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Maddy Feb 2
Nature is my favorite companion while walking
Little butterflies the size of half of a U.S.Dime seem to enjoy my company
The fact that sulfur colored butterflies symbolize positivity
alluded me but it fits
Lilac flowers of the same size and baby daisies
All people should live in peace and harmony
Prejudice needs to go the way of all disappointnents
The hope of all out weighs what  the US President wants
So be a butterfly
Enjoy life and stay as happy as you can
Maddy Feb 1
Turning a deaf ear
In one ear and out of the other
Listening and hearing are quite different
Accept and move on
Use your creativity and sensitivity as the gifts they are
Selfishness isn't your motto
Some are all about
When you love somebody
You make a life commitment
Does not work that way
Sharing and caring go hand in hand
Take tine for whom and what matters
Living a life your way
No excuses or explanations
No expectations
Maddy Jan 29
Walking is the best excercise especially when it clears your head, heart, and mind
One can focus and reflect quietly
Being caring,honest,kind,and sweet are assests
Given the current world,
One can be abused and used easily
Even by those they love
Being taken advantage of is hard to swallow and accept
Still recovering from that
So Nature and her children have befriended me
Walking write
Maddy Jan 28
They have to be set
Families and friends need to step to your tune
Demanding not permitted
How about asking?
Their expectations of your time and availability don't come first
Some will bid you farewell, so be it
Some will accept this despite their need to always get their way
Family comes first for some
Set the boundaries
Say no
There are all kinds of families
FIlled with narcisstists and troublemakers
Way past time to make it about you first if need be
Set then and adapt with yourself in mind
Maddy Jan 26
One was cleaning herself and catching dinner
Her partner swimming around
So elegant and lively
Exquisite and lovely
Rodgers and Astaire on water
Some can be nasty and mean
Yet at sunset
A truly stunning couple
Swimming towards each other
We wished them a lovely evening
Maddy Jan 26
He can't see the forest from the trees
Common sense does not exist
Sense at all?
Heaven help us
How many lies can you listen to?
Maddy Jan 18
He drove her home from school late in the evening
Took his friend for roasted chestnuts while seeing the Holiday tree at Rockefeller Center
Gifted her a Teddy bear
He became her best friend and love of her life
Healed a broken heart and damaged soul with love
Introduced her to his parents as he placed an engagement ring on her hand
Danced with her to Jim Croce’s Time in a Bottle in October the following year at their wedding
Suddenly September
We were married 44 years this October.
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