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 Feb 2019 Philipa James
Star BG
May we romp in fields of poetry and hear the sweet song of life.

May we play with words and shoot arrows of phases out so they hit bull eyes of a readers heart.

May we breath deep and feel empowered in the day to scribe and celebrated.

May we have a poetry party and invite all our poetry friends.

May we unwrap the present blessings of our own talents to write like there is no tomorrow and sing in the key of love.
I found myself this morning grateful to all those who walk in the shoes of a poet.
I sit here and wonder
What life still has in store for me,
And cringe at the very thought
Of what it could be.

Could it be like the first half my life
More of the same,
I hope not for that would surely
Send me insane.

Could it be like a walk
Along the beach at sunset,
That would be like heaven on earth
To me I guess.

I'll have to take what ever
Is dished out good or bad,
Still my life to date
Has been pretty sad.
 Feb 2019 Philipa James
Jon York
Always be touching
even when your hands
       cannot reach
                                                                                             Jon York   2019
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