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Maddy Jul 2021
Apologies and understanding not enough this time
Health issues would be the only accepting factor here
One can not control Mother Nature or illness
You know the old saying about plans
Two years of no visit now is three because of this
What if a Herculean effort was made and change is only one side of the story
Somebody very special throws a hiccup or monkey wrench that is no longer acceptable?
A friendship that has weathered decades
The best and worst of life celebrated and dealt with
Maybe not meant to be any longer?
There is no band aid for this
Not meant to be?
We will see this is so much more than disappointing

Maddy Dec 2020
Yesterday was your birthday
Not stalking you just revisited yesterday
Wont reach out and never will'
Reminders of you are a very biter pill
SUBO, Whitehead Hall, and Boylan came to call
It was long ago and far from away
Hope your life is happier today
It was not meant to be even for nineteen year old me
Was blind and deaf to reality, you see
Why you played along as a friend, history will show
Better things happened later there this is how it would go
My husband and Two master degrees came
Life has never been the same
We were not meant to be
Took a very long time to move forward you see
I wanted and needed you but all you could do was take and not give
Not a life I wanted to live

Line three references are locations in Brooklyn College City University of New York. I am a triple alimnus.
Maddy Aug 2021
You had the look
You had the smile
You had it all
Not mine
Not mine
No matter what I did
No matter what I tried
Platonic is a stop sign
Don't go any further
Telling you for the very last time
Can't be had
Tough too bad
Not even a one night stand?
Not mine
Not mine
Not mine
The sun will never shine

Maddy Sep 2020
Grieving gently and quietly
Reminders of her everywhere
As forward thinking marches through
Justice Ginsburg's passing just makes it harder
They came from similar backgrounds and ages
People need to keep their distance
Well meaning and supportive
There is nothing happy about this state of mind
Letting others deal is the best notion
Spending time with those closest works
Even then, respecting and knowing that as the Winter Holidays approach
Making excuses and postponing and saying Not Know
is the way to go

Maddy Nov 2024
Thanks for reading
Thanks for comments
Taking a short break
Need to reevaluate where my writing is going
When a bookstore puts your books on their websites but not in their brick and mortar stores
Am I not good enough?
Maybe I really can’t write?
Not looking to lick my wounds or for you to cheer me on
Your comments are appreciated more than I can say
I may very well be back but for now you all write on
Write on?
Maddy Apr 2021
Together everything is easier
But it won't be easy
Find a way to make it look like it is
Especially when everybody is looking
Who really cares if they are talking because you can't control what they think and say
They need to self edit and self control
Just know your heart and soul
There are surprises along with moments that will become memories
You will reach for them when they are needed on rainy and stormy days
Winter does come during the Summer so be ready though you can never be sure but be sure of each other
Not the way you imagined but incredible just the same
Choose your love carefully and only be crazy for your one and only

Maddy Dec 2019
Been there
Done it above and beyond
The repeat button is permanently stuck
Once you give it your all
You must sit back and finally back off
We have all done our time one way or another
Then it dawns on you that you have to come first
If not what good are you to others
So,not this time or any other time
My todays and tomorrows matter

Maddy Jan 12
Time heals some wounds but bullying and repetition of what is expected and used to be does not
You can be too good for what it is worth
Your worth to yourself gets diminished especially when you are giving, kind, and sensitive
Going back for more of this narcisstic tirade?
Not this time
Maddy Mar 2020
Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C.
Lonely without visitors to stroll among them
Alone and desolate
parks all over the United States
Moment of Nature on CBS is how my Sunday starts
That segment is a great routine
We have to remember that what we look forward to are things we took for granted like who and what we love
Never do that, especially now when we can't see many of them in person as mundane or boring
Cherish them and what you care about daily
Nothing trivial or old school about that
Be careful and stsy well readers and fellow poets
Maddy Nov 2020
When you’e not looking
You find who and what you are looking for
You never expect it and perhaps not quite prepared for it
And yet in a New York minute
When you stopped looking
Right before your very astonished eyes
the person or path you seek
You haven’t met yet
Yet it is right in your grasp but it yet

Dedicated to Dr. JT E
Maddy Nov 2022
She shares the same birthday with the 46th President of the USA.
Happy Birthday, Joe!
She is a week older than Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.
She shares other Kennedy family birthdays.
The word Rotunda still frightens her because she heard it echoed when our President was assassinated when she was little
She is a Scorpio who brings in the winter Holidays every year even though she was born in the Fall
She is caring, generous, creative, and Kind to a fault.
A Beautiful heart with a plain Jane face but her husband begs to differ
Happy Birthday Scorpio Girl

Maddy Nov 2021
We begin the holiday season
Sometimes a second thought
Some more likely an endless party and celebration
She is careful and would do anything not to hurt any living soul
She knows hurt too well
Creative,fearless,and lover of art and culture
She travels and journeys no matter her destination
She is sensitive, caring, and loving.
A human care bear if you will
Be careful not to hurt or break her heart
She may forgive you but will never forget
She is a Scorpio
November girls
Happy Birthday to all of us

Maddy Feb 2023
Quiet befriended me and the best companion when least expected
Moving forward while treading carefully
It is more than incredible to watch a butterfly or marvel at Mother Nature's other children
So much better than chit chat and gossip from voices I choose to silence
They mean well but a waste of time for me

Maddy Oct 2018
These are shallow times
Lacking depth and gratitude
Love that is pure and true
Scoffed at and dismissed
Dig deeper
Be stronger
Reach to places you have never known
Like asteroids trying to find a place in the galaxy
Many are so lost and just don’t belong
Let’s hope right now will find us brighter days
Left someone up
Do the very best that you can everyday
Maddy Oct 2022
You love who you love
No country or government should dictate otherwise
No religion
No political party
Nor should any State or Country tell wonen how to live their lives.
As a straight women who survived a crime and am forever changed and scarred by it,how dare they!
LGBQT people deserve respect
Think what you want but be kind and thoughtful
Now not yesterday.

Maddy Jan 2021
Every single day they get found
Observe carefully or you will miss them
Some of your very own making
Others are there for the picking
They are there with a promise
The more you open your heart and take them in
Nuggets become moments and found memories

To those injured and those who were senselessly lost near and at the Capitol yesterday
Maddy Aug 2020
Sleepless nights are slowly leaving
Still hard to fall away
This too shall pass is different for many
Reality set in like a lightning bolt in your mind
Reminders are there
Somethings are easier and others are void
Grief needs to be gentle even though it hits you like a mac truck that runs over you and never stops until it it good and ready
Seems like it is on instant replay
2020 will eventually end and some good things will be remembered
as for the others, many of us will remain numb for the time being even as we move forward and try to live life the very best we can

Maddy Jan 2021
My grandfather loaded his pockets and the squirrels had a feast
He died before I was born so this is family lore
The family of five squirrels who live in a park near me
They are sweet and precious and bother nobody
Rocky is the family acrobat
Three are not named yet
Nutella sat on the side branch like a suspended in motion cartoon character
My bi-weekly leaving of nuts and seeds paid off today
Walking away , she came down to retrieve a cashew and disappeared
Seconds later she appeared and helped herself to a pecan
On a cold morning walk before zoom meetings
She made my day

Maddy Jan 2020
Teachers know it as one thing
Life has taught us it is something more
You can be what you want to be
Do what you want to do
Accomplish a lot or little
Just be comfortable in your own skin
Easier said than done
Saying no means no
Not that you don't care
Are not interested
Just two letters that you should not feel guilty about uttering
Work in progress for me
Not a people pleasing person
Just don't do drama anymore or try to avoid it at all costs
It is expensive and my time is worth it
Taken me too long to realize that we are all worthy
Even me

Maddy Sep 2018
If you swim in it,my apologies
If you drown in it,here is a life vest
The dirt and disgust can't be washed away.
Feeling ugly never goes away although know we are swans in waiting
The flashbacks are real
Please swim to the shore
Do what needs to be done so you can enjoy the ocean with less pain and divine dignity

Dedicated to Dr.Ford and other survivors whether they have come out or have yet to do so.
Maddy Nov 2019
tears that seem to come whenever they like
starting gently and then flooding the world that needs laughter
happy or sad they are wet and turning faces red
let go or let in what was and what is
swim in it, float in but never drown in it
maybe that is why crying is better in the shower
the tears rise and fall
then they join the oceans
maybe that is why beach walking year round is so therapeutic

Maddy Oct 2018
Cream colored
Fuschia blushed
All dancing on the wind
Spice rack colored leaves
paid them no attention
as the wind went unnoticed in the big Apple

Maddy Oct 2018
Yes,she talks to squirrels while admiring their acrobatics on a phone line above
Monarch butterflies land in her hand and visit awhile
It’s an Indian Summer and things go up and down daily
The autumnal rainbow is slowly beginning it’s spice rack color show
She likes her iPod tunes and private fitness time
An October walk in New York
Greeting and playing with every dog or puppy crossing her path

Maddy Oct 2021
Old friends
Book ends
Part of yesterday
Unclear about today
Let's not discuss tomorrow
Phone calls stop
Not even to shoot the breeze
News Bad or Good is a thing of the past
Nothing left to say or share
Did we remember to care?
When the efforts made get lost
Leave the door open perhaps a ajar
What used to be no longer goes very far

Maddy Apr 2021
You would not be here without it
There is no cause to doubt it
Everything old is new again through the eyes of Boomers
It is about more than age and place
So let me get into your face
Stop judging and meet all kinds of people
Age is a number that is all it is
By the way I like Dua Lipa too

Maddy Jan 11
United we stand
Perhaps you will hear the lyric and live the words Divided we fall
Selfless and caring people get it
Those not possessing these qualities don't get the message
Unless they listen and learn
Some live in yesterday
Cannot comprehend today and not prepared for tomorrow
My heart hurts for them but there are others like me that care
The Do-gooders who quietly carry on and move forward
So let's sing that Old song
Loud, clear,and strong
Stand with us
Maddy Jul 2023
Seven months of fighting the good fight
Waiting to hear two magic words.
That isn't until Friday.
Side effects are still there, and fatigue still hangs around.
We want to get back to what was and put what is behind us.
Before the echoes start, we know there are follow-ups and check-ups
in the future
Until Friday, think of our once-a-day gratitude that we will get the news we have waited for.

Maddy Jun 2021
A pastry.
A Danish, almond preferably.
A large cookie from the bakery
A Multi-grain or rye bagel.
Walking twenty five miles a week affords this
Iced green tea accompaniment when dewpoint goes over seventy
Truth be told, iced tea is a preferred beverage all year long with lemon
Being an epicurean is fun but not easy.
Then again that is every day of the week.
The treat is once a week.

Maddy Dec 2019
She was a teen rushing to go back to school
Danger lurked and she was victimized
The hurt and pain were one thing
The dirt and disgust was another
It took years of the right help and the understanding of one special person
He made that rag doll feel like a swan
Truth is she will always feel like a ragdoll
Every year around this time, she chooses to be in crowds but never alone
He took the dignity and sweetness of many young girls
They are forever changed
One horrible winter

If you have ever been a victim,you aren’t alone but get help so you can let it go.
Maddy Jul 2021
The twelfth of never came unexpectedly when a confession is unleashed
You danced at her wedding and she confided it should have been our wedding
Another fell for you and you admitted you were a two timing man
Strike one
The platonic friend listened but didn’t judge
This was strike two
Strike two came on when you ended a romantic weekend
Leaving a hysterical woman in a hotel
Seems you called at an ungodly hour saying you you needed to talk
Seems you didn’t have the guts to tell me that you led a double life
You were a one man man
After all this time nothing has changed and your friends are the same those that we know of
You never combine us?
Strike three you are still playing games and luckily life continues
How you play ball is your business
Love is love
Love who you love
Maddy Aug 2019
It was gentle and quiet like a warm summer breeze
Gone too soon and passed you by
You can recall it and bring it back but it is never quite the same
Maybe even better because it left an impression
That smile so unexpected
The kindness and generosity of a stranger
The toll paid for
The Thank you
One more time
Precious and perfect in a world that needs so much more and we can all make small changes toward it

Maddy Dec 2019
Joy and peace of mind
Used to be easier
You watch your step and surroundings
what is Worth it is your choice
Too many lost
Hoping to be found
No matter what you celebrate
Just respect each other
Take one step towards harmony

Maddy Jul 2023
Maybe it's the stars in the sky.
Maybe it's hard to see you cry.
Maybe it's the sound of his voice.
I would listen if I didn't have a choice.
Maybe it's her smile that lights up any room.
It's magical how it gets rid of any gloom.
Maybe it's the joy and happiness.
Without all of you, there would be no bliss.
Maybe because my dream came true.
The published writer and poet is before you.
Just like things change within the seasons.
Proud to write number one thousand on Hello Poetry today.
One thousand reasons
One thousand poems

Maddy Jan 7
You said what you felt
Never taking into account the pain you caused
Hurting me is par for the course
Hurting someone else is intolerable
So the door is open
The phone won't ring
Text messages and Facebook will stop
Say what you will but you have no edit button
Frankly, my life matters not only yours \
Always about you
It is all about you as usual
So we are On Hold
Time is said to heal most wounds
Not sure this time
Maddy Nov 2023
You're a nobody
You're nothing
Am I somebody?
Every time that I write I feel the power
I am a storyteller
How I found my family and how they found me
As they get to know me
Those people I am coming to know through stories and photographs
shaped who we are
As I write the book, I asked questions
The answers only Heaven knows

Maddy Nov 2024
Nobody else will do
For comfort and joy
For tears and travel dreams
For laughter and love
For silence and quiet beyond compare
These are the arms I run to
Those are the arms that empathize and sympathize
In your arms is where I awaken and slumber
As your blue eyes reassure me and only in your arms
Maddy May 2021
Things are getting better
Not normal
Still need care and caution
Mourning those we lost and what we thought we cared about
Do we know what we care about now?
Do we care differently?
Those with mental health issues are still held at bay
Echoing the words stay away
This May
Mental Health month
Think carefully and again about what you thought you knew
Maybe slowly we will start to understand

Maddy 17h
Only the Bullied
Learn to Accept
Few or no friends
They just have enough
No more
No less
They don"t expect
They were strippec of wanting anything else
When you are excluded
When your parent calls you Plain Jane
Made to sit with boys at school
You are not pretty enough by their standards
Your clothes are not nice enough
Your metal braces and rubber banded teeth don't fit in
You catch them doing things in school bathrooms thaf you wish you never witnessed
These memories come back to haunt you later on
No matter how successful you have become
Only the bullied know why children should never ever get away with doing this to others
Even now
Maddy Jan 2023
Expectations not so much
Dreams to be conquered and enjoyed until new ones appear
Wet circles big and small syncopated as the umbrella plays pizzicato
as you try to stay dry
Damp and dreary for some
Invigorating for others
Leaving Starbucks with last sip of black iced tea in hand
Only walking in the rain

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Jan 2022
Undergraduates searching for a major
Finding friends and lovers like a menu they can’t choose from
Though they delight in looking
Should they sample or taste?
Do they commit is daring passion worth the risk
Sometimes you stare a little longer than you should
Maybe the right song with the wrong car company is on the radio
Long strolls on the beach when you want to be with another
A kiss that should never have happened
An embrace that should have been a quick hug
Only yesterday
When you parted company
Going your own ways
When Alexa plays Stevie Nicks or Fleetwood Mac
It is only yesterday

Maddy Apr 2022
Bid Farewell to Before and Welcome to After
It was only yesterday but sometimes letting it go
frees you in ways you never imagined
You should remember who and what was
On the road for today and towards tomorrow
It was only yesterday leave it there
Enjoy being who you are
You don't need the baggage!
Maddy May 2022
You always find a way to make me smile
When weeks and days don't jive
You invoke the one day at a time mantra
Only you my one and only show me to live and be alive
Regardless of reasons or matters
The biggest gift is being your wife
So, please stop Thanking me for loving you
My pleasure and a treasure

Love you babe!
Maddy Jul 2023
You were completely unexpected.
My heart had been trampled upon and I was broken.
You were patient and caring.
A very good friend who became my best friend as well as the love of my life.
Sometimes things were easy.
There have been hurdles and roadblocks.
Sad Goodbyes and Lovely Welcomes.
If I had to  do it all over again,
it would be with you.
Only you.

Maddy Dec 2019
Letting you in was not happening
shutting you out was easier
Dealing was the way out
Shutting you out was easier
Didn’t please you
Didn’t matter
It was what it was
Never will be
You wont trust yourself
You won’t get back to me
Open book
Let myself in
Let myself go
The cards are out on the table
Shuffled the deck
Read me,turn the pages
Open book

Maddy Sep 2022
If you open your heart
The rest will follow
Surely as rainbows come after rainy days
Surely as you can wish upon a star
Take good care of yourself first
Guilty as charged because I put others before myself
Open your eyes
Close your mouth
Open your mind
Open your heart.

Maddy Dec 2020
The best words
They flow and take on a life of their very own
The narrative tells itself and reads well
It stays with you
You want to write it down and perfect it
Polish it and place it
Edit and edit again
Writers strive to be original
They do their best to get there

Maddy Nov 2022
Creativity and Originality?

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Oct 2022
When inside out becones outside in
The worst is the best you've ever had
What was good never had a chance to be bad
You finally got to see the other side but you didnt dare
take the ride
Just when the world didnt rhyme
Does it make what you are feeling less sublime?
Did you ever really start?
Will you get up and begin?
C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Apr 2020
Been  a rainbow chaser my entire life
There are dark hours all around us
We will break through and find a way to the dawn as we salute all those heroes and heroines out there doing their utmost to get us through
It will be worth it in the end,but there is a lot of grief and sorrow accompanying all of us
Make a difference every single day
You will decide and make us all proud
We can’t look the other way
Those literal ones out there may not get it
Us Figurative types have it, always have
We never fit in before but we do now and forevermore in better days ahead

Stay Strong California and New York as well as the other 48!
Maddy Oct 2020
We help and give as we can
Keep comments and discouraging tirades private
Been there and done that as an Educator and in my current work
Where are the good and caring?
The educated and well meaning?
We are the United States
United towards the future and making things the very best they can be
Science and Technology will get us there
People need to remember that what was may never be again
Be ready for the very best which has yet to come

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