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Diana Feb 11
Life's a funny old time
When I was younger
I thought I knew exactly how my life would turn out and who I would be
After so much pain and trauma and accomplishments and perseverance
I no longer align with who I thought I'd be at this age in my life
I stare into mirrors and see someone who doesn't look familiar
She is a glaring reminder that I've grown into someone I am not yet intimate with
I do not know her
She's busied herself with working overtime
Enmeshed in depression
Her first love
And the night shift life
It's a hard pill to swallow
Coming to terms with the discrepancy between who I thought I'd be with who I feel I am now
It's a constant tug between accepting and denying this reality
I wish I could continue sleep walking in the numbness this long season of depression has granted me
But I move to days in three short weeks
9 shifts left
I honor this time but recognize I am ready to set this time in my life down
It will be greatly missed
But I need day light to find time in my week to fall in love with myself again
Learning who I am now
Embracing the ways in which I've shrunk and stretched and collapsed
Exploring through boredom and hobbies old and new
It feels I've waited for day shift for more than just a year. I've come to Thai realization in September I believe and these last six months have felt like hell especially in the dead of winter.  I cannot wait to begin and enter this new era in my life. I've learned I'm ready to drop night shift and emerge into lighter aspects of my self.
Diana Jan 14
How sad is it
That I cry
When someone who hurts me
Diana Jan 12
The softness I desire
Is vastly different from the rage
I was born into
Diana Jan 12
I want a love that doesn't save me

My entire life I was sold this message that my partner will enter my life and save me
What a foolish idea that undermines the power that lies within

I want a love that witnesses and listens
And holds my hand as I save myself
Supportive in my solidarity

One that acts as posts for me to momentarily and periodically lean on during trials and tribulations as I travel by foot to my destinations
A cave that I may dwell in when life is raining with no mercy
A palm tree that I may rest under for brief moments of shade during the sweltering heat of the bright sun

I deserve it
The support of another witnessing my becoming and unbecoming in this lifetime

Never impeding by creating the steps of the path(s) before me first
But watching from afar and cheering me along
Regardless of the loops, side quests, falls, skinned knees, scraped elbows, jumps of triumph, giggles of glee, pride in my skips along this journey of life

I deserve it.
I'm currently going through it with my first romantic love; I do not know what will become of it, but I know I should leave. It's difficult, so I've written this poem of what I depict my ideal love in this lifetime to be as I am in flux.
Diana Jan 12
Self awareness
Unconditional love

The recipe to a good enough mother

It takes self awareness to evaluate oneself as accurately as one can
Vulnerability to take the leap to communicate and share those reflections
And unconditional love to bridge everything together in unity

I hope one day I may step into this divine role
This also applies to everyone and is not limit to women <3
Diana Dec 2024
I'm not sure I've been self aware of this feeling before

Not as of late

I've tried so hard to refrain from behaving in a way that aligns with the feeling of hating who I become when I'm around another

And yet

Here she is
Mocking me again
I can't escape her
I'm tantalizingly pulled back into this familiar neural pathway of connection

I'm sorry
Sorry I instigate you intentionally

Trying to get you to lash out
So that I can lick my own wounds
Unknowingly giving you the whip intentionally
So that I may cling to the narrative of victim and transgressed
The only one who has the "right" to be upset
So that I may disregard the ugly behavior I myself have transgressed against you

I'm sorry

I know I'll go hauntingly silent mid-argument

I freeze

It's a moment of realization for myself

A mirror pushed in front of my face
A hand squishing my cheeks painfully and around my jawline
Forcing me to look at my many existent shadows in the bright fluorescent lights that cause me to wince

I can't dare whisper it out loud
I cannot

But I can write it in a poem
I harm
I hurt
I become brutal with my choice of words

I have temper tantrums as a twenty-four year old woman
I seldomly had the ability to when I was a kid
Not with childhood trauma and emotionally abused parents who passed on less abuse than they endured

And for that
I'm sorry
You don't deserve it
You don't deserve to take on the brunt of my parents' responsibilities

They failed me
And in you I find solace and self contempt and confusion

I'm sorry
I can't fully formulate into words what I'm doing and why
It doesn't make sense to me
And it leaves me with a mysterious shape of confusion

There is a sweetness to it
To know I can hurt you
And you can embrace it
Unlike like those who failed me when I was all too young

I guess it's a natural by-product when you have someone you feel safe enough with to enact your trauma onto
But it doesn't take away the chronically exhaustive tone our relationship is colored in
P.S. - Fu€k childhood trauma
Diana Nov 2024
I was called to ponder about my ancestors

I am the product of survivals fittest
We all are

My ancestoral intuition that has been passed down for generations has kept my lineage alive

Who am I to question it?

I feel pride in this knowledge
It makes me feel as though I am part of something far greater than anything I have laid eyes upon

My life is a byproduct of it
What was my great grandparents' life story?
What was their childhood like?
What challenges did they face in early adulthood?
I cannot say I know anything about them and it saddens me
Was it not less than 100 years and all the information is lost
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