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Maddy Sep 2024
Jif,Skippy,Nutty ,Cashew and otbers wete eating acorns.
The aroma and  sounds of  shells hitting tbe wet grass alerted them
They looked at me and took the nuts
Some eating
While others climbing up trees with shelled nuts in their.mouths
Before you poo poo this
We support charities and care
These adoreable creatures saw me through the last four difficult years
Now,more smiles and hope for better times ahead
Til next week little ones
Maddy Jan 2022
When does one push the stop button?
When the noises in your head get so loud you stop them before they explode
Leaving you to wonder do you leave well enough alone
Just leave
Pick up the pieces and move forward
Is there anything left of what used to be?
Has the virus destroyed so much that all we do is stand still?
While others try another approach
Sweetness has been lost in the air

Maddy Jan 2021
Not an oldies song though it is heard on Sirius radio.
When you love someone trying to run and ruin your life
You learn that you don’t like them
Narcissistic tendencies don’t make sense to the sensitive and or creative types
Like those who read and teach Thoreau and hike Walden Pond
When you have a connection and experience touching Henry David's Desk
Those who are different know the score
Now, you are Inside looking out
No explanation should be necessary, as it were
As it is

Maddy Dec 2022
How many guitars did you capture?
Chiarascurro worked well for some
Did you enjoy the colors you employed?
To be a fly on the wall during that conversation
Picasso shared that artists lie and truth is not their goal
Perhaps it is a truth at many different levels
Neither Pablo nor Juan is still here for us to ask
Can you imagine that conversation if they were here
C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Jun 2021
Long time past
You were under my skin and in my heart
You broke my heart
Crushed my spirit
Made me ugly and useless
At 19 ,walking hormone was a great description
First love can be lust
Looking back, must have been
Seeing you in a crowd not 18 any longer
Watching the look of astonishment when out eyes connected
Looking forward and walking away
Knowing an everlasting love got me over you
The second time around is in its 41st year and More today than yesterday
Over you

Maddy Feb 2022
Love them all and appreciate them
Watch and photograph them
All different and interesting
You are regal
You are sweet and strong
You have beauty and are statuesque but swans are mean-spirited
Those differences and the respect that Mother Nature has given her children is evident
She and her children deserve it
Even though Dolphins, Pandas, Koalas and whales have my heart
There is room for Owls,Squirels,and
What is precious  formidable and causes awe struck moments
Biodiversity fills me up
Owls,Squirrels and Swans as well as all their creature friends
Great whether big or small
Maddy Oct 2022
Are you seeking the correct word or words?
Photographs and Landscapes
Colors Crayola has not conceived of yet
Do they tell the story?
Is it fresh and new?
Does it capture what you need it to say?
Is your Muse beckoning you?
Did they wake you again in time to type it or jot it down?
In the middle of the night
Just when sleep comes
You know you are no longer a novice
You are a writer being called to do what you must do
Pleasant dreams and hope your passion keeps your poetry coming

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Oct 2020
Who do you touch?
Who touches you?
Do you have regrets?
Regret being kind?
Did you light someone's life?
Stop being haunted by what you have done.
What about what you have not done?
Then do it
May take patience and persistence but we should be used to that.
Rekindle the spirit
Know the difference between empathy and sympathy
Same goes with accept and except
Know and live by your values as well your priorities
Some are meant to be broken
But not those golden to you
Change is the constant be ready for it
Touch spirits and souls
Did you matter to the world?
You control what you want to contribute even now
Remember that
What we take for granted so many wish they had
Pandemic Poetry

Maddy Jun 2022
At Daybreak
On the east coast of the United States
Take a closer look
Mercury, Saturn, and Venus
Crescent moon
A parade of Planets

Maddy Dec 2020
Can we be certain yet optimistic?
Hugs are passion personified
Seize you moment as you do your day
Believe with you heart
Touch with your soul
See with your ears
Feel with your eyes
Know that change takes time to work through
Have no expectations and just journey on towards your imagination
Hoping you will find a creative, sensitive, and sophisticated environment
Look for me because that is where I will always be

Maddy Jan 2022
Changing rules that are fair ,just,and well documented
Seems to change when applicable to one party while the other tries to uphold and follow laws,rules,regulations,and History.
History repeats itself but it doesn't change as it should.
Some seem to rewrite as it helps their cause.
The former President and his gang violate everything and don't play fair
They just want to win though they gave list and refuse to admit it
Lying cheating, manipulating are their areas to excel in
Maybe that us why Depression and Paranoia
United we stand
Divided we fall
Rules can be broken or bent for the good
The evil need not apply.

Maddy Feb 2024
Gray clouds playing shades of gray games
Then a small patch of light blue sky
Sun slowly coming out while skies grayer for a quick sunshower
Blue Jay flying up to a adjacent tree
While a squirrel scurried up his favorite place for a snack and snooze
Patch of blue kept returning to remind us that the rain and thunder will end.
Sunnier days will befriend us again

Maddy Aug 2023
More than ever possible to have.
Seems more might be necessary but source unknown.
Not sure if tap is dry?
Seems some are too wrapped up in their own to spend time with others or their friends.
So, you do things on your own because you have to be your own best company.
You cancel and delay plans and hope to reschedule.
Spear of the moment isn't as easy as before but hope it will come around again.
Some mean well but need to learn to say nothing if they have nothing nice to share or say.
Patience is a virtue which I hope visits again.

Maddy Aug 2020
42nd street still has visitors but she weeps
She longs for Wednesday and Saturday matinees with joy and glee
She knows that the curtains will rise again with all the awe and majesty
Praise, Dear Lady
Pause temporarily,until then
Bravo and take a bow,
Until the curtain rises in tbe Spring
Maddy Mar 2021
When, where, why and how did we lose our focus?
Reframing our focus should be our goal
Are we consistently mistaken?
Gravitas at every step.
Happiness and nostalgia left the room.
Technology and Social Media should not carry all the blame
Something got lost in the translation
Are the masses that ignorant?
What appears to be surreal is real for some?
It is what it is, is getting old.
Power, money and fifteen minutes of fame
So many to blame
Those that need help are cast like aspirations
How about we pause for thought?
Simply find joy in your life
Have we made that too hard to accomplish?

Maddy Jun 2021
When, where, why,
and how did we lose our focus?
Out of focus more than we realize
Happiness and nostalgia left the room?
The gold old days were all bad?
What was good about them?
Technology and Social Media should not carry all the blame
We don't talk to each other
We don't articulate and communicate thoughts and feelings
We talk about each other and that was long before the Pandemic hit.
Something got lost in the translation
Are the masses inept, subjective, and vacuous?
What appears to be real is surreal?
It's not ignorance
Because it is what it is, move on.
Cast asperations aside?
Simply enjoy life
Accept that all human beings need to be treated with respect and dignity
Learn from differences to find that we are more alike than you realize
Pause for thought

I have taught and been involved in Media Literacy for many years.
This poem is dedicated to the memory of Marieli Rowe.
Maddy Jan 4
No matter where or when

The good girl or boy will stop me to be petted ot to say Hello
Skippy is saying Hi from the Rainbow bridge
Anybody hurting or abusing them is the worst act
The consequences are dealt with by the charities that we support
So when paws pass you by or if you are lucky enough to call them family
Remember how dear they are
You are lucky enough to call them family or support them as we do
In memory of Skippy a gorgeous Golden Retriever who we loved .
Maddy Aug 2021
The cold is awful
The human monster that discarded you the worst
Those who care and rescue you are angels on earth
We raise money and do what we can
You cant love buy you can adopt it
You can foster it
Love has paws, hooves, wings, and  tails.

Maddy Sep 2020
A flock of hungry pigeon's made feast of  some chocolate chip cookies
Not a crumb or speck left
As one happily watched from a distance since this person was their benefactor
Later on from the bus a man held a sign will marry for food
Not only in New York City by Grand Central Station
buy in many other places nationwide
As the Presidential candidates conduct a debate like a school yard spat
Bully and bullied
Pigeon's cookies

Maddy Oct 2021
Not planned
Not executed with precision exactly
You did the ball changes even when your spirit and soul had other plans
You didn't let those dark clouds interrupt sunny days
Cyphering with strangers and friends from a distance but together
Almost syncopated rhythm
The dynamics and focus were new to you
Your pivoting was freestyle with a musicality that you didn't know you possessed
So switching lines and transitions were made to look easy even though they never were
Take a bow and come shining thorough
Pirouette and Pivot no matter life's curve *****

Maddy Oct 2020
As she rests in peace
She plans her first Spring garden
Her soul and spirit guiding her
Purple gardens
Hues of color between red and blue
Hoping you are walking with Daddy.

Maddy Dec 2019
Rolling on the ground no visible contents
Searching to be filled or occupied with a task
Almost like a Senior citizen with memories worth repeating but nobody listening
Nobody paid it any mind but it refused to be thrown away
Needed to be useful but there was nothing to do but pass the time
It didn't escape the Sanitation pickup this time like a shelter dog waiting for a visitor to with a forever home

They felt neglected and waited , yet for another day
The bag was filled with yesterday with  no thoughts of today or tomorrow

Maddy Feb 2021
Not sure if a publisher will come and call again
Open to it but not depending on it
Writing is my craft and sometimes platform
Always trying to polish it and perfect it
Lately, observing and not trying to call in life is where it is right now
Yearning to travel and enjoy the world but not time yet
Patience is wearing thin and tired of people complaining
Yet, Patience surrounds me
We know what has happened, happening, and we are trying to move forward
So, Please don't ask
Trying to enjoy each day as it comes

Maddy Mar 2023
You placed a band of gold on my finger
Your ring matches exactly
We share our lives together
I love you beyond measure and if ever they measure that it wouldn't be large enough or high enough
Please stop Thanking me
Thank you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Jan 2021
Swagger and Style
Quiet attention and impact
Power in the step and soul
Direction of the heart
Completely together
Strike the pose and completely in
command everyday
When you walk the catwalk in your life
You dance, dream, and always wearing pockets
The designers may not agree but your are your own stylist
When you are styling with pockets

Inspired by CBS Sunday morning show
Maddy Mar 2020
Hideen gems and codes
Ways of examining the world
Different vistas and platforms
Answers with no ending but many questions
Points to ponder
Blue world if sky and sea
Beckoning ebony blanket of lights near and far
Cliches and metaphors mixing new and balancing old
It is our Art and my forever friend
Poetic answers and questions
Maddy Jun 2021
Truth is crystal clear and whole
Liars break it, just look at the last four years in the United States
Remember and protect History
Learn ,review, and move forward
There are three sides to a story Yours, Theirs, and the Truth
Together we accomplish
Divided we crumble
Check your prejudices at the door and throw the key away
Social media and news go so far
Read a book, magazine, or do research so you are current and up to date on information
Relying elsewhere goes no where fast
If we can write about it then we need to know all we can
That is Poetic Justice
We are a Democracy
The man with a fake tan belongs in an orange jumpsuit with his cronies
Are you listening New York or Georgia?
Rudy got his!

Maddy Nov 2021
The precision is musical and lyrical
You write it and it falls into place
The craft and development can be instantaneous or time consuming
But then you get it right there is nothing quite like it
Heard it compared to an ****** but won't go there
Guess things keep giving differently
Being able to write and create
Nothing quite like it
The words find me and they sing their song
differently every single time until it clicks,
makes sense
That's when it becomes poetry
From this Poet's heart to yours

Maddy Dec 2019
Words sometimes flow and the yellow legal pad or computer keyboard cant keep up
Other times Henry David won"t work with me
Hate to call on my Muse but still need him
No religion or politics in my work
Read between the lines if you wish
Writing for me is life sustaining and helpful
If others get joy or get the words than I am happy
We all write for different reasons

Maddy Jun 2023
You choose the conundrum and one of us will write about it
If writing is inherently lonely, and funny it has been my friend and companion for as long as I can remember.
Never judges me and lets me speak my truth.
Being a loner has been easier because I write.
Can't deal with gossip and Princesses or Princes
Not amused at all and run from them every chance that is possible.
So it is easy to write one a day or more.
Polish and perfect it
Stay well.
Keep writing.

Maddy Nov 2019
If we sat with the greats
The ones we aspire to be
Would we understand them
Or they us?
Places and times are different
Poets are a different breed
They are our muses
If we listen in the wind

Maddy May 2023
Vincent how I wish I had sat in the garden
With a Starry Night, Cypresses, and Orchids.
That was long ago
So many creative artists of every genre are as beautiful and genuine as you
In the Poet's Garden, we see things as you do
Or as we wish them to be

Maddy Aug 2021
Where are you my muses?
You woke me again at 2am
The words dance in my head
Missing choreography, rhyme, rhythm ,or beat
Cant deny they are there and every where
Once I find it
Once I get it
Stick around
Headed for delete button or circular basket
Where is the how and the feeling?
A rainbow with colors and shades bright and new
Poet's Lament
My head is in cement
waiting for your vibe to come through

Dedicated to Joey, Mrs. Timetable , and Carlo
Maddy Dec 2019
Empty yellow legal lad lines
Computer screen blinking
Begging for a word
Better still a line
Your muse left town destination unknown
Yet the words flow like wine
Sometimes miserable
Other ones sublime
You hit delete
Play waste paper basketball
Then it falls into place
It’s grace
It moves the reader
Poet’s lament

Maddy Nov 2019
What word would be best?
You polish and rewrite
Break pens and bang on keyboards
Wake up in the wee hours with the phrasing
With those of us with circles under our eyes
Pen marks on our fingers
The joy of getting it just right
Thanking your muse privately in your mind
Just to be given the honor and distinction of writing
This Poet’s life

Maddy Mar 2021
You want to know how we write
Lines and words befriended us long ago
Sometimes what you feel inside
Can drive you out of your Mind
Especially when the world seems to cast you aside
You do find your place when you let your heart heal
Good and bad
Joy and scars
Once you open your heart and let the pen do the talking
Old school legal pad or with your keyboard
It is all there if you let it out and let it go
Sharing is up to you but first take care of yourself
Little girl lost became woman found
What good are you to those you love and the world if you don't.

Maddy Feb 2023
Muscovy ducks swimming in a pond
Others sunning themselves under the bushes so they are protected from the sun's rays
Pomeranian and  Swedish blues enjoying the breezes
Squirrels of many colors and shades competing for talller
branches and edible delights
All on a Poet's Walk

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Feb 2022
Cleansing and therapeutic
A Butterfly and three ducks for company
Two black and white marbled
The other marbled with a touch of red near her head
My spirit animals a bear and swan always with me
The very best company
The golden Butterfly landed near me on a water break
All on a Poet's Walk

Maddy Feb 2020
The face
That sweet and honest face
Makes me happy still long after I was three
He is always around me
No matter where I go or what I do
Pooh I will always love you
Then and now until this khaki coil isn’t under my feet.
Pooh,it is you,my sweet

Maddy Jul 2022
Walking and enjoying squirrels eat their nuts and stare at me
Almost as if we greeted each other and I guess we did
Then I saw the poor little bird on the street lifeless
Not knowing why or how the bird was there
With no tissues or safe way to lift the bird
Hoping Mother Nature would take the little bird back to the bird version of the Rainbow Bridge
Poor Sparrow

Maddy Jul 2023
Traffic slowed
The turtle was either injured or a Senior having trouble getting back to his pond
Drivers were waving others on because they cared enough and noticed
Getting out to help or assist the poor turtle might have done more harm than good
I am praying and hoping the turtle gets back safely

Maddy Jan 13
Look at song lyrics
Broadway musicals to Rock and Roll
Some are sound alikes
Others spot on
So we carry on
Thinking about what is
What was
What will be
Power of the rhyme
Maddy Jan 8
Action speaks louder than words
I beg to differ
Ideas start out as words
They work in tandem
For every old and new cliche
Words have been my friends my entire life
A great comfort and a redirection
An amazing friend even now
We create and craft with them
They have taken me to heights I never imagined
Yet,The Power of Words
Eternally grateful of time and understanding
An overly sensitive and sometimes creative me
With the Power of Words
Maddy Oct 2021
Listen to the silence
You can still hear the tears falling
The cries that go unanswered
The selfishness that is killing Mother Nature and her children
Softly but way too quickly
The majesty and the harmony is slowly fading
Precious time is slipping away
Help Mother Nature and her children before they become a memory
What was isn't going to be much longer

Maddy Mar 2022
Improving is far more important and valuable that proving yourself
They work in tandem eventually
In the meantime, don't say been there done that because everybody deserves respect and gratefulness

Maddy Oct 2023
Insecure and partially secure
Sensitive but use it for it has magical powers to heal and create
Do what makes you happy and say no
No doesn't mean you won't care or love someone.
You just make a choice and go with it
Been there and done that
Stop disappointing yourself.
You learn to deal with what comes your way
Be the genuine, considerate, caring, and amazing person that you are
Some will verbally try to knock you down, insult you, and discourage you such as I love you but...
How you choose to ignore, listen, or forget is your call even if they think they mean well ?
Prescription for a Happier life is a work in progress

Maddy Jan 2022
Your way or the highway
Hitch or call a ride
Step a side
River deep or wide
The ocean and mountain lied
Counting the tears you cried
You yelled and fought with the heavens
Then you swallowed your pride
You didn't look inside
Anxiety let you hide
Maddy Sep 2020
Raised in unity and solidarity
Some soft and gentle and others loud and clear
Changes long overdue but not acted upon or met like long ago and far away
Fairytales need not apply now
Tears falling and not understood like liked feelings wiped away and locked suspended in time
Believe what you need too but care completely
Respect others differences and rights
Religion and Politics are left at the door when you take your shoes off to enter
Make sure you read and ask pertinent questions
Really listen
Look very carefully at the prisms
Colors are subtle,bright,bold,and beautiful
When you open your heart and your eyes

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