
Right here
Right now
Like some want six-pack abs
In order for that to happen
I need to meet you  
I need to know who you are
Your face
Your name
Your favorite color
Your go to remedy for when you’re down
I need to create a history with you
But right now
I just want all the cute moments
Just like how some wish for abs
They want the aesthetic
Without having to train and eat for it
Sep 2019 · 169
To Be Touched
Diana Sep 2019
I want someone to hold my hand
I want someone to hug me
I want someone to kiss me
My hands have been held
My body has been embraced
My lips have meshed with another’s
I want to be touched
By someone who reveres me
By someone who genuinely loves me
By someone who isn’t just using my body
For selfish reasons
But for a selfless meaning
For love
Diana Sep 2019
I’ve dealt with insecurity
For quite a long time
Some have said
You have no reason to be insecure
If you can explain it’s irrationality
Explain why I couldn’t look at myself
In the mirror to wash my hands
If I were in a public bathroom
Explain why I truly believed that
If a person said “you’re beautiful” to me
I genuinely thought they pitied me
And could see how insecure I was
So they felt inclined to compliment me
Explain why I could never try on jackets
In a store
And look at myself while other shoppers
Passed by
Without blushing profusely
Explain why I would look away quickly
After making eye contact
Or when being first introduced to someone
You see
I’ve fought for my confidence
In ways no one will truly understand
I get overwhelmingly proud of myself
For maintaining eye contact
And going to shop for clothes
Such mundane tasks
That others don’t even think about
Would silently mock me
When I was in the dark
What’s touched me the most
Is that I’ve learned to love myself
The most
When I was watching
And listening for the fifth time
To a little girl
Nine years old to be exact
Who pulled me into the piano room
Of a church  after service
So she could show me
Her progress on a song she’s learning
You see
She too has insecurity issues
And struggles to see her beauty
But that’s all I see
When I look at her
And it hurts me to see that she can’t see
Her beauty
Outwards and within
Regardless of the compliments I give her
And reminders I verbalize
Week after week
I learned to love myself
The most
While I listened to her play
And realized what it’s like
To be on the other side
To love someone who doesn’t love themselves
To love someone who is insecure
To love someone
And understand that your  voice
Might not be enough for them
To start loving themselves
I look at her and wouldn’t change a thing
And that is the way I began to look
At myself
And that is the way I began to love myself
The most
Diana Aug 2019
Some didn’t see it right away
Because their minds weren’t capable
Of realizing the magnitude of its meaning
Some overlooked it
Because the time they needed to put in
Exceeded their curiosity
But some cherished and understood it
For a classic is a classic for a reason
And some may never have the privilege
Of ever learning or understanding it
Because they were
Too shy
Too intimidated
Too lazy
Too occupied
To open the cover
And discover
The beauty
That is you
Diana Aug 2019
To my past lover
Who will never read this poem
Like you used to
With all the other ones I would write
Where you were my muse
When we were together

I miss the way you used to say my name
Because it sounded exactly like how you would say
I love you
Aug 2019 · 98
Potential First Love
Diana Aug 2019
The thing with my glass heart
Is that it
Fills very quickly
But breaks very easily
So I ask you
Can I trust you to hold my delicate heart
Or should you return it now
Before it fills anymore
Before it falls and breaks
Pieces scatter
To the point where I can’t piece it back together
Aug 2019 · 130
Watch Me Love You
Diana Aug 2019
Pull me flush against you
Skin on skin
Grasp my waist tightly under my shirt
And allow me to freely roam my hands
Across your chest
Stare at me as I admire the masterpiece
That is you
Close your eyes as I roughly run my hands
Through your hair
Only to gently press my lips
Against your eyelids
Corners of your lips
And on the tip of your nose
I want your breath
In my ear
I want to feel your hands
Against my body and its curves
As your eyes lock onto mine
Soaking in all of my expressions
As you explore parts of my body
No one has before
I want to hear the quick intake of air
When I tell you I love you
As my lips are pressed against your heart
Diana Jul 2019
I want emotional intimacy
Not just physical intimacy
Because the latter comes easily with us
I want you shirtless
And me in nothing but your shirt
While we lay in bed together
Under the warm covers
Talking about nothing and everything in between
Exploring trivial and philosophical topics
Playing thumb wars
And that one smacking-hands game
Twenty questions
Two truths and a lie
Drawing on each other’s body
Only to guess what the other wrote
Doing nothing but simply staring
Into each other’s eyes
Listening to each unspoken truth in them
Appreciating the gentle rise and fall
Of each other’s chest
As a constant reminder for the life we have
For the life we have together
Savoring the simplicity of the moment
Where *** isn’t the end goal
But emotional intimacy is
Inspired by the book Price of a Kiss by Linda Kage.
Diana Jul 2019
I was once asked
What my biggest turn on was
People begin to explain a specific aesthetic
Or cliche action
But to me
It’s reciprocation
Just knowing that someone wants you
The same way you want them
Speaks louder than any physical feature
The fact that they could choose anyone
In this world of eight billion people
And they decided to choose to
Be intimate with you
And reciprocate that desire
Physically and emotionally
Is the biggest turn on
Jul 2019 · 1.3k
Close Your Eyes My Dear
Diana Jul 2019
Why do we naturally close our eyes
When we kiss
It’s as if it’s a reflex built in our genetic code
Eliminate one sense
And all of the others must heighten
In order to compensate for the loss of one
So when we kiss
We want to taste the other
We want to feel the other
We want to hear the other
More deeply
More closely
Close your eyes
My dear
Jul 2019 · 150
Toxic Society
Diana Jul 2019
Diana Jul 2019
We hadn’t kissed yet
But my name would roll off your tongue
As if we did
And I was dying to know how it tasted
On your lips
Jul 2019 · 137
Traces of Love on Skin 2.0
Diana Jul 2019
While I would lay on your bare chest
Your lips pressed against my neck
As your fingertips drew on my back
When mine drew
I love you
Which you weren’t aware of yet
On your shoulder
I would always quietly ask you
What you were writing
Your response
Time and time again
Would only be a smile
Which I would feel travel from my throat
To my soul
But today
You gently said my full name
But with your last name
I love the original version of this poem and didn’t want to change it,  but I also wanted to edit it slightly.
Diana Jul 2019
While I would lay on your chest
Your lips pressed against my neck
As your fingertips drew on my back
I would always quietly ask you
What you were writing
You would smile
Which I would feel travel from my throat
To my soul
And gently say my full name
But with your last name
Jul 2019 · 222
Glass Heart
Diana Jul 2019
I’ve never been in a relationship before
I know that I’ll fall hard
When I do
You see
I have an all or nothing mindset
Coupled with a hopeless romantic lens
Which equals an interesting combination
I’m so excited
Yet a little afraid
Cuz my heart
It’s big
But it’s also fragile
My mind
It’s so hopeful
Yet it too has its realistic limitations
I don’t know
How we will meet
Or what they will look like
I know that I will love fiercely
I must find the one whose love for me
Challenges the love I have for him
Diana Jul 2019
Cast out the deceitful voices
In your head
Telling you that you’re unworthy
To be loved
Because you deserve to be loved
You. Deserve. Love.
Regardless of what you’ve
Regardless of your past
Forgive yourself
It is not easily done
It will be hard
It will be difficult
And at times
You will question your progress
But again
You must cast out those voices as well
Because you
Are worthy of love
Sometimes we just need to be told by someone else that we deserve love and that we are loved because we might get consumed in our head. I really do encourage you to cast out these voices in the name of Jesus because He has healed me so much, and His love for me has shown me how to love myself.
Diana Jun 2019
You're the kind of girl
That doesn’t get asked out
Not because no one wants to
But because we’re too scared to
You see
You’re the utopia we hope to have one day
But the thing with utopias is that
They're never meant to be obtained
But yearned for
I’d like to believe that some boy somewhere out there in this world thinks this of me.
Jun 2019 · 270
Confidence is Selfless
Diana Jun 2019
Is when you give someone a compliment
And you need to hear them say
You too
Is when you give someone a compliment
And anticipate their response to only be
Thank you
Jun 2019 · 390
Honeymoon Stage Thoughts
Diana Jun 2019
I hope I fall for you
With the feeling I get
When I’m on that carnival ride
          ­                               e
The one that  r        slowly
And  f       quickly
The thrill that accompanies the anticipation
The thundering heartbeat
The sweaty palms
The lightweight feeling
And electricity in my fingers and toes
The euphoric high that lingers after
The rush
The fall
Diana Jun 2019
Just because someone is single
It doesn’t necessarily mean
They’re ready or looking for a relationship

Just because someone is by themself
It doesn’t necessarily mean
They’re sad and in need of company

Just because someone avoids you
Or is curt and passive
It doesn’t necessarily mean
They dislike you
It might not be you
But a defense mechanism
To something they’re dealing with
Indirectly that deals with something
That’s greater than you
Diana Jun 2019
I find myself asking if it’s
The the number of views
The the number of likes
Whether or not it’s trending
If it’s constantly a work in progress
Or an idea that has yet come to light
If it’s a simple sentence
Or fills pages in my notebook
If it’s about
Or Pain
If I’ve written my best one already
Or if it’s still on it’s way
Due to something that’ll happen in my life
That I’m currently unaware of
If it’s publsihed on Hello Poetry
Or lies between the wrinkled pages
Of notebooks left in my closet at home
Jun 2019 · 411
Distribution of Focus
Diana Jun 2019
Everyone forgets their fears
When they’re distracted
For fear
Is a matter of perception
Diana Jun 2019
One night
Two strangers
Full of intimate and raw conversations
No rules
No limitations
The catch
We will never meet again
No exchange of contact information
Which only adds to the allure of the night
Just a boy and a girl
Who have never met prior
Free to express
Any and every
Free to say exactly what’s on their mind
Without a societal filter
Free to express and play with the art of lying
Painting an illusion of yourself
To another stranger
Who wouldn’t know any better
Be who you truly are
Be who you really wish you were
For a few hours
What do you have to lose
This is something I really want to do one night while I’m still young.
Jun 2019 · 214
Diana Jun 2019
Just once
I want the hot guy
To notice me
To boldly pursue me
So sue me
For wanting to revel
In vanity
For a brief eternity
May 2019 · 209
Let me be the reason
Diana May 2019
Have you ever stared at someone
Mesmerized by their simple beauty
Take in their breathtaking smile
And hope that one day
You can be the reason
For all of them
May 2019 · 90
Suppressed Honesty
Diana May 2019
Have you ever looked at someone
And thought to yourself
I wish you were mine
All while trying to suppress
A shy smile
And hope
Pray even
That your eyes
In return
Aren’t revealing the depth and complexity
Of your infatuation
May 2019 · 234
The Illusion of Liberty
Diana May 2019
You see
This thing
Between you and me
Is paradoxical
Because we feel free
Inside these cages
We’ve confined ourselves in
Are we truly free
Or is it just an illusion of liberty
I hope you break free
From this tragedy
May 2019 · 163
Make Me Feel
Diana May 2019
I want to be with someone
Who makes me feel
Because anyone can make you feel
(You get the point)
But not everyone can make you feel
It’s something that’s so
And yet complex
It’s something that’s so
Untainted by carnality
It’s so
May 2019 · 83
Rules to Live by
Diana May 2019
1. Carry a humble confidence
With you
Everywhere you go
2. Be spontaneous
Because the best memories (typically)
Are never preplanned
3. Realize that you are
But never
Allow any one of those traits
Define you
4. Learn to love yourself
Before deciding to fall in love
With another
5. Never compare yourself
To something or someone
That you were never meant to be
Compare yourself to who you were
And will be
6. Never crave validation
Of your worth
Through the meaningless words
Of people who don't truly understand
Or know you
7. Most importantly
Because life's too precious
To have your focus be in anyplace
But where you currently are
9. Embrace all emotions
With spiritual discernment
There is no such thing
As a good or bad emotion
There are
Positive and negative emotions
And both are meant to be felt
10. There is a reason you feel an emotion
It is your body
Trying to tell you something
There’s a reason you’re feeling that emotion
Pay attention to your body
11. Never marry someone
Unless you’ve seen them
When they’re
Stressed out
And angry
It is when we are in dire situations
When our true character is tested
12. Others do onto you
As they wish others do onto them
13. People crave to be reflected
And validated in their emotions
Just as a baby and their caregiver
regardless of their age
14. Two words
Mimetic Theory
By Rene Girard
Go look it up
15. Go and flirt with that person
You think is cute
Life is too short to over analyze everything
16. Play the naïve narrative
It’ll work in your favor
17. Recognize pretty privilege
It’s a real thing
Be cautious and careful with it
18. Have grace towards others
They are just projecting their trauma
It’s nothing personal to you
They’re dealing in the ways they learned
At an early age
19. You have the power
To break the cycles in your life
20. You will change
Find sometime whose own growth
Compliments yours
21. Depressive days
Are healing days too
Sometimes you need to take a break
From always thinking and reflecting
22. When you get emotional
You enter into your limbic brain
And rational thought is hindered
Because you are no longer in your
Prefrontal cortex
23. Any deviation from the norm
Or extremes
Calls for a red flag
It doesn’t necessarily mean that there is
Something wrong
But that there’s something
Worth taking notice
24. Your vulnerability is a gift
Not everyone deserves to
Receive it
25. Parenting is the process
Of equipping an individual
To become autonomous
And guiding them
To discover their personal identity
While you sit back and admire their discovery
In every high and low
Which means
Your children
May not have similar beliefs or tastes as you
And that is okay
26. You are not responsible
To be someone’s
27. your features
don't go in and out of style
28. five years form today (5-24-20)
you will be the same person that you are today
except for the books you read and the people you meet
29. sometimes people are beautiful
not in looks
nit in what they say
just in the way they are
30. a person in two months
can make you feel
what a person in two years couldn't
time means nothing
character does
31. if you're feeling down tonight
think five years ahead
think of all the good music you'll hear
between now and then
all the places you'll visit
all the food you'll eat
maybe you'll have even met the love of your life
i know life can get hard
but better things await
seek hope
32. i wonder how many people meet the person
they once were
and feel like they're staring at a stranger
33. find someone who will treat you this way
"we're all the same, we're all ****."
"this guy in front of me isn't ****,
and i'll still be here when you finally believe it too."
34. there are moments you remember
people you will never ******* forget
35. no onw knows us
not the human fragile parts of us
i dont think they'll ever stop
unless they see
36. there will be times
where you cannot change
you cannot change your parents
you cannot change your friends
there will be times
where others will refuse to accept your change
respect yourself and them
let go
maybe the version you want the to be
isn't the one they ever wanted
don't go backwards
your change happened for a reason
37. make your heart
the prettiest thing about you
38. be aware of your
stereotypes you have of others
stereotypes others have of you
don't feel shame or embarrassment
view them without judgement
do be aware of them and work with them
39. learn to be intentional
with everything that you do
40. seek to see the other perspective
in every moment in life
you are given the opportunity
to see life from another perspective
which breeds compassion
41. the worst kind of loneliness
is to not be comfortable with yourself
42. "I like people
who have a sense of individuality
I love expression
and anything awkward and imperfect
because that’s natural
and that’s real" - Marc Jacobs
43.“I like how sleeping next to someone
means more than ***
its's the body’s way of saying
‘I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time’
you have no defenses when you are asleep
you tell no lies”
44. do you ever get weirded out
by the fact that everyone around you
is constantly within their own mind
and thinking a million secret thoughts
and battling internal struggles
just like you
and that you’re not the only one who thinks these things
and that the people around you
aren’t just faces meant to fill up your life
but they’re actually really deep people
who have a lot more to them
than you ever actually even think about
45. take a deep breath
take a shower
clean your room
watch a movie
take some time for yourself
46. my ultimate life hack
i never wear makeup
except for occasions where i want to feel overly hot/professional
this way
people who see me everyday won’t be shocked
when i don’t wear makeup
they will instead be shocked
at how much hotter i can become
how much potential i don’t unlock
for no reason other than laziness
47. sometimes
the person you want most
is the person you're best without
48. i am mine
before i am anyone else's
49. my father told me once
to never date anyone
who talks smoothly around you from the start
because if someone likes you
they should be a little nervous
Feel free to add rules in the comments below :)
May 2019 · 398
The Aftermath of Oxytocin
Diana May 2019
Feather light trails
Of fingertips along flushed skin
Erratic breathing
Chests rising and meeting together
With every inhale
Hands fleeting
Stumbling along the way
Grins cheeky
Lips bruised and swollen
Mouths full of promised moans to come
Bodies entangled
Sheets twisted
Spirits intertwined
May 2019 · 163
Diana May 2019
Tell me all your insecurities
So I can tell you
Why they aren’t
May 2019 · 912
Can You Endure Silence?
Diana May 2019
It’s something that many people
Can’t handle
In copious amounts
In this day and age
We resort to coping mechanisms
That deflect from much needed
Self reflection
It scares some to their core
Because they’ve become so disconnected
With themselves
It entices others
With its alluring illusion of peace
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