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Maddy Oct 2021
Nobody has your answers
You will find them when you expect to and sometimes when you least expect too
It looks easy but it is not
You learn to connect and disconnect along the way
Reasons are sometimes clear and others just seem to happen
Lead with your heart and then your head
Your gut will follow and hopefully all will work in tandem
When you come out of the dark it will make itself clear
Sometimes with epiphany, others times quiet reassurance
Sometimes known as an a ha moment
You are always a work in progress no matter who you are
May your dreams come true.

Maddy Apr 2019
You were wanted
You would have been loved and adored
Just wasn’t meant to be
From time to time,thinking about what would have been
Alas, our paths didn’t cross
Until a recent event reminded me of you
The essence and idea of you
Another person’s journey

What was and might have been never came tompass but it doesn’t mean it was forgotten just let go of.
Mother’s Day is not easy.
Maddy Dec 2019
Our angels are around us
Human and canine
Some days are simply glorious while others are just harder than others
Imagine if we didn't remember and just said goodbye
When you least expect it they appear in unexpected and magical ways
Keep them alive in your hearts and members

Miss you Daddy!
I played with your great grandson yesterday.
Watch over him, your granddaughters and their husbands,as well as Mom.
Maddy Oct 2018
Colored photographs framed and some in scrapbooks
That is how I will remember you
You have chosen to forget what was meant
So Long ago is today because that is all
that is left
No guilt,apologies,no second guessing
I will remember you
A year ago you forgot about me
Memories used to be great on rainy nasty days
Now,they are not cracked up to be the way they used to be
Nor do they matter
You have selected memory
This is a broken heart that will.never be repaired by surgery
The scar is all that is left

Maddy Jan 2021
The last ember glowed longer than it should have
Staying in her arms pushing yourself  away just in time
She just needed some tenderness and you were a good friend
I saw it out if context drove me out of my mind
Wish I could take it all back and put the last behind
You never meant for that to happen and denying it just made me fly away
There is no tomorrow for both of you and nothing new about today
Moving forward just seems the way to go
We have more memories to share as if you didn’t know
Just let me in when you need a little space
It’s easier to dream when I am looking at your face

Maddy Aug 2020
Mixed bag
Some you love others are too painful and come in the wee hours of the morning because we are mourning
Lately, they surround us and cost us sleep
Just let us dream of what was and hopefully what will be
What is is just a daily means to find a smile
Trying between anger and tears
Memories, may all of yours heal and comfort you as we navigate the days ahead

Maddy May 2022
Many of my friends and followers know the power of Poetry
Together without knowing it we have helped each other
WE could help many and promote HEPO
An idea but up to Elliott.
Poetry saved my life and helped me beat Depression
My book discusses that but with so much talent here we could help many including young poets and poetesses
HEPO deserves recognition
Your call Elliott
Project write it down

Maddy Nov 2020
Was going to use the word poor but for alliteration only
See there is nothing poor here
Just missed and for the time being that is the way it is
Somebody noticed that I give to charities and never take anything for it
They give you free treats which others might want or need
You only see the surface and never really know what is going on in another's world
Wearing one of my beloved Care bear masks, I heard someone say she really is a Human Care Bear
Still speechless, I am reminded that I am rich in family and friends
My poetry always by my side
A lot of Love and simple pleasures that make me wealthy
Doing good makes me happy even now and always
You do the very best you can and sometimes more when others are not looking
To that nasty lady that called me a do gooder and said never trust people like her.
You don"t know me and others like me
Maddy Sep 2018
Lost Horizon sky
No humans,cars,or bridges near an eye
No hocus pocus
No incantations
No dramatic situations
Your heartbreak is still so audible
You're so gone that getting you back is beyond comprehension
Yet we reached you just before the fall took you home
Seems you have been lost in a desert of your own creation for a very long time
It's all too real for you in your mirage  
C@rainbowchaser 2018
Maddy Jun 2022
If you celebrate today enjoy your Fathers, Grandfathers and Uncles as well as other men in your life
All the things I would have done for my Dad were gone when I was 15
One horrible August morning
Daddy, I will never stop missing you
If there is a Heaven, hope you know this and will be looking for out rainbow
I feel badly for the great grandchildren and grandchildren you never met as well as the sons in law
Mostly photographs and memories that no longer do the trick
Missing you

In memory of our Daddy
Maddy Jul 2023
I put the pen down.
I stay away from the computer keyboard.
I listen very carefully and observe the world around me and at large.
You take a breath and sip a beverage.
You remember people and places.
Maybe a word or phrase to revisit
Cherish these moments as they are far and few between.

Maddy Jul 2022
Bird fluttering by my window
Squirrel stopping to look my way after feasting on nuts and treats left by the tree
Our Two year old niece being kissed by a nine week old puppy to her delight
Walking hand and hand with our nieces grown and small
Awe, Sigh, and Grateful moments

Maddy Aug 2023
She was almost by the Redwood tree ahead of the storm
She couldn’t fly high enough to catch that rainbow
Her father told her when you see a rainbow I will be smiling down at you
She missed him terribly and he died when she was young
A Ranger noticed her wing was not working well and he puts piece of surgical tape on it until a vet or butterfly specialist at the park could see it
As the rainbow appeared she flew happily over the Ranger’s hat
The Monarch with a tear in her wing happily gazed at the rainbow above


In memory of our father who died when we were young
Maddy Sep 2021
Beaches beckon come walk on my sand and share my shore
Enjoy the rides and arcades
The crowds are gone so enjoy more
Enjoy summer just a little bit longer
Before the days grown shorter and darken
Indian Summer perhaps
September 11 brought attacks, challenges, adaptation, adjustment and aftermath
Now recovery and redemption
Sorrow personified and magnified
We will never forget
We will always remember for DC, New York, and Pennsylvania
Months that end in ER begin again and again
They never really end
They echo on our hearts

C@rainbowchaser 2021
Maddy Nov 2019
Rules are meant to be broken and adapted
Case by case basis
You will find what best suits you
What works if you will
It could be staring right at you
You need to see it for yourself
Break it gently into your life
There is so much out there once you find it
So much more

Maddy Mar 2020
They heard you calling
They were not really there
In your imagination
Vanished into thin air
Take it in and see what they are worth
Perhaps they are not the type for you to move heaven and earth
Stop looking and what you might find
Is right under your nose is the love if your life
The one you didn’t realize you left behind
Refocus and look more deeply than before
Listen to the songs of life like you never have walking out the door and forever more
Your heart wants what is in store

Maddy Jul 2023
When slumber ends too early
Blue eyes are watching you
Hugs and cuddles are  not interrupted by Technology or any other disruptions out of our control
Just two beating hearts
More Precious moments

Maddy Jul 2019
You are good enough
You are sound enough
Unlike any other because you’re original
Going through the laces and spaces
You listened and stopped hearing
Knowing that being different was a gift
Not something to be ashamed of or bullied about
You will take your place
Find your ten minutes of fame or more
Telling those who share your life what they have already known
They may be seeing you for the very first time
Enjoy it

Maddy Nov 2019
We love them
Befriend them
Polish and edit them
Hug them when the world does not get it
Sometimes that is not the point
Somehow they always do
They protect us and understand what others fail to comprehend
More than words
Little gems and lovely facets

Maddy Sep 2021
We awaken that way
Blue eyes looking at my chocolate chips
Still your brown eyed girl
Night time snuggles and chats about dreams
Some have come true
Others in progress
Laughter and tears with gratitude hard to measure
Beyond compare
That is how we are and always will be
Afternoon rains when we are together but even we are not we are
Walking in downpours on beaches with kisses I still can taste
A smile understood between us
These little gifts and treasures all started with
Morning hugs

Maddy Jun 2024
Morning hugs
That is how we start the day
Wouldn’t have it any other the way
Sometimes lingers way past noon
Others sing another tune
Dreaming in your arms
Knowing all your charms
Morning hugs
Morning hugs
Morning hugs

Maddy Jun 2021
Finches started
Bluebirds out chirped the Robins
Sparrows watching the squirrels for a chance at their left overs
The bird and wildlife symphony began
Sparrows sparred with feral cats
Good Morning, Saturday!

Maddy Sep 2019
Long ago
Feels like yesterday
That is where you live in my heart
Hard to love a one way street
It was hormones overheating
Not interacting or shared
So when I go back there
That other time and place
Knowing what time has taught me
The second time around came to pass
When it was not
all encompassing
The hormones calmed down
Even now, he loves me most of all
As for you,hope you found your most of all
You are guilty of breaking a heart

Maddy Feb 2021
It's five o'clock somewhere
No, It's not about that
Cheers, if it is for you
Mother Nature here's to your children
Your amazing blue oceans and skies
Spring and Summer breezes
That Summer Wind that finds me no matter where I go
Autumn spice racks that go on forever
Majestic mountains, valleys, and amazing Vistas
Every creature with fins, flippers, paws, fur, and wings
Your children great and small yearn to travel
Those who admire and adore them are challenged right now
As we await yet another Snow storm , my thoughts to turn to you
Proud to be one of your daughters
Take me away

Maddy Sep 2024
Remnants of Helene are in the Northeast with gray skies and rain
September is saying farewell
Poet’s walk must continue
Until she came upon an imperfectly placed artwork by her feet
Mother Nature’s wonder
M­ixed in with good measure
Splendidly arranged in Mother Nature’s Mosaic
Maddy May 2020
To all Moms and Grand moms with us and in the great beyond, Happy Mom's day!
A personal plea, please.
Some women are not Mothers either by choice or circumstance so wish those you are sure about Happy Mother's day.
You might being reminding them of what could have been and what is not.
Yoiu know what assumptions make you.
Aunts are sometimes recognized but usually not, we get it and it is fine.
Hopefully, next year will be the celebration you planned for.
May all your days be filled with joy and very much less with pain and sorrow.

Maddy May 2021
Goodbye is permanent
See ya, Farewell, and Until next time leaves the door open
As for you and those like you
Sanctimonious twit
Come down from your pedestal once and for all
Hit the road Jack or Jacklyn
The rest of us are moving along

Maddy Oct 2020
If the answers you sought are not here
If you want a quick fix, not here
Find a moment every single day to smile and laugh
It isn't easy and sometimes the tears come first
They also drown the laughter
The hatred and noise is deafening and hard to believe
We have known it all too long but blind to what is has done
What it continues to do makes rainy days nastier and colder
Sunny days are a little dimmer than one would like
Moving forward
That is all we can do temporarily
Hug your loved ones tighter and longer

Maddy Jul 2020
Listening is a skill set needing improvement
Change is a fact of life
You have to take it because leaving it leaves you behind
Standing still for a moment and breathing is a remedy
Catching up is another endeavor if you choose to do that
Dreaming of travel and vacations
Helping those in need when it is possible to do so
We were the first to suffer and some need to revisit that and learn the hard lessons
It isn't what we know or are used to
Can we wait until next Spring for a vaccine?
Moving forward , we follow rules we might not like
Living as happily as possible and staying alive

Maddy Jan 2023
Indefatigable defines me and many others in different ways
Comfortable in my skin now
Respecting myself and others
You don't take yourself seriously but you take seriously what you do
The the way you live in this world
Sometimes listening very carefully works wonders
So does keeping still and taking it all in
Moving forward that is what"s planned
Finding time to sit in parks or beaches
Feeding squirrels and wildlife
Letting it all go by with great appreciation and respect

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Jun 2022
It is very easy to say this and not being poetic
Mind your business
It is not your life
It is the life of others
No matter who they love and what they do
Mind your religion and politics but separate it from others
As a married and straight women making this clear
Yesterday doesn't compute to many
Before they move away from the United States?
Moving forward backwards

Maddy Aug 2021
Letting you and yesterday go was not easy
Not planned on
What you meant doesn't fit with now
Sometimes you have to know when to say goodbye and leave the door open
Whether you walk back in is up to the wind
So take your direction and don't look back
Goodbye and Be well
Take great care
Moving on
When you hold on for dear life or too long
You lose so much more than your grip

Maddy Oct 2023
Tomorrow is 43 years
Laughter, Love, Hurdles, and Tears
Too many goodbyes and happily some Welcomes and Hellos
There is my one and only and it still shows
More to today than yesterday what I sign in all of your cards
Love you more than any poem I will ever compose

you are still my WPIA
Wonderful Pain in the ***
Maddy Oct 2018
Usually you are right with me
Lately,incomplete ideas and words
We needed a rake from each other
Knowing you will reappear at anytime or any place
Enjoy the sojourn
Looking forward to reuniting with you when the time is right

Maddy Sep 2023
There is no paradox here at all.
When the words don't come as easily as they should.
What is a poet to do?
You listen for the muses and their cues no matter where they come from.
No chorus, harmony, or melody without a feeling.
Hoping they will find you and return.
Open your eyes.
Open your heart.
Listen carefully and they will sing their song again.

Maddy Feb 2021
You are dancing in my mind’s eye
Starting slowly and gingerly
Then without abandon
Jazz,R and  B, Hip hop,and Rocking out
On the ceiling, in the street and audience was not needed
Yet, you attracted one
You are still feeling the beat
In the park and on the street
On your musical journey
c@rainbowchaser 2021

Dedicated to LR aka Cuz
Maddy Jul 2023
Do my eyes behold something strange?
You were safe and cozy waiting for me to return from my walk.
Walking on the roads to avoid the trees because of potential thunder on this stormy day.
Decked out in rain gear and my trusty umbrella.
As I walk up the hill heading home, my eyes fill with tears because my beloved is in our car and is coming to rescue me on a stormy morning.
He said, you would call if there was a problem but then I heard the rain coming down fiercely.
I cried as my bespectacled knight in our car drove me home.

Maddy Apr 2023
Whatever your religious thoughts are
They are respected and understood
As well as your feelings
Please see other side for a moment
If your life is at stake
If you have survived an attack and I speak from my experience only
where my body and life were forever changed
Years of therapy and dealing with Depression was the price and telling my beloved what happened before we embarked to what will be 43 year old marriage this autumn
Wanted children but a ****** took that from me at fourteen
If you acted first and thought better later
If your partner was not prepared for the situation after the fact
If you are not ready financially emotionally ,or whatever the reason
My body, my life, my choice
The medication and right to choice is not a states or judges decision
As for Florida and other states that have banned the choice

There are no words just tears

Maddy Oct 2021
Await the Hallelujah
Dancing in the streets
Singing at the the top of your lungs
Being yourself and caring a lot more than you used to do
Hate is gone
Prejudice joins it
Being real and genuine
Some sweet day
Now only in my dreams

Maddy Apr 2022
I wish I was there right now
Circumstances and distance aside, I am
Things get better but the pain and hurt just ease up
Trust me tears flow when I least expect it
Excused myself and hold my head up high
Look for rainbows and butterflies
My loved ones know they are missed
The funny part is that when one least expects it they seems to be around
If there are Angels, then they are there and everywhere
My friend, I am with you all the way

Maddy Jul 2022
Other than my family and my golden circle of very select real friends
For those no longer in reach or out of touch
Grateful for the time we had and that you passed my way
Fair weathered  friends and otherwise
Last three years we lost a parent and two Dear friends
You, Poetry have been my constant companion
So on my daily walk
The bush had one tiny flower with an opal center
Surrounded by orchid and lavender
Who was saying Hello?
Poetry doesn't judge ,it listens
Let's me get things out and over
Let's me share
My friend Poetry

Maddy Dec 2021
Many of my friends are writers and words
Different genres
Different people in many walks of life
My family and their wishes and dreams
May your health be wonderful
May joy find you no matter where you may roam
May you let go of your troubles and set yourselves free
May you use your creativity for good
My gift to you are these things
May they come true if you are reading this
Or even if your wishes are here and you are not

Maddy Aug 2019
September 14 ,1979 was long ago but not to me
See going down a one -way street to a dead end
You lose yourself and your heart
Never coming back again
You never say never because the unexpected came my way
Might not have fulfilled the requirements of yesterday but what was made up was more than ever imagined
When you least expect it and stop looking
Prince or Princess charming appears
The second time around the love of my life and very best friend
created my happily ever after
My wish is the same for all of you

Dedicared to Howie
Loved more than can ever be measured
Maddy Dec 2019
She has wounds that wont heal
Sometimes she thinks with me and not her head
She is a work in progress
Always trying new ways to say something
Sometimes better left unsaid
Hard to write about nothing
She has been very quiet lately
Probably taking it in and working on new ideas
Please be kind to her sensitive and creative soul
If she knew I was writing this, she would not be happy
I am her heart protecting her

Maddy Jan 2020
The reviews are lovely.
With my gratitude and respect to my fellow writers.
If you are interested my book,Put your boots on and dance in the rain is available on
Maddy Feb 2021
If you suffer
If you have lost
If you still are losing
If you celebrate differently and it is not easy
We are inside out and upside down
Compassion and perseverance are our friends
You are not alone if you know Hearts are with you
Mental health is incredibly important
No matter what or how please reach out
There are not enough words to express the way we dig deeper
You don’t walk alone or cry alone if you know Hearts go with you
My heart goes out
I have been there but know it is different for each individual
You will learn how strong and special you really are

Maddy Mar 2023
She sings of holding my hand beautifully
Bravo Stephanie,her real name
I will give up what I need to care for you
Not much I need any way
My heart is always with you
There are a very special few
There is so much more I can sbare and do
My heart is always with you
My heart is always with you

C@rainbowchaser 2023
To my husband,family,and closest friends
Maddy Jul 2020
The hanged me high and tight
My boardinghouse had secrets and helped Confederates
Wasn’t raised or schooled to do this
Had a much better upbringing
Nevertheless what was done is done
Hated that Lincoln
What a nuisance with ideals that disgusted me and many others
Ran a boardinghouse after my Mr. passed
Booth and our friends had a plan
My boardinghouse was where it was conceived and hatched
John had a lot of help at that Theatre
Never admitted guilt and still won’t
July 4 wouldn’t ever matter to me or my kind of person
School kids only learn about me when a teacher makes an effort
Cause my name is not in most American History books
Mostly Booth
My name is Mary Surratt

Historical poem challenge write about historical figure who is it a poet.
Thanks To BLT and Thomas Case
Maddy Dec 2024
Don't care how many you wanted
Don't care how many you've had
Nobody can love me like he can
He's my one and only.
Blue eyed wonder standing so tall
He's my love, life partner ,and best friend
It never ends
Goes on like a flowing river
So sassy
So irreverent
So original
He is sarcasm personified
My One and Only
Pure joy and nothing phony
It gets so much better like an original lyric
A new way to celebrate or express the ultimate
The voice you want to hear when you are
My one and only
The one and only
He let me write on blank pages until they became poems
Unconditional love and respect
The Only Love of my Life
My One and Only
Love u Babe
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