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Jul 2023 · 132
Maddy Jul 2023
Another one of those wonderful four-letter words
Loners sometimes dwell there because it is comfortable and easy
Others venture into the unknown and go for it
Something as simple as attending a luncheon with strangers
Either you stay in your lane or kick it in its **** and go for it
Stay Tuned

Jul 2023 · 286
More Precious Moments
Maddy Jul 2023
When slumber ends too early
Blue eyes are watching you
Hugs and cuddles are  not interrupted by Technology or any other disruptions out of our control
Just two beating hearts
More Precious moments

Jul 2023 · 263
Only You
Maddy Jul 2023
You were completely unexpected.
My heart had been trampled upon and I was broken.
You were patient and caring.
A very good friend who became my best friend as well as the love of my life.
Sometimes things were easy.
There have been hurdles and roadblocks.
Sad Goodbyes and Lovely Welcomes.
If I had to  do it all over again,
it would be with you.
Only you.

Jul 2023 · 409
Maddy Jul 2023
Good Morning squirrels
Stay safe and happy today
Dear Sky, You have to rain but can it wait for me to finish today?
You soaked me through a few times already
Trusty umbrella and a bottle of iced diet green tea at the ready
My miles help animals and me with an app that measures my distances.
They help me get on with it by walking

Jul 2023 · 94
Maddy Jul 2023
Were you born with a silver or golden spoon in your mouth?
Are you of Royal Blood or Superior DNA?
Even if you are well connected
You should have to earn what you get and deserve to get it.
Working hard and achieving even when you get knocked down
You stand up and go for it again
Then Achieving
Whether it is one moment in time or many.
Entitled, I think not.
Deserving, perhaps.

Maddy Jul 2023
Two cats were under a tree trying to stay dry
Not a squirrel to be found on limbs or doing their acrobatic stunts today
Not even looking for food
Why Dear Clouds have you been crying and storming more than we are used to?
Where is the blue sky and sunshine?
Stars are not in the sky.
Perhaps you don't care for the world as it has become and want things to settle down and improve.
Strikes and name calling
Hatred and violence
If you are letting us know to heal things
You would be right
Somewhere along the line, we got stuck
Somewhere we went backward
Stuck in neutral or just plain stuck
We should know better.
Why Dear Clouds?
Hope we can dry your tears.

Maddy Jul 2023
Do my eyes behold something strange?
You were safe and cozy waiting for me to return from my walk.
Walking on the roads to avoid the trees because of potential thunder on this stormy day.
Decked out in rain gear and my trusty umbrella.
As I walk up the hill heading home, my eyes fill with tears because my beloved is in our car and is coming to rescue me on a stormy morning.
He said, you would call if there was a problem but then I heard the rain coming down fiercely.
I cried as my bespectacled knight in our car drove me home.

Maddy Jul 2023
These are not Pollyanna's or Mickey Mouse's ideas.
A Code of Ethics that applies to all Human Beings is necessary.
Dear HUMAN Beings I mean you!
Accept and don't expect.
Haunted by people that are shameful, diabolical, and despicable.
Frankly, they are backward in their ideals and thoughts.
How many more steps will they take before they hurt others again?
Progress in general is necessary.
It requires balance and cool collective thinking.
The Civil War ended long ago but this Deja Vu is sickening and disheartening.
The Code of Ethics is to do the very best for all, not some.
There are some heartless and selfish villains out there for themselves.
We are not naive to think that We are the world singers and *** Ba Ya mentality will never be what it once was or could ever be.
Maybe because I am too much of the heart and too kind for this time in this world?
Somehow, I know I am not alone.

Jul 2023 · 319
You wouldn't understand
Maddy Jul 2023
There isn't a moment that I don't miss you, Daddy.
Gone too soon and gone too young.'
The world today, you wouldn't understand.
Your standards were far different.
You came from another time and place.
The cliches you uttered would make others shake their heads and wonder where my ideals come from.
As much as I love you and miss you, I don't think you could have walked in the world we live in now.'
So rest in peace.
Watch over your loved ones even those you never got the chance to meet.
You wouldn't accept or understand now.
You walked in yesterday.

Jul 2023 · 82
Don't Go There
Maddy Jul 2023
Seek a higher ground and attitude.
There are days you wish you could stay in bed and tune the world off.
You still have to care.
You still have to try.
You still have to live.
If you can't understand another's story then just listen.
Say nothing.
Have we seen too much to ever be wide-eyed again?
Where were you looking?
Have you stopped to look?
Don't go there.

Jul 2023 · 153
It Simply Is
Maddy Jul 2023
It’s not so simple.
The narrative doesn’t change.
The Readers do.
The dreamers and the believers.
Those committed to knowledge.
What they derive from the legacy of History changes or rearranges ideas.
Our symbols and stories as well as the words matter more than we ever imagined.
Take nothing and nobody for granted.
Some believe that what is iconic will endure and matter.
When we teach ,we must elaborate about the subject matter.
Not dismiss it.
That has been done for the sake of time and politics.
Even curriculum.
It is not so simple.
It simply is.

Jul 2023 · 134
Writing In 2023
Maddy Jul 2023
Do we get it started?
Just how creative are we or try to be
Are we going to have to compete with Artificial Intelligence?
Do we compete?
Do we compute?
Yet the words will be there
Hopefully, we will find them or they find us
How I hope we will be writing in 2023 and beyond


Jul 2023 · 171
Can You
Maddy Jul 2023
Can you see it?
Can you recognize it?
Can you feel it?
Can you touch and embrace it?
Can you become the very best person you can be?
Can you right the wrongs?
Can you?
I knew that you could
You can be a work in progress.

Jul 2023 · 102
Maddy Jul 2023
Patient and caretaker
Somehow the soul won't heal as quickly as one wishes
Is your heart beating differently?
Do you recognize yourself and what surrounds you?
How did things change so quickly?
Did you ignore the signs?
Could it be getting better meant so much more than you realized?
It takes a lot to feel better as you recover.
Recovery is for the patient as well as their loved ones and friends
Things are not quite as they once were  
Perhaps they will get better with the most patience one can muster

Jul 2023 · 358
Makes Us Better
Maddy Jul 2023
Differences are important and what makes life worth living
A cookie-cutter existence with everything and everyone the same besides being mundane and boring is useless
The balance was cut off by being defined as red or blue in our thinking
Change and progress moving forward is the very best direction we can provide ourselves with
Learn from History but leave it in the past with your memories
The word woke makes me what to croak
If you want to live in another time and place in the past good for you
What makes us better is moving in the right direction and that is forward

Jul 2023 · 238
If You knew What I know
Maddy Jul 2023
Nobody deserves to get sick
Wish people the very best
Even though some deserve the very worst
May you find something amazing every single day
Sometimes what rocks your world means very little to others
If you knew what I know
You take very little for granted

Jul 2023 · 93
Once A Day
Maddy Jul 2023
Seven months of fighting the good fight
Waiting to hear two magic words.
That isn't until Friday.
Side effects are still there, and fatigue still hangs around.
We want to get back to what was and put what is behind us.
Before the echoes start, we know there are follow-ups and check-ups
in the future
Until Friday, think of our once-a-day gratitude that we will get the news we have waited for.

Jul 2023 · 91
Maddy Jul 2023
They are playing games.
They are friends and foes.
Worth the time and effort.
Sometimes lead us to places we have never been before.
Shine the light on the darkest days when sunshine surrounds others.
They play and dance in my head until they are ready to become a poem.
They have awakened me at hours meant for sleep and other activities.
They are a joy and great company especially when you would rather not speak.
Yet, you will be heard.

Jul 2023 · 442
Your One and Only
Maddy Jul 2023
Wish it was possible to gift wrap the person you seek.
The only thing to be sure of is that you know the person.
You need to stop looking and then you will find each other.
Saddens me to know that your puzzle is incomplete.
You should not define yourself in that way.
Your friends know you better and too well.
Your only is there.
Just search your heart and follow your path to glorious journeys.
You are that special.

Jul 2023 · 235
Maddy Jul 2023
I put the pen down.
I stay away from the computer keyboard.
I listen very carefully and observe the world around me and at large.
You take a breath and sip a beverage.
You remember people and places.
Maybe a word or phrase to revisit
Cherish these moments as they are far and few between.

Jul 2023 · 94
You Left
Maddy Jul 2023
Why should a friendship end because of personal choices?
Straight people can have Gay friends.
There are all kinds of friends.
As there are colors, shapes, sizes, and vistas.
They are friends and not defined.
I lost you because you can only walk and live in the category you placed yourself in
Seems a waste and useless.
Yesterday has come and gone as you say in your email.
It's funny as you didn't have the guts to tell me about your life choice in person but called on the telephone.
Hope you are happy and not alone.
You left.

Jul 2023 · 120
It Is Your Life
Maddy Jul 2023
This is not a sermon.
Don't take it that way.
It isn't a lecture or a lesson.
Enjoy your life and don't look back which is easier said than done.
Hoping regret doesn't befriend me as it has for many.
If for some reason that makes no sense to you, others don't what to participate.
Let them live theirs as best they can.
It is your life

Jul 2023 · 47
It Is That Simple
Maddy Jul 2023
Writing is like breathing
It is easier to write than say what you feel
The effort is way different
You befriend the paper and ideas flow
Sometimes they get stuck because of circumstances beyond one's control
It defines us
It is that Simple

Jul 2023 · 226
Book Number Three
Maddy Jul 2023
Hard to believe but incredibly true
Book number three is in the final edit
No publication date yet and availability is to be announced
Poem 975 here today
Beautiful Heart is on the way

Jul 2023 · 39
What A Poet Knows
Maddy Jul 2023
The Summer Muse is calling
Other writers will understand but each genre has different requirements
You fashion and select words that tell a story uniquely as well and as creatively as possible
You hear the words in your head and then run to a keyboard or a pen
Metaphors and similes dance in your mind as you try to create new ones that are fresh with meaning
Poets know that the Muses have chosen them and that and so much more is what a poet knows

Jul 2023 · 64
Poor Turtle
Maddy Jul 2023
Traffic slowed
The turtle was either injured or a Senior having trouble getting back to his pond
Drivers were waving others on because they cared enough and noticed
Getting out to help or assist the poor turtle might have done more harm than good
I am praying and hoping the turtle gets back safely

Jun 2023 · 140
Nature's Company
Maddy Jun 2023
This stunning Blue Jay chose to fly after every step I took
It is incredibly warm today but this little stunner was flying from tree to mailbox keeping up with me
Perhaps as a sign of better things to come and some happiness which seems to be keeping its distance lately

Jun 2023 · 108
Even If I could
Maddy Jun 2023
I am different
Deal with it
Sensitivity personified
My heart is on my sleeve and has been stepped on but comes back more resilient every single time
Wear it proudly
My tears are cried in private
My kindness and goodness are part of who I AM
Pardon me if it defines me
There is too much pain and ignorance in this world
As a writer, I do my part and usually quietly
Believe what you will
Religion and politics are not topics to discuss or write about for me Several men and women should wear orange jumpsuits and one's last name is Green
They live in the past and even if I could I would make them disappear
They are entitled to their beliefs but not on my time
Even if I could

Jun 2023 · 78
What Poetry Teaches
Maddy Jun 2023
Being true to yourself
Turning a deaf ear even when it hurts
Turning your sensitivity into something remarkable
Until this day it still teaches
I should know, I taught for thirty year and still learning

Jun 2023 · 101
No Matter
Maddy Jun 2023
I will take your pain and illnesses so you are happy
I will turn off the naysayers who hear but don't listen
No matter where or when
No matter the weather or hour of the day
No matter whenever
I will always love you and put you first
As for the others that are selfish and out for themselves
I haven't the time for you

Jun 2023 · 115
Walking With Yesterday
Maddy Jun 2023
Walking with yesterday
It is company and silent
On rainy days and humid ones
Think about it
Digest it
Grateful for what was, what is, and what will be
Those who lived yesterday will be forgiven and still questioned in my heart for comments and stupidity
It won't be forgotten but needs to be filed under been there and Done that
Thanks for the memories but we won't be making them any longer
Walking with yesterday
Walking with yesterday
When I arrive home they are put away
and there they will stay

Jun 2023 · 120
Coming around the bend
Maddy Jun 2023
Losing three special people in a matter of months was enough
Now almost three years have come and gone.
Losing the three of you isn't easy
The phone rings and imagining hearing your voice again
Getting an email
Knowing these things will never happen again
Knowing that it is in my mind and heart
Hoping that there are better things ahead to look forward to but losing  my mother, a mentor, and a dear friend within three months of each other requires a lot more than coming around the bend
The truth is I have and continue to do so because you would expect nothing less of me
Coming around the bend

Jun 2023 · 67
Best Intentions
Maddy Jun 2023
Can't fix the situation you are in
Putting a band-aid on won't help either
Cliches and best words won't be enough
They tell you that you have to deal but that is another four-letter word
Situations work themselves out but while others bubble up again
You have to take the very best care of yourself and that is easier said than done
Grief has no timetable
People can listen and be there for you but somethings are better left unsaid and you will find what works best for you
Time and reflection are your best allies
It gets better but the wounds never completely heal
Just remember that live and evil are also four-letter words
The former is what you must do and the latter is hopefully not within you
You can't give up on yourself
The Best Intentions

C@rainbowchaser 2023
There is no one trick
Jun 2023 · 70
Holding On
Maddy Jun 2023
Patience has been strong but now bending and yielding
If you give it your all and there is more to be given somehow you find it
In spite and despite what effect it has upon you
Traveled away in mind so many times and hoping for your company sooner than later
So with a smile and a tear that you should not see
Holding on until we can have fun and not worry about being patient
Having fun is no fun at all without you

Jun 2023 · 763
For Now
Maddy Jun 2023
Giving you a lot of space
Not communicating and realized trying is futile
Friends need to back off and regroup sometimes
Wishing you the very best of everything always
When you are ready to reach out an understanding ear or welcoming door awaits you
For now, take care of yourself

Jun 2023 · 228
Dear Daddy
Maddy Jun 2023
Here it is again.
The pain dulls but never goes away
You missed sons-in-law, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren
Weddings, graduations, our lives but most of all we miss you
Mom is with you now and that helps a little but hurts as well
Today is a painful day but luckily is also my husband's birthday
One of the sons-in-law that you never met
Dear Daddy, I miss you and can't believe it is the fiftieth Father's Day
Today I am fifteen again and tears have to stop until August 23 when we are reminded again of the Daddy we lost and miss

I was 15 when he passed from a massive herat attack which I witnessed
Jun 2023 · 106
Poetry Prescription
Maddy Jun 2023
You choose the conundrum and one of us will write about it
If writing is inherently lonely, and funny it has been my friend and companion for as long as I can remember.
Never judges me and lets me speak my truth.
Being a loner has been easier because I write.
Can't deal with gossip and Princesses or Princes
Not amused at all and run from them every chance that is possible.
So it is easy to write one a day or more.
Polish and perfect it
Stay well.
Keep writing.

Maddy Jun 2023
Be who you really are
Kindness will surround you if that is what you desire but be patient
Walk away from phonies and two-faced people because those human beings are useless and selfish
Make sure when you leave your mark on the world or are in the process of that achievement or achievements that you give it your all and you are the very best
It's more than fine with me that you stand out from all the rest
What is best is best and if you are saying farewell to me and others
It's more than fine with me

Jun 2023 · 355
Maddy Jun 2023
Guilty as charged but finally able to file it away and throw it to the wind
Traveling forward

Jun 2023 · 91
What You Know For Sure
Maddy Jun 2023
Who loves you
and who you love
The difference between like and love
The Golden Circle of Family and Friends that love unconditionally and surround you
Those that have been there, done, that, and always will
They will repeat that if need be or need not.
Keep your heart open for new friends around the corner or around the world
What you know for sure
Is pure
Jun 2023 · 490
Break Free
Maddy Jun 2023
They are both fine
Accept what is and the exceptions you make in your home are up to you
They are your business and being carefully taught remains the same
You can be outspoken but learn that religion and politics topics have their place
That is my credo and I live by it
To break free peace and respect work together
Kindness rules not hatred
If you have nothing nice or important to contribute than say nothing

May 2023 · 404
Don't Go Chasing Love
Maddy May 2023
Spoken from experience on all fronts
If it's not there
It's not worth the time, effort, or pain involved
You are so much more and if that isn't enough
Noted or accepted
Don't go chasing love regardless of the source or sources
Either it finds you or its not worth the time or effort
Why should you feel as if you don't matter?
Don't go chasing love

May 2023 · 1.3k
Too Good
Maddy May 2023
Heard every excuse in the book
When I let go I leave the door ajar but never expect anything or anyone
I just don't expect
I accept
Easier to say than learn
So much for listening.
Hugging or putting a band-aid on what hurts
Sometimes you can't fix it
Sometimes you can be too good so you need to be better than that and stay clear until you know you are needed and wanted

May 2023 · 88
The Menu
Maddy May 2023
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Snack and Mid-night snack
Which one are you?
Appetizer, Entree, Dessert.
Nobody is suggesting cannibalism
Sometimes dessert is a term of endearment like morning, mid-morning, and afternoon delight
Chef, Cook, or want to be
The message is the way you love your life and enjoy it
Buon appetit
Buen provecho
Buon appetito
Kali drekolSIL
Hope everyday is delicious

May 2023 · 471
Listen Still Learning
Maddy May 2023
I live in my own words
A different imagination
In Vistas, Discoveries, and Memories
The latter lives in my heart and my dreams
They are part of what was and what is
As well as what is around the corner
You don't miss what you never had but when you find it-
What a treasure
Be carefully taught to understand, accept, and not hate
It there any chance of this happening before its too late?

May 2023 · 344
Along The Way
Maddy May 2023
Never saw this coming
You let go
You decided that yesterday was long ago and counted for nothing.
No matter where or when
Thought you would be there until the end.
You slammed the door shut.
You had no time for me
No longer a friend.
What more can I say
It happened along the way.

May 2023 · 60
Not Finished
Maddy May 2023
Started something
Under construction
A few things yet to iron out
It's May but feels like March today and yes Global Warming
You want to go for it and do it all
Do you take a breath?
Take a step back and regroup
Not finished yet
Under construction

May 2023 · 85
Poet's Garden
Maddy May 2023
Vincent how I wish I had sat in the garden
With a Starry Night, Cypresses, and Orchids.
That was long ago
So many creative artists of every genre are as beautiful and genuine as you
In the Poet's Garden, we see things as you do
Or as we wish them to be

May 2023 · 193
What These Eyes Have Seen
Maddy May 2023
Sometimes it is what's in the heart and not what is before them coming in and out of focus
If they see and not look
Optimism not **** eyed clear and true
Refocus and find a different viewpoint
Be true to yourself
Kindness and concern take center stage
Aggravation and pain are redirected to a focal point new to you and others
The world and how one sees becomes a question of what could be and what should be versus what is
What these eyes have seen is not a reboot
It is original and everlasting
Outside looking in and inside looking out
What are you looking at?

May 2023 · 470
Maddy May 2023
It's not about you
It's about what you do
So until you find it or it finds you
Get a clue
it's not about you
It's about what you do!
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