48/M/India I am not a peot or writer. I am just a simple soul who writes what I feel from my heart. I seek answers to many questions and presently confused and hurt with the current situation across the globe. 272 followers / 10.4k words
We CAN talk the talk and walk the walk side by side across the vastness of water on Earth reaching out holding hands it's really like walking on water above supercool sand CAN you see it now Do you understand.
So many parties, brands we wear , Stress to impress, keep up with their pace. Networking or Socialising they say, Deep down even we don’t know Is that we simply feed our ego.
My soul resonates with the prettiest and darkest things. I feel and hurt and live and rejoice and die and hate and forgive. I do it all in a whirlwind of emotions so no wonder. No wonder I don’t know what’s forward or backwards or even what to say Or do next. I am so lost.
In early morning dew, Under velvet see through veil. I saw my moon sleeping like a baby. Dreaming of a lazy sun to get up soon. To brighten this new day.