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510 · Dec 2021
James R Dec 2021
Sitting. Thinking. Doing.
Trying. Failing. Faking.
Smiling. Consuming. Swallowing.
Absorbing. Accruing. Attacking.
But soon that
All will
A poem about things
406 · Sep 2018
An Act of might
James R Sep 2018
A discovery times ago,
Of spells and hats, sticks and stones,
Scorched earth (and flesh) charred black the snow,
As bones were broke for mud thrown.

Civilised though we reclaimed us - just.
Yeast left to bread, until proven at least.
Yet the hands of many pluck stitches to crust.

Today trials echo of the years,
Whence witch blood spilt pure as tears,
Whilst callous crocodiles weep and crow,
With their fifteen in-line to Show.
A poem about perspective
386 · Sep 2021
James R Sep 2021
Wide open eyes
Poor sedatives make
Smearing the guise
Smudging the fake

How long must
I sit and
Wait out trust
The slow sand

Softly trickling down
Now they close
Slips the crown
But I know

It won't be
For more than
This is me
The calm slam

Shut drawing mind
Ever closer in
Til darkness finds
And sleep wins.
A poem sabotaged by sleep.
376 · Nov 2021
The Snake
James R Nov 2021
She was like you -
    Never held before.
        My nervous grip brand new

             Not nearly as scary -
           But beautiful.
         Still, I remain wary

     Exquisite beast -
         You need me.
             For now, at least

       As my eyes close -
    I feel.
A poem for my son
334 · May 2018
Life in the Fast Lane
James R May 2018
The same shade-smeared smudge has resided,
there for two months now. Each day,
I pass.

I motioned once, suggesting some humanity remains,
Eulogising the Deceased with pleas for its
abdication; never

To me though, a shift is merely futile
that - just for a moment - dead-eyed shirts may diverge;

Resist slicing the crimson ribbon
and instead preside over change.
But not; rather they'll trudge and mumble waiting,
for those relentless fingers to grasp the

An arbitrary pre-determined self
-inflicted destination.
Is that what led Him here?
A poem about a badger.
267 · Jun 2018
Bicycle Blues
James R Jun 2018
You annoy me.
Toing and froing wildly.
Freeform it seems.
Complete disregard.
For would it really be so hard?
To consider; think even, outside of
Your own tiny mind?

You torment me.
Weaving and winding incessantly.
It appears cruel at first,
Until I step back - though initially
shaken - I now understand what you are;
An inevitable saga painted onto a stage.
Can I look away?

You haunt me.
Ensnaring and burrowing daily.
It is unavoidable now.
To think of how
Next days and years
Will be as this - so near
Yet so far from Me.

You are me.
Darting and dashing awkwardly.
Avoiding bicycles
Which pass by -
Without indication.
Though some hesitate.
And I notice.
You follow behind.
A poem about frustration.
261 · Nov 2021
James R Nov 2021
I never believed in monsters until
I grew up
I didn't flinch or freeze or flee and
I never felt like this

I never had that crushing pain
I have right now
I didn't stare into space whilst
I fussed and faffed

I never thought I'd see this man
I am
I didn't want to consider even what
I would become

I always get like this now though
I host this hated beast
I do hide from the monster now
I gave Him his teeth
A poem about anxiety
James R Jun 2018
Can  the      tho ugt
Oft  his        bet hat
The  ide       als sit
For  all         toh ear
Yet  sim       ply die

Ise  eit         now how
you  exp    ose and
cry  ing      out  sti
fle  tha       twh ich
cou  ld1     day fly

Ifo  nly      you had
not  bee    ngi ven
suc  hch    anc eto
inf  ect      mym ind

Tra  gic      ast tra
ffi  cfi         lls the
air  bli       ndo pen
you  ree    yes tof
ind  thi      sto bet
A fragmented poem inspired by a long journey.
255 · Jun 2018
Cattle Shed
James R Jun 2018
We trudge barn-bound,
                  To find appalling sites
          Of vagrant shrouds.

                     Soon though we stumble,
Among vain citadels
         of stubborn intent;
                          Self-confined to Hells

                Of preservative pride
                                      And tribal tutelage.
All wishing to hide

In plain sight from those
Who threaten impingement
                              On such hallowed ground.
               Suspicion grows.

                     Just right of us, we are unable
     To unsee the scene which unfolds
                                   As monster unveilled,

               Appearing no more or less
Unfeeling or inhumane
As you or I,  turns and
                                    Refuses to entertain

    Even such a concept as to
                          Engage and conform.
           We though know our duty through.

Years of prodded incentives
     And dictated routine. Captive
         We stand and welcome the bolt,
              Simply hoping its passage is clean.
A poem inspired by a chaos
237 · May 2018
At Last
James R May 2018
Set ablaze; past glories,
Conquests. Thick brick walls
Impenetrable sit idly by
Whilst what ifs eviscerate.

A kingdom built on grains and specks.
Once a settlement, now ghastly;
Ravaged by plaguing self-doubt,
Warming, once-virginal moat breached.

Back then, gauntlet raised in
Defiance. Each challenged indiscretion
Offering temporary relief; even
Reputation. To be lauded.

Now my Castle stands,
Pallid, chalk-lined grandstands.
Guiding past, drawbridge downed
Vagrant visitors. My crown.
A poem inspired by a medieval structure.
234 · May 2018
Leaving Verona
James R May 2018
Due. Ironically, sat just right
Unknowing of what dreams the bright
Days reveal of thee.
In the Bard's own words:
Wrenching hands unclean.

To gaze is to flinch, provide
Arms. Yet far better to hide -
Toil incessantly beneath,
Prevail in silent wisdom.
Thus Eden's treasures bequeath

For now at least. But to strike,
Unnoticed, those that wish likeness.
In turn, treasonous treachery churns
As the burnish'd sun bakes
The mid-afternoon sky burnt.

Eyes twinkling, a violent storm
Boundless oceans which have thinly worn
Yet these delights scream to be free
Like fire and powder destroy
fields of nectar for the sweet lick of honey.
A poem concocted on an Italian bus.
221 · Sep 2021
James R Sep 2021
What difference can you spot
Between an alligator and a croc
Well first there's colours: light and dark
Which help to set the two apart
Or failing that try this for size:
Open up those beady eyes
And scan the length of your beast
The alligator will be least
Then last of all find jaw and snout
For then you'll know just all about
The rounded face - but don't reach in
He'll snaffle your arm with a top-toothed grin
An animal poem for my son
218 · Jun 2018
Sight Lent
James R Jun 2018
still i lie every night to

ignore lame entries, now true so

leave each nodule tomorrow; stained IOU
easily nullified tight; such ingrained lament
never trusting stray instincts; indecent event

tell someone i loathe: escape tonight
A poem about silence.
218 · May 2018
The Shame If Imitation
James R May 2018
To idolise and fantasise
of whence Deities wonder.
And aperpo of nothing
Else, the engaging prospect
dwells; a condensing cloud,
It begs to ignite.

Melodic philosophy after all
bequeaths such license and
rather, idealises lofty ideals;
Relevant. Real. At times,
ridiculous; but written nonetheless.

Inception sacked lame defences
(nature's law-bound birth)
Of solace and comfort,
In accepting such uncertainty.

Schlock festers now, page
bound by binds which
Tie and plunder. Rich

is he whose flacid
Resistance entertains this coup.

Still - Who will notice?
A poem about death.
213 · May 2018
James R May 2018
She'd be thirty now you know
A woman; possibly more.

But what comes of this sorrow?
Can it be of use to drain sore

figs of memorandum, which bleed.
Antiquated and antithetical; They stubbornly reside.

Devastating; though majority agreed,
the tormenting anguish will preside

over years more to come of thorn-tinted
mirrors which expose and apportion

Blame of quotes said but misprinted
Of Our reconcilliary contortion.

Today the greenery flows:
Crushing anguish and deserved sorrow
Ripe; a new chapter to explore.
Still. How will they fall?

Just as We a decade before.
212 · May 2018
James R May 2018
Thick and coarse,
They protrude and stray;
conspiring to form a
shadowy shrowd,
to smother the grey

And overwhelming the ashen,
which presents day to-day;
Lucky I suppose,
with such colourless facade
("Derelique" some might say).

I could strive overtly,
To blend and blind -
Yet why Bother?
When we are but
The same. Skewed line

No one will see -
A perfect guise!
Hidden and conceded,
This is
Our strife.
A poem about self-image.
208 · Jan 2019
James R Jan 2019
Chest up, palms back. Set
Pose. Reset.
Painted amongst clouds -
To prove it.

A summit awaits. We
Tell ourselves whilst fixed
Fast on phones. Hold on,
Set. Pose.

Continuing on, through silent
Pain, undistressed. Taking in - like the rest
****, schlock and schtum.

Reaching up. Holding on. Feet slip
Loose ground
Heavily worn, trodden down.

Grip failing. Boots torn.
Gripping tighter.
Hanging now.

Point. Click. Check.

Continue on like before.
Laugh off the failings and forlorn.
Make choices to which them will warm.
Set.  Pose.  Reset. Time and time again.

Back down we go.
A poem about three mountains
204 · Jun 2018
Crossing Bridges
James R Jun 2018
Everything Moves.
Swarms of locust
Devour whole cities.
Plague ghettos, mainly;
But overwhelm the odd
Fatuous few too.

Anything goes.
In worlds where paper
Parameters are bound and
Admitted just once,
Amassed on shelves, beneath
Arbitary plunder.

Nothing changes.
Peace protects universally
(Brick and mortar at least)
Stone walls, designs flawed
Whilst from the asylum we
Flee. Kingdoms re-restored
A poem about infrastructure.
201 · May 2018
Herd in a Rush
James R May 2018
The breeze brews black as Jason's ewe beats bold and blue.

At first glance - second even - past I
Rushed; brushing you from sight.

But now the mind drifts to nooks and nodules only the most desecrated synapses wake.

Soon I am distracted by the sight that sits before my eyes as they cast themselves left; find

Change. Monochrome shades; which have known each and every blade.

None alone, they condone propensity
Whilst surviving, prone. Unknowing,

Of what is yet to come. For what fun
Will it be to see them run and flee

Foresaking the rest without pause for breath, after all we are what is left

Each new lot an unruly and cumbersome hoard of faked shock and dross

Guised cynically as truth. Perhaps not a surprise to see that their starless faces are to me of more value than you.
A poem inspired by a field of sheep.
197 · May 2018
James R May 2018
The second Thursday '07:
A lawless landscape unfolding, steady at First, but slowing. Crawling to crush.

Those fabric arms devour - uneven,
Engulfing fury, They wrangle and wrap;
As passengers trawl for pearls to muse.

Next, I'm there. A faceless brick-laden
Heathen, absolves wanted sins. My lack
Of sight now a gut-churning punch.

They cry. Each laments as I seeth
And splutter for sustinece. Will cracks;
Strips; Shatters. Breeds detest of the fuss.
A memory describing devastation.
187 · May 2018
An evening view
James R May 2018
They stain the walls.
Three black spots relentless
against the white backdrop.
I follow just one. Another dwells,
lingers - as its allie drops from view.
It weaves an invisible labrynth: purposeless.

At face, a simple enough fix.
A swift, unflinching hand
to brush away the blemish.
Yet, legs abstain. Want no part
of what is sure to come.
After all, They might well crawl away.
A poem inspired by flies.
183 · May 2018
James R May 2018
Did that fabled ruby fall with such ease?
It rolls toward me - knowingly -
with grave purpose clear.
A glance Heaven-ward offers hope; reassurance even; that they all end up
this way.

Meanwhile, moored folk flock to go:
This way, out, private politicians plotting their escape. Looking so natural. Practised and prim. It is why the eventual carving blade shall be so smooth and swift?

I take it just as they had then. But,
Rather than soil or stain,
Aching flesh simply crumbles in my Palm.
The Grave always beckons it. I already listen for the next branch struggling to avoid it's inevitible yield.
I urge it on.
A poem about fatalism.
182 · Jun 2018
James R Jun 2018
How do they write songs about ones they love?
And so easily weave silken sonnets of verse?
Now I try too to fit, in
Arbitrary numbers which seem
To repel magnetically.

Conjuring syllables frantically,
Clutching tangents desperately,
Crafting imagery blindly.

Regardless of intuition, I know not.
Yet want it to slide into place - eventually -
But, before it's too late.
A poem about compulsion
178 · May 2018
James R May 2018
he Listens Close To men Of
Bygones, big dion and Cardiff's colin.
real football men, Once i
Suppose. both Bask In Sunsets
Forged From Inconsequence (Not To them
At Least).

A third Antagonises, Dead Set On Provocation That Rips The Barely-Sown Saplings Away, Simply Leaving A Delusional Deluge In Its Wake. these he Pities. As Sponsored Mannequins Chatter And Shill
In Response; Faux Outrage.

he Glances. To The Left
another Blows his Brains Out.
A poem All the King's Men
178 · May 2018
Bedding Plants
James R May 2018
Lying deep
Beneath surfaces
Keep Barren
Ground We
Fall. Asleep.

Green shoots
Should sprout.
Not weeds
Of Could-
Lead Doubt

Yet hurtling
We cease
This hope
And relinquish
Such beliefs

Then again
Rising East
Ties which
bind Some

at least
Hope: that
tremendous beast.
Guiding low
and Exact.

To leave
Wise perhaps
Or water
And sustain
This. Momentary lapse.
A poem not about plants.
177 · May 2018
James R May 2018
A letcherous leer adorns my face and basks, in that sweetest moment of torment.
Though merely collected syllables, they scythe and sneer. Silent, they dwell;
But they will rear their
grotesque complexities.
Once more.

And Dust stagnant chaos debris lay surface on below whilst circles frenzied.


"What." how? "But!" These jagged prongs should scar; not now but not labouring.
I hope u forget the ink which pierces flesh and contorts within. Or you may
feed, comfort, adore.
The firey filament splutters. A staunch, relentless approach to the shore. Will
you see?
A poem about sadism.
James R Jun 2018
From high above, we see streets stained;
Streams of modern life smeared lame
And stunted by screens which sneer.

Hovering, seconds we share - engage with
Even - Passive passengers hurtling toward
Destinations shared and (somewhat) known.

Talk turns to it. The state of it. What
It means. Where we are headed. And as I
Speak silently, the mirror mists.
A poem inspired by the view from a window.
176 · Jun 2018
Told-Tale Heart
James R Jun 2018
Another vile smudge reminds me
Not just of times more compassionate
But of the same sickening sadness
Which swells each day at the sight
Of your kind.

Do those who cull so callously
Know. Or care. More likely they do
You'd have thought, though I hope not.
Yet my mind contorts with thoughts
Of their reason in such grotesque rhyme.

But what is done shall remain.
I see it now clear in frame.
That "what" has passed,
Awaits me too
A poem inspired by death
175 · May 2018
Hot Iron
James R May 2018
Fresh and familiar. Without a glance,
The oily crimson smears.
Investigation festers, fragments. You are not
Alone. Wise echoes crow. But,

what do they know.
Of blots which twist and tear.
Previously unbeknownst terrors they rear,
What a mess.

Mere sight repulses and sickens,
Inside no clot can keep or
Confide. In those who cheep and grasp;
Gaggles assure - assanine.

Out ****** spot! I banish thee!
Cleansing with unholy water; tainted rose.
I ought reach this point eventually
And yet.

Cherchez la femme, alas
To seek is feeble,
unbecoming to attest.
When this weak ends,
let me lie.
A poem about weakness.
173 · May 2018
James R May 2018
We traverse the streets; tight
and certain. Bypassing waves of feet
which trudge on, sullen shadows.

You realise first; right
ahead entry looms. Bringing broods of fake
smiles, capturing pornographic self-worth.

I follow behind; sight
obscured by swarming swathes
of those who steal and covet and corrupt.

We gleefully sneer; delight
in beliefs of 'what are they
thinking?' At least just before

They turn our heads; blight
Such preconceived notions of grandeur
And aplomb. Now left to

No-one; empty and contrite.
Cultivated by sycophantic selfies which deface and soil, we duly conform and

All look up; into burning bright
Of skies soon overcast. We urge
It now, to finally get our turn. It's about time.
A poem about a city.
169 · Jun 2018
Two Towers
James R Jun 2018
One leans.
Toward tilts
It's almost
And clear,
To see why
Old Dante
Was taken by such a
Monstrosity, blighting
Skies overhead, yet
paying age-old (and
new) debts as ink drys.
Though it
Leans; falls
Even it is
No Pisa or
New York.
Rather fallic ode to
Glory and decaying
which admits defeat
yet stands proudly
Backdropping one-
handed martyrdom;
For those who had
Funds in
At time of
Need. And
Now are
Kept Devine.
Forever the
A Comedy.
A poem shaped by Two Towers.
168 · Jun 2018
James R Jun 2018
and so we gather
aound pre-prepped packed ****
father forgive me.
A haiku about family.
163 · Jul 2019
The Borump
James R Jul 2019
Twas' drak'n darb in the 9-boroud sland
Pas' yeaths bore to with dozhalfen morpland
Stwhil ninglund asprak - a flickrin flopp
Lokcs wild untrewd gravaz mirsey strop

Won lords ashored off moor tym of-wight
Whyl bmumblgnig Johnny doze nye their crawe or bytte
yet hear wieR fayssd whit hist fay tof pear
Demmos in crass faw teesh grate cites off gare

Look away. Stay silent. Ignore if you must.
Just remember the li(n)e in people we trust.
A poem about democracy.
160 · Mar 2019
The Escape
James R Mar 2019
All around,
Commoners Crow,
As above,
So below.

Benches full,
Some shout
And rave,
Few devout.

They clamber,
Push past
Each other
Words crass.

It spins.
We watch.
As words slip,
Now botched.

What next?
Crowds call.
Hammers down
Once more.

The same.
Over there.
They grin.
We bare.
A poem about democracy.
152 · Jan 2019
James R Jan 2019
I lie and wait.
Peering out from beneath
A now-weathered rock.

I hide here.
Secure in the static. From
Predators perhaps but more
Likely the storms which crash.

I think and sit.
The snips and flickers against
These walls. Echoing, gnawing,
Inside contort; disguised yet
By exile; free to conform.

I won't break you.
Despite what I think and do.
And you'll stay;
Even if sayings aren't true.
A poem about erosion
149 · Aug 2019
James R Aug 2019
Cobble-Clad, steeped streets
Adorned with arches and artefacts.
And tales of Tribes.

Relentless rain, sea-slanted
Culls the cowering crowds now
tucked tightly in touring traps.

Plain-plied propaganda inflates
Whilst the bloated brogue corpse bawls shanted slang to captivate

Massed mobs headlessly herded
Past wretched ruinous remains and craiced carcasses; innards infected with shameless shlock and schtick.

And what of the poets? The artists? The mused? If seeing such sights absolved and abused.

Their lyrics unwritten and verses unstated; but no matter; such history is now antiquated
A poem about summer holidays
143 · Nov 2021
James R Nov 2021
Thirties now
You sit
All day
Fast food
Short fuse
Damp mood
Hammed fist
Tired eyes
Pale skin
Cold nights
Just him
Pay goes
On ****
they take
You miss
And now
You sit
A list
143 · Mar 2019
H.E. (Hate Everyone)
James R Mar 2019
High up, peering out,
From amongst clouds
Down at noisy ants
Following cues from
The Others for direction.

In front, prevailing pests encroach
And upset. Slapped skin sounds
Out abrupt, rhytymless.

Transfixed, I watch on seeing
Cracks. Shift position, refocus
Searching out for a glimpse
Of the real thing.

Screens all around purvey us
With beady eyes focussed and minds preset.
The cheese beckons on and they scramble
to feed.
While they can.
For now
A poem about annoyance
126 · Dec 2021
The Cousin
James R Dec 2021
Slow and silent
Soft and calm
It takes my arm

Often instant
Sometimes baited
It's appetite not satiated

Plaguing shadow hanging heavy
Darkened eyes - the token levy

And here now amongst this fog
Moods, interests clag and clog

I yearn for this cousin
Now and Him maybe
We shall see.
A poem about sleep
117 · Apr 2021
James R Apr 2021
It hurts to lose.
If I could choose;
I'd much rather fail,
In comparison: pale

It's better in sport;
When you fall short,
At least you can say
"It just wasn't my day"

But to wait for so long,
Not knowing right or wrong;
Lets the mind swell
Imagining what went well..

Telling others the tale
Of your great prevail
And accepting the plaud
Like an actor Awards

But it's all ripped away
By words throwaway
An invisible loss.
A poem about defeat.
114 · Jul 2020
James R Jul 2020
Wide open eyes
Poor sedatives make
Smearing the guise
Smudging the fake

How long must
I sit and
Wait out trust
The slow sand

Softly trickling down
Now they close
Slips the crown
But I know

It won't be
For more than
This is me
The calm slam

Shut drawing mind
Ever closer in
Til darkness finds
And sleep wins.
A poem sabotaged by sleep.
106 · Jul 2020
Soften the blow
James R Jul 2020
Beneath me, touching toes you lie
I don't count anymore, rather endure the crunch and crinkle of pretty patterns now in-flow.

Twisted white sheets beckoned bedfellows before but,
now we writhe in wit and wonder:
knowing when or when it how.

Atop the distanced hill we stare
fixated, on future duty, care
about it then, so far away. But comfort
that it binds us now.
A poem about the future.
103 · Jul 2020
James R Jul 2020
It's late.
I know.
Yet the clock still ticks
Still lets me twitch
Creates itch and fidget
Craves spark and so...

It's later now.
I see.
But resistant we remain
Conjuring thoughts to sustain
Finding things to blame
Though rest to flee.

It will be time soon.
I think.
Heavy head thoughts bleed
Planting crumbs and seeds
To follow and lead
Darkness now with a blink.
A poem about sleep (or lack thereof).
102 · Jul 2020
James R Jul 2020
He didn't know you
Did he?
So why is he crying?
How can he weep?
Why is he here?

Sentiments echoed from decades ago
Now swell with selfish doubt

Back then he was me
A bystander
A passenger
A witness, helpless

Not just once in fact, but more
Being that cold shoulder

Unfeeling to the sorrow
These days
The pain
Still raw
Yet numb

And yet, he cries today
Just as he did then

With anguish, remorse
And regret
Uncontrollable, honest
But awful
And coarse

Be strong, for her at least
Be selfless, be there. Now

But the grip takes hold
Seizes throat
Twists gut
Deep down

She is so strong to absorb it
Reading each card and balloon

Each beautiful flower reflects
Those who loved
And cared
Who celebrate now
In mourning

He sits. Useless. Impotent. Void.
A cold shadow of 'life'.

The anguish burns and spreads
Into those self-made
Black spaces
Eyes fight
Throat clear

Self-pity consumes the moment
The ifs, the buts, the maybes, the ors

He locks it away now. Again.
All of it....
A poem about loss
95 · Jul 2020
James R Jul 2020
Stood silent and solemn,
Magnificent monsters moulded, made
Ghostly gods of great glory
Tremble through time, still. now

Lying low. Lame and languid
Founding figures fall fast
Crashing to cold concrete, uncaring

Embers echo, every voice
Fights free, for force

Bends. Breaks. Builds. Breathes
A poem about change.
86 · Jun 2021
Wolf at the Door
James R Jun 2021
A voiced cracked by age
Fingers contorted by time
Joints just the same
But all that is a lie

The drink helps loosen your tongue
As tales untold spill out
How did this go on?
And nothing done about?

"Golden generation" They say
The best of us still now
But what if you were to replay
The whos, the whats, the hows

That knock on your door
A pleasant smile and a nod
Well-meaning you were sure
If - just a little - odd...

It's the fifties though and that's that
You oblige him to come in
Like a gent removes his hat
To reveal a wolfish grin

"Show me upstairs, if you would" he demands
Your eyes look away as you recall
And the scars now show as trembling hands
As you say, "That was all".

It's hard to know what to say at times like this
Report it you should (have) do or done
But shoulds and coulds won't change what is
There are few battles left to be won
So as our talk comes to a close,
I sit, I nod, I think and...
A poem inspired by pain.

— The End —