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Maddy Feb 16
A six letter word with impact
Either we accept it or we struggle
What stays the same matters
What we remember and enjoy
We celebrate
The Kennedy Center will never be the same again
Said with sorrow and disgust
Culture and The Arts matter so much
The change within is another matter
We are better together
So look inside and think of others
Selfishness just does not work
Take care of yourselves
Remember some change requires us to adapt
Change for the better
Sometimes leaving well enough alone is the best choice
Maddy Feb 15
Tiger swallowtail butterfly accompanied me on my walk
Trying to live a positive and happy life
As of late, I find these words dancing and stomping in my head
Rhymes with Dump
Rhymes with Dusk
Maddy Feb 11
I am the Family Detective
DNA does not lie
Families feud and fight just like the Hatfields and McCoys did
People get left out
Thrown to the curb
Or forgotten about entirely
They never know their families or origins
If you are lucky enough to reach out
Hopefully reunite
You find out why certain aspects of your personality are what they are or.not
Five years the unknown became known
It happened to me
I am not adopted
Book to folllow
Who do you think you are?
Maddy Feb 7
Plain Jane
Echoes all the time
Her mother called her that
So when two swans joined together to form a heart today
The Ugly Duckling is his swan
Now and Forever
Maddy Feb 7
Eugenics seems to be what those who live in the past want.
All people deserve care and respect
The oval office and the occupant can't accept change
Many of us are rich in ways he will never know or comprehend
Know what you are talking about
Stop hating people
Accept,understand,and live a genuine life
We can't allow history to repeat itself
Wreak havoc and get revenge
He never should be in any office
Nor should his gang
Maddy Feb 3
5am and the words woke me
Similes and metaphors
Partial ideas and new twists
It happens now and then
Record some and write other things down
This has been going on for years but more often now
I guess I really am a poet and a writer
Maddy Feb 3
For the youngest
For those to come
For dreamers and planners
For Love
For Creativity
For Joy
For Peace
For Kindness
For Technology
For Today
For Now
For Tomorrow
For our future
For all
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