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Oct 2020 · 82
Shirking From Home
Eryri Oct 2020
The home office.
Where my heart is?
A place of comfort,
Respite from workaday workdays,
Invaded by documents and devices,
By electro-voices and avoidable crises.
Oh! The mundanity,
Oh! The profanity,
Oh! The insanity.
Sep 2020 · 89
Blackberry Picking
Eryri Sep 2020
A final visit, a necessary trip
Outrunning the lockdown
To fulfil the blackberry pinky promise.

For time with their grandkids.
Sep 2020 · 105
Eryri Sep 2020
I am not scared
And I do not know why.
Sep 2020 · 88
Residue (PTSD Metaphors)
Eryri Sep 2020
A tragedy miles of time away
But pain is a stubborn stain
Counselling never washes it out
New love never puts it out of its misery

It is a stubborn ****,
Rooted in composted memories,
Finds nourishment in unwelcome recollections;
The slightest trigger allows it to blossom.
Sep 2020 · 94
Late Evening Respite
Eryri Sep 2020
At the death of a summer's day
Your silhouetted ridge
Draws a rested figure of exhaustion

A giantess asleep

The horizon
(a backdrop and a foreground)
A blanket of respite colours.
Jun 2020 · 122
Too Little, Too Late?
Eryri Jun 2020
Cartwheeling at the order of the winds,
Power to the people with the tumbling of your limbs.
A last throw of the dice by your makers,
A Quixotic endeavour to undo the damage;
Damage wreaked by the furies of their forebearers.
About all too real climate change
Jun 2020 · 119
Eryri Jun 2020
His mind's pleas echo
In his closed mouth
Jun 2020 · 103
Constant Housework
Eryri Jun 2020
When you grow up I'll tidy the house
But for now it must remain in disarray
For I have no strength for a losing battle
Or another full time job for no pay.
Jun 2020 · 84
Eryri Jun 2020
Eyes sting
Words fail to form
The plea of the mind
Echoes in the closed mouth
Fingers linger above a too-bright screen...
Jun 2020 · 119
A Grey
Eryri Jun 2020
The looming grey of your promise
Hangs heavy above our heads
As does that glimmer of hope you hide:
Hope forever present but rarely seen.
Jun 2020 · 90
Sending Smut to Space
Eryri Jun 2020
Our interstellar messenger
To no one in particular
Sports two naked figures
Representations of a civilisation
That will have destroyed itself
Long before these astronaturists are found
...and probably judged.

But it makes me smile to think
That such a thought-out diagram
Of a male and a female
Was judged by some
To be "sending **** to space" 😂
Jun 2020 · 78
Hiraeth (a Lockdown poem)
Eryri Jun 2020
Lifted by burning memories,
The strong wind of Hiraeth at my back,
I feel I could walk this cloudful sky
Back to the land of Mother and Father,
Farther now than ever before.
Hiraeth: A Welsh word for homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire. 

A difficult word to translate accurately.
Eryri May 2020
I took you for granted,
The mass of grey
That makes me rebel,
That makes me obey.

No matter
My silent partner
Present like deep waters,
A distant rumbling ignored.
May 2020 · 82
Hope Sprouts Eternal
Eryri May 2020
Dry husks on close inspection.
Deadish, brownish black,
Plucked from petaled homes
Bagged in airless packets,
Left desiccated in a supermarket,
Their blooming potential undervalued.
No seed of resurrection, surely?
And so, this doubtful, non-starter gardener,
With nothing to lose but a pound,
Purchased and potted and planted
And watered and waited
Until the miracle of green emerged.
A determined rebirth
Sprouting from apparent death
And from the curiousity of a man
From whose soil those seeds found purchase.
Happy now is that newly-qualified gardener,
Surprised at nature's resilience,
And who declares to young and old
"Behold my Marigolds from B&M"
May 2020 · 88
The Clarinettist
Eryri May 2020
Your shrill sound echoes down the sickly fluorescent corridor.
I try to ignore you.
Its jauntiness jars.

I feel I shouldn't like your racket.
It bounces off the pain-bearing walls.
It exacerbates my claustrophobia.

But perhaps your music is soothing to some;
High happy notes inspiring hope of recovery
Or of a deserved restful sleep enveloping dear ones.

But I hear only the low notes.
Out of time with my quickened pulse;
A foreboding soundtrack to my deliberately slow steps.

But, I know you play for no pay.
Busking in this hospital for practice and charity.
And I know too, you do good both night and day.

For your primary instrument is a sharp sleek scalpel,
Wielded by your steady, practiced hand,
Rehearsed and well-versed in surgical concertos.

But, out of hours, your instrument of choice lends you a voice,
Allows flourishes and improvisations,
Best avoided during operations.

But, were you aware that for visitors like me
That the clarinet would take on a life-long significance,
Taking me back to bittersweet memories of visiting my Taidi.

Now, though, I am older and a little wiser,
My memories of him are more than just of hospital visits,
And I wonder, could I ask one thing of you?

Why no Rhapsody in Blue?
May 2020 · 92
Obliquity (XXIII)
Eryri May 2020
What would life be
Without that twenty-three?
No seasons cycling,
Birthing, rearing, draining and renewing.

No heralding cries of labour
Harsh lives lived and vacated
To summon the next new cry
Of life unasked but bestowed.

That such a celestial charade exists,
Governed by an arbitrary number,
Amuses and disturbs me
As we would be naught without that twenty-three.
May 2020 · 78
Unlearnt Opinions
Eryri May 2020
A child assumed adults' superiority.
Hero worshipped older members of his family.
Absorbed opinions overheard over pints.
Tried them on for size at school,
As he did an Uncle's cool leather jacket
- comforting, macho and confidence-giving -
But he outgrew the jacket,
Cast aside those learnt opinions,
Tough, stubborn opinions
With rugged exteriors
Lined with seductive silken narratives
That, thankfully, perished over time.
May 2020 · 72
He Died In His Sleep
Eryri May 2020
The grip of sleep holds him tight,
He'll never know he died,
Never know he did not wake.
Such a fine line between life and death
Never knowing which might be your last breath.
May 2020 · 74
Eryri May 2020
Picking at that Tipp-Ex scab
To reveal a hidden sentiment.
No delete back then
To take back thoughts committed to paper.
May 2020 · 97
Profound Mediocrity
Eryri May 2020
To split a universal truth
Through the prism of poetry.
To write with mercurial mystery,
Employing cryptic non-sequiturs
After succinct statements of staggering profundity,
Is what I dream of as I contemplate
The enormity of my mediocrity.
Apr 2020 · 95
Eryri Apr 2020
I watch an artist create
Something new from nothing.
I turn to the writer
Who conjures life and lives,
Realising fiction from nothing.
I face the other way to weep
In envy at the distance of talent.
Apr 2020 · 100
The Man on the Hill
Eryri Apr 2020
Ar ben y bryn
Sits a paint-brush-thin monument,
A crooked rocky record built by unwilling hands.
This cockeyed testimony announces a difficult man,
A man befriended by nature
Whose oakish form turned in opposition to his kin
To take root on stony ground,
To prosper on infertile soil
And shelter under nature's canopy.

Y bryn oedd ei gartref
And there he thrived
To the annoyance of the conformists,
The chapel-goers, the gossipers, the rate-payers,
Those who could not abide his ragged clothing,
Sweat-stewed, blood-patched remnants of cloth
Hanging rags of garments and barely-there shoes.
Loneliness was his hope and so peace was his.

Ar y bryn fu farw.
A few feigned to mourn to satisfy their curiousity
Hoping to spy the corpse of the man on the hill,
A man who was and who wasn't one of them.
And so a dissonance rang through the town:
He was them but not them,
Miserably poor but enviably free,
And so, his half-hearted monument was raised
On a foundation of contempt and begrudging admiration.
Apr 2020 · 69
Warring from Home
Eryri Apr 2020
You wake
You play
You eat
and repeat.

I wake
I work
I snack
and repeat.

Our routines compete,
Neither of us admit defeat.

I have my contracted commitments,
You have your play prerogative.

But let's call a truce
And negotiate over a little juice.
Apr 2020 · 84
The Sheep Are Back
Eryri Apr 2020
The sheep are back
Back in our stolen back garden
Gone then, for now,
Our lockdown field trips
Our once-a-day foray
Into nature's province.
Apr 2020 · 88
The Dunce
Eryri Apr 2020
Still the dunce turns up!
Lesson after lesson
Week after week
Term after term.
What has he learnt?
How to hold a book?!
He cannot be taught
So I only chastise.
But still the dunce turns up.
Will mockery **** him off?
No, the resilient peasant still turns up!
No great expectations have I of him
He only seems to leer at me
Yet plays the fool with others.
His grades a stubborn average.
To teach would be to encourage
But still the dunce still turns up!
Apr 2020 · 102
Eryri Apr 2020
What to do with that patch of earth?
Dig in with unlaboured hands
With fingers the opposite of green?
Doom vibrant plants to early graves
In a macabre memorial garden
Of flowers dead and dying?
Toil in futility to yield only
A commemorative patch of Earth
For this reluctant gardener's outlook?
Apr 2020 · 71
Eryri Apr 2020
You play with your fringe
Curl it behind your ear
Oblivious to the miracle
That bought you here
A fast five years ago
"Time flies" parents often say
But I remember every day,
Not as a blur
Or through half-shut sleepy eyes,
But with high definition
And surround sound.
Yes, I remember each question asked
Each tantrum and cuddle
But most of all, each kiss on the cheek
As you slept the gentlest sleep.
Apr 2020 · 76
Eryri Apr 2020
Thoughts imprisoned
No key, no combination
Not for public consumption
They are mine and mine alone
Should I choose to set them free
You'll be the first to know
Eryri Apr 2020
“Why me? Why no normal boring ****?”
Questions you've asked all your young life.
The miraculous odds of your conception
Offset by the misfortune of love unfit:
A birth of promise ultimately deceived.

Resilience failed to blossom.
'They' know little of your chronology of pain
But still ask the 'magic wand' question
In vain hope of solutions:
Solutions for you, their problem.

You test for trust, seeking attachments.
Instead, they humour you
Treat you with kid gloves
So your adolescence is a bitter surprise:
You’re no longer the person they can infantilise.
Apr 2020 · 64
No Customer is an Island
Eryri Apr 2020
Did a shop today.
One in, one out.

Nervous trolley Tangos
Left us rolling in the aisles

The two metre exclusion zone
Making each of us an island

The panic, deepset in eyes,
A dim-muted distress beacon

An SOS from one island to another.
Mar 2020 · 85
All Customers An Island
Eryri Mar 2020
Did a shop today:
One in, one out
Each of us an island
In the sea of social distancing.
Eryri Mar 2020
When I see your 1940s weekend -

Your 'war was fun and cosy' pretence

Your clichéd polyester and fibre glass mockery, 

Re-enacting an imagined happy-go-lucky camaraderie -

Forgive me for not joining in

As I happen to feel it a cardinal sin

To idealise and romanticise a decade

Made up of austerity, rationing and air raids.

Believe me, I've read a little social history:

The 1940s were not idyllic or crime-free

Just as now, there were heroes and villains

Among the soldiers and the civilians.

Yes, heroism abounded but so did black marketeering

Yes, there were brave sacrifices but there was also racketeering

And those city-wide black-outs were a gift

To those who would rob and grift.

Your jolly nostalgic tribute is an annual celebration

Celebrating your own fabrication

Of a time when the machinations of war and a crazed ideology

Saw the near extinction of entire minorities.

Look, I don't wish to be a party pooper

But don't step into the shoes of a made-up trooper

So, please, remove your rose-tinted glasses

To remember that beyond your nostalgic narrative of the routines of the masses

People lived with the daily fear

Of the likely deaths of people they held dear.
Mar 2020 · 74
Eryri Mar 2020
A family outing in ice cream weather.
My sisters and I in the backseat.
The brown fabric interior of our Cortina chafing our legs
and dad's cigarette chafing our lungs.

At the beach, the lazy ol' Sun kept watch,
slyly burning us as we pretended we could swim:
A childish farce that was nearly our downfall
when my searching feet were grabbed by Gravity.

Panic rose from toes to head as the Sea birthed me back to air.
Just long enough to note that nature's forces were in cahoots:
A kidnapping Current, a magnetic Gravity
and a Sea hooding me with saltwater cloth:
All combined to set a course South of maternal reach.

Of course, a mother's instinct kicked in.
A non-swimmer herself, she nonetheless set off in pursuit,
aiming to liberate her son from Mother Nature's conspiring forces.

And what was my younger sister to do but follow?

Now greedy Nature had three in its grasp.
Three fifths of a family doomed to drown.

As fatigue struck me dumb
I made a naïf's deal with Death
(a simple choice, no game of Chess)

And so, enter, the young heroes,
(partying only moments before)
who dived in to wrestle our would-be Killers:
Saving three fifths of a family
and the grief of two more.
Mar 2020 · 93
Eryri Mar 2020
Shorn of fine wavy hair
Your face seems bigger
An unsettling fast-forward
to your grown-up look
Mar 2020 · 74
Eryri Mar 2020
A firework of words
showers embers
to catch and tame
and douse with ink
Mar 2020 · 103
Eryri Mar 2020
Oh, the irony that a respiratory virus
Forced a breathless world
To stop to take a breath
Eryri Mar 2020
Self-fulfilling idiocy
all around me.

Should I join them
or stay and judge them?
Mar 2020 · 86
Sky Writing
Eryri Mar 2020
I want to learn
To make my words burn
Burn the paper on which they lie
Vaporise the glass under which they lie
Send plumes of poetic fury
High into a wordless sky
Mar 2020 · 73
Couldn't Stop Sleeping
Eryri Mar 2020
A long long week
A short weekend
My body feels weak
My spirit has weakened

Days and days of deadlines
Time speeding up as I age
Getting closer and closer to red lines
And all this to chase a meager wage

But trusty Saturday arrives
Hugs me with duvet respite
Yet lucid dreams that I contrive
Reawakened my mind all night

But sleep demands company
So even on Sundays you'll hear my alarm bleeping
For to succumb to sleep's Siren bewitchery
Would see me forever sleeping
Mar 2020 · 75
Twisting Joy
Eryri Mar 2020
Twisting joy
Marbling its way
From head to toe
Infusing every corpuscle
Sending muscles into spasm.
This was not inteded to be risque until I chose the word spasm 😂
Feb 2020 · 57
He and I
Eryri Feb 2020
He exists in the minds of others.
Seeds from scripture
Planted in fertile minds
But never in mine.
No epiphanies here.
No blinding flash of light
Has yet struck the fear of Him in Me.
Feb 2020 · 611
Flat Earther
Eryri Feb 2020
Seven billion souls
On this flat Earth
A Double A-Side planet
Centre of its Universe
The Star of the show.
Revised in honour of the poor deluded flat Earther who passed away yesterday in a tragic accident of his own making.
Feb 2020 · 96
Eryri Feb 2020
Lies surf on her very breath
The words spill out spit wet
Only to writhe on the ground
Like fish out of water

Not one for the truth is she
It is devoured in her mind's womb
By its own deceitful twin
The Serpent of her soul.
Feb 2020 · 51
Eryri Feb 2020
Lies surf on her every breath
The words spill out spit wet
To writhe on the ground
Like a fish out of water

Not one for the truth is she
It is devoured in her mind's womb
By its own cerebral twin:
The Serpent of her soul.
Feb 2020 · 62
Eryri Feb 2020
Are you religious?

Are you religious?
Feb 2020 · 171
The Worst Heart
Eryri Feb 2020
"This is the worst heart"
That's what my nephew wrote on my card.
He'd tried so hard to draw a heart
That it broke his own.
Feb 2020 · 49
Eryri Feb 2020
Deconsecrated, inevitably 'haunted'
This ex-Church shorn of dignity
Whose stone is soaked in prayer
Stands forsaken in its field;
A laughing stock among the villagers
Whose descendants walked a weekly pilgrimage
On a well worn path to its open door
Seeking succour and assurances
That hardship would be rewarded
But whose rotted corpses
Are visited but once a generation
By Daredevil schoolchildren
Irreverent spirits on their own pilgrimage
Buoyed by bravado
Nervous of the paranormal
With not a thought for the former Land Lord.
Feb 2020 · 70
Junior Marauders
Eryri Feb 2020
Our bed, a family fortress.
Your mother and I
- Puppet King and Puppet Queen -
Surrender our thrones each night
Lowering the drawbridge,
An open invite to you junior marauders,
Swordless and wordless
As you slowly storm the ramparts,
Kicking and flailing,
Before you fall asleep between us.
Feb 2020 · 63
Pockmarked Buzz
Eryri Feb 2020
Buzz of costly light hurts
Pockmarked rocky currency
Buys a quiet night
I have literally no idea what I meant with this one 😂
Feb 2020 · 66
Weeding Your Mind
Eryri Feb 2020
Those roots spread
From a pulsing portion of my brain
Fuelled by thoughts
Knowing but unchecked
Repressed yet irreppresible
Piercing, but not into consciousness.

Should I have been more probing?
Searched deeper into mind?
Meditated on prickling doubts?
Stopped to **** these thoughts out?

Instead, I ignored their presence
Pushed through another day
Another week and month
Till, suddenly, 
My mind tripped on the undergrowth.
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