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Maddy Jan 2020
Book ends
Old friends
Day dreams
Pulling you down again
Making darkness your frenemy
Nothing Pollyanna about blue days and stormy nights
Talk to me
Tell me the bad never becomes good
Dealing with it is not enough
Finding the road and easing down it
Knowing that the rain ends
The light you seek is inside your heart
Returns when it beat normally again
Dead Ends
Old Friends
Here's to the
light of Life
Maddy Jul 2021
(Lyrics in progress)

had it with the rain
had it with so much
Nothing is really lame
Nothing is the same

Let it come and let it go
Some things are out of your control
You know
You know
We do the best we can
Just need you to understand

Life lessons you need to learn
Some leave scars and some burn
Take your time and discern
Life lessons need to be learned

Maddy Sep 2019
Hearing is not required of you
Shut your mind off
Stop doing
Give your muse a break
Really concentrate
Enjoy mother nature's children
Take it all in
More than smelling the roses
Marvel  at what others fail to notice
Listen carefully to the music and lyrics around you

Maddy Aug 2019
Spent too much time just hearing
There in spirit but not heart
Scars never healed correctly
Can you be too blind to see what is obvious and right under your nose?
Accepting is the hardest thing to do
Unconditional love just doesn't apply here
Excuses need not apply
They have danced in your mind for way too long now
You were the broken toy they refused to play with or engage
Being different was not part of their world
Narcissism just is what it is
Luckily, it chose not to embrace you
Are you listening?

Maddy Jul 2021
Hearing one's self talk gets old
Even if what you say matters and counts
Thinking of something to say when one is talking doesn't bear fruit
Lately, listening and turning everything and everyone else off is refreshing, soothing, and calming
Tune in and tune out the noise
You can agree to disagree but have the courtesy of listening the person out
Interrupting is rude and unnecessary
Hearing them out goes in one ear and out the other
The quiet helps in a very mixed up world where what counts and matters and matters just like yesterday and today
Listening carefully for tomorrow.

Maddy Aug 2023
Tuning in
Tuning out
Respectful and not distasteful
Accepting what is and putting what was on the back burner
It had its purpose and begs to be reexamined when necessary
Respect is paramount
Easier said than done but difficult to accept that many people think they are higher and mightier than others
Believe what you want
People fall in love with people
Color and ****** orientation don't play a role right away
You can love a friend
The love of a lifetime ideally comes along once
That relationship is golden and hopefully forever
Listening hard does nothing
You might be forming a response not needed now
Listening gently gets you where you want to be

Maddy Jun 2020
Walking observations are quite educational
Sometimes inspirational
Others down right jaw dropping
Humid June day with great serenity and quiet
I heard voices from Houston in my head
The evilness Reverend Sharpton spoke of still surrounds us  because many were carefully taught
We hear echoes of the past and horrible slang and comments from out elders and loved ones
Some have passed on and others will still think what they know is best
Truth be told is that we have all encountered hate and fear simply because we don't know everything
You should learn every single day and be surprised about what you might find and who
So,please listen so carefully and stop talking
Kindness should always come first.

Maddy May 2023
I live in my own words
A different imagination
In Vistas, Discoveries, and Memories
The latter lives in my heart and my dreams
They are part of what was and what is
As well as what is around the corner
You don't miss what you never had but when you find it-
What a treasure
Be carefully taught to understand, accept, and not hate
It there any chance of this happening before its too late?

Maddy Dec 2020
Remember him well
His questions and ideas always had a sparkle and shine unlike the others
He never said much but when he did,it was memorable
His teacher over heard him but he never knew that
He is a teacher now
The greatest gift he ever gave was telling his teacher he modeled his techniques in the classroom after her work
He watched me cry that day
That little boy
Now a man was my student
Now,my friend and colleague
For Scott
Maddy Jan 2024
Bunnies, Squirrels and Birds getting a taste of the nuts and goodies left them before the rain and snow.
Sad to think they are ignored, and people don't stop to look at them and share their wonder.
That wonder has never left me.
So Facebook is not as entertaining, and some chats are beyond boring.
Visiting a zoo in the Winter months and any time of year is still a joy.
They are the pets I can't have at home due to a loved one's severe allergies
A Hypoallergenic dog came to visit and we learned the hard way that we can't have dogs around or go to homes with them
Dog charities are my way of having a pet
All Little and Big Creatures I will always love you and visit

Maddy Jul 2021
You looked longer than you should have
Luckily, he didn't notice
I didn't tell him
He knows about you and sure as the sun shines daily he would have punched you and knocked you out
Then shook your hand for leaving and hurting me
Looking up was my way out
That is what I did through your eyes when that no longer should have been
Yesterday was long ago and so was nineteen
No more lectures
No more Dr. Ruth classes, yes that one
That moment and you are gone except for nightmares of you and that little boy lost forever
Little girl found

Maddy Dec 2021
We were broken once
Flashbacks and nightmares return
Criminal act committed upon a child
A female child
The Supreme Court, Texas and Missouri never see three sides of a story.
Mental anguish
So before you condemn women from having abortions
Before Roe vs Wade might change forever
Remember that even if they don't conceive and have a child created by terror and criminal ignorance
They were all once little girls that had their childhood ripped from them
They are members of the Walking wounded
Damaged in ways past pregnancy
I am one of those Little Girls

This is not to bash religious beliefs just see all sides of a story
{Protect **** and ****** victims)
Maddy May 2022
He has soul
He has the beat
His words flow
This three year old captures his world with joy and wonder
The future seems grand in his blue eyed world

Love u LHV
Maddy Jun 2020
Find one thing every single day
A something you love or have forgotten about
A photo, a song, a taste
Right now Strawberry Champagne Stonewall preserve is doing it for me
Zoomed out but for professional reasons do what I must
Old friends and new
So much is on hold collectively all matter
Museums, long uninterrupted walks, trips, visiting places and people
Nature is my solace but photography will hopefully come soon
Crowds don't matter it is the stuff it is made of and enjoy
Social distance and masks will be the order of the day for sometime
Until we find an answer and a vaccine
The little things that are huge now will keep me from going Stir crazy
Happily car trips destinations unknown and the arrival of Fed Ex and UPS turn a frown upside down

Maddy Feb 1
Turning a deaf ear
In one ear and out of the other
Listening and hearing are quite different
Accept and move on
Use your creativity and sensitivity as the gifts they are
Selfishness isn't your motto
Some are all about
When you love somebody
You make a life commitment
Does not work that way
Sharing and caring go hand in hand
Take tine for whom and what matters
Living a life your way
No excuses or explanations
No expectations
Maddy Nov 2020
No directions
No manuals
You were gone before we could ask
Sometimes you head in a different direction
You walk your way and keep going
What you choose may not be popular
But it is right for you
That is all that matters
Feelings get hurt
Messages get confused
Time passes
Being comfortable with your life and choices
is all that should matter
Walking away makes you go forward
so don't look back
You know who and what is precious to you

For those who lost a loved one this year
Human or pet
Maddy May 2021
Bright blue sky dotted with rainbow colored balloons
The look in your beautiful sapphire eyes when a puppy or dog approaches
Every single moment should be precious for you
You have given us hope and magic
How has a year come and gone since we were graced with your birth
and the gift of you?
The best event in 2020 was you!
So if you are sassy and have chutzpah then the world beckons.
Happy first birthday on May 20!
Be happy and healthy our sweet Gem

Maddy Oct 2022
Card carrying member
Not a social butterfly but I earned my wings
If I care about you,helping you isnt even a question
I am there
Please don't do anything  for me
Cant deal with that never could
I will do you a favor but will never ask you for one in return
Information and learning matters
Photography,Travel,Theatre,live performances and poetry aremy joys
Nothing with a bow or box,please
Think before you speak and use edit button
Hurt me,my family,or my friends in my golden circle
Just walk away and stay out of my sight
I am caring,loving,sensitive,and creative
I am in love with and love the same man for almost 42
Prince and Princesses do not apply for Golden Circle membership
This loner will never deal with you

C@rainbowchaser 2O23
Maddy Jan 6
Have friends but few
Well chosen
Some unexpected
Writing has always been my best friend along with my spouse
Most of my walks are alone
Soul walks
Clears my senses and I do write in my head while walking
Watching nature and dogs being walked makes me happy
Pet some dogs then on my way
More enjoyable that noisy complaints or nonsense
Learned to listen acutely and speak when necessary
There is good noise and bad
Rooting for the good
Loner but not lonely
Maddy Aug 2024
Not Lonely
Not Alone
Charity Miles App on
Just enjoying Mother Nature's children
Father Sun and Sky
Petting a friendly dog now and then
A Good Morning
A Nod
Sometimes a smile to a passerby
My Time to think
To Write
Little Noise
No Politics
Lone Walker

Maddy Jul 2024
You dream and wish this was real
You have the power for yourself
Don't power others
There are moments and places for all
It is about timing meter,rhythm,and rhyme
It is for them to seek and find out
You can be there and maybe reach out
Maybe just listen carefully
It is now not yesterday
Long ago but not far away

Maddy Apr 2023
If you don't care for and about yourself what good are you to your family and loved ones
Hard lesson learned when you are a giving and loving person that puts themselves last most of the time
Looked deeper inside and made a little time for me though it isn't easy for me

Maddy Mar 2022
A place to belong
Where food and love surround me
Where hugs and pats are my companions
Where cold does not spend its time with me
Where I dream and wake to find my family returning to me
Looking forward to greeting you and welcoming you back home
I dream of this when nobody choses me at the end of the day
It is always an almost but then they don't return
I dream of this when the volunteer tells me tomorrow girl
Looking for a home

Maddy Jun 2020
The Holiday tree and Rockerfeller Center
Eating chestnuts while walking and looking at the Fifth avenue December windows
Seeing a Broadway a show in person and walking to the Theater marquees
Hugging and seeing friends
Attending Television tapings and enjoying restaurants while sitting indoors with no fear or consequences
Many truths are becoming evident and we must move forward and get out of the past befote it destroys us further

Shopping at Farmers markets outdoors
My sweetheart's birthday is paused like our great city but we will celebrate him as best we can
We have great photographs and memories of trips to enjoy but looking forward to more of these and gathering with those we love

Happy Birthday to my Darling Husband today!
Maddy Jun 2021
Don't infuriate
It is up to you but do the very best that you can
Accept no and reading between the lines is futile
Do gooders are kind and generous so don't suspect them of anything
You can't really reheat a souffle
Reach for the stars and fall among the clouds
Look up

Maddy Mar 2021
Loved your lamps and design
You loved Nature as I do
You admire the color and lights of Opal
Saw you through a very different pair of eyes
Louis you were incredibly talented and beautiful in your spirit and manner
Glad we spent time together at the Met
Art and words are the prefect company

Mer refers to Metropolitan Museum, of Art in NYC
Maddy Dec 2019
The 2am talk that is sweet and quiet
More gentle than a summer breeze
The 4am back and knee rub with Mr.Sandman shoveling your eyes almost closed
Somebody to talk to and hug when the world is less than kind
It is love and loving
It is us
Your blue eyes are the most beautiful thing these brown eyes have ever seen
Maddy May 2020
Long ago and far away
It is over but it never began
From a distance it was you
Not important if you recognized me or anything from your past
There was no closure perhaps because Hello was a mistake
My friend wants to get married though their is no Mr. Right available
We will dance at that reception when it happens
he is so much like you but you wanted something that never reached your grasp
He has the brass ring but needs to share that and wear it with someone
I love my friend and wish he well
As for you, I loved you when I was nineteen
Hope someone loves you now
Despite of the human being you grew to become
Loved you then

Maddy Dec 2023
A lovely Golden Retriever Puppy barked at me and wanted to play.
Her owner was trying to teach her to walk on a leash so I didn't pet or play with her.
Looked up to the sky and my Skippy was saying Hello and I miss you too.
I almost heard him say I am OK at Rainbow Bridge but whenever you see a Golden walking, I am saying Hello.
When I arrived home looked at his photo and smiled through my tears.

Maddy Oct 2021
No matter where or when
A lover or a friend
You need to talk and share
Someone cares
Reach out and be ready
Love is the answer
There are different kinds but still the same
Ignorance is to blame
If you don't take chance
No matter who you are
Near or far
Love is the answer
Love is the answer
What a way to be
What a way to go
Try or you will never know
Love is the answer
Just a better four letter word

Song maybe?
Maddy Sep 2020
Forty years come October
Incredible and the greatest love of all
The best gift in the world was opening up and letting you into my life
When  I wasn't looking, you found me
We have and continue to weather changes, passings, joy, and sorrow
Not  a bubble but what we need
Others will understand in good time
We beat the odds and won something others wish they possessed
Our magic
Grateful and joyous are not enough adjectives to express what would take volumes to fill
I continue doing that
Hawaii will wait
The only gift I want is to spend more time with my best friend
Loving you is the greatest gift

To my Prince Charming, Happy Anniversary on 10/25
Maddy Jan 2024
Sweetness personified
Funny and charming
Those blue eyes, still send me to another solar system
You put the k kindness and the C in Caring
Extremely smart and you listen attentively.
A shoulder to cuddle and dream upon
Loving you is easy since I have been loving you for so very long
And You love me too!

Maddy Jan 2022
Good and kind
Romantic and loving
HONEST and real
Love who you love
But find one like mine
My heart is on the line

Maddy Nov 2020
Those blue eyes drifted off
Watching them move gracefully under shut eyelids
Shades of every blue in the spectrum came alive
Rainbows of blue
They when the morning came the most amazing sapphire looked right at me just before your eyeglasses were on
Lullabies and Good morning

Maddy Mar 2023
They sat on two branches
One above the other
Adorable as could be
Gathered bits of  canteloupe,nuts,and oookies into a cup
Found the tree and called out to them
Scattered the food all around the tree
They sat on their branches enjoying
Made an ordinary lunch extraordinary

Maddy Jan 17
Rhyme is easy
Chorus must make sense
Literal or figurative
Let me see
Does the melody work?
Does it make sense?
It is original or just another version of yesterday?
When you find the vibe
When it fills your soul
Do you loose control
You are a writer
Yes, it matters
Harmony, melody,pitch,and vibe
It is alive
Maddy Oct 2020
It has always been about the words enjoying and sharing the music
The rhyme and rhythm
Feeling and memories
Just don't want to hear the sad songs
Not new ones anyway
Reminding us that we are more alone than we need to be
Having to love harder and more gently because we might break
Action doesn't always speak louder than words
Ideas and words work in tandem
Lyrics awaken me
Lyrics remind me of yesterday
Lyrics remind me that there are more songs to be sung
Lyrics after all are poems
They wake you at all hours of the day wanting to be written down and remembered.

To Neil Diamond, Carol King and many others.
Maddy May 2022
She wrote glad I was raised in a different time and place
Was she carefully taught as the song tells us
She is of this world but not living it to its utmost
Is she too blind to see that change is a constant?
Liking that is another story
Hate is a four letter word that is taught
Children will play together and enjoy each other’s company
Until a adult pulls them away from each other
Seen it with my own eyes because of color,creed,and religion
Gay and straight definition doesn't change
Accept don't reject
You are here for now with so much more to learn and enjoy
Why do you choose to live in the past and not grow
There is something you have yet to know
Be part of the world now because as Neil Diamond wrote used
To bes don't count anymore they just lie on tbe floor til you sweep them away

Maddy Jun 2022
Still believe in Fairy Tales
Dreams coming true with hard work and a little luck
Happy Endings
Old cartoons and new
Honesty, Truth, and Respect
Caring, Friendship, and Sharing
The Magic, My Dear is when I awake to your blue eyes

Maddy Jul 2021
Just when one has no clue
It comes at you
Not in a gift box
Not in a day at the beach
Not in an amusement park
Not an ice cream cone laden with rainbow sprinkles
Subtle as a smile
Warm like a kiss from your special someone
Embrace it
Revel in it
From its own space
Its own design
No slight of hand
No spell

Maddy Mar 2023
Leo Sunshine
Lola the Gem
Happy to be in a family
Two first cousins growing up together

Maddy Nov 2024
Maui Clouds are rolling by
Palm trees shimmy and Hula in the breezes
Gently embracing the ancestry, ,tradition,
and people who care about what was and what is
Their ancestor’s (Kapuna)memories and achievements are profound and respected
As is wisdom
Grateful to hear the language and words with joy everywhere
It is truly magical and mystical
Honolulu, Oahu ,Kapalua Maui, Kauai and Kona
Peace  and calm
Joy and wonder
All Majestic natural beauties
Royalty and  Pleasure Personified
Love for Mother Nature and her children
Don't forget Hanalei in Kauai's North Shore.
Rugged and pristine.
See Poipu on the South Shore
of Kauai where Jurassic Park was filmed
Ma’lama  Makai- care for the ocean
Ma’lama ka’aina - take care of the land
Ku’u Pu’uwai
Land is the source of knowledge
Ma’lama Ika Aino
Dear Hawaii Maholo
Mahalo nui loa
Mahalo nui
A hui hou. Til we meet again
Anuenue means Rainbow
Please visit Puff the Magic Dragon in Hanalei if Peter,Pail,and Mary mean something to you
Maddy Jul 2023
Differences are important and what makes life worth living
A cookie-cutter existence with everything and everyone the same besides being mundane and boring is useless
The balance was cut off by being defined as red or blue in our thinking
Change and progress moving forward is the very best direction we can provide ourselves with
Learn from History but leave it in the past with your memories
The word woke makes me what to croak
If you want to live in another time and place in the past good for you
What makes us better is moving in the right direction and that is forward

Maddy Sep 2019
This is not ******
Much higher level
Melding of spirit and soul
You don’t lose control here
You polish and perfect it
Call to the muses for help
Listen for their call
Inspiration hugs you
Nothing to exchange
Sharing here leaves you spellbound
If you are lucky
Cherish what others don’t take the time to find
You are a poet
You make love to words
The words teach you to love more than you thought your heart could take
Maddy Jan 2022
Dealing and admitting that your anger has become a disease is the first step
A medical illness
Mine started when I was 14 and ended in my late thirties
Luckily somebody loves me and stands by my side
He told me that I had to move forward and find an answer
You get the correct help and plan on what that is and what it will do.
You become an active participant with your healthcare providers
You will improve if you give it time and actively work on it
It does rear its ugly head from time to time but you are in control
We chose not to do the meds route and found talk therapy
Poetry saved my life and continues to do so
The magic is that the poetry has brought joy and help others
Making Peace with the pain has brought me a gift that keeps giving

Maddy Jul 2020
Walking through museums trying to take it all in and listen to your thoughts
The memories are jumbled because life has gone on and stopped where you are concerned
It was another time and place not to be erased but not reimagined
We didnt forget you but the world is very different from when you left us
One that you could never live in or accept
You ruled with your thoughts and ideas with no room for change
You loved us but didnt listen
Had you lived perhaps time would have different ideas and ideals
You were more intelligent than the Archie Bunker character but truth be told
Your thoughts and feelings about life were sad and old even though you were young at the time
The reasons dont really matter but you could never deal with change a malady many have
Set in stone and crumbling

Maddy Nov 2019
You landed so gently
If only for a few moments
You were exquisite in the sunlight
A blue rainbow of every shade and clarity
Butterfly just doesn't do you justice
Your Latin name does
Hermosa Mariposa
How I wish you visited longer
But you were on your way

Maddy Feb 2020
Walking is my medicine and usually helpful
There was company today
Jif the squirrel went on chomping on his acorns
The ducks were flapping in the pond
The seagulls squawked their symphony
This beautiful lady flew by and seemed to be with me along tne way
Her paprika and tumeric ensemble with black velvet lace on the edge made her stunning in the sunlight
Moving on further a smaller ivory and lemon
winged friend joined us
So exquiite and non assuming
Hope I get a mariposa walk again soon
They take my breath away
How I wish that I could fly with them

Mariposa means butterfly in Soanish
Maddy Apr 2024
It will be set free
Shaken from the cobwebs of yesterday
Headed for a brighter tomorrow
Take a step and breathe for today
Maybe this time

Maddy May 2020
We have partnered with Bring change to mind which is a mental health organization.
A portion of my book's royalties benefits them so if you have purchased Put on your boots and dance in the rain on Tell your friends,spread the word, or buy a gift. Help people beat Depression and Suicide.

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